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6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.

musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

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got her on my fifth roll with all those generous scouting points recently
would have preferred C.C. but oh well
Is it just me or is the pace they are releasing Stellar characters really fast.
Smol indie dev need moni pls understand.
>Need VPN for DMM again
>new buddy and union system
>ded bread
Yeah, the new system are pretty much nothing burgers. Might be good for screenshot or content creators but that's it. As for collab probably everyone already bored with Code Geass being a collab slut series.

Nikke thread.
My daughterfu finally got some love.
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on the same day I get 22 R nikkes from 25 pulls, which has roughly the same chance.
My manufacturer mold rates aren't too bad, 28%, but given how hard these are to come by, you'll never pull them enough times to find out if the odds are legit.
Guess gachas are not for me. I can't enjoy a game that fucks me over this much.
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What the fuuuck
Yeah lately i got sr back to back from mold as well for some reason, this is stupid.
Think i have higher chance of winning real lottery.
Hey, at least it's twice as likely as getting struck by lightning over the course of a lifetime
SSR Rapi when
Back duing the new years event I used my elysion and tetra mold on the same day and ended up getting idolls on both. This was after having pulled special recruit 50+ times and got zero SSR.

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> Introduce girl who wishes she was a boy.
> Was a child actor who played boy roles and she loved it.
> Puberty hits, is let go by her talent agency after developing a womanly figure and big tits.
> “Sorry, you’re not fit for boy roles anymore.”
> Tries to debut as an idol prince as a last resort to fulfill her ideals; is rejected by most producers for trying to become something she’s not.
> Your MC comes in and gives her a chance at stardom.
> You spend most of her character arc telling her to “be herself,” while simultaneously using subversive psy-ops to get her to love cute and girly things.
> She eventually makes peace with herself and learns to love herself for what she is. In her True End, she debuts on stage as a proud woman, her peak femininity in full display.
> Gakuen Idolmaster is surprisingly based.
I hope they optimize their shit soon, a glorified visual novel shouldn't be eating 30% of my battery for a single produce run.
You can get true ends already?I thoought they would space it out more.

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Patch 3.4.0 - https://dislyte.farlightgames.com/m/detail.html?6593dc745be0f725157fca80
Log in for free Yun Chuan and his Divinate.
But why Jin Qiu? His update made his r2 broken. Can even solo Andras.
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Holobattle crashed and burned because no one wanted ANOTHER avenue for meeting the PvP sweats.
looks gay
It unironically tried to appeal to gay Chinese furries in its official art. Hell, the bat furry has visible pubes at one point
I was confused for a while about who you are talking about but I figured it out, Liam isn't a bat he is a dog, the breed is Xoloitzcuintli the breed of dog named after the dog headed Mayan god he is the esper of
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>And I'm right right right in the deep end
>And I'll fight fight fight to the very end
>Will you be my guiding angel?
>Nothing to lose so what the hell

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The global version launches soon. How bad is it if I'm starved for DMC content?
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not anymore
they literally reused DMC1 voice lines because no new actor/ai could do it right
>Have two of the same character in my lineup
>Can't have them wear the same skin
God this is fucking stupid
3.0 will save the game from EoS, r-right bros?
>Thinking it'll last long enough for 3.0

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>no essex thread
what gives
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Is this the eternal sex thread?
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do you have sex?
265 days and counting. All hail the sex

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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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>My NP5 Astraea this Grail Front:
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Nonexistent because I'm a retard apparently.
>16 deploy cost compared to Georgios' 4 and Mash's 0
>no taunt
>Berserker squishiness

While you can get something in a defensive role from a CE like Gudaguda Poster Girl on him, tied with his evade/guts and att debuff, but he costs too much to just throw in the way of NP's like Mash and Georgios
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>extra slot
Stomping everything with Kingprotea never gets old. I love seeing her sitting at 40k+ HP.
why is bb white

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new freya sexo skin is out
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hero tierlist as of the latest orig. server patch (May 13)
If you cant perform well with miya.... you don't deserve to touch the adc role, then once you get it for real, you move on to her direct upgrade hanabi
>akai roam
>their yin keeps ulting me randomly all game
>it goes back and forth with us killing each other
>final 1v1 we're both at a quarter health
>lord destroys our base before it can end
That was the coolest shit I've had in this game. I'm sure I would've won that final one though.
I got my gf to finally give MLBB a try. She's never once played a MOBA, only seen someone play LOL before. She still does significant better than my third world teammates somehow every single time.
They should really change the tier names because its so silly.

