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Imperfection is beautiful.
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Same beer
Same.. Show!
Typical cat

Too sensual edition

Previous thread
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this is why you have to mention "pixar" or "CGI" or something if you want a 3d picture
Ooooh cute!
Penelope Pitstop?
Not as keen on this one though
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Oh my gosh

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Name a more deranged villain
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I love the idea of her being particularly attached to her human mate. I want to be the light in her life
I wish N would cheer me on
I'd hug her, kiss her, snuggle her, and so much more...
bob. easy.
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Human Doll could GET IT

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The magic weakness has always been dumb, the Sun and Kryptonite are already all he needs.

Also the magic weakness is pointless because magic characters in DC are already powerful enough to destroy planets and magic itself already ignore durability, it does matter how durable Superman is, that's irrelevant if Zatanna use a spell that turn people into bunnies.
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>The magic weakness has always been dumb
It's not just real magic, even things like prayer will drain Superman's powers.
Came here to post this
and again it's dumb as fuck and pointless
this was fucking hilarious

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>Set in the 1960s in a retro-futuristic parallel universe with Jack Kirby aesthetics.
>The Fantastic Four are the only superheroes of their universe. The movie begins with them already active and features their origin in flashbacks.
>The opening scene is the Fantastic Four fighting Mole Man, played by Paul Walter Hauser. Other classic villains also appear like the Puppet Master, played by John Malkovich.
>Reed and Sue are married and have a son, Franklin. Sue was pregnant during their accident and Franklin was born with latent cosmic powers.
>Ben is dating blind artist Alicia Masters, played by Natasha Lyonne, while Johnny is a playboy. They all live in the Baxter Building In New York City along with their robotic assistant H.E.R.B.I.E.
>Main plot is the Fantastic Four fighting Silver Surfer and Galactus, played by Julia Garner and Ralph Ineson respectively. Galactus comes to Earth because of Franklin.
>Shalla-Bal is the Silver Surfer in this version, having offered herself as Galactus’ herald instead of her husband Norrin Radd.
>Early drafts featured Galactus’ other heralds Terrax, Stardust, Air-Walker and Fire Lord. Unclear if they are still in.
>Reed and Sue are the leads, with Reed obsessively searching for a way to beat Galactus while Sue tries to keep the family together as they face several simultaneous threats.
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>But that one terrible decision
How so?
His sacrifice and hero’s journey is less impactful now though
sounds shit
Pedro seems too nice to be Reed
>Natasha Lyonne and a big orange rock dildo
this is my fetish

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On this Mother's Day, let us celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Nia
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shut up gay nigga
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Would like to see this with Nia and anon
This, but in reverse.
what happened?
Your waifu is for faggots and niggers

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Post your ideas of interesting stories you might have.
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There's no guarantee any of these will be adapted
What if Superman landed in Mussolini-era facist Italy?
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>The Suicide Society
In World War 2 the JSA sacrificed their lives to end the mad schemes of Mr. Mind and his Society of Evil, the only survivors being King Faraday and Wildcat, who blamed King for bad Intel getting all his friends killed.

Fast forward to modern-day Earth and with no JSA to inspire the modern age of heroes the Earth is in dire straits. Kara Zor-L, or Lady Liberty, fights a losing battle to defend the free world from a resurgent Mr. Mind and his new society, helmed by his minions Lex Luthor (super scientist supreme, so long as Sivana remains dead somewhere in a cave in Germany), Duke Blood (with the power to shed his form of man and control the demon, Etrigan!), and Terra-Man (aka Kal-L, cousin of Lady Liberty and human supremacist unaware of his alien heritage). Senator Amanda Waller enacts an unethical but daring plan to clone the JSA into a killsquad doing the government's bidding to strike at Mr. Mind and his cronies. Dubbed her Suicide Squad, the JSA - Green Lantern, Starman, the Flash, the Atom, Doctor Fate, Black Canary, Hippolyta, Hawkman and Hawkwoman, and the dynamic duo Batman and Robin - are forced by bombs implanted in their necks to engage in total warfare against the Society's holdings, no matter how many innocent citizens die as collateral.

