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You know that feel when you meet a new girl and the sex and kissing and cuddling is really great but you don't really know what to talk about her? :/
I don’t know that feeling. I only have sex with people I formed a bond with with the intention of long-term.
No, I don't know what it feels like to be a drooling halfwit. Please tell me.
>that feel when you meet a new girl and the sex and kissing and cuddling is really great
yeah, it's really great.
>you don't really know what to talk about
nope, never experienced that.
I do. Thankfully, there is a solution: Do shit with her!
Eg. Go bowling. If something funny or memorable happens, you'd be able to bring it up in conversation from that point on. In 10 years time, you might even look back feeling nostalgic about it.

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I wanna talk to girls but I have trouble using my arms, legs, dick and eyes right now. I can walk and stuff for a few hours a day but I can't do any fun activities or hold a job. I'm pretty sure I can heal most of it but it will take a long time. Should I try to meet new people and girls or should I just wait out the next year alone till I'm better? I'm really sick of how my life has been as a shut in for a year.
Yeah, sorry bud, I hate to sound blackpilled, but the reality is women do not want to be there at your lowest. They can virtue signal all they want about x movement or x people, but they will not want to get their hands dirty in your chronic illness unless you can find someway to cope with it and act normal
Hm there are chicks that are really into taking care of people, or you can get a sedentary-type girl to watch shows together or play vidya
what illnesse(s) do you have?

can you try to find a sick girl?
just go out and try.
If you stay alone your socialization skills will diminish. But if you go out you can build that skill so in a year when you feel better you will have more charisma.

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Yoga I guess.
Autofellatio requires the following:
1.Long dick
2.Long body
3.Flexible body

I'm having me some issues with me best friend or perhaps former bst friend.

I went out to stay with me best friend, I'll call him Tristan. He's 41 and lives out in the Hamptons. We'll sometimes visit the other for a weekend here and there. He makes more money than I do.

I told him when I went to visit:
>Baby boo, you need to clean up your house, stop drinking and see a damn counselor or get you some AA meetings on that calendar.

Bitch makes bank and while his place is nice on the outside, the inside is a shit hole and a pig sty.

He done stopped talking me after that weekend visit and said I insulted him while I was a guest in his home. I thought I was being a friend. He works hard but he's a wreck outside of his professional life. As I said his place is filthy, he's been drinking excessively since his teen years, and when he's not working he's smoking pot, o he's often crunk. I just see him done getting worse and worser.

Any advice for this bitch?
>Any advice for this bitch?
The only bitch I see here is you. Leave the guy alone to live his life as he wants.
If he's been drinking heavily since his teens then it's been his routine for more than half his life, you aren't budging a rock like that
>>Baby boo, you need to clean up your house, stop drinking and see a damn counselor or get you some AA meetings on that calendar.
you sound like a nagging girl.
I can understand your concern, but going to visit your friend and telling them to go to AA? Seriously?
Having a disgusting house isn't good though, you are right to say something about that.

Maybe you should just move on and let this guy drink himself to death living in squalor

I'm in long-term relationship with a funny, loving, caring, devoted girlfriend. We agree on important factors like politics, marriage, children, family values etc.
Over the years though, I've noticed her inherent laziness is really starting to get to me. While I'm the get-up-and-let's-get-it-done type, she's the eternal procrastinator. At first it's kinda cute, but now it's manifested in her gaining quite a bit of weight, and us undertaking less and less as a couple. It's like the one thing we don't align on but it's grown into a massive issue for me.

The weight gain has made her less attractive to me, which in turn makes me less forgiving of her flaws (years ago, when something bothered me, I'd be like, at least she's hot). I feel like she's settled and doesn't want to make much of an effort for me anymore, takes me for granted. We rarely have romantic moments, sex has become a chore to her.

Basically, do I keep going with this, try to change her somehow, or pack my bags and try my luck somewhere else? We've been together for over 4 years and I'm in my early 30's so I'm kinda scared about the dating pool out there. But damn, I don't like the way things are going right now.
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Maybe talk to her about it anon
What you see is what you get, never go into a relationship with the attitude of "well I just need to change x about them and then they'll be perfect", just assume they're never going to change.
This is what I'd do.. find someone on tinder while you talk with her and try to improve her behavior. If she's not willing to change, then just cheat behind her back. See if you can find someone else. If you can, just break up with her. Pussy comes once In a blue moon
This is what I've been contemplating.
I'd love to try tinder again and see what's out there. I've never so much as flirted with a girl since I got together with my current girlfriend, but I keep daydreaming more and more what it'd be like to talk to, flirt and bond with another girl.

