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I think the Man vs Bear thing broke me. I honestly don't want to dislike women as a whole but I just don't know anymore. I miss when I loved women. When I understood less about them. I'm not sure anymore, I think after years of it, I just want to be happy and modern women don't seem to be part of that equation.

How do I stop this feeling? How do I regain faith in women?
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Nature tells us we should procreate however our lives are at risk if we do.
>Men remain with their pubescent brain for all their lives
The ones you lure to your rancid pussy on discord are absolutely that way.
Now realize how civilization could had been built and maintained by those genetic discards.
No way.
Imagine a civilization if men hadn't torn to shit almost as much as was built
so why don’t women procreate with short, disabled, weak, and meek men, who will tend to be less of a threat. Instead they are more interested in procreating with tall, muscular, and dominant men who aggressively pursue them, who are more of a threat.
Thanks man, I'm a mechanic these days but at least those English classes come in handy here and there.

Nice lucky 7 dubs, you're going to have a good day.

I don't know how to respond to that but thank you?
Also sick trips.

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I've just been told I won't be able to go online and browse the internet at work anymore. I never went here or on other iffy places, but the big bosses still don't want me doing it even it the other people I work with can vouch I do my job just fine.

I've got to be ready for eight hours of total enslavement now, without any means to vent. I don't understand how people do it. I see my mom or other people who work very 9 to 5 jobs and I don't get how they can just sit in front of a computer or assembly line for eight entire hours and numbs their brains like that and be satisfied with just a few crumbs of vacations and activities. It's the kind of stuff that makes you a machine.

I want to make it clear I'm not antiwork. I like to work when I feel I'm doing something worthwhile and I feel useful. But this isn't. This is a summer job, but even then I think I might quit if I can get this other job that starts in june. It's the same kind of stuff but at least it's better paid. How do I cope?
listen to music and podcasts?
Why lie? It's a sin.
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I'll let you in a secret; it's not about you. Your middle-mangler just saw a post online about how workers are just slacking off all day and decided this one policy will fix everything.
>inb4 picrel
Yes, yes it is.
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For me, I just realized I'd rather my stressors be other shit than being broke, hungry, and having utilities disconnected. It's a shit existence.
They don't even see us as human beings, OP. We are just resources to them, that's why they call it that.

It's monstrous, honestly. And they're all like this. Why?

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)
"The Pussy": https://z-lib.is/book/the-pussy-

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No way blud
>/htgwg/ How to Get Women
INCEL REVOLUTION BABY. You either revolt against the matriarchy or continue rotting with all the rigmarole physical & mental gymnastics that you're adviced to undergo. Lolol
You wrote all of that to make an excuse for yourself to not get fit and to not socialize? lol

>women like physically attractive men
>physically attractive men are fit, charming and confident
Idk what’s so hard for retards like you to understand this. Most men can acquire a level of physical attraction, social skills and confidence to attract a woman. This whole “uR eiThEr a cHaD oR Ur nOt” is mental illness. There is an in between where most guys are.

Also, a good start for you would be to stop identifying yourself with a particular group of people. You are an individual and can decide your own fate rather than restrict yourself to this made up incel identity that you have for yourself.
>You wrote all of that to make an excuse for yourself to not get fit and to not socialize? lol
I clearly mentioned about 'healthy fit' and I never talked anything about socializing. Y do u adopt such petty strawmanning?
>women like physically attractive men
yes. I wish you good luck to changing your height sir and hope that you don't end up crippled at the 40.
> stop identifying yourself with a particular group of people
found the glowie jew. Scared that you can't you keep men divided?
Here's the basic demands for the incel cause:
1.total monogamy and a gurantee of genetic survival for all
2.Eradication of infidelity & polygamy
holy cringe.

