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I watch schindler's list recently, and It made me incredibly horny for the nazis, and now i have an obsession with finding a german militant man, what the fuck is wrong with me
im trans btw
That's not answering my question
lmao perfect use of that meme
nice work transanon you're doing gods work

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previous >>31270569
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If I had to date the hoes itt, I would cheat
>The vast majority of people stick to one partner.
You're full of it dude it's like 20%
> with tears in his eyes.
I doubt that.
It says you're a chump if you think about marriage. It's source is probably in the redpill or mgtow communities.
That is why they do not date you.

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What do i do if I’m just too intelligent for humans?

Humans are all stupid animals and i am some sort of god. It is terribly lonely.
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>What do i do if I’m just too intelligent for humans?
Solve it yourself if you're so smart.
actual geniuses will make up a plan even if it is dogshit. no actual genius asks someone else what to do they just ask for help from npc support characters if they need it
Whats a god to a king?
Why don't you advise yourself if you're so smart?
Wouldn’t god have better things to do than complain on 4chan

When I am not with my girlfriend I am constantly thinking of how to get out of the relationship, because I am sure I could date better looking girls, but when I am with her, I actually remember I like her. Should I break up with her? Been together 1 year. We're both 25.
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That image is AI, no self respecting woman would ever go for a broccoli cut freak
>Should I break up with her?
Yes, because you obviously don't love her.
>You sound like a simp. What's wrong with him wanting to fuck hot girls lol
NTA but you sound like a "hurr durr muh dick" halfwit.
Do you get guilt about these thoughts about getting out of the relationship? Do you ever "test" your feelings to try to determine if you should stay with her or find a new chick?
>Do you get guilt about these thoughts about getting out of the relationship?
>Do you ever "test" your feelings to try to determine if you should stay with her or find a new chick?
maybe. how would I do that?

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>on line
>most annoying spammy one of the groupchat/server/guild/whatever...
what causes this?

a lot of incels / spergs ride the line between harmless and serial killer a little too close. It didn't hit me until today listening to a podcast about a woman getting raped and she described how the dude was overly nice or polite and it hit me like a ton of bricks that I do the same thing but just to be kind and I think a lot of "nice" guys do the same thing purely thinking its a kindness response not realizing its a weird serial killer/rapist kinda response - this is what can make a motherfucker creepy - holy shit

so whats the correct way to go from here? Ignore them at all cost except when I need to talk to them?
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Nah, It didn't resonate with me at all. I label posts that have the intent of making who's reading it as miserable as their authors as "demoralization posts" because that's what I got from that one. And your's is too much on the nose, like "be purposely rude with women because you're not...le Chad". It's so absurd and comical that you think like this that I got conflicted and thought that was just a really silly bait, but by your reply apparently you're serious. It's sad, but also funny.
Just don't kill anybody and you should be alright
>it hit me like a ton of bricks that I do the same thing but just to be kind and I think a lot of "nice" guys do the same thing purely thinking its a kindness response not realizing its a weird serial killer/rapist kinda response
That is your conjecture that you're telling yourself is a fact.
I've been taught my entire life to be wary of men. Especially if they've spontaneously taken an interest in me. I've been raped multiple times, and never by a stranger. (I'm not even an attractive woman. I was a poorly supervised and gullible child.) Our generation was raised by parents who were greatly influenced by the "stranger danger" phenomenon of the 70s and 80s--when the intense media focus on serial killings made people more aware of things like stranger abduction. However, it's statistically more common for people to be targeted by acquaintances or people even closer to them, and that's why there's less of a focus on "stranger danger" today.

All of this is to say that women truly have been taught to fear male strangers, even attractive ones. If I were you, I'd try to (1) only approach women who are strangers to you in a social context--like a club if you're in uni, or a bar/party, or something similar. It can also help to meet women through friends or online, because at least then she knows what she's walking into. It's much creepier to be approached on the train or in a grocery store than it is in a social setting. And (2) try to be aware of how your actions may be interpreted. You may be offering her a ride out of kindness, but she may see you as a man she met 2 hours ago wanting to get her alone in a car. You may be asking her personal questions to get to know her, but what she may hear is you trying to identify her as vulnerable (i.e. do you have roommates, do you have any pets, etc).

