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We're still breathing.
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Andvari microbikini
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Any tips here? I can clear the conditions separately narrowly but I don't know how to do all at once.
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I need Saraqael’s so bad
Which version should I play if I'm American and EOP?
Korean APK with patch if you don't want to fuck with VPNs or wait for JP to catch up

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Basically just started. I want the foot girl. Be honest with me, what're my chances of pulling her before she's gone with a F2P account if I'm literally in the beginning of the game
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That ass is no where near big enough, delete that pic
Kill all feetfags
How many tries and in how much time?
Ehhhhhh about 8 or so resets, maybe 10. Over the course of like 3 days. Was way quicker when I figured out how to use salted emails thanks to >>1473235
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i started like 3 or 4 days ago.
took me about 94 pulls to get her.
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literally the only reason why i started this game was because of her

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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
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Just look up the character you want and then "open" the image. He has a download for all the characters and all that does is murder the website on a monthly basis, since no sane person would want the art for every last character, especially since you can individually look up the character you want by name.
Is there somewhere bigger imges or am I going to have to upscale them myself?
>+700mb update
There is another way, which requires several personal issues. If you have PS4 or PS5, download the game from PSN. Now after waiting an eternity for it to download and update, select the gear in the upper right hand corner, now select Album, then click on the image of the character you want. When you see their card layout select the actual image, now click on the resize option to hide it. If your PlayStation is configured to take PNG screenshots, you should be able to take a large size screenshot. Even then, you would need a flash drive to transfer it from your PS4/5 to computer or the device you want to edit the image from.

There are currently severe issues with IOS after the update, I wouldn't even bother until there is a real fix.
>If you have PS4 or PS5
The game is on Steam. I tried what you said and it doesn't really work because on the effects on the art.

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Ultra Golden Frieza is here and he's MID.

/dbg/ guild: h7ygsygw

April Fool's Day soon. Anniversary is 2 months away.
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how can they design the new unit to stop passive gameplay? remove vanish? stop unique gauge gain?
Stoping unique gauges is the only way passivefags can truly die
The moment UIfags, or Gohans, can't just let the game get them out of trouble for free the moment you see them fucking squirm
>Stopping unique gauges
Never happening. Unique gauge mechanics are basically how they distinguish one unit from another and over three years of products have been balanced around them at this point.

There's a reason that blue Beerus that nullified endurance never saw that mechanic return on another unit (and also might never zenkai). Revival units are balanced around both forms, the moment you nerf revival the same way you nerfed endurance you can't market new characters around revival mechanics.
Same reason they'll never go as far as unique gauge sealing abilities. You introduce that as a mechanic and you're basically removing the ability to sell new units.

The best we'll get is some bullshit broken ultra that ignores counter gauge activations, but even that ability will turn up on one unit and then never again. And that unit will itself be some cancerous piece of shit ultra that makes things worse.
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>Come across an androids player with the green A18 (+ MVP17 and S17)
>"Woah, A18? Now that's an interesting pick."
>Turned out to be a laggy scumbag
>"Of course."
Why is it that most of the poasts sound like niggerbabble

the game is now a decade old, are you playing it? for how long now?
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6 multis. No Snake, hell. Got Brook and Furanky tho and dupes for who, king, ulti and ulti/page
I did 10, no snake but picked up Tama
also got both brook and franky, some misc kizuna units and a number of supports I already had plus iceburg and laughing child
also got legend Ain and a lot of older Kizuna/support units
S-Snake was a secret red that got a special Luffy animation when turning red
when the fuck did Ain get a legend
When Z got a + with kizuna skulls. I remember getting her a few months ago
I want to recover my account but I don’t fucking remember the last crew I used

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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
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i cri ever tim
Kek I miss my vita...
Sounds like Eva is back in play.
That happened to me but with red wine.
>beasts are always portrayed as gleefully killing innocent civilians and is what causes most of the plot
>"nooooo parallel anabel was wrong you can't just heckin exterminate them even though they want to do the exact same, some of them dindu nuffin
The moralfaggotry is so tiresome. The knights story sucked.

