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I believe it says "Jewcy".
I was joking about thicc but yeah I prefer casey because thicc cute and funny. I'm happy they are friends remember the first few threads thought it'd be typical bitchy popular girl turn girl crush disney has been doing a lot. But really both are good still prefer casey but lunaelle is in second.
Man, I hope we don't have to wait till next February for the rest of the season.
Yeah, Casey skipped over that character archetype well. If anything, it seemed like she was considered kind of a loser until she started working with Lunella and Moon Girl.
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> what made her like this?
a gamer?

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Captain Marvel #8
The Avengers #14
Avengers United #31
Infinity Paws #6
Avengers United #32
Infinity Paws #7
Ms. Marvel Mutant Menace 3

Last week's thread: >>143529203
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Were X-discussions always like this
Don't look into it on social media.

X-Discussion on /co/ is surprisingly civil, trust me.
I can't even decide if me ending up wearing her would be bad or not. Like she is insufferable but if it's me inside of her then it's not a huge problem anymore, right? So maybe it would be a big improvement?
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If you're the one being insufferable then you're not the one being annoyed, true.
I mean I could fix her by becoming her. That's the beauty of suiting.

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These are the same people who whine about normal people avoiding the owl house
New episode "Ninja Time" is now in the mega folder!
which girls are in it

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Marvel will announce the X-Men reboot cast at Comic-Con and is close to signing on the main actors to play Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey and Charles Xavier. Here’s what I can tell you about them:

>Wolverine actor is a relative unknown most famous for a spinoff of a popular TV show and a movie that will release later this year.

>Cyclops actor is most famous for arthouse dramas, but he has worked for Disney and done a comic book movie before.

>Jean Grey actress is most famous for a TV show and will also be in a big movie releasing this year.

>Storm actress is also famous for arthouse dramas, but she has worked with Disney recently, which is what landed her this role.

>Xavier actor is a foreign A-lister who has worked with Disney many times before, some very recently, and has done a lot of fantasy and superhero stuff.
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>science fiction
There's zero science fiction elements in Star Wars.
Im so sick and tired of Live action wokeness

Just keep making Xmen 97 better
Hayden voice doesn't match his looks
Look revenge of the sith in latam spanish and it gets 10 times better by virtue of Anakin voice change alone
Yara Shahidi is either Jean or Ororo
Fax. Especially with Ahsoka introducing literal witches.

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cat (male) thread
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god i love toon cats
Yiff in hell
Funny how in the movie "Garfield gets real" in the Latin Spanish dub version Nermal has a girly voice

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>most powerful mutant on the world stage
So how do you make Storm one of the most powerful people on a planet in a way that makes sense? Between her human durability, characters that can do the same things she does and more like Meggan, and Crystal. Powerhouses that can break planets like Carol, Hulk Sentry, Black Bolt, and Thor. She doesn't come off as ultra high tier. It's not an issue in X-books but they seem to want to keep that narrative going while she ventures out into wider MU with the Avengers.
I don't like storm
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>how do you make Storm one of the most powerful people on a planet in a way that makes sense?
I don't.
Are you speaking out against black excellence, chuddie? Don't you have a /v/ thread to shit up about how Yasuke triggers you?
There is no getting around the defense and durability thing. One of the biggest stormwank complaints during the Krakoa era was that she is never around for any fight she can't win and most of the time enemies don't get to or even try to attack her. The writers don't want to explain how she could survive by just surrounding herself with a tight ball of wind so they don't even try.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious when her opponents that can easily overpower her are just standing there talking or are somehow just caught unawares by her powers instead of doing anything to actually harm her. They can't remind the audience how she's lacking in some way, so they'll just have her take them out with a bolt of lightning or something else that's easily telegraphed, or just leave her out of a fight entirely.

It's the middle of the night. You're just chilling and zoning out to /co/ on the TV, enjoying a ham/cheese sandwich when suddenly...


Batman punches in your front door, the explosive force of which takes out a good portion of the front of your house as well as half of your family. Lightning suddenly lights the recently dark corners of your vision as he approaches you, and you start to silently lose your mind.