Above all else, just try to be empathetic. It's easy to get frustrated when your innocent efforts to connect are misunderstood, but there are a lot of bad people out there in general (not just guys) and it's reasonable for anybody to worry about their safety.
it's obviously an attempt to demoralize. what the post is saying is true but it is framing it as a doomer tfw no gf scenario. don't be retarded, everyone knows the delivery medium matters as much as the content. this truth could easily have been taught in a way that isn't intentionally provocative like this is. this is not the way someone who really cares about helping someone realize this and change would have framed the situation

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How do I ‘grow up’ and become a normal adult that just goes out and does stuff he enjoys? I sometimes want to do something but then don’t because it will feel weird being alone or just me being hesitant because of the questions I will get from my parents about me randomly leaving the house. I have plans to save money and move out and hopefully it will be easier to just do what I want without being ‘judged’.

I also am hesitant because I don’t like spending money. How do I get over these self imposed boundaries? And what are good / fun things to do? I feel this will also help in my dating life as talking about my life currently makes me look very boring (which tbf, I am)
>how do i 'grow up' and become a normal adult
>goes out and does stuff [you] enjoy?
pick one, anon.
being an adult means doing the stuff you hate doing and doing that on a regular basis over stuff you would rather be doing (ex. fun).
well, first of all i would start by figuring out what is possible. we are all limited, severely limited, by what is possible for us to "do"

sure you can get on a bus and go to los angeles and try to be an actor, but youll probably end up living in a shelter and doing craigslist jobs
>or just me being hesitant because of the questions I will get from my parents about me randomly leaving the house
if your over 18 you don't have to explain shit. just yell shut the fuck up Dad
Sure, I guess thats a different discussion though lol

Obviously, but I am not necessarily talking about doing fun stuff in the sense of work because my career is just fine the way it is. I am more talking about going out in the weekends, what could I do and how do I get over this anxiety

thats rude

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Does anything help?
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fix your sleep cycle and circadian clock
>Stop doing [thing that normal people do all the time without it causing them any problems]

Why is /adv/ like this?
Well, have an apple for fuck’s sake.
I felt the same, it sucks but eatting in the morning its super helpful as it turns out i have shit blood pressure. Also i have low iron, so try a week of iron supplements with food! Christ you will be sick other wise. Fyi If your a woman it will fuck w your period but it will be worth it.
I'll try iron, thankyou anon

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>sedentary lifestyle with lots of weed and bad food
>big moobs and wide hips
>peen doesn't work right
>estrogen was measured at 141 pg/ml when the male average is 10-50 pg/ml
>total testosterone on the other hand is 650 ng/dl (well within range)

Is this something that can only be fixed with medicine and supplements, or can simply changing my lifestyle fix these issues?
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>bro if i just obsess with this one idea it will surely solve all my problems
I wanna clarify I'm talking about Total Estrogen. Quest has it's range at <=400 pg/ml while LabCorps is 40-115 pg/ml. Is there a reason for that?

whole plant foods. beans, vegetables, fruit in very high amounts.

Are Total Estrogen tests useless for what I'm concerned with? I keep hearing that Sensitive Estradiol (E2) tests are far more valuable
>Tranny here.
you're a man, you will always be a man.
>estrogen was measured at 141 pg/ml when the male average is 10-50 pg/ml
you fucking tool, why did you measure your estrogen levels this is the most emasculate thing I can imagine. men don't give a fuck about pharma "levels".

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As a Bosnian, which sect of Christianity is the best to convert to? I'm an atheist btw
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Yeah I've always had a disconnect from the Arab culture as well. You guys became Muslims because of us but Turks were not originally Muslim either, they just adopted it for power/political reasons. Even Sufis are Arab-oriented if you've ever seen a tariqah, not exactly an option for us.
I guess take what works and discard what doesn't make sense, like Bruce Lee when he created his fighting style.
That is because they wrote your book.
Bogomilism, a native faith of Bosnia

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I have a decent paying ($27/hour) wagie job that I don't enjoy. I am in school right now so I am grateful to at least have a steady income but the job itself makes me very unhappy. Some of my coworkers and one of the managers are unpleasant and mean, lots of gossip and passive aggressiveness among the staff and some of the customers we get can be pretty awful too. I am not happy there, but despite applying to over 200 jobs over the past few months and getting only a few interviews which were all unsuccessful, I am giving up hope. I am planning to move across the country next year and am trying to save 50k by next May but I honestly don't know how I can do my job for another year. Does anyone have any advice other than stop being a little bitch?
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You're not being a bitch dont down on yourself. Toxic workplaces can make your hair fall out from stress, nausea in the morning from anxiety crying at night feeling doomed... it's not worth it.

Getting a new job though you need to ask around. Ex coworkers can give you a lead, you'll need to be social and hard working.

$27/hr means you're making ~$54K a year. That isn't decent, that's poverty. If you're single, decent STARTS at $40/hr and if you have dependents it STARTS at $60/hr. That is the new middle class. If you earn less than that, you are poor.

