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Of the big 3, which one would you want to be your parent?
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>>Conner turned trans
Shut up Mags
Wonder Woman. I doubt Amazonians have an aversion to incest, being so sheltered.
Wonder Woman so I could fuck her
I dunno, would Batman really force a kid into The Life™? Has there ever been a kid he adopted (in an Elseworlds maybe?) that simply didn't want to fight crime?
Anyone who doesn't say Diana is wrong

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Characters and comics and cartoons wearing sexy outfits they're not usually associated with wearing.
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You know what the Savage Land is but not who Storm is?
No, that's voyeurism. Cuckoldry specifically refers to being cheated on. If someone fuck your girl, you're a cuck whether you're watching or not. Watching your girl get fucked makes you a voyeuristic cuck.
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How do we feel about Lucy's canon eyes?
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Why yes, Lucy is an original character made for "The Loud house".
It means that Lucy is a chimera.
literal OC tier show tf is your point
damn she got pink eye
Fucking Chris Chan eyes…

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post characters/series that never got their time to shine
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Lex would probably be better suited (No pun intended) for Iron Patriot Norman.
Absolute Kryptonian? Absolute pedophile. wap wap wap wap Goku fuck him up!
It doesn't disperse. They can return to life from nothing. I would love to see the process in more detail but I bet it's tied to omnipotence and it's going to be explained later.
We agreed to no more death battle threads
Who is this "we"?

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>Gaming companies sitting on IPs is LE BAD
>But Nintendo and Smash Bros are okay!!
This episode was more toothless than the president episode.
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Recent episode where Brian uses Stewie's time machine to make Christianity never exist because a Christian woman he tried to pump and dump wouldn't fuck him until marriage. Also it has a part where the present all become Jews segment with the most softball, inoffensive, Jew jokes. Literally the kike writers patting their religion on the back before moving on too atheist world.
This show is sadly too tone deaf for a show that is supposed to be about nothing. In the old fashing way of ATHF.
I thought this game was pretty decent.
Sure, there's no chemical loop. I've always thought of it as a more mental issue. You feel bad, you do something that makes you feel good in the moment, but the long term effect of that then makes you feel worse because it feeds back into your initial problem, like a fat man who's sad he's fat and turns to food to feel better.
The comparison between Shrimp and Satan was to show that it's not trying to teach some moral about 'dopamine bad'. It's just a silly little show.
Sure but what this really sounds like is you watched the devil episode and got REALLY insecure about your lifestyle and it sounds like it hasn't changed in the 2 years since it first aired

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Heres a creepy looking pomni bootleg i saw yesterday at a mall
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disingenuous people like to say "well uhh your parents didnt like you watching too many cartoons so how is this different?" there comes a point where a change in quantity becomes a change in quality, a bunch of little nudges end up with you falling off a cliff, a bunch of little evolutionary changes eventually result of a new species that can no longer breed with the former, a buncha guys go peepee in the pool and suddenly the whole pool is piss
where is the line drawn? well, approximately here
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Ok but I kek'd when the fully grown teenage son came out of the room and was then evidently instantly disappointed in himself
I was the same with the Simpsons theme as a kid. Then again I was pretty low IQ
Cartoons in the past had stories too. Cocomelon is just pure brain rot with only singing in it
this is true, it's actually good for people to watch coherent media while their brains are developing, a start, finish, middle, climax, etc... it helps build their mind
just watching finger families dance all day is gonna fuck em up

Will the new season be any good?
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The new season should have been for adults and have nudity. Everyone who watched the first seasons is now an adult.
Thanks. The main Youtube does have the those up for all the episodes in S1 and S2, along with the music videos, although I've not gone thru them all to watch them fully. It's just been awhile since I watched the series, and I wasn't sure if >>143687761 was in an episode or if it was a discarded scene.
Nice ass there Alex
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Thanks. The actual episode looks better than just a short video would imply.
There's more of an interest in chibis than I remember, but it's used rarely enough that it's fine.
>that fucking Alex face
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Anon, this is a show based on being fetish fuel. The showrunners will check every available box that doesn't thrown them in jail (and given this is France we are talking about...)