Post your gf

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Goodbye forever.
After a bit over 5 years of service, the servers for Kirara Fantasia have been shut down.
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Did you like the episode?
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I'm still not used to the new art syle
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she is too flat now it makes me mad

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Why do you play gacha games?
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Is #compass just alive in Japan but has 0 reach outside of it? It seemed like it was super dead from the searches, but the guides are near instant on JP sites, they just got another Collab and new char and the queues are near instant in JP timezones.
It has no translation so. And also the name is bad for SEO in english. Inside Japan it does seem popular enough or at least sustainable with the various merch, it's own cafe that's always available, constant offline events. Also has an anime next year.
Here's a qooapp link if you need it: https://m-apps.qoo-app.com/en-US/app/4799
Havnt really touched a gacha in a while, but i usually enjoy the first few months before the invenitable endgame grindfest.
But reaching that point, with limited ressources and constraints due to RNG is somewhat satisfying
why not
> anime games, it's either gachaslop or low budget looking ass games that look like they could have come out for the PS Vita 12 years ago. Since gacha actually prints money, the games (that aren't total quick cashgrabs like Chink VIP 20 Battle Passes Idle Simulator #249032) actually look really nice for anime games
Not really, most games still look like ass, these hatch’s games are built for phones to begin with. All of these open world gatchaslop look mid

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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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Keep your shitposting in the /vg/ thread please
not just on 4chan, saw the same comments on youtube, it literally looks like a script, they always use the same combination of words

>day1 player here, how could they do this to siris, omg this is so bad, muh cute flat chest, too much fanservice

Where were they when 5* haru released? These people would rather see the game go EoS, so they don't actually play. If you've been around, virtually no one has ever cared about Siris, never see her in coop, no one uses her avatar in the friends list. She has always been irrelevant suddenly everyone cares about her though, totally organic just like the "why don't you watch porn instead" fags
Yep, you recognised the shitposter. He was falseflagging spamming that so people who had similar opinions are dismissed.

And I'm afraid I must contest your remark that no one cared about Siris based on the evidence that no one played her in co-op. She is a well beloved character who had a major role in chapter 12 and will continue this role in the next chapter. I think most people don't really care or speak up unless they are affected. Last patch was Cherno, this time it's Siris. You only call the fire brigade when there is a fire. And this game has a fundamental problem with regards to the incentive to play supports in co-op mode. The very same can be said about any other supports like Kaguya, Tess, Mauxir, Eatchel and so on, who don't get used often in co-op.

Whilst I appreciate that you are frustrated about the crowd who dismiss the fanservice elements of the game, I believe some of the comments carry genuine care for the game, just as you wish to protect the thing you like. Personally I feel the developer is investing their resources into a style of fanservice that is not convincing, at the expense of other elements like storytelling and gameplay. While the new Siris design and characterisation is attractive, it's up there with Cherno in turning them into completely different characters. Whereas in Haru's case, she was still a serious soldier talking about honour.

That said, I think the best course of action is to let the developers know calmly in specific details through proper channels. So I will refrain from boring you further with the discussion on this topic.
As a filthy mechanized cop player, I've always wondered how well flopping around like a goldeen with 4Siris would work, but never got around to it. Now I just don't feel like it anymore.
How's this game treat f2poors?

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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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Only chicken lol
I don't know
You tell me what I thought about the game
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>ten thousand coins to continue your streak
this new plaza thing is pathetic

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>no Clash thread
I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?
How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
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>I'm a clan leader and haven't booted up the game in a month
>in a month
You better go online right now anon because if you remain inactive, your leadership role will be transferred to your co-leader.
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they really said "age is just a number"
rage and gauntlet on king
invis and frost arrow on queen
defaults on the rest

im th16 and my gauntlet and arrow are hilariously underleveled and they still outperform the troop summons by a wide margin. especially the arrow, if you have it you should definitely level it. shit is broken and there's no chance they're nerfing it when its basically p2w now lmao
it is though
On average, how many times do you anons hit next before you settle on a place to attack?

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CR is retarded
How am I supposed to kill the bird of the 14th world tree floor? Took me 3 months to beat the bullshit double yellow pair of the 11th floor, then 12th and 13th were pretty easy but now I'm stuck again against this bird.
Is this any help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f75l24Wv9PE
Imagine there's bit of leeway on team composition and awakenings as looks relatively f2p friendly (probably not new and f2p friendly) and bunch of new shit has come out since/+20 level cap.
I don't know if they made it so the enemies scale according to level but this strategy didn't work for me, Eta gets immediatly one shotted.
How many yellow SS+ gears do you have? Because it took me having Gamma, Beta and Claire's SS+ gear to do it. Other 2 units were Victoria and Rose. Try ranking up your characters if they're getting one shot.

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What have you all been doing during these last days?
I've been spending all my gems and tickets on cards so I can read their scenarios
I haven't played the game in many months and just came to check the thread to see how it was doing and read about the EoS just now. Nyooooo.....
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One week (or less) before the end of service. At least Blue Reflection Sun has great music and beautiful 2D art by Mel Kishida. The game itself however, I was never going to play it and I won't miss it.
I want the time I spent playing this game back.
*Only* the time spent? You did not spend money in Blue Reflection Sun? I hope not at least, because once a gacha game dies, it is gone for good.

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