>Took all your advice, got a haircu fitting my face and head, grew a beard that I take care of
>Started working out and going out
>Have my own hobbies, like fishing, light sports, cars
>Went to a shrink and therapist
>Still no gf

Still, women online lose interest/find better options after talking to me, even if we go out together, it leads nowhere after one date.
Even if we get to cuddling while watching netflix, I still can't get sex, even if I openly say I want it, etc.
Literally NO HOPE FOR ME, women probably smell my autism, it's repulsive to them, it dries them up completely.
I bet the next advice would be

>Work on your personality
Because normies will NEVER admit it's over for men like me. So here's my advice, fellow incels: DON'T TRY.
If you have to try, it's over.
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>zoomers lmao
Which part of >31M didn't you get? Also what other option really do I have... To try and talk to a girl IRL is impossible.
First, because they don't go out, Everywhere I go, I only see couples, families with kids, old people and lonely men on their own.
They also don't go out to meet men like me, they go out to meet with their groups of friends and do stuff with them. At least where I live.
If I would be approaching women asking them if they want to be my gf, I would get obliterated, make everyone feel cringy and achieve nothing.

Women ONLY find boyfriends online nowadays. If you can't succeed there, you can't do it anywhere, 2/3 of 18-29 single men is telling.
IF, IIIIIIF! a woman would be giving me major signals while I was doing WHATEVER, then yes, sure, it may work. But I never go that.
Also, to add to that, I will say that women give me no SOIs, on the contrary. They look away when I try to make eye contact with them IRL,
they go around me, if I say HI to them, they speed up, etc.
>women online lose interest/find better options after talking to me
Im backtracking, you claim to have done well until reaching this point and it may be good to look into this.
WDYM? Okay I can look int othis: My autism and looks are enough to be of low value. EOT.

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Why do some women get mad when you wanna hookup? This fat white girl just started insulting me. "You can't talk to a woman this way" kind of bullshit. So i hit on a skinny short latina and she came to my place.
Flee from fornication. The book said "flee" so if you are in the same vicinity, you position yourself AWAY from the situation. When it is a yes, you say "Yes to running!" and get going no questions asked. ASKING is crazy.

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Git gud nigger

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I feel like I’ve been jerking off a little too much lately. My girlfriend is a bit of prude so we’ve been very slow on sexual activity but I’ve been watching porn to make up for that but I feel filthy and gross, like I just ate Taco Bell or something. What’s a good way to cut back without relapsing so much?

I’m 20 years old, so I’m pretty horny all the time, but it doesn’t seem right.

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How do you recover from getting ghosted by a friend who wanted something more for years but then, for some reason, got the ick and decided the best course of action was to ghost instead of talking?
I don't know what narrative that can explain it and it confuses me, destroys my confidence and gives me regrets beyond belief, what do I do? Does she know what she is doing?
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What do you mean by self selection?
But I caused it. I gave her the ick and I know exactly why and at what moment. I saw her demeanor change in real time, but at the time I thought "eh it's just a friend, but this is a weird reaction". I connected the dots afterwards and it gave me guilts beyond belief. After that, she became a ghost, and I got no chance to explain myself. Eventually, her ghosting angered me and she evidently moved on. Shit situation, shit outcome, but I haven't been able to forgive myself for ruining a friendship like that and I have no explanation aside from "you fucked up"
Is she long sighted? Is she manipulative? Is she a literal whore? What kind of behavior explains this situation?
I have absolutely no explanation aside from "she has self respect and you disgusted her", which only makes me want to apologize
But I literally didn't even do anything, I just didn't know, and the more time that passes, the more she seems like she would've been my soul mate, even though for 4 years I didn't even once think of her that way and if I had tried I would've likely found multiple deal breakers anyway
She wasn't my type, but after getting guilt, I now can't stop thinking about her
Help guys?
>>31273626 Maybe too long
The problem is I caused it and I know exactly why, and when, and I tell myself that I understand her. I could see this coming from a mile away and I tried fixing it but couldn't. She wasn't receptive, which I understand. I gave her the ick, I know why and how, and she decided to move on

I simply don't know what to tell myself. It didn't have to be this way. It was a mistake, but I've been given no chance to explain. She simply moved on.
So is she a type of girl that was a bullet that I dodged? Is it possible the ick is this strong, that after 4 years, you go from crush to persona non grata, can't even get a word in? Is she a terrible person to do this and did I actually avoid a bullet? I'd like to think I did, but at the same time, I understand her completely
I failed through and through, but she didn't help much really so maybe I was trying in vain

Can someone give me insight guys? This is killing me. It's been months and everything reminds me of this.
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Why can't I get over her guys.... What happened happened. She was ready to forget about me so fast which confuses me but maybe there is a reason. Maybe she was desperate for love (which kills me even more because I would've loved to try)
I just don't understand how it could go from this to that so fast..... Did I avoid a bullet by not dating such a person? We didn't even start and she fucked me up royally...