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Are they gonna be enemies to lovers? Or frenemies to the end?
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Oh. Yes there is. But i don't think anyone here actually has any images of it saved.
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I looked at the Twitter and couldn't find one. Anyone?
According to Cal's bio he actualy has a thing for the black girl.
considering how this is probably going to appeal to female watchers more, that's most likely how it will go
Interracial trumps lgbt I guess

Read through the original Spider-Man and FF runs and Stan The Man is a fucking god tier writer.
>b-buh muh fuckin ploterinos
Don’t care. I’m talking about the words in the bubbles here. They’re fucking incredible. And Ditko literally gets a plot credit in the book so what is the yapping about? Stan is an amazing writer and the dogpiling on him is pure contrarianism. Went from overrated to underrated. Can’t wait to read more Stankino. Might try X-Men or Captain America next.
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>once they got rid of that they started to produce more and sell more books
They actually sold less overall even with the higher number of titles.
>in less than 10 years they were outselling DC
That's only because DC's sales were plummeting in the 70s.
he's not even a writer
Stan's alright, I've never had issue with the guy only problem with his writing is that it's bit overwritten but that was the era.
Only Spider-Man fans on Twitter.
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>That's only because DC's sales were plummeting in the 70s.

No, not just that. Both companies took a big hit but Marvel rebounded toward the end of the decade - until the DC Implosion at least. By 1980 Marvel was still selling twice as much as DC and would until the 90s crash began equalizing sales between them, but the fact is for much of the time since 1963 Marvel has been the significantly more popular company, evidenced both by how its sales grew from that date while DC's stagnated and dropped off, and by how even when DC was barely static in the 80s Marvel was growing sales again. Since this is all pre-Direct the Statements of Ownership are pretty accurate for both companies.

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I love cartoons!
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This you?
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'toons don't live you back

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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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How about a GG street fighter fighting game? Who'd be the last boss in story mode?
Probably Jade Empress.
So are we done for the week. If so, see y'all tomorrow Sunday morning.
>basically Marie from Skullgirls with jade golems in place of skeletons
Or the censored code himself.

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The 2000s has to be the most high-T area for action cartoons. I remember loving this stuff with my friends. Why did they fall out of favor?
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There were some good action shows in the 2010s as well, Generator Rex, Young Justice, Spider-Ma e.t.c but around the mid-2010s, the trend shifted towards shows being subversive or painfully meta.
None of these are good because nobody says Nigger in them.
The popularity of shonen really boosted it
Actual Spider-Milf when?
Girl power and twitter

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Why was 3D animation more visually appealing in the 90s than it is now? I feel like the medium became boring once it started to look competent. Foodfight was probably the last movie that gave this vibe.
It was a mocap nightmare.
>ugly looking is actually good
is this really where the cope is now?
Foodfight thread?
Food Fight looked like action figures pantomiming a mass grand mal seizure.

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Yesterday May got beat up and April tried to take over her life.
Today April continues to struggle with doing the right thing.

Past Threads:

Issues ITT:
Spectacular Spider-Girl #6 - #11
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Blue costume's pretty sick.
create spider-man thread
what do you mean why? how else can i talk to my schizo friends?

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Lucy is traumatised by something Mike said edition.

Comic: https://www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/
Booru: https://www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/
Last thread: >>143621093
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Mary looks more dysfunctional than evil. She tried to be nice to Clover just because she associates with Fauna and isn't an outright bitch like the other girls.
I mean Lucys family suspecting Mike was responsible for the jump didnt end their friendship so...
Mary has never done anything wrong
I think there is a pretty big difference between those scenarios. Mike's family wouldn't blame Lucy for gray cat going out of his way to help her, not unless she guilt-tripped him into it on purpose.
Reminder that Mary licked Clover with her unbrushed mouth

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