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What do you do when the fairest solution is incomprehensible to normal people?

Long story short:
> have party
> have budget for said party
> we went over budget
> over budget costs is shared over three people
> three other people willing to lend a hand in the over budget costs
> I made a calculation which will make everyone involved have the exact same amount of costs.
> This would mean the three people will have to chip-in about 2 dollars worth
> People will not understand as to why they have to chip in that low.
> I can explain it but I'm afraid the explanation will get lost on them because they are not really math-heads such as me.
> panic ensues

I am the guy who is in charge of costs and such btw
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They're eager to lend a hand. I can also ask them to put in 5 dollars each but, like I said, that would technically not be fair. Because then the costs are moved to the other three people.

Ironically your reply is the response I'm afraid off because they would not comprehend the reasoning.
you say "don't worry about it, you can cover it next time" and let them forget about it
Why not be honest? You can say something like "Hey guys I did the math and it'll be about $2 per person."
From there you can either let the goup decide or if you already have everybodies Venmo/cashapp/etc you just request the money and make a little joke about it.
You can also do what other anons have said and just eat the cost if you can afford it.
6 dollars? Did you guys buy an extra root beer?
I'm also missing the part that is incomprehensible. If you want your money, explain your math and let people pay.
This post is fucking incomprehensible.

OP, I am diagnosing you with autism.

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>gf’s twin sister’s bf randomly hits me up
>she cold dumped him today
>they were dating the same length of time me and my gf were dating
>thought they were doing just fine
>now I’m instilled with the fear of God
What do?
I can’t go through it again.
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I think shit's already compromised, as she probably saw her sister having more "fun" now that she's single.
I don't believe logic will convince her, at least not in the long run, as you already said she is acting on some surface level issue, trying to post rationalize her feelings.

For tonight, chin up, set boundaries, don't back down, don't be aggressive but also don't let her walk over you. She'll probably ramp up her demands, so be ready to walk away knowing you tried your best without being a bitch to her irrationality.
No to your first point.
Her sister broke up with her bf literally yesterday afternoon. my girl was trying to do so to me last night/tonight.
They're twins. Inseparably so, I've come to learn. They started dating the same day and now tried breaking up the same day. I knew to expect some twinsy-shit, but this is ridiculous.
IDK how much of a factor's its been., but my suspicions are only rising.
Twinsy shit... buddy just fuck her sister. Or since you and she knows the relationship is over, get the trin triple play... they'll probably go for it
Hey it's me again >>31309673
You sound spineless and scared. You are in a situation where you describe psychopaths mirroring eachother's good/bad decisions. Ask yourself, are you ready to tremble like a leaf for the rest of your life? If yes, rationalize that while you look at yourself in the mirror.

I got no other suggestions but from the info you gave us, you sound like a puss and like the one that's under some form of desperate manipulation. Could be different in real life though.

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>the girl might regret it later in the future
>guys want girls with a low body count including myself so fucking bitches is hypocritical?
>imagine you had a daughter, would you want her getting fucked by some random guy?
at the same time, I have a strong urge to just hook up with a girl off tinder or something. I've been stopping myself so far for religious reasons but I've slowly been losing faith.
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>sex without worry
>sex with worry of unwanted pregnancy, overattachment to someone you don't love, ruining a person's mind, STDs, and rape accusation, while also putting a plastic bag on your dick

Honestly if you're that fucked up rub it out and confess but believe me the few minutes of "pleasure" fades quick and you will forever attempt to retain it.

Even outside of a religious preview, all these sex havers aren't happy but keep rotating and run the dopamine high until they die. Stay strong lad. I will pray for you.
i would honor kill my daughter if she turned out to be a filthy whore. she will marry the man i choose for her and go to her marraige bed a virgin having never so much as held hands with another man or spoken to one without a male relative present. once she belongs to him she is his to discipline as he sees fit.
You'll catch an STI for sure with your "luck". Hold fast to the course, you were right to come this far
You need help
Just wear a condom kek, are you stupid?
Spoken like a crabs infested whore.

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How do you get over resentment of women? I very deeply resent women for having this power over me that I can't do anything about. I can't get over the fact that women only love men on the condition that they are handsome, wealthy, funny etc when I'm none of those things. Logically, I know it couldn't be any other way but it still makes me want to kill women. I know some men see this and "self-improve" to get female love but that would wound my ego enormously and even if it worked I feel like I'd never forget how shallow this "love" is and go on hating women forever. I already had this one girl love me who I didn't love back and that didn't make me hate women any less.

I particularly resent this one girl who led me on and then dumped me when I was no longer useful to her as a friend. Sometimes I think about how I'd kill her to get my revenge. At the same time I'm aware that she didn't ever truly lead me on and I feel guilty for being so irrationally angry at her.