I would never cheat on my girlfriend while I'm still with her, but if I go on tinder and things really hit off, and my girlfriend's not willing to change, I could see myself ending things and giving someone else a go.
It's a scary thought though, throwing away nearly 5 years of relationship when I might never find something like this again.

I get getting comfortable, I'm slightly guilty of that. But I think it's important to keep the flame alive. Look good for each other, strive to be romantic, instead of just getting totally complacent.

I'm scared you're right. Thing is, she wasn't fat to begin with. And the laziness I could live with. It's just now come to a point where things do need to change.
>I'm in long-term relationship with a funny, loving, caring, devoted girlfriend. We agree on important factors like politics, marriage, children, family values etc.
Do you have any idea how rare this is

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How old were you when you realized that the only way to get what you want in life and gain other people's respect was by taking it from others? My whole life, I lived by the idea that being courteous and self-sacrificial were virtuous traits and that if it was no great loss to me, I should give freely to others or refrain from taking so that there is more for someone else. Recently, I've realized that this way of living that I had thought virtuous and logical is actually the reason no one respects me. By constantly yielding to others through my words, actions, and even body language, I signal to other people that I am weak even though I had seen it as a choice and therefore a sign of virtue and endurance of character rather than a liability. The people I benefit do not think about me ever because they do recognize my behavior or may even see it as a weakness. I do not mind being passive and yielding to others because if it doesn't affect me why should I care? If I have the capacity to give to others so freely, why should I not do so to make other people's lives easier? My conclusion is that even though I do not mind yielding to everyone, it is a betrayal of humanity and my self-respect, and I should mind it. As humans, it is our innate nature to take. By existing and maintaining our bodies, we take from nature and the planet; it is involuntary. So we might as well take in a way that is beneficial to our beliefs instead of falling to apathy. (1/2)
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>I agree that self-respect is the most important thing that I lack, but how am I supposed to gain it now as an adult who's been conditioned his whole life

By letting go of the idea that you need to ‘gain’ it as if it were somehow necessary to move forward or accomplish or learn or gain things before becoming worthy of it. That is how. It’s nowhere to be found ‘out there’ in reality. It’s not forward you need to be looking. It’s backward, inward, it is not something to learn. It is something you remember, by unlearning all of the conditioning you speak of. Taking it down brick by brick until it becomes clearer and clearer you always had self-respect. It was simply buried and swallowed by a mountain of debris and rubble and you had forgotten a long, long time ago.
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loser behavior
Fostering understanding and collaboration forms the foundation of a fulfilling existence. Engaging in constructive conversations preserves dignity and nurtures respect, cultivating a world where differences are celebrated rather than feared. By embracing empathy and compassion, we enrich our lives and those around us. Seeking common ground and shared goals empowers us to address challenges collectively and create a brighter future for all. Rather than instigating conflict, let us strive for harmony, recognizing the beauty in diversity and the strength that stems from unity. In a world brimming with possibilities, cooperation paves the way for lasting peace and prosperity.
It's never too late to start building self-respect. Begin by setting boundaries, speaking up for yourself, and engaging in self-care practices. Challenge negative self-talk and remember your worth. Seek therapy or support to explore these patterns and build self-confidence. Practice assertiveness and gradually step out of your comfort zone. Remember, your past doesn't define your future—you have the power to change and grow at any age.
You are not a character in a media that has to stay a certain way. You can change for the better and start by giving yourself the value that you deserve.

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National Flag of White Women edition
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? I’m 23
Oopsies, thought you were qt anon the way you were crying about your mommy lulz
Lol true
Sounds a bit gay but ily2 <3
Just turn off the screen and go outside lmao
I feel you though. Fuelling the blackpill
I say ching chong step off bitch and stab him with chopsticks
what if we switched bodies haha
Holy shit that’s literally me that’s scary but 26 is pushing 30 I think

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How do I stop fearing nuclear war? It's not that I'm afraid of dying but I see many people trying to act onit, like emigrating in south america and shit, so I feel like I'm the only idiot that's just waiting hopelessly for death
Shit's mostly out of your control.
I remember, stoics kept harping about not focusing on shit out of your control. Read some of that.
Stop reading doomer black pill shit on the internet and go outside
Well, but if someone can stockpile or move to a different country to have better chances, it's not entirely out of our control, is it?