Why isn't male sexual abuse taken as seriously?
not enough equality
Because of our culture that defines male sexual exploits as a symbol of power and strength.

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am i a good candidate for ftm transition?
>naturally larger adam's apple
>long midface
>big jaw
>androgynous face
>big hips
>B cups
>big foid ass
>curly hair
>fuller lips
>20 (didn't transitioned in teen years which automatically sucks)
What do you think, anons? Is it over?
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>What exactly is so bad about being female?
From (my) perspective, everything.
>dont kill yourself, also starvemaxxing or anything like that is just shit. good luck if you do decide to transition
I will try, thanks anon
>Nothing wrong with being a tomboy
Tomboy = women
I don't want that.
>just love urself for who you are, how you are :)
Tried, didn't work. What now?
So, it's better if I just kill myself right now huh?
>Your problem is not your body.

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sounds retarded
checks out I guess
besides narcissism, anxiety, misogyny, fetishism, dysmorphia, and low self-esteem, what even is your endgame as a ftm? because just looking like a guy doesn't solve any of that or get you anywhere else
>I already need to shave. XX can be as hairy as XY
fucking kekkkkkkk this bitch trying to school me on biology meanwhile she wants to butcher herself permanently godamn go ahead you fucking tard, become a "man", one look from me and you'll melt into the corner shivering. I swear troon tards deserve what happens to them, they can't be saved, TOO FUCKING STUPID.
You and anyone else engaging in and thinking about this madness should stop right now. Wake up and stop spreading delusion, it is more destructive than you think.
You're a woman

Why would you do this?
Seriously, what reason?

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>24 years old
>did all the self improvement crap for the last 7 years
>got fit
>got a career
>got money, savings and investments
>got a sports car
>literally wish i was dead
>not a virgin but never had a girlfriend
There were moments in the last 7 years i was homeless, spent christmas and birthdays alone, no friends, no money and no one to go to but i still had hope in these moments for a better future for myself. that better future came and honestly that little amount of hope just left my body. I just don't have positive view towards anything and the worst part is im so young i have so much further to go. It sounds good but it'll just be a slow grind down to death in my view. Obviously being 5'7 is brutal in the dating market but ive gone on dates, been with women and had success with really good looking girls but idk i guess its just how transactional everything is its hard for me to really even want a relationship aside from the fact its just never happened.
>OK now that my body count is higher than your age and you have X Y and Z im ready for you
like its not a real connection and there isn't anything special about it. its just im a meal ticket for her and if she can find a better one she'll go for it. That's not real love or anything and i just dont even want to go on living this pointless life. A lot of the time im just thankful one day ill be dead so this will all be over and yes i know it can be so much worse it doesn't really change my view but just reinforces it. What keeps you anons going? posting a pic of myself because i kinda just don't care and for some reason you guys insulting me for my looks makes me feel better
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It sounds like they're only attracted to you because of the stuff you worked on improving, such as body and money, and that makes you feel like it's not a real connection.
Imagine feeding this roidtranny
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V50pBRDLVUo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0A6Rw7KnvA
I'm 5'7, autistic NEET. Married with 2 kids
Getting women is all about being interesting. Women are not primarily motivated by looks or status but how you make them feel.

I got pussy since I was 13 and I've never been employed, always been a redheaded midget.

Women want a man who cares about them is soft and sweet while also not being a simp. They want a man who is crazy about them and possessive but not cruel or mean. Most of you confuse this and are either clingy simps or try and be an arsehole. Neither of these is attractive.