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>new player 15x10 pull
>no single female character seen
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Fuck that bear, Fuck those crystals. I was lucky because I had a fire weapon and some fire skills.
Some of the stages are just so fucking annoying. Especially the ones where there are fucking Tornadoes that just go on top of the boss... Such a great fucking design lol
Whoever made the tornadoes was a sociopath. It's the most irritating stage modifier I've thus encountered. IT operates in such a stupid way also.
When you slow down time due to a perfect dodge, the tornado moves at regular speed towards you your options are.
>out power the guy you're fighting by a large amount of Combat power
>be lucky enough to roll a ranged weapon, you had enough gold and resources to level up.
>get fucked.
If you spend more than a second doing anything it's on top of you, the only way to avoid that is to have to stupidly summon shadows on boss, walk to other side of stage run back to boss, and then you get 3 seconds as it moves towards you.
I'm not sure why they'd had such an unfun mechanic that just slows down combat to a crawl.
It's also obvious that they clearly haven't tested the stages containing them at all. Clearly nobody in their right mind would think that this is okay. The game is honestly sort of fun. But it's held back by stupid decisions at every turn
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Ice lady soon,
does anyone even still play this?
Ever since I got level gated i've been playing very casually but still think gates just take up too much time for dailies.

I know you don't care about this and that it's a waste of time to read it, but what type is your cell phone? Mine is a simple Samsung A10s.
just buy a better phone? they are cheap nowadays
Take the new phone pill, you can probably get a 3 year old flagship for cheap now. Just got a Honor Magic 5 Pro myself recently, but had been using a Mi8 with no problems (beyond adware) for over 5 years
Redmi note whatever, I'm not into models so I don't remember, I will never buy chink shit again because they don't know shit about proper design, a decent UI and they have the nerve to put adds in their native apps. Kill all chinks, nuke china.

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May Fever event going on right now, plus seed and blossom dungeons are currently open
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How are there any hard fights in the game when Summer Leib exists? The support system is there for a reason, anon-kun.
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Imagine how high those classroom doors must be
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>169 cm
>125 kg
This tanuki is so fucking fat
what are the chances of some of the weight being fake

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nintendo should create their own phone that has in-built emulators for playing older games
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Last time a community yearned for Nintendo's involvement and support, they got fucked over.
Do you crapple emukeks want this? Lol
There's a list. Thread should have ended here >>1473332
might as well not respond if you're gonna be a bitch about it

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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
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coulda fooled me with the perfect rolls everyone gets on their speed gear in arena you'd think it was free
I find it refreshing how 90% of the cast are assholes
There's lots of dolphins/whales. Not to mention now it's easier for whales to get perfect gear since grinding 5* members gives you rainbow mats and now you can preview what gear you'll get from the rainbow mat shop tab instead of it being completely random when you buy it. I'll have to grind a dupe of a 5* member I have no interest in raising to get something good. I'd recommend only using it on accessories since those have main stat RNG too on top of set and substats
1 potential break isn't too important on most members unless it's speed. Good gear > potential breaks everytime. Bonds are fine if it's a good one for your member
>grinding 5* members gives you rainbow mats
NTA but do you mean the ampleon thingy?
It's the Send Member button. This screen here where you trash members for mats. Only units that are initially 5* will give rainbow astrogen

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Have you ever bought a mobile game?
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Yeah, bought XCOM 2.
Also question: have somebody bought Cultist Simulator and/or Legend Keepers? Do they include DLC or I have to pay extra? Can't find info.
I bought few of Papa's Louie games because they made them mobile exclusive
bought ex astris, was worth the money
Saiko no sutoka and portal construct
That's the only game I've bought
>Legend Keepers
Separate payment for each DLC on top of the base game.

