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I play troll decks in Clash Royale 2v2 for my only form of entertainment and joy. I usually run mono spell decks and hit the enemy's crown tower at the start of the game and laugh emote, picrel. It brings me giddy joy and I sometimes drop my phone and clap my hands together and shriek with glee when my opponent angry emotes or disconnects. Nothing makes me happier.
Why are you black?
>It brings me giddy joy and I sometimes drop my phone and clap my hands together and shriek with glee when my opponent angry emotes or disconnects.
Fatherless behavior. Go back to >>>/r/eddit.
ok dude

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Genre: runner game, action game, not an open world game

Estimated year of release: between 2010-2015, couldn't be later than 2015

Graphics/art style: 3d polygon graphic, more of an anime style, cyberpunk, cityscape, not dark or gritty

Notable characters: The character you play as is a human girl with long black hair, light skin, and she wears a tight dark suit (cyberpunk-like style). There are multiple skins for her, one is a red outfit, and another is a dinosaur/dragon outfit (there are more but I can only remember those two). She carries a sword or some sort of weapon. There is no other playable character.

the enemies are red robots. they are shaped like geometric shape (similar to the image below), (I think the normal enemy is more accurate to those from the game than the boss/advanced enemy). They fly in from far away and from left/right into the player's range of attack.

Notable gameplay mechanics: Third person, top-down view (to camera position is similar to subway surfers).

During the gameplay, the main character automatically runs on top of pipes, building, in a city/factory-like landscape. she carries a sword to attack robots coming into her. There are normal mode and hard mode (which the player can gain more point/score to buy skins/outfits). There might have some other "lanes" for the player to switch to (I'm not too sure about this one). I can't remember if the player can control her attack or not. There might have stages/levels, but I'm really not sure.

Other details: I played this game in around 2010-2015 on a HTC phone which was bought around 2008-2010.

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Bumping, because this seems interesting.
i dont know it

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Why does every single game need a billion duplicates to max a unit out nowadays?
You can't just luck out and roll good units at the start and even spending $100 doesn't help you at all.
Why do they make the game impossible to play for people who might spend some money but don't want to literally dump $5k just to max out a single specific unit?
Because its very easy to get a guaranteed unit nowadays when it doesnt follow the mihomo system; most of the whale incentives are from minmaxing characters for top rankings.
from the games I played, either they need dupes, but some kind of material can be acquired in game to max the character, usually through grinding or waiting. or you have to pay hundreds to thousands to max the character, but maxing is usually pointless because you're making the character like 5% stronger. Devs are trying do milk tryhards that think they are playing competitive games that want to min-max or show off their strong characters to their online friends
>Why does every single game need a billion duplicates to max a unit out nowadays?
>You can't just luck out and roll good units at the start and even spending $100 doesn't help you at all.
because almost nobody is retarded enough to spend $100 on gacha, they'd rather focus on the giga retards who will spend $5000 to roll 9 dupes of their waifu than the moderate retards who would spend $100 since there aren't 50x as many of that second group
Because they know they can get away with exploiting impulsive horny morons who absolutely will spend that much even if it takes a year. And players only grow more tolerant to this over time.
>Why does every single game need a billion duplicates to max a unit out nowadays?

Google play just gifted me 1€. What are you getting?
I'm thinking of getting lichtspeer
It's been a while since I bought anything, and I don't think I will anytime soon. After all, I don't play as much as I used to.
Some of the long-standing items on my wishlist are: Part Time UFO, Dicey Dungeons, Don't Starve: Pocket Edition, Space Grunts, Gloomgrave, Critical Mass, and Forager.
>I'm thinking of getting lichtspeer
Well, it's on sale right now, but no rush because it goes on sale regularly.
There is no good game for 1$

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wait this game is still alive? im glad. how its doing?
no one cares

Who is hyped I can't wait to play cod warzone on my ipad and phone.