You know, I'm not even a true misogynist in the sense that I fully disrespect/hate women. In a way, I actually love and respect women too much, which is why I take their fundamental rejection so badly that I want to kill them/myself. I wish I could just disregard females, but I can't! If I could the resentment I feel towards them would evaporate, I'm sure of it.
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My parents did argue a lot and almost got divorced when I was like 8 and for a time my mom was kicked out of the house I think because she was drinking and cheating although I didn't really know that at the time. I remember that time was very scary and lonely for me but we kinda just moved on without talking about it and sometimes I wonder if this left any scars because it's the closest thing to """trauma""" in my life and yet I never think about it so I don't know. I think that was when I started to hate my mom and to this day a part of me really hates her even tho she's very kind to me and never mean. What triggers me is the way she's always been emotionally absent and doesn't really care about anything I say. She loves buying me stuff but she'll never listen to me when I speak and it just makes me want to strangle her sometimes. To be fair it's kind of mutual and when she gets drunk and tells me about being raped I'm just like ok...sorry to hear that... My dad's a lot better at listening so I like him. Both of them kind of spoil me tho, when it comes to giving me stuff and expecting nothing from me. Pretty sure that wasn't good for my development. I think they decided it's much easier to spoil me and not worry about me than to discipline and guide me on the right path. Hate to blame my parents for my problems as an adult but yeah.
So you resent women for having conditions/requirements to date them but you... have conditions and requirements you want before you'll date a girl.

Usually I sympathize with blackpill types but you're just a pathetic asshole.
I'm just honest. Most incels are total liars. Never believe them when they say they'd settle for "any" girl. If you believe that you're retarded.

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Like if you go to the gym she will also start going to the gym or if you read history books she will also start getting into history or if you like tennis she will also start playing tennis with you or if you are politically conservative she will also become a conservative etc.
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Were they actually a couple?
I'm a guy and I relate to everything you said here. I have all these interests that I kinda hide because I'm ashamed, or rather I'm scared people will judge me or laugh at me.
My gf knows I like video games, particularly JRPG's, but I prefer to play them on my switch or playstation portal instead of the living room tv because I don't want her to see the anime characters or hear the music or voice acting. In case she thinks it's too weird, or sexualized, or cringe. Same with my love for Japanese music.

I'd love to be totally open about my likes and interests but I've always been this petrified of being judged, now even by the person I'll spend the rest of my life with.
While women definitely tend to mirror their loved ones more, relationships are also about sharing things you like and opening each other's minds to new ideas (while also deciding what you don't like). My mom got my dad into reading and he got her into cooking, but there are also things they each do that the other has no interest in.

Also, part of it probably has to do with the way we are generally ok with women acting in a masculine manner but not ok with a man acting in a feminine manner. I.e. if a girl is into cars or sports, she's cool, but if a dude is into knitting, he's a faggot.
The guys that get the hottest women are 0 personality chads though
While I did overexplain, yea, never did I say people lose their identity and we're comparable to worker ants. I simply just stated that, yes, women infact tend to take after their partners and provided a reason. There are many studies that delve into this subject and if you have a close-knit friend group, than if 6/7 people start a habit, the 7th person will eventually follow out of passive social pressure. In my experience women tend to be very easily "convinced" to follow and do things they don't really enjoy, purely because of external pressures.

Lol where tf do you live?
I mean, could be, since I don't know what you mean, but don't you simply mean they are shallow/stupid? People can still have notable personalities with such traits. Chads that get the hottest girls usually did something, most of the time its just confidence/charisma game and also being the right man in the right place. Spergs don't get the hottest women bevause they don't fuck around in places where the hottest women are.

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how many men between 18 to 30 are blackpilled on the mating question? This is not to be confused with being doomerpilled per say, but rather it refers to the adoption of a mindset that acknowledges the fact that shit is screwed if the current paradigm doesn't change i.e. acknowledging runaway hypergamy, more female adoption of using sperm donors having superior genetics, chad harems, men being a slave to the female's will & silently partaking in the gynocracy knowing very well that it ain't sustainable on a societal/collective level longterm(atleast for men as a collective). I could've added many more points such as anti-male law enforcement & the judiciary, but I think you get the gist.
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religion's just an example. there's other copes out there, politics is another big one.
You are not familiar with the chan parlance?
Chad is a hypothetical "attractive man", or "high value man" which women are attracted to.
He has many of the characteristics which women tend to gravitate towards. Including but not limited to:
Tall, good looking, ambitious, highly educated, well socialised and outgoing and with a decent income from some status worthy profession.
The problem women have is, Chad is a very small proportion of the male population. Typically 5% or less and so has the pick of the female population.
Chad isn't real, he is shorthand for "men that women tend to find desirable" physically, emotionally, financially.
The results have been replicated elsewhere. The OKCupid data is just in the most convenient format.
Women rate most men as physically repulsive, and nearly 80% as ugly. Only the top ~20% are even considered to be about average.
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Lenin lead a revolution and he didn't look like a chad
>high quality women,
Do you believe women get to define what a "high quality" is anon?
You would be wrong.
Each sex has to answer to the demands of the opposite sex.
Men, define what a "high quality woman" is anon, and our desires differ from women's.

