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I can't stop playing this I'm fully addicted

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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My lord, I'm on the worst luck streak I've ever been in this game. I'm going for like 280 pulls without a random SS now. 1 full spark without seeing one and a whole bunch before.

I didn't need these 1/5000 odds. HBR rng is so broken. Either it's one extreme or the other.

Only Aina is alright, but only if you have Tsukasa bunny, dark Adel, Tama suit AND the old Yanagi (tower upgrade).
Tsukasa's bunny form shits out 5 hit buffs with her ult for up to 3 dark styles (including hers), which you can use to build OD rapidly. 1 Tsukasa ult + 2 auto attacks (hers and Adel's) + 1 new Aina ult is 36 base points of OD. 1 OD bar is 40 points. Should be able to get a bit more with giving Aina an OD increasing accessory.

This covers Tama's weakness of needing a fuckton of SP quite well, the new old Yanagi has so good healing (+ charge) that you are able to live against harder hitting enemies as well. Aina can also help with a little sub-dps as her dark def down skill actually hits fairly hard during OD. This is where 1 Tama ult + Yanagi charge could increase this to be significant, but it's cumbersome due to needing to apply your fragiles as well that obviously eat buffs. They don't eat dark enhances, but that's it.

Considering dark is an element you can force it's pretty strong.
Now that I think about it some more, dark is shaping up to be near broken.

Consider the following vs ST: Suit Megumi, suit Tama, Bunny Tsukasa, dark Adel, dark Aina and tower Yanagi. (31A is dominating!)

-OD building galore via Aina and Tsukasa's hit buff
-Charge + 1 Tama ult = guaranteed crit + good sub dps for breaks via Megumi's second ult
-2 stacks of def down, perm def down, perm dark def down, fragile, possibly even dark def down (even if it's aoe), dark resistance down + heal block
-2 stacks of Hit buff (adel or otherwise), dark enhance, normal big enhance, mind eye, crit rate, crit damage, 1 stack of +20 stats (if you have thunder Tama)
-Actually very good healing via Yanagi (close to 4k per 11 sp with 20% overcap. Better value per sp than Muaa's 7sp healing)

You can do this with Lolita as well, if you think the blast isn't needed, you have no Adel or want another healing source/defensive helper. For aoe purposes Megumi wouldn't be useful, so you'd do Isuzu again (maybe also against VERY HIGH dp enemies). Aoe damage if needed could be done via Kura. Not nearly as good, but serviceable thanks to Tsukasa's hit buff.
What you are technically missing is a field and ST dark def down would be preferable vs 1 target. The field is a huge problem in some fights, but aside of that? And it's not like dark fields don't exist. They are on.. not very useful characters, but even with that it'd be likely good enough. And if you remember... Tsukasa can actually use a field. Wrong one, yes, but it still dispels the sandstorm of the desert worm just fine, as an example. It's the cheapest zone in the game, too and buffs enhances.

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My ears are ringing
This banner is an absolute flop, it's doing abysmal, nobody is fucking rolling. Just give good skills to characters people actually like and treat unpopular ones like a cute bonus, whoever thought of giving Aina a better style than what characters like Miya get is retarded and should rethink what the fuck they're doing.
told you the game is at the worst state its ever been
nobody is pulling because next twin pair can be god tier and dick everyone over so why bother even pulling on all these trash

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Thoughts on Supercell?
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It was funny to see them get BTFO'd off Wikipedia, which is a relatively obscure fact I think more /vmg/ users should know.
World is Mine is a timeless classic
no thoughts
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>Designs their games to be real mobile games and not console/PC games rip offs
>Actual art direction. No generic pixel art or weebshit
>Asks money just for cosmetics and shit. Gameplay remains the same otherwise
>Makes global releases only if people actually give a fuck about their games
>Prioritizes fun just as much as profit
Objectively the best mobile game developer and you can't argue otherwise.