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You did get the mediocre collab units right?
Theres only 2 days left now!
battle cats thread
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Lol. He's just not paying out. It's been something like a month since he's gotten anything other than CF. (sending him on full expeditions once maybe twice a day). He's got a full team of gold and one legend. I'm going to try slave driving him on short expeditions and see if that helps shake him up a bit.
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Artillery Alley was funni. Fighting a base with high endurance and 450 range is crazy- I managed to get 270K in the previous dojo with Dasli, Asukasli and DPhono, but this time, I upgraded my Iron Wall to L11 to min-max my runs as hard as possible- my PB is 161820 at the top 3% with D'arkt and DPhono at Lv 50 (I didn't use Dasli/Asukasli as they attack slowly). I even quitted runs early many times over whenever either of my fest units die to the base, or if I can't send DPhono before 45 seconds pass during the run.
I also beat Le'Grim. Now, I have M Mooth, Peng Z and Gigahaniwan left now, and I readied my White Rabbit for her UF. Even though she was fixed as well as Coppermine, she is usable against her target traits now.
While BC's soundtrack is good, excluding the Behemoth stage OSTs, I have been feeling dissatisfaction with it lately, after the peak high I had with the Miku Collab ones. This was worsened with the ToS event, which I found a snooze fest compared to what was in the Miku collab. As a result of this, I have downloaded the PV for Senbonzakura using NewPipe and have been playing BC to it on loop instead of listening to the in-game music. While I do have Hibana, I am not using it because it isn't suitable for general play for me as Miku is my waifu... Yeah, with that said, this dissatisfaction sounds more like withdrawal symptoms.
(I have also detoured to C6 Faruzan for use, not because she looks like my beloved. I hope I do not get Baizhu doing so, because I want Furina.)
Ah, Miku anon, so you've collected every Miku last collab? I've been dipping my toes too into vocaloid music since then and played proseka too.
I got the same.
Once in a blue moon he decides to give me a single catseye. I've had a lot of runs recently where ive only gotten XP too.
Full gold helpers too
I've been trying to figure out when v13.4 might be coming to EN and what it might being. As for when, all signs seem to point to the first full week of June (so starting on the 3rd, unless you're one of those weirdos that count from Sunday), although the new Dojo stage would have another week to go then but maybe I'm overthinking.
As for what, we probably shouldn't expect the new Wargod yet that got introduced in JPN v13.4, and we already have Pegasa and Floral Kalisa - and like everyone, I don't expect the new Ebinfest Legend to come out until Anni like Dhono did last time.
There's Killer Axe we're still waiting on thiugh...

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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Updates are very, very, slow. I don't think there's anything that big since Lina, except some board minigame which you can grind through most of in maybe a day or two, few hours total. Although it seems like you haven't tried Ragnarok at all, they're just groups of 4 challenge stages that have somewhat convoluted mechanics and you can't use the same units for each stage within the four. Additionally, you can deploy more than 5 units at a time and swap them in/out which is interesting. If you have no interest in challenge content generally it won't be much fun. The next pve mode coming to CN that was previewed is similar to covenants, except it uses mainline characters instead of gods and the skilltree is like mirror world instead of maxing everything. It's still a bit off though.

They did introduce casting skills to try and catch up older units. Besides gate of fates, there really isn't much fotm in this game honestly. Nothing stopping anyone from picking it up, pressing buttons to see what's new and just dropping it again. The bulk of the permanent content is still going to be the main story stages, weeklies, time rifts and rotating events. Mostly for character collection.
Picked up the ice queen in 30 tickets, nabbed Precia on the wishlish banner at pity and got a complimentary Eshean. Bought the hero bag and picked up Jayce to round out all the recent meta heroes & bonds. Can also fully build Isolde and Andriole now with this group.

Hope everyone else got some cool shit. Oh and those Elwin/Liana classic skins/sprites are dope.
I wasn't going to pull for icemelda but fuck it. Got off banner Gunn at 30 and then Icemelda at pity. Then I got Androile from the wish banner. I could try to pull for other heroes like Rosalia or Lucretia, but I don't have any of their bonds so meh. I'm done until Celica.
Hit pity once, for Leon, then got the next SSR at 60 for Shilinka, so I am at 25 shards. It's gonna be a long month. They have some very slow ticket giveouts, but it's not much of a lunar new year/5.5 year anniversary party so for.
Covenants are going smoothly, got Heimdall 10-3 today. Sometimes getting an off banner character pays off just for the cheese. Tsubame with her stealth skill was pretty funny to see. I might be looking into getting Towa and Werner just for the Ragnarok cheese.

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Tower of fantasy solos when it comes to the story god damn, they are speaking another language half the time, it’s better than genshin but only by a tiny bit at this point
My hair 20 years ago
My hair 10 years ago
Graphics are absolute garbage they have no idea how to use unreal engine the textures are fucking blurry and the details only start rendering when you get close and I have a fucking 4080 and a 14700k.
Maybe on mobile it's better but on a not poorfag PC it's an absolute shame it looks so bad despite coming out 4 years later.
It’s way better, even the models ambient occlusion etc is just way better than genshin. Especially the models, the models and cutscenes do not look jarring and crappy to look at at all, all of the characters look extremely photogenic compared to genshin. The only real issue is the aggressive lod but eh I got over that desu.
As for textures they are less blurry then genshin but the render resolution isn’t anywhere close to genshin on my iPad Pro m1. 1080p vs native 1638p
The blurry news on pc is probably due to texure size being low, genshin is over 100gb whilst wuthering waves is 20gb

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