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Why the fuck do people keep begging me for money when I'm out in public? These aren't bums either. Do they really think I will give them money?
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>cause he was black
lmao why am I not surprised?
They are parasites that prey on weak minded people.
Don't make eye contact and put a poker face.
You want me to dress up as Lady GAGA?
Your grandma is wise

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In late January, I injured my wrist by falling on my outstretched hands. I have broken my wrist in the past and so, while it hurt quite a bit at the time, I did not think it was broken. The pain had been slowly improving (though still less than 100%) over the last 4 months. I know I should have gotten it looked at, but it was starting to get better, though I was remaining active in contact sports during this time, even playing golf with almost no pain.

On Saturday, I reinjured my wrist playing sports and finally went to the doctor today to get it looked at. The doctor seemed to think I have a scaphoid fracture and sent me to get an x-ray. I got the x-ray, but won't get the results for a couple days and am wearing a splint for now.

I've been doing some reading about situations similar to mine and saw that a multiple people had their fractures missed at first and went several weeks to months without getting the fracture properly diagnosed, causing more complications as a result. If the x-ray comes up negative, should I still insist on a cast while trying to get a second opinion? Is that even an option? If there is a fracture, is surgery virtually guaranteed?

I know that you really need to have x-rays to be able to give proper advice, but any advice or help you could provide will be helpful.
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How’s it feeling today anon?
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No but vitamins D3, K2, Borax (boron), and magnesium should help.
Boron is essential for bones, joints, teeth
Damn, that sounds like surgery is basically a guarantee if it is broken. Hopefully it’s not though

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How do I stop being a paranoid misanthope and build a respectable life in my 30s?
>self isolate from family I live with, barely talk to siblings and get into arguments with parents
>go on benders and ignore calls and texts from friends, no social standing
>haven't kept a job for more than a few months, can't communicate with coworkers when I had one
I started going to therapy again, but I don't have insurance and can't pay out of pocket for too long
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Wow you sound like me except I'm 24.
You need to overcome substance abuse and then try to reconnect with those friends. As painful as it sounds being honest with others is the only way it's going to work.
That was my life too bro. I can tell you how to stop, but it’s one of those things where when I tell you the answer it won’t feel helpful or solve shit. Not right away. It takes time and dwelling on it.

So here it is:
The reason why you are paranoid/hypervigilant and misanthropic is because of what you live around and were brought up around. That’s it.

>barely talk to siblings and get into arguments with parents

This is how you became as you are. And so when you try to hold down jobs, or keep friendships, you feel uneasy. Know why? Because the back of your head EXPECTS an argument, a fight, a problem, an escalating drama shit show. You might not be thinking this with the front of your mind, but the back of your mind does.

Why? Because it’s been slow-cooked in that environment for years and years and years with arguments among family. That’s where your mind learned it, and now it expects it everywhere else in life.
get ifs therapy and practice unified mindfulness
How can one try to reset this? I'm getting tired of being a product of my environment and like a woman for letting past shit from my upbringing influence me this negatively. You're 100% correct. I hate dealing with ppl because I'm always gearing up to verbally shred someone or possibly even a physical altercation due to my dumbass father not being able to regulate his emotions when he was pissed, he wouldn't get physical but he would piss me off enough that now I see ANYONE getting on my nerves as someone I need to make shut the fuck up.
By acknowledging that’s where it comes from brother. That’s all it takes. The simple act of knowing your own patterns and reactions is all it takes once you give it time and dwell on it, catching yourself each time and reminding yourself that it ain’t you, not anymore. It’s choosing a better way to live. Which will feel weird and forced or unusual as fuck at first, but its only weird and unusual cuz its not the familiar way of living. Which is normal cuz the familiar way was a chaotic shit way that drained you. So out with old, in with new.

My face is covered in acne scars, I have very oily skin specially around the nose and cheeks. I suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and that makes my face become itchy and red. I also have chronic sinusitis and that makes me have huge dark circles under my eyes. On top of that I'm fat and bald.

I've lost many jobs because my coworkers literally can't stand watching me, they feel disgusted by me and I honestly don't blame them.

