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Why was 3D animation more visually appealing in the 90s than it is now? I feel like the medium became boring once it started to look competent. Foodfight was probably the last movie that gave this vibe.
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Ziggy made a cool documentary, so that's why.
because you were a dumb kid and associated that time with not having to work, I was a kid too but I always thought CGI looked obnoxious as fuck.
>the annotated version is probably lost to time
Fuck my LIFE. Such nostalgia.
That's a meme, the trailer that actually looked good was just edited from like seven minutes of test footage they assembled to try and get investors on board.
Thanks for not making me have to link the documentary.

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French mothers are strange
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>It's another episode of "OP watches an innocent cartoon, gets hard, assumes this says something about the cartoon/the world, as opposed to saying something about him"
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>innocent cartoon
May I have some actual context please?
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She wants her son to get over his missing girlfriend and move out of her house so she can have lewd fun.

Oh no... OH HELL NO
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Damn brat, going directly to some ugly bastard's home to get molested ToT. Correction is needed
Whatever it is you want, I don't have it
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What does she want?

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Strange internet webpages e*dition
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Yeah contrary to what the modern web will try and have you believe, behaving yourself until the second you're 18 and then suddenly developing horny feelings as soon as the clock strikes 12, is not normal
The episode is called "Weekend at Audrey's". The rich girl (Frufru) has a Fly headed Furby knockoff, The Bow (the weird girl) has the goat headed one
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lol i looked at this show's episode list and just about every episode name is a reference like that it's weird
anyway i watched the episode

first let me say, the voices are weird
main girl Audrey, who's supposed to be based on Little Audrey the classic comic book and cartoon character, sounds fucking strange, she has that scratchy boyish voice that i swear i heard somewhere, and just about every character's voice sounds straight outta steven universe... minus the horrible acting, they can actually sorta act.. not great, but better than half the mushmouths on SU
the show has an odd feeling to it, aside from the sky always being pink and the general color scheme and texture of everything looking like they're constantly in some kinda purgatory, there's just a strange air to the whole thing, i don't know how to explain it but it feels... other... just off in a strange way

the characters also do that thing where they speak like modern young adults, one character says "i was on a depressive down-spiral" as they're talking about breaking their toys and it's not presented as a funny joke or anything it's just how they make these little kids talk

however to the topic at hand
i don't see how this is a representation of the demon Beelzebub... it's just a fly, unless I missed a scene where she referred to him by name or otherwise made a demonic connotation, it just looks like a weird fly creature, that's it. Odd that it's just a fly's head and it's so detailed, sure, and I can totally believe that one artist behind the scenes may have had that idea and didn't tell anyone, but unless I get some confirmation i just dont believe it
I also had that feeling of unease while watching the show
This combined with the pink sky, the way the kids all interact, the way they speak, the way it's called "Harvey Girls Forever"
Yeah they're in some kinda vaccum dimension eternally living on their one street, I bet if they reached the end of it it'd just be a cut off part of the road dropping into an eternal abyss, the sidewalk propped up on a infinitesimally thin pillar of rock emerging from he*ck itself
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Well, about that Harvey Girls Forever and Little Audrey (The 40's cartoon and the comics) are like day and night, they have nothing in common except maybe it's starred by kids. There's a lot of changes like you mentioned: Audrey is a tomboy who acts as a feral kid sometimes, Dot is black and acts like the smart one, Lotta is the nice of the group and Lucretia (Audrey's best friend in the comics) is the group's obsessive stalker. Regarding the dialogue, you are right, the kids are pretty much adults in kids bodies

Here's the scene with the werid girl holding the goat toy.

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Honeysuckle is a weird name for a teenage sidekick.
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A super villain plant theme one.
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>teen girl
>not quite plant bikini but still a bikini
>explicitly referenced on page as her costume being used to make guys horny and distracted
>teen girl
I have no clue how something like this managed to make it into a Current Year comic.

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I for one am eagerly awaiting the swimsuit humiliation scene in Inside Out 2.
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Dude, the OP is official concept art. There's a higher than 0% chance the scene is in the film.
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ALOT of the 2D Pixar artwork looks so much better than the final 3D film.
Imagine Luca but it looked like this. Kind of pisses me off they don’t use it for the final film. Anyone got some of that Turning Red concept art
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That’s interesting, some of these designs look like something out of Ghost and Molly McGee
It's because most animators/artist go to college focused on 2D and they are usually the ones doing the concepts and storyboards. It's a big problem in the animation/art world where 3D designers can't always draw and artist can't 3d design so theirs a disconnect between the two and things get loss between the designs. Also add on to it they are usually rushed compared to artist then you get these more bland or homogenous 3d models and styles.

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He's so cute, i just want to protect him
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Miss when this ship was super popular but then they killed the general right when it picked up. Remember someone wrote a good green about actor au kid philip was dating/grooming collector actor. wonder if the anon ever wrote more or someone drew it like people said they were but it was trash which is hard to keep up with.
I can't even tell who these two are supposed to be.
>feral thread
>shots thread
>loli thread
>gay porn thread
>coomer threads
do we not have mods or are they too busy in their goon caves?
Good ending Collector gets a playmate forever
>bullying a god
I'm sure you make a good wallpaper
Seriously, where you think we are? If you can't make a joke about fucking a young boy this is not the right place for you
inb4 >joke
if you have to even point it out you're clearly in the wrong place

Yesterday we hung out with She-Hulk, Robbie went to prison and venom showed up again
Today; more venom!

