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>5'3 (male, dont laugh), 18
>Gym for around a year a half
>Interested in reading books recently
>slightly better haircut
>skincare (inconsistent)

What now? What else should I look into to become a more fulfilled person? Height seems to be a big issue for me, but I also think my personality needs work but I just don't know how to improve any of that.
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Legit question, OP. Is that "best version" of yourself includes constantly shitposting on 4chan?
u can seriously try becoming a modern version of a court jester with that height. Lol
you mean a white house comedian? wtf is the modern version of a court jester?
internet lol cow, stand up comedy, comedian in tv series that everyone pokes fun at, etc..
non of these have anything to do with courts.

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>be bipolar 1
>in and out of psych units for 5 years (6 times total)
>depressed 24/7
>dont take jew pills
>take pills

im so tired of this, why cant i just have a normal brain ffs.
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Nope literally one night i randomly got a manic episode and stayed up for 3 days straight and started having random racing thoughts one after the other until i got hospitalized..
I understand. Did they try lithium? Bipolar is caused by mercury poisoning or better a genetic susceptibility to heavy metal poisoning. If you want to get rid of it you might want to look into Andrew Cutler chelation. There might be pure genetic causes for this but I'm not sure about that, does anyone in your family have bipolar?
No one in my family has it and have never tried lithium but im going to bring it up next appointment with my dr.
Ask him to start you on a low dose. Your doctor might claim that it is subtherapeutic but insist on it. Are you currently manic or just depressed how often do you have manic episodes what medication have they tried with you?
Currently depressed i have manic episodes like once a year. Been having once a year for the past 5 -6 years. Ive been on Depekote, Risperedal, Vraylar each in different times and only once at a time. Now im taking risperdal

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My 2nd molar is overly erupted, how will braces push it back in since there's no wisdom teeth behind my second molar so the wire holding hook apparatus has to be mounted on the second molar.
Sounds like a question for a DENTIST. Go ask Quora or get an appointment with a DENTIST.
Quora is filled with retards I'm not making an account there, too poor for dentist.

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I'm using, lmao, google sites and I just added cookie and a privacy policy. Are those enough for me not to get sued?
Here's my website:
Is it compliant with the laws?
Don't open the link.
Open the link!
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I scanned it on a GDPR Compliance Platform and these are the results.

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I've apparently acquired a female friend and I'm confused. I enjoy her company, and she enjoys mine. I am somewhat attracted to her, and she is somewhat attracted to me (I know this for sure because she basically creamed herself in public because of me and it was a whole thing).

With all that said, her attraction to me doesn't mean much because she fucks alot of guys. She has this kind of contradiction in her personality where she's a total slut but also hates herself for being a slut and 'wants to be trad because they seem so happy' and for some reason her dad encourages her slutty behavior.

I do want to help her change, because it seems like she needs it and we have alot of the same interests, so we hang out alone and I give her advice and stuff, but I kind of don't really want to express any sexual interest in her because I don't want her to take that as a cue, but I also worry that if I continue not expressing interest in her she'll decide it's easier not to change. Like having a relationship with her could be cool, but even if that doesn't happen I'd like her to not be the way she is right now, and it's not like I'm waiting on her to change either.

The way I've put it in my mind is that I'll 'watch and wait' to see if she's all talk when regarding all the 'being trad' stuff, but what I'm really asking is has anyone else played 'captain save-a-hoe' before? How did it go? Did it work?

I'm completely aware that this is a really weird situation from multiple angles
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you CAN'T change her.

she is like that and she will never ever ever change. Believe her, she's telling you who she is.
>she's a total slut but also hates herself for being a slut
I've dated a women like that once, fell in love, tried to change her, and got absolutely destroyed in the end. It will not work, every single dude will tell you this.
how did you get destroyed?
in the next order: I got cheated and dumped.

she was a petite, short haired, otaku girl, that shared many many interests with me (except for the anime part), same age, same background. I'm a decent 6'5 decent looking guy, but no girl caught my attention except for this one (at 20yo).

so, she makes it very clear that she's into me, and why not, I go ahead.
>fast forward a couple months
I'm "living" with her, in her house, 700km away from mine. I had my car, money, and this girl, it was like a dream come true. This went on for three weeks until the vacations ended.
Fell in love. Recklessly in love.

>fast forward a month
Now I actually pay attention to her suicide attempts, mommy issues, bipolar demeanor, and managed to get angry at my family too. She cheats on me (I found out later), a couple weeks go by, and I get the good old "I'm not ready for a relationship".
Still, I was in love.