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>new player 15x10 pull
>no single female character seen
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Jesus christ Boss HP is so fucking inflated that even going more 30k above the recommend power Auto can't do the mission in time. This is fucking ridiculous, I have been extremely fucking lucky as f2p but this just feels stupid as hell
Fuck that bear, Fuck those crystals. I was lucky because I had a fire weapon and some fire skills.
Some of the stages are just so fucking annoying. Especially the ones where there are fucking Tornadoes that just go on top of the boss... Such a great fucking design lol
Whoever made the tornadoes was a sociopath. It's the most irritating stage modifier I've thus encountered. IT operates in such a stupid way also.
When you slow down time due to a perfect dodge, the tornado moves at regular speed towards you your options are.
>out power the guy you're fighting by a large amount of Combat power
>be lucky enough to roll a ranged weapon, you had enough gold and resources to level up.
>get fucked.
If you spend more than a second doing anything it's on top of you, the only way to avoid that is to have to stupidly summon shadows on boss, walk to other side of stage run back to boss, and then you get 3 seconds as it moves towards you.
I'm not sure why they'd had such an unfun mechanic that just slows down combat to a crawl.
It's also obvious that they clearly haven't tested the stages containing them at all. Clearly nobody in their right mind would think that this is okay. The game is honestly sort of fun. But it's held back by stupid decisions at every turn

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6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.

musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

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dead thread (revived by me)
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got her on my fifth roll with all those generous scouting points recently
would have preferred C.C. but oh well
Is it just me or is the pace they are releasing Stellar characters really fast.
Smol indie dev need moni pls understand.
>Need VPN for DMM again

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What are you favorites point and click for android guys.
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Never tried. You can play Unciv on Android though.
Where can I download the secret of monkey island for scummvm, the files I downloaded so fact can't be used for emulation.
Nevermind, i found it, the original with no voices.
Secret of monkey island is terrible, I don't understand all the praise.

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>open mahjong soul
>look inside
>blue archive
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Probably the same reason Blue Archive characters have Japanese name even though the developers are Korean - the correlation between liking the anime art aesthetic and loving all things Japanese
we are talking purely from a gameplay perspective, which other than raising e-peen points the gacha still has no bearing on how the game is played whatsoever
makes sense, many thanks
got my first yakuman today btw, good feeling
what ok

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How are we liking the monster hunter colab? The champs are mostly pretty good, but it sucks that they're time limited
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this game is basically the mobile mafia
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Well well well, would you look at that. 3 Keys UNM achieved. All I did was finished grinding masteries for vogoth AND regearing both vogoth and nia in lifesteal set + 100% crit rate (without sacrifing survivability of course). Now nia always heal herself to full and also her teammates aswell through her passive.
This time is martyr that died first. Her ally protection+strengthen buffs ended before AOE2 (She's last in turn order btw, want counterattack always up for more chance for nia to heal). Plan to regear altan and frozen banshee in guardian to mitigate it.

Then I'll switch crimson helm for gnarlhorn then. Might put fellhound anyway for gnarlhorn to block damage becsuse I'll build him in low hp def. And that just leave 1 slot for dps wow.
I think I switch to infinity shield team since I'm getting wixwell anyway
Cleared dt hard for the first time today, feelsgoodman
>Cleared dt hard for the first time today, feelsgoodman

Congrats. I'd highly suggest putting together teams for hard secret rooms as soon as possible. One of the final ramantu missions requires you to summon gomlok from fragments, and he's one of the hard secret room champs. Unlike a lot of those missions, this one is fully time gated; every single doom tower rotation in which you miss a secret room is another 3 fragments you will miss on that rotation. Add those up and that's potentially months of just waiting around you'll be wasting.

My suggestion: spend an hour going through this list and comparing it with your roster via the in game filter:


What rooms can you complete? What rooms are you stuck on? What rooms can you do if you just built a couple champs already in your roster? Figure it out way beforehand and have a list of champs that you need to build specifically for secret rooms, and try and have at least some of them built before the rotation you need them begins. Some key points:

>you don't necessarily need secret room champs fully built with masteries; sometimes lvl 50 with a stun set is enough.
>You don't need energy to run secret rooms, so during a free refear event is when you should take advantage and put your best gear on secret room champs and complete as many as possible.
>Even if you are forced to max out a champ for a secret room, they'll probably still be usable in other areas of the game, especially faction crypts and sin city, so don't feel like it's a waste
>stun sets are your best friends, and by extension AOE a1s. there's a list of those champs on ayumilove

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Also known as PriconneR or simply Priconne.

Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both? Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out? What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far? Are you ready for EX7?
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apparently the nerf won't have a big impact on her damage outside of elemental stages.
are they going to go the nyaru route and design fights around her or are we entering a new era of powercreep?
Just hammer her again one day after ex7 drops and reset the progress for people that cleared it early. They were so fucking paranoid about maho ruining their new shiny ex already.
i dont play it
you should
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Anemone cute

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Dragalia Lost is back on the table boys! I included a copy of the base apk and modified apk. Install the modified apk to play the game. If you don't trust me then install the base APK and patch it yourself. The rest is up to you to figure out. As of now, Dawnshard is the only one that supports co-op.

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>wukong gets a new dragon dive
>do big numbers
>still can't clear lvl 80 shadow gauntlet
it was never meant to be
Why is your discord filled with tranny loving faggots?
because that's the audience for this game
Man, we really did lost....

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I used to play Empire 4 kingdoms, but it's gone to complete shit and I feel like the battle mechanic is too simple and you basically win by dumping a ton of real money into the game.
Any suggestions for what is similar and actually good?

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Year of Gohan
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>transforming bug creatures
>dont have 変身タイプ
>all these replies with the kid buu stage
dokkanspics in charge of basic literacy
it's over... truth killed dbz world
bros my tablet fell off and now it's broken. i cant play dokkan anymore

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Aistenijus the angry, leader of the clan anger management here, we a few free slots in a lvl 8 clan! active and high lvl players only. The only req we have: do your dailys and ALWAYS participate in clan expeditions for maximum rewards to all of us! dsc: https://discord.gg/ZMnUUAMm

Also, Survivor io clan recruitment thread I guess
im not playing this
Good job, your links expired

>That Feel When:
-you didn't fall for the ACR meme. Nobody gives a shit about some badge you got for all that time you wasted grinding for.
-you didn't fall for the "Mii Meta" meme. Just a waste of rubies and an obvious scam to get you to buy more rubies.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mii Suit is good meme, that shit stayed at level 1 for me ever since I got because it never covered any tracks I didn't already have a driver for.
-you didn't fall for the LARGE HITBOX meme. You can do perfectly fine in rank without buying big karts.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mario is the best Driver meme. Game was already Over when he released, So he's useless, no need for investment in him.

Anyone who spent money on Karts & Gliders was a fool.
Anyone who spent money on Premium Challenge Cards was just straight up retarded.
Anyone who still continues to buy the Gold Pass for a game that's not getting any new content anymore, just...what in the fuck is wrong with you???

In my opinion: F2P games should stay what they are- Free-2-Play. I had my fun with Mario Kart Tour and will continue to do so until its eventual shutdown and glad I was able to do so without needing to empty my wallet on it.
I'll also always miss the Gacha aspect of it, felt good not being a Lucklet!
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Yes, bless the gold mii for helping my score
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Result: 1st place, hold Tier 99. Almost got sniped last hour by #2.
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Thanks for the reminder. Next tour is tough for kart coverage.
I have the Dragonfly for both Daisy Circuit N and Daisy Circuit R/T. I use this kart for Princess Tour on a few tracks, and then almost never for the rest of the loop. Hope another kart gets buffed on top of it, but I'm running out of "new" karts which have a chance. Maybe just the Black Mk2 Dasher and the sub scooters.
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Glittering Glider is another trap investment next tour, but not as bad as the Dragonfly.
It's useful in ranked for a few of the summer tours, but then it disappears for 6 months.
>I have both tiara gliders
is a trap investment a bad thing?

Why do you play mobile games instead of real ones?
I've spent over £150 on epic and like £100 on steam games. Paid games are just ad mid desu
I used to be pretty good at finding actual games with actual gameplay on the app store I swear these were actual games.
>instead of
Real games can be found on mobile too, it's just that most people don't even try and are fine with whatever as long as it's free.
>Why do you play mobile games?
I'm away from my PC most of the time nowadays, but my work involves so much downtime that I had to find something to keep myself busy.
I don't really care much for the graphical differences nor cinematic cutscenes

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