>previous threads
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Spider trapped
Agreed but it's hilarious to see him pissed this often
I honestly always wanted them to turn this issue into a movie
Reading bump

Too sensual edition

Previous thread
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I'm planning on starting a social media page featuring a character I generated using the Bing AI generator. I'm new to this stuff though. Anyone know if its possible to get consistent generations of my character in different poses?
you have to be very detailed in her description. use an ethnicity.
This works. thanks anon
I use Brazilian or Israeli.
>pic not related

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this is the final Smiling Friends thread that will ever be posted on 4chan
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*Kisses you*
This is genuinely one of the most unfunny shows I've ever seen. I watched three episodes of it last night and it was the fucking most normie humor + xd random bullshit. I'm so disappointed and never expected this kind of drivel coming from PsychicPebbles / Zach. He was so fucking funny in Oneyplays, granted his newgrounds and youtube cartoons are hit and miss but they weren't generic slop like this. I'm genuinely frustrated. I'm especially disappointed with Zach's voice acting performance as Charlie. Zach is a terrible choice for a deadpan straightman role, especially for a character as boring as this.
Zach wrote most of the episodes alongside Cusack, so it makes sense as to why Charlie's a boring character.
holy shit, i can't fucking believe it. the last smiling friends thread? shit man there's so much more fun to be had with the friends i can't believe it. i don't think my wife jennifer is going to like this she's a big fan of smiling friends and likes to look at these threads man. i just can't believe it, wow. i'm going to miss these threads and i'm going to miss the good times that were had in these threads and i'm going to miss jennifer in these threads.
>Zach is a terrible choice for a deadpan straightman role
Kind of, he's good at deadpan but not as the straightman. He's funny when he's saying batshit insane stuff in a completey serious tone like he truly means it. He should've gone the Leslie Nielsen route for his character.

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You discovered an Ongezellig thread! You get 100 luck points from me!
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retard, Russians haven't even been allowed to make payments to petjeaf (for obvious reasons) in the first place. Also the absconding payments issue is a problem for the current petje dot af slash studiomassa, not for the Ongezellig petjeaf, which did not secure enough funding for the full time goal for no other reason than not enough popularity (internationals did contribute, as seen in the credits of every deel after the 1+2 video, so it was not that either)
It clearly is by all the delays. Updates went from weekly, to bi-weekly, to next month. They clearly didn't think it through.

>I feel that people will talk about the OG creator being in a mental asylum or spinning inside of his own grave someday soon, those types of threads are surely quirky and depraved as always..
one day

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On this Mother's Day, let us celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Nia
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Your waifu is for faggots and niggers
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bitch episode when?
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My waifu?

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If it's the best of the Spielberg toons, why was it short-lived? I'm pretty sure everyone liked it more than the other ones
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I was a kid in the 90s and I felt that WB was too schizo to market towards me demographic. I can honestly see why Pokemon, YuGiOh won cause Ash and Yugi were less schizo than whatever boomer show was making. If Boomers toned down their vanity projects, animation would have been saved.
That's really nice attention to detail, all the shadow while the light guy is trying to focus, the camera guy trying to stay within the shot. Holy fuck, it looks amazing.

Actually Bruce voluntarily stepped down, knowing comedy wasn’t his thing.
Yeah, prior to Pokemon Kids WB put a lot of faith into its legacy brands like Looney Tunes and the DC superheroes, and that clearly didn’t get them as far as Pokémon did.
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It was a soulful era

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What the sigma?
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Chris' Tomgirl saga began before Idea Guys.
>"Internet is srs bsnss" was never meant to be real
That summarizes what's wrong with the internet now.
There were already ESLs in the old days and they didnt fuck shit up. Just to give an examole, back in the halcyon days of the net before YouTube or social media, one of the more liked members of the Mega Man fandom was a chilean guy eho went by IRA, Fire Man of the Sinester Six. He did flash games and artwork and thus other ESLs joining making competent looking fan content, usually fanart and gag fan comics. I miss those days and those guys and they're the reason I believe being ESL is a largely over stated flaw and instead has to do with the age of the posters.
They're faceless corporations while 4chan had a clear figurehead running the site almost solo with no shareholders or anything of the sort.
Sure dude

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I still find it so weird they brought BubbleBass back as a recurring character
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ok im gonna sperg hard about this but this is flaring up my autism
look at this hand, do you know why hands are drawn like that? it's a simplified representation of a thumb and the fingers from the front as the person is holding something, the item they're holding is supposed to be between the two shapes, as it is clutched against their palm
the fact that they did this like that suggests they don't know WHY this shape is utilized, they just repeat it without understanding it because other cartoons do it
and that just boils my chromosomes
>they turned him from a simple mean guy to a modernist portrayal of "le neckbeard bad guy" meme
I'd argue he already was one from the beginning. His episode on SpongeBob was nice focus on SpongeBob as a frycook. But the "um actually" was already there with the no pickles.

I appreciate them reviving this character much like an old toy in a toy chest you stopped playing with.
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Different generations interpret things in different ways. I imagine most of the modern group that's been working on Spongebob for the past few years are more familiar with the concept of a snobby internet nerd than a snobby food critic, even if it doesn't line up with how Bubble Bass was originally envisioned.

Outside that I always figured Bubble Bass would have been utilized more as a direct "rival" for Spongebob in relation to his interests outside the Krusty Krab, like Mermaid Man or the Jellyfishing convention/Kevin. Basically Spongebob's equivalent to Squilliam, instead of just being a modern Comic Book Guy clone. Although thinking about it now, I wonder if the creation of Squilliam had anything to do with Bubble Bass being used less outside season 1, since the crew probably felt no need to have two similar rival dynamics running at the same time.
I actually like that idea. It's just it was done too late and it's nu-Spongebob so therefore it's unwatchable.
nu-Spongebob has no personality or ability to switch into an mature upset mode like in the first few seasons.

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