They can spot inauthentic personality a mile away. If your not alpha don't try and be that. If you like Vidya be honest, if you're introverted be that. Women can fall for you no matter what type of guy you are if you are actually being yourself.

If you are a weird friendless shutin be that, unapologetically and make her feel truly loved and desires but be comfortable being alone, don't be desperate.

You look better than me, are employed and have a good career. So it's not that you are short or a friendless weirdo because I am and I've had over 25 GFs and two wives while being 5'7 and a NEET.

Be yourself and don't need a woman. Then women will be open to you. Don't fall for the redpill shit and don't fall for the feminist shit, just be authentic. Have real interests and opinions.

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What keeps me optimistic about your situation is that I skim through all that and it's just a good reaction. You are so close. You just gotta leave it up to God. Only be proud of you and your associates' achievements superficially because pride goes before destruction. The fact that answers don't have to come now is something to be celebrated. It's so good that you are really not skipping any steps in the process. You are the one keeping me going so I'm not sure what to say. I guess you can reciprocate. Giving love means giving your problems, too so let it go to us genuinely and God will be clutch.

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Getting anxiety recently I feel like no one respects me around me except a few people. There is this one guy who constantly nags me online and makes fun of me or tries to bring me down he is extremly manipulative and talks shit behind everyones back then he plays nice with them basically he turns people against each other. So yeah i feel anxious and its hard to be alone as well, like people suck the energy out of me as well.

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I have a crush on my gfs older Chinese aunt.

She's married to another Asian man, and he's absent from most of her days as they sorta of live separately. They have no kids.

Anyway, I met her for the first time last weekend on Mother's day when we were dropping off a gift for her. She looked directly to me and asked if we wanted to have a visit inside. Her husband wasn't home.

That evening, she texted my gf telling her to tell me thank you for the visit. Maybe she feels it too.

How do I approach this without ruining everyone's lives? I think about her every day, and have been losing hours of sleep from this the past 3 days alone. Do older, mature Chinese women like to be romantically charmed? What are some plausible deniability type of excuses for me to see her again. I only have her address, no number.
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>How do I approach this without ruining everyone's lives?
By not approaching it at all for a start. You may as well have asked
>How do I approach this landmine without blowing my legs off?
By not approaching it to begin with ffs
good analogy
it's a shame you, my moral advisors, are recommending this course of inaction. I know her and I could have so much fun together. And I thought it would've given her horny shivers every time she thought about going forward, especially cus she probably wont be around in 20-30 years.
You're not a main character and your life isn't an episode of School Days.

Realistically the only way this might work would be if the aunt knew for a fact you wanted to fuck her. Then, maybe if she has a bad fight with her husband, she might consider a hookup.
Motherfucker you already have a GF, save some pussy for us

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I have developed a fetish for women with dicks. Not trans women, mind you, this is purely fantasy of natal women with penises in addition to vaginas. But now I can hardly get off to anything else. This is a dead end for anything I could do IRL.
So how do I dispose of this? Will detoxing from porn achieve this? I don't know, the fantasy of having a gf with a dick seems too great to ever be matched by actual sexuality...
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Honestly I think I've just got to quit all porn and masturbation at this point
What gooning does to a mf

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>be bipolar 1
>in and out of psych units for 5 years (6 times total)
>depressed 24/7
>dont take jew pills
>take pills

im so tired of this, why cant i just have a normal brain ffs.
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No one in my family has it and have never tried lithium but im going to bring it up next appointment with my dr.
Ask him to start you on a low dose. Your doctor might claim that it is subtherapeutic but insist on it. Are you currently manic or just depressed how often do you have manic episodes what medication have they tried with you?
Currently depressed i have manic episodes like once a year. Been having once a year for the past 5 -6 years. Ive been on Depekote, Risperedal, Vraylar each in different times and only once at a time. Now im taking risperdal
lithium is pure magic for bipolar type 1.
I would advise against antipsychotics for bipolar maintenance if possible, too many side effects especially long term you might know. Do you get manic if you don't take meds? Really look into Cutler chelation this could potentially help you.

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