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>tfw you realize it really is true that all women are simply insane and can/will act on sheer impulse of inexplicable (on their end) thoughts or feelings beyond any sense of rationality
>to say insane is almost unfair, as this is the female baseline, and its merely incomprehensible to men
Seriously, unironically, what is a man supposed to do?
Do I just wing it & play along? Do I get stern and put my foot down and scold sense into girls? Do I stoop to her level?
Even if I get through this moment with my gf (I’ll spare the details for now), or maybe I don’t, is this what I’m to expect and simply deal with my whole lofe?

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I have my high school graduation today my family is coming, and I know theres going to be a lot of other people. Not sure if they will judge me or if my class will judge my family. Probably going to take one of my anxiety pills before (not benzos, but hydroxyzine)
I'm really nervous any advice?

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I have always wanted to play tennis but I am already 28 years old. I have been going to the gym and running for 8 years now, even do some tennis specific exercises but years have passed by and I never joined a club, mainly because I am scared. Do these people even want another adult beginner? What if I am genetically unable to be good? What if people don't like me and nobody wants to play? Which club do I even sign up for? I have no friends, am quite socially awkward and I never pursued a sport in my life
just join fgt
stop thinking
this is the only real advice you need in any aspect of life. action before thought, action produces results in life thoughts do not. so act then think and you will have a fulfilling life.
My Grandfather played for 50 years starting at 30.
28 is still young, most people at local sports clubs are in it for the social and fun aspect

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How do I make a homemade mouthwash ? I don't feel comfortable using the ones that are sold, who knows whats inside them.
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> who knows whats inside them

the ingredients are on the bottle numbnuts
warm salt water
Water and sodium bicarbonate/baking soda
You don't need mouthwash. Just brush properly and floss.

>got fired from first ever job
>Earned basically a year's salary in severance
>Now have unemployment benefits for years
Why don't people actively try to get fired?

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How do I revenge on my parents for bringing me into this shit life? I literally have nothing because of their selfishness and they act like it’s my fault. I steal from them and fuck with their cars and other petty things but it’s just not enough I want them to feel at least 1/4 of the pain and misery I feel about my life.
Easy, ruin your life!
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Become a NEET.
Here are the steps:
The best revenge is living well(and making other people jealous). Channel your puerile aggression and misdirected loathing into bettering yourself.

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I get insta boner from simply talking with women in non-formal situations. Examples:
>ask girl if she needs help with equipment in the gym
>we literally exchange only few words and I help her carry some stuff
>she smiles and says thanks
>I proceed with bar leg raises and end up with huge bulge under my shorts
>awkward as fuck
different example
>holding a rail in the bus
>random girl touches my hand with her shoulder
>not even bare skin, she had a coat
>I get insta hard boner from indirect physical contact with a woman

it's so fucking weird, how am I even supposed to get out of my sexless loser state if any contact with women ends up for me in the most awkward way possible? Breaking the ice and approaching is one thing, it's difficult but totally doable, but this shit affects my confidence super badly
Pretty based and high test, honestly.
As you get more used to being around women, it will happen less. In the meantime, it's better than the opposite problem.
>I get insta boner from simply talking with women in non-formal situations. Examples:
>>ask girl if she needs help with equipment in the gym
>>we literally exchange only few words and I help her carry some stuff
>>she smiles and says thanks
>>I proceed with bar leg raises and end up with huge bulge under my shorts
>>awkward as fuck
>different example
>>holding a rail in the bus
>>random girl touches my hand with her shoulder
>>not even bare skin, she had a coat
>>I get insta hard boner from indirect physical contact with a woman

this happens to me too but you'll realize doing this without actually satisfying yourself will lead to unecessary distraction, wasting time, and energy. be careful anon. you dont want to end up in jail. women don't like pickup. i never see men be successful at it. women these days only want a sugar daddy so you're better off driving an expensive car and showing off an expensive life if you're into the sugar daddy thing and want some type of gf. they go after rich people only. so showing an erection to a woman that hates men as a feminist won't do any good.

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