>she's a total slut but also hates herself for being a slut

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damn that's rough
cut her off or use her as a fuck buddy. do not get roped into it arvdd

>be me
>Father was a shitbag that lied about being in the Marines.
>Found out from my uncle a few years ago he dropped out of military school and never served a day in his life.
>Join the army when I turned 19
>Haven't spoken to him since I was 17

Anybody else have a similar experience with friends/family?
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do you have a real reason to be mad at your father or is it just that?
Physicality beat me many times especially when drunk,my first black eye was when I was 6 and pushed my sister. told me I was retarded almost every day, tried to gas light me into being locked in a mental hospital after the abuse got so bad I had a mental breakdown, when I said I wanted to kill myself he told me he wish I did. When I turned 16 I started physically fighting back and eventually got kicked out multiple times before finally leaving when I was 17 and was homeless for a year while he went on the news to say i was a useless retard. My sister ran away from home due to the abuse and he had the police take her away from me and her loving adoptive family so he could beat her again.

So yeah, I got more then a few reasons to hate him.
What is the reason you haven't reported your father to the police? Sounds like you're doing alright now, that's good. Is your sister ok? The whole stolen valor thing is not important, your father abused you and that kind of thing is lifelong, all you can do is be a good person and you will find other good people.
We live in Texas so he will never be convicted of anything, trust me I have called CPS on him many times but him and my mother lie.

One day when I was 15 and my sister was 13 she did something to provoke my mother and my sister ran into her room and locked the door. My mother broke the door on the hinges and repeatedly hit my sister while my sister called the police.

When they arrived we where all told to lie to the cops or else, and do you know what the sheriff said to my father? "If I was you I would do the same, do you want my belt? Because that's how I discipline my kids"

I'm doing better now, I have my own apartment and when my sister turns 18 I'm getting her out of that house
I'm a disable combat vet, Army, but quiet about it. I work in sales, B2B tech.
Not a lot of veterans in tech sales.
I got hired by a firm and the adjacent sales team had a manager that I saw every day as I went to my desk and met once or twice a month at sales meetings but never really talked to. He wore a US Army Veteran cap of one type or another into the office every day. He'd wear a VFW or DAV pin on his lapel to client meetings. He put out a bowl before Memorial Day to raise money for his DAV chapter - and he listed MY DAV chapter as the one he was raising money for.
At the time I had been a member of that chapter for 6 years and treasurer of that chapter for 2 years and I'd never seen him on the rolls or at a meeting.
Before I left I "bumped into" him and asked which VFW chapter he was in like I'd messed up and confused DAV with VFW. The chapter he gave me was the closest and MY VFW chapter. Likewise I'd never seen him there.
So I called around - nope, he wasn't a member of either.
So I checked with MilPerCen and he HAD gone to BASIC but washed out in 2 weeks and never tried again.
Legally not a veteran. Not a combat veteran, obviously. No service-connected disability.
I took all this to the sales director.
The sales director met with the guy.
The guy was gone.

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Traits and characteristics necessary for a man to possess in order to be considered relationship material in 2024 in no particular order:

• Self esteem and self love
• Relatively well adjusted mental health
• Agreeability and temperament complimentary or compatible with hers
• Values, life goals, world view and potential similar or on par with hers
• Adequate social skills
• Adherence to social norms and expectations
• self respect
• mutual physical attraction
• an active in person social life, including established friendships
• Financial potential and ambition
• Life experience & maturity
• Independence, including but not limited to not living with nor financially dependant on your parents
• health outlooks relative to her own

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Meanwhile for hookups, a uniformly better experience for men than relationships, you only need to maxx out
>mutual physical attraction
Then why do so many women complain the men they are in relationships with lack one or multiple of these traits?

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>Parents fought all childhood
>Made me and my siblings childhood hell it was so crazy
>Have mom's phone one day.
>Decide to snoop to put some pieces together
>Find text messages from my dad's phone she took pictures of on her phone
>Dad was texting my brother's at the time gf
>They'd flirt and mock my mother and brother together
>Ask mom about it, coming clean I snooped
>She tells me that my dad attempted to do the same thing with my then gf, who I almost married
>Fortunately she says as far as she knows she never reciprocated
>Doesn't matter as far as me and him goes. The fact that he would if he could is betrayal
>She also told me there was worse between him and brother's gf. Telling her she'd look hot in his wife (my mother's dresses)
>I text my ex gf. Told her I want to get back in touch
>She immediately gives me her phone number
>Excited I go home

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Well a couple of things point to her innocence