He points to you and says
-You respond to him, unprompted.
Why did you do that? All he said was "Biff"
You don't even know what that means
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This is Irae.
Magneto' Black Zionist Daughter.

What does /co/ think of her?
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I agree. She is more mediterrean. But i would say she is tanned. Pic related is the normal not heavily tanned.
>Most jews in Israel are actually not white they have a sizable black population
I wouldn't call mizrahi black, more like a brown country
moroccan jews skin is more latin than black
The SS always has a spare brownshirt to wear even for the juden
and by SS I mean Straightshota Syndicate
magneto needs to learn how to pull out.
Why does she have a tattoo of a dung on her arm?

Is this worth reading?
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Yes, I think it's better than Sandman desu
Strongly disagree with this though.
To the nos, why?
To the yeses, same question.

I liked Lucifer in Sandman and even in the Sandman Presents mini, but I can't imagine there's enough there to justify a 70-something issue series.
>but I can't imagine
You lacking creativity is not a compelling argument.
Come on, just tell me what you liked about the series, please.

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post characters/series that never got their time to shine
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>For a demigod, he seems pretty weak and not that strong. Why did they make him like this in the new god of wars? Was there a point in doing this?

Xenoverse games.
Super Robot Wars and a lot of games that benefit from text like jrpgs, srpgs and vns(counting those that have some gameplay element)
Halt! This planet is mine to consume, So sayeth Galactus, Destroyer of Worlds.
Kirby, Mario, Asura wrath, Breath of fire 4, Disgaea, Fate extra CCC and Bayonetta all got characters performing above planet level feats in their games. Broly and Jiren shattered reality in their battle in Xenoverse too.

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What did you think of the finale?
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No, you’re thinking of Anne
When a show has only one season then is called a short-lived (or short-runner) show.


Oh so now he cares for the show

>"The world ends and Scott gets cucked by a chad"
But what if we swap Scott for Star Butterfly in that sentence... did we came across the superior SVTFOE ending?

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Trailer for the first Season 5b ep dropped last night, felt like a good time for a new thread!
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Oh, I guess I misread OP.
When CotC came out I avoided it like the plague. Everything about came off like for little kids. Which it is. The show is not great, kinda cringe to see a creeksona introduce themselves with pronouns.

But there is a chill vibe to the show, that actually makes me remember being a kid and the imagination. Which as animation is a fun gift to see the imagination get animated
>Kelsey imagining her sword coming back to her like Thor's hammer causing huge collateral damage along the way.
So it's not gonna be a single episode?
Are they going to acknowledge Eliza and Toman ship?

What the hell? That doesnt look like a mansion

Lads how would you describe what that house looks like? That is at least a Middle to Upper Middle Class House.

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>Stop looking at my butt!
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More pics of monster miko?
Obviously hentai.
Did they design her with a self-lubricating asshole?
>Couldn’t live in the timeline where burgers were still appealing to heterosexuals at the same time as the rule 34 goldrush
Miko is a glimpse at what could have been.

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Allansisters, we made it!
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Isn't he based off of adam paloian

>>143653646 : These is how all the youtube comments sections have been for years.
Why is Allen naked?
I see people like this every day
Listen to him speak dude, I instantly caught on that him and Shrimp were spectrum warriors. I think it's mostly older people or people who've only been around low functioning autistic people that wouldn't know any better
There's a big difference between my friend's heavily autistic brother who rarely speaks and watches the teletubbies intro at full volume every morning and the average monotone speaking Pokemon tcg obsessive

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The new series follows the Bundys after moving from Chicago to Florida. All original actors will be reprising their voices.
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I feel like you say this about everyone who isn't a straight white male
When Netflix cancelled their original animation it was revealed that would only greenlight animation based on existing IPs.
>implying "normies" never cared for Family Guy: PG-Rated Doctor Edition
Zac Braff fucked this guy's bitch.
>would only greenlight animation based on existing IPs
They're still desperate to blame anything except the real problem. Aren't Bojack and F is for Family among their more successful shows?

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