It runs ok on my rog ally.50-60fps 1080p. I wonder what it will look like on a phone.
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I reinstalled it and I come to find they filled the game with bots just like CODM. What the fuck is Activision doing? No wonder I got bored a week ago. I sense there were bots a week ago but this just confirms it.
I tried it on my ipad pro m2 and it wouldn't even let me play it at a lower quality. Everything lagged and felt slow and sluggish. How are youtubers playing it at a lower quality and moving so fast with it on their ipads or gaming phones?
Just load the game without the controller and once you enter the lobby, close the game, connect your controller, and reload the game. I do the opposite so that I can end up in lobby with controller noobs. They're a lot easier to play against.
It runs fibe on my m1 ipad
>Who is hyped
not me

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What's your favorite character?
I like the priestess, combo damage and self heal
Basic as hell opinion, Rogue. Fight me. Just kidding. Don't... I beg you.
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post the characters

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Is there a way to play the Civ games on android, from 3 onwards? Not interested in unciv or other fan made games. I'm a history fag interested in this series of games because of the depiction of the leaders.
i dont know

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I’m p,ayolaying flash party on my rog ally and it is a nice experience.
I like Sophia, she is really cute.
Are there any other mobile games that have pc ports? Any games you recommend?
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Mutant Mudds
Rebuild 2, Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadville, World Box
thanks, hitman go might be fum
this game has a really neat art style and polished visuals
wish there were more developers who made games with polished visuals for phones
Yea the game is nice but it is very pay 2 win. The biggest scam is the stiicjer stuff. If you recycle stickers you actually loose some.

Honestly the game is too reliant on that stuff.

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End of Service Notice for EN version. Fun while it lasted.
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Garbage IP that should have been killed off long ago
Credit card companies are currently going total death on jap porn, DLsite is in the same basket. No point in running a gacha where people can't even buy your currency.
I doubt it's that, otherwise they would have cut every single one in a fell swoop (Nutaku and Johren, not to mention Steam, do in fact still have Visa access). They also would have closed it much earlier than the three month expiration date they gave. The fact Kamihime is still going makes me believe it did in fact just flop.
all for the PayPal monopoly

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I didn't know we can connect and play real Minetest servers with our phones. Minecraft can't connect to real servers if you play on mobile.

Anons asked more preview videos so here is playlists: >>>/vg/476720597
You can start playing with these instructions: >>>/vg/476721542

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What went wrong?
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Meanwhile those are the most successful games
Yeah we know you're a tranny.
only because it's a psyop pushed by mihomo and the globohomo agenda in the same way marvel movies are. the other hetgames are easily successful even if they're not as big.
this company, despite being on the market for years, doesn't do advertising at all.
fair enough for gf, game is old, the chances of getting anyone interested are low anyway, but then nc comes out, they already tried divorcing it from the brand by dropping gf from the name cuz boys, and then zero advertising happened.
arguably adding raymond to gf2 was the most effort they have put into advertising their games, by outsourcing it to drooling neanderthals that screech on niche game forums.
same thing happened with bakery, silently dropped and propped up by their ongoing dramas only
business is simple, money goes in, then money comes out proportional to what you put in. they are only investing their operational costs, so is there any wonder that they are getting fuckall?

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Meant for >>1465582
>dokkan plummeted almost 20 million
what the fuck lol
lol square enix will do the same as niantic
But it looks like Missing Link is sticking more to the Kingdom Hearts art style. Pokemon GO did its own thing with the art from the start. Heck, Scarlet & Violet were accused of trying to look more like GO.
who cares about sales ur still poor

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Tencent is bringing a palworld clone to mobile
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Just wait 2 weeks
lol you are a fool to think this is bad news for them. It just means all sides have to step it up now. Secondly both TPC and PP work with tencent for some services.
call me when the monsters look cool like digimon like true monsters and not baby shit asthethic like pokemon and palworld
Call me when digimon can make 2 games in a row without letting someone commit more brand damage than a sega spin off

I don't need sleep I need answers. Is mihoyo defying the CCP and promoting homosexuality among their characters? is robin secretly lesbian? COME ON HOYO I NEED ANSWERS NOW.
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shithoyo have always been yurishit
how fucking new are you lol
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This is like saying, wow, Jewish masters are electing right wing leaders across the world, so based!
What the fuck new flag is this? I thought it was the rainbow.
The heterosexual males in CN has been reported the mihoyo PR guy that has LGBTQ ngo in beijing to CCP report website. Guess they investigating or something. (NGO and LGBTQ is nono in CN)
Just that feminists in CN currently has the law power like an elderly or a child.
Plus most of them are already in the government system. Also getting a new marriage law like the french(kek) and all those fake marriage plans to rob half of the fortunes from the victim. Making the marriage rate lower.
I would say that CN are speedrunning the japan feminists era. goodnight

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