1. When he tried she never responded back to him. Completely ignored him
2. He was in another state when he contacted her
3. She loved me like crazy in many ways. And she always made me feel cocky she loved me so much.
4. The way she looked at me no one has looked at me since. She was genuinely really attracted to me
5. She hated the concept of me potentially cheating and part of why we broke up was because I was in a fraternity my first year of college and she was scared I would cheat because I partied.
6. My brother brought up on his end there's no evidence of him ever doing anything beyond flirting with women he shouldn't. And that there's a difference between someone liking female attention and going out of his way to take it further.
7. My dad defended the hell out of me as a child. When I was molested by a stranger he gave the state hell. Went on the news to help me. Did everything he could to get the guy locked away. It's not like he didn't love me in some way
Buy a baseball bat (wooden) and club him in the abdomen.
Update: talked to my ex. She said nothing happened and I'm convinced she's telling the truth despite you guys telling me I shouldn't believe her. Won't relay the whole conversation but she never broke my trust before and my parents have many times. I also confessed my feelings for her and she's happy with her boyfriend and remained on friendly terms with me after. If she's happy I'm happy. That's all I prayed for was for her to be happy.

But this does effect my relationship with my mom too. For her to tell me such a destructive lie. What my dad did with my brother's gf was bad but to make it sound like he was hounding all of our gfs was a terrible sociopathic exaggeration.
You’re really going to blame your mom? Your father is to blame entirely. And according to you, your mother wasn’t lying. I’ll remind you:

>Fortunately she says as far as she knows she never reciprocated.

And look at that, your ex-gf says nothing happened. Aka. She never reciprocated.

How does this make your mother a liar? Do you think your dad didn’t try to hit up your girlfriend? He already proved there is no boundary sacred enough to respect, he fucked your brother’s gf. That means he’d gladly have fucked yours, and most likely tried, but your mom and gf already said it wasn’t reciprocated.

Also, don’t think your ex-gf won’t lie to protect herself. She’s not going to say “yeah, your father tried to fuck me” to your face. Because she will worry about how the drama will affect her life, and even your life. So it wouldn’t surprise me if she tries to protect your sanity by telling you he didn’t try.

The common denominator in all of this is your father. So blame him.

Yeah. She did say I shouldn't blame my mother because my mom is a really sweet person but that I should cut my dad out of my life. Said "she was just hurt". So you are probably right there.

Between my mother and her though at least some of my fears are resolved.

Within the first week, she brings 3 different men into the house to stay over night. By the 7th day, on a Thursday night, she brings over 6 of her drunk friends at 2 am. They "party" (slamming doors, talking ludly, and throwing up in the bathroom) until 5 am. Most everybody in the house was woken up. I noticed my cat was missing and when I checked the video doorbell and saw she had left the door open and my cat had walked right past her. In my lease agreement it states not to leave the door as to not let the cat out.

Am I legally allowed to serve her a 3 day notice to quit for breaking multiple rules (right to quiet enjoyment, not locking the door, not leaving the door open to not let the cat out, not wearing shoes in the house) within the first week?

To add, I will refund her her prorated rent, however can I keep her 500 desposit until the cat comes home for vet bills? The last time he ran away it required a $1000 visit to the vet. If he doesn't can I keep the 500 as I've had my cat since he was a kitten and have spent well over 500 on him.

For reference I live in CA.
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Do all of this officially as soon as possible. File the eviction notice however you must. If that requires filing something with the city/county, do that as soon as possible
also if the cat returns, keep your cat in your room and lock the door until youve got rid of that person. she will look for some low level revenge i bet. like leaving the door open again or even grabbing the cat. trashy people do stuff like this. theyre subhuman and their whole orientation to life/lifestyle is wrong
why is your cat living in your tenants flat/house?
he's leasing rooms out of a house/duplex/complex
Fuck that bitch. Kick her to the curb.

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I've just been told I won't be able to go online and browse the internet at work anymore. I never went here or on other iffy places, but the big bosses still don't want me doing it even it the other people I work with can vouch I do my job just fine.

I've got to be ready for eight hours of total enslavement now, without any means to vent. I don't understand how people do it. I see my mom or other people who work very 9 to 5 jobs and I don't get how they can just sit in front of a computer or assembly line for eight entire hours and numbs their brains like that and be satisfied with just a few crumbs of vacations and activities. It's the kind of stuff that makes you a machine.