>> Some of my coworkers and one of the managers are unpleasant and mean, lots of gossip and passive aggressiveness among the staff

Congratulations, you work a job with normal workplace drama. Amazing. Time to grow up and understand what being an adult involves.

>> 200 jobs over the past few months

You fucked yourself. You should not apply for more than one (1) job in a week. That's a maximum of 12 jobs in 3 months. Ridiculous numbers like 200 gives an employer the same feelings you'd get if some skank told you she'd been with that many men.

Yes. HR departments talk across companies and their ATS software is cloud based and therefore also learns between companies.
I wanna call bullshit on your no more than 1 a week logic, but real shit you might be right. Also by your logic the majority of ppl are in the poverty zone. Doesn't mean you can't make the best outta it while moving up. Starting at $40 in this economy is generous as fuck unless you're a nepo baby or a transfer. Almost no entry job is starting at $40 even if you have a degree and it's salary based, but hourly? You might be looking for awhile.
They guy is correct.
Maybe if you live in silicon valley. Where I live $800/mo covers rent, bills and utilities, food, meds, clothes.

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Why do I only lean into the negative aspects of myself?

If someone on here calls me a faggot loser and gives me advice, I only read into the "faggot loser" bit and embrace it.
>You're right I am a faggot loser
It's even worse when someone accurately assumes I don't want to change, but gives advice anyway. Why does it feel validating for someone to admit I'm a lost cause?
>Why do I only lean into the negative aspects of myself?
Perhaps it is because you choose to.

Thy will be done.

>Why does it feel validating for someone to admit I'm a lost cause?
Maybe in a system without intentional force, an introduced foreign force would mean that it is the only force that is operating in the system. It may be possible that you presume that force to be your own.

Normies can't live alone but they will give "advice" to lonely autists and incels like "just focus on yourself" "being on your own is better" etc.
Pure cope. But how do they actually manage to be ALWAYS in a relationship. If one ends, they start another one in less than 5 months.
Their marriage is sexless? Well, on the weekend they send kids to grandparents, the wife fucks her boyfriends, husband fucks his girlfriends.
Then there are of course ONS week after week for some on them if they prefer that, FWBs, swinger nights and some other degen shit.

This reality of theirs is like a fantasy or sci fi to me, I can't comprehend this shit at all, like how does this happen to them.
It seems like they are handed everything on a platter, just for existing, everything comes so naturally to them, they don't even try.
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>they want to eliminate you from the competition
Kek. I love how incels simultaneously want to believe that it's over for them and they have no hope of ever having a woman...AND that they're somehow "competition" that other men have to resort to underhanded tactics to remove from the dating pool.
Weapons-grade cope folks.
I HAVE ALREADY TAKEN IT FOR GRANTED what does that say? something like, it was so good while it was happening that i just dont fucking care

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She basically had a shitfit telling me I need to wear more light-coloured clothes and hoodies lmao. She says I dress like i'm 50 instead of 23.

It is true that I dress very basic - jeans/ joggers and a t-shirts/ sweaters mostly, but her idea of dressing well is wearing some shitty flashy clothing with big logos. She complimented a t-shirt I got from a friend that was basically just a plain white tee with massive writing saying "ADIDAS" across it and said I should get more like it. She also told me to get skinnier jeans. I wear regular straight fit jeans lol.

If I was to dress better (smarter, not like a fucking 16 year old in rainbow-coloured Adidas hoodies) i'd feel uncomfortable because I don't like standing out.
Should I listen to what she's saying or just continue doing what i'm doing?
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Look up Hank Moody. Dress cool, but casual and comfortable. And Make sure your jeans actually fit and are not baggy, dad jeans.
>And Make sure your jeans actually fit and are not baggy, dad jeans.
That's what's in now though...?
My life has gotten better since I stopped dressing like a depressed old man. Your mother's fashion advice sounds like not much of an upgrade. I stopped wearing tee shirts entirelt and now only wear collared shirts of different kinds. I look and feel more dressed than most people. My shoe game sucks because my feet are flat.
>I look and feel more dressed than most people
I wouldn't really want that though. I'd feel tryhard. I don't like standing out physically.

>my feet are flat.
lmao same. Are there a certain kind of shoes you have to wear? I had to get orthotics at 18 but they don't really work anymore. Basically any pair of shoes I get are fucked after 2 weeks max.

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I'm also not going to have sex.
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How do you find prostitutes? I tried asking a subway sandwich woman if she’d have sex with me for 500$ and she hit me and told me to leave the store
Imagine not even being able to pay $500 for sex
I, too, just finished

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