What are some jobs that I can do where I don't have to deal with customers or coworkers?
See a dermatologist and lose some weight. Can't help you with being bald. Either embrace it or wear a wig.
This right here. Go to a dermatologist. They can fix a lot of that stuff. They might even be able to help you with the baldness. But that’s more tricky. There are also supplements like Nutrafol you can take for that. I know a few people who have had success with that.
Like everyone has said, dermatologist. If you get fit, being bald won't matter. Just shave off what you have left though. Completely bald is more aesthetic and not sad compared to a man holding onto what's left

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How do you cope with the fact that once you are done with working on yourself and are in a position where you can attract a girlfriend, all the girls have had their party slut phase and fucked tons of guys and had sex a thousand times doing all kinds of fucked up shit?
It's like why did you improve yourself to be a decent guy only to end up with some ex whore who didn't do anything but fuck.
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based b8
Then don't be with an ex whore. Instead be with girls who are in their whore phase still. Why are you so eager to settle and have kids. Enjoy your self improvement. Fuck whores. You are a man. You don't have fertility limits like women.
There is an age limit to when you can reasonably find nice, virginal women of age 18-20 who are suitable for LTRs and marriage
The only girls that old that will fuck around with men twice their age are broken daddy issues sluts who began their whore phase in middle school

Posters like you have probably never had a fulfilling relationship with a nice woman, if you've even had sex at all.
Uh sweatie she can sense your incel thoughts from your smile. Try being better.
That poor little girl, imagine growing up with such a degenerate mom. Honestly pornstars should just be banned from getting married.

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How do you actually make friends? What is it you're meant to do? Like from observing other people it seems like you gotta:

Be confident
Comfortable in yourself
Endearing etc.

While also some how finding situations where you interact with other people that aren't just transitory and perfunctory interactions. How do you do that and become someone like this? I never had the opportunity or formative experiences in my teens and early 20s whereas people learn this stuff.
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>he didn't swing the bat
FLCL told you what to do and you didn't listen. A coming of age anime about giant anime and out of your league girls and dipshit friends wasn't direct enough?
Giant robots but you get what I mean. You didn't even strike out swinging, you went down without even trying.
Since you are past the school phase:

Hobby groups
Visiting relatives
Discord servers (your last resort)

I don't find making friends hard as much finding good friends and actual smart and wise people who don't get affected by the smallest things.
>don't find making friends hard as much finding good friends and actual smart and wise people who don't get affected by the smallest things.

Good friends are true blessings, man

>be me
>absolute autist but
>tall, handsome
>haven’t been laid in 5 years
>meet girl and we fug for a month, she tells me she loves me
>circumstances force us apart
>one month after meeting her, I move 200 miles south, she moves 400 miles northwest
>texts die out over a few months
>one year “anniversary” she texts me
>we talk a little
>that was two months ago
>she texts me today
>”How are you”

Wtf do I say to just be cool. I’m not doing good plus I just ate an entire like 3,000 calories and I’m fuggin depressed. I just wanna keep her “on the hook” a little longer if possible
Say that you're bulking.

How do I get drunk for very very cheap? I have been buying stuff on offer in wine shops but it is still expensive. Online?
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Probably not the absolute cheapest possible way but I just buy a bottle of american vodka at costco, 1.75L for like 12 bucks.

When I couldn't go to costco, I'd just get a handle of beefeater or gordon's and some cheap soda as a mixer

I don't drink much anymore though
do you have access to weed? it will make you feel way more fucked up when you combine it with alc
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I've done the studies and the absolute cheapest way by far are are these strong beers sold in 1l plastic bottles, you can get solidly drunk just off 2 of these, they are 4 times as cost effective as a bottle of cheap vodka and it's more fun to drink them too since you can sip throughout the evening.

They have by far the most optimal amount of alcohol for the lowest price.

What I usually do is chug my first bottle and then slowly go through second and third.
They don't taste too bad either, especially if you cool them for a bit and pour it into glass instead of drinking out of plastic.
There's a reason why it's bums favorite

I dont know which brand is available where you live, I think in USA equivalent would be Steel reserve but I'm sure you can find it in your local large supermarket on the bottom shelf

Buying alcohol in wine shop is a scam, the supermarket is the place to go to since it has the most choice and they're the cheapest because stores get cheaper deals thanks to buying in bulk and on contract, the people working there give way less of a fuck as well
online doesn't work well and the payment for delivery will raise prices even higher
You have lidl and tesco in UK so you should go there

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95% alcohol everclear
put 2 ounces in with a copious amount (at least 3x the amount of everclear) of your mixer of choice. it will taste awful, but it will get you drunk
you're literally me, whenever I run out or swear off weed I find myself buying alcohol and I'm confused why I'm even drinking

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How do you handle despair?
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read faggot
just ignore it
I didn't survive 16 years of mind numbing physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse and criminal neglect to give up when the world is against me. Despair was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but in the throws of anguish I chose to harden under the pressure to come out of it unbreakable.

You will use this adversity to temper an unbreakable will of your own and become the very person you wish would save you from your current situation, become the change you need to see in the world. Great men aren't born, they're made.
>hides behind vagueness
>the trivial nature of his despair will never be revealed
>therefore free from criticism
k fag
k that's fair

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