I want to make it clear I'm not antiwork. I like to work when I feel I'm doing something worthwhile and I feel useful. But this isn't. This is a summer job, but even then I think I might quit if I can get this other job that starts in june. It's the same kind of stuff but at least it's better paid. How do I cope?
listen to music and podcasts?
Why lie? It's a sin.
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I'll let you in a secret; it's not about you. Your middle-mangler just saw a post online about how workers are just slacking off all day and decided this one policy will fix everything.
>inb4 picrel
Yes, yes it is.

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I caught feelings for a female with a long term relationship.

We are university students with a touchy-feely type of friendship where we smirk when we make eye contact. We have good chemistry and can constantly banter over something nonstop.

I feel like a fool for having dreams with her in them. I've had a dozen females hit on me in university yet I fall for someone I can't have.

Do I tell her my feelings or just ask her to introduce me to one of her friends?
common. be around more people.
I don't want other people though.
Tell her your feelings and ruin your friendship with her or bottle it up and accept it's not going to happen either way. You'll get over it and forget her with time. You know it's true.
>You know it's true.
Women make me irrational. I want to tell her because that's what my monkey impulses tell me to do.

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I wish if i was strong enough to stop myself from talking to others in internet and wasting my time, whether it be on twitter, reddit, multiple forums, or even here

I've just became 21 years old, and I've taken a look at myself, no job, no friends, and i rarely talk to my family members

and i lack motivation to do basic things that every other person can do easily

i think I'm really close in leaving the internet communities, since I've realized that debating people in internet only wasted my time, and i only do it just for a quick dopamine drip

maybe reading a book or two and taking a walk in the outside world will give a new meaning to my dark life.
Same bro.

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>31 years old
>Applying for apprenticeship
The position is aimed at people just out of high school but they encourage people looking for a career change to apply too.
I've done a completely unrelated university degree as well as a handful of courses towards a degree in a related field. I don't know if putting that kind of thing on my resume is going to get me the trashman treatment or give me an advantage.

I'm thinking maybe it's better to leave it off my resume because my current work (shift supervisor at a fast food joint) should put me above any high school kid and putting anything else in there is a risk. But at the same time then I don't have anything else to put for what I've been doing the previous 10 years.

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What are some ways men can build confidence? It seems like women are many avenues to improve their self esteem such as going to a salon, wearing clothes that amp the self esteem and even farming instagram for photo likes. As a guy, I feel like I can't do much of any of that. All my clothes are mundane and I feel like I really don't look nice in anything. Speaking of clothes, what is like the male equivalent to "yoga pants" that women wear. It seems like any woman can put yoga pants on and their ass looks well above average. Same with like dresses or clothes that accentuate a woman curves. I feel like guys clothes can't really do that in a way that isn't cringe. Like what could I even wear?

I just want to be a man with good confidence and self esteem and it seems impossible. While women are easily getting bullet proof self esteems and confidence because they have access to social media photo like-farming.
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>What are some ways men can build confidence?
Disentangle you self worth from women for starters
>In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.
"Strong confidence" is an indicator of something. You know it is the fear of the Lord when there is strong confidence. Weak confidence and God is not really there.
Go to the gym to be fit, strong, and know you have the mental strength to persevere when tired and sore.
Go hiking and camping to be familiar with the world and learn to be self-reliant, independent, and resourceful.
Go hunting/fishing to develop patience and self control and know you can provide for yourself.
Take a martial art to learn determination, physical courage, and know you can defend yourself and others to some degree.
Specific to you: Talk to a professional and learn what you DO look good in so you stop being negative about your appearance
> While women are easily getting bullet proof self esteems
FFS, you don't know ANY women?!
If you want confidence you have to be able to believe yourself to be worthy of respect and as an equal to those around you, so that might mean
>looking after your appearance
>acting according to your morals
>having a decent job/prospects
>being pleasant company
To build confidence you need to accomplish things which make you feel proud of yourself. Women are retards with the depth of a void; they gain confidence merely by beautifying their appearance. It doesn't work like that for men.

What would make you really proud of yourself? Go strive for that.

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Is it weird that as a 32 year old virgin I still expect my first girlfriend to be in her mid 20s at least? I don't want a past her prime traumatized used up woman with baggage.
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man the glowies are really active pushing longhouse narratives on this board.
Not at all. I'm a mate selection realist. Unfortunately feelings get hurt when men and women are coldly honest about what we prefer.
Then you are not gonna make it.
Expectations are fine but what are you doing to get these 20s girls anon? 30 and 20 pairings are not uncommon and being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of but they ain’t gonna drop in your lap.
I've known guys in their 30s that get young virgins but they were all normalfags that lost their virginity at 14.

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