But their appearance rouses Ted Grant, now a retired despondent drunk down to the last of his 9 lives, out of his funk as he feels an opportunity to rescue his friends. With the aid of Dinah Lance, the granddaughter of the original Black Canary; a street urchin living at Ted's run-down old gym named Jakeem haunted by the ghost of Billy Batson; teen idol and sudden superheroine Courtney Whitmore; and a mysteriously familiar pair of thrill-seekers named Carter and Cher, Ted must cobble together a new Justice Society that can not only rescue the original JSA from their grim fate, but guard the world against the horrid machinations of the New Society of Evil and their secret weapon: King Faraday!
Rorschach get ipad

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Post cartoons/comics that do absurdist storytelling, art, comedy, or whatever else
And really just stuff that goes insane for the fucking fun of it
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>that artstyle
i can't put my finger on it but it looks familiar
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Also obligatory
I feel like this show got a bad reputation for coming out in a time where lore cartoons were the most popular (adventure time, steven universe, gravity falls) now it's beloved but 10 years ago it was loathed by everyone, ironic because now there's an outcry for more episodic cartoons that don't have lore
Eh, I always loved less lore orientated and more weird toons but I still never liked this show, it just didn't feel very fun, it's absurdism just didn't seem like it was done right.
I wish the visuals looked like that tho, that drawing of Uncle Grandpa is great but the actual cartoon looks like ass.
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I know it came well after adult swim's golden age but i'm shocked how much king star king was slept on even here (don't watch the new special though, it was ass)

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These two are cute
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What do they say?
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Messy haired brats need correction
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they just are obsessed with Henry, they hate his parents and Peter

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It’s been a decade, have you hugged her yet?
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What went wrong?
>uglyass art style
>TTG staff involved
It was doomed from the get-go.
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Funny enough, I replaced the battery in my Unikitty LED Light keychain just the other day.
based retard

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Do you, by any chance, draw characters from the shows you watch?
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Not often, but yes. It's fun to study and emulate different art styles.
That’s really good anon
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Bumping cause I want to do >>143686578
but it was 3:33 in the morning when anon posted

Post Disney girls
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Oh I'm obsessed with the concept, I won't lie. It's a funny little snag they ran into just because of the Quasimodo-Sequel treatment. But the fun part is, no, it doesn't take much thought at all. They explicitly decided that the human-> bear needed someone to bang and that could only morally be another human-> bear but now those human-bears are bear-hukan fuckers.
The reaction image did crack me up though.
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Mulan is my favorite because she killed a guy
Poor sand witch. She just wanted to be loved and kept screwing herself over.

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Currently reading Y The Last Man did /co/ ever agree on who best girl was? I like Natalya a lot tied with 355.
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You can tell 355 is best girl because Kirkman unceremoniously kills her off like the hack writer he is.
the dominatrix one
The ending is awful.


Think you're confusing Y The Last Man and The Walking Dead with one another but I do wonder how much Kirkman payed homeage/ripped off 355 in the creation of Michonne there's definitely some inspiration there

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Superman has to fucking be taken out by pure human methods because he can be exploited by hus weaknesses and his inability to go all out or fight with his earth shattering strength. It's like the writers confirm they want Superman to represent their fantasy of humans besting God because we can't stand someone better than us try to make a good difference plus they confirm he's a natural wimp to us because his godly abilities are overcompensating to us when we are weaker but more braver.
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Superman TAS hit an excellent balance in my opinion. He is still very tough and near invulnerable, however he clearly gets hurt by something like a spray of bullets and can be slowed down and even wounded temporarily by human means. I feel like the main issue with Supes' power scaling is just the endless ongoing nature of comic books, when he is in cartoons or even in one-off stories, his power seems to be always reigned in successfully - or if not, it uses the fact that his power has scaled to that degree as a plot point.
Why the hell would Superman not be cautious around Metallo, the guy literally known for having his greatest weakness?
Samefag and bait but I will bite.

>bitching at one of the most iconic parts of Superman lore in 80 years of the character history

Just get rid of Hulk needing to get angry to get stronger as well or Thor needing a Hammer to use most of his powers or Green Lantern having to use a ring.
>he would be more interesting if he were captain America rather than Superman
Just go read captain America
>bizarre ways to make him vulnerable or the story is too boring to sell
Or, you know, just don’t force him into situations he doesn’t fit…

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any good WW stories written by women /co/? I've only heard people talking about the perez one or morrison's earth one which are both great and king's current run is pretty interesting but I've yet to have seen anyone recommend a wonder woman story written by an actual woman.
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did the people who draw this graffiti also paint wonder woman herself? why illustrate her so attractively and positively if you're making a statement against her? or was the graffiti of her already there and they just drew the cross over her... in a very clean fashion where they meticulously painted around her elbow and hair curls? but wait, some of the other graffiti that's supposedly 'bellow' the cross circle comes up above it, and no you can't say it's just the red of the circle smearing because it goes way past what the original doodle should be... so did they add those to make it seem like the city has more culture than it actually does? is this actually a big psyop where they painted the 'urban' stuff, then painted wonder woman over it to make it look like she's taken over the "enriched" urban city culture, complete with the cross to express that they dislike her? in order words is the whole damn thing fabricated? is it like one of those instances where someone pays a skilled painter to paint a buncha safe and nontroversial graffiti in their rich and protected part of the city to make it feel more urban and youthful, without risking actual ghetto people coming in and painting risky statements and crude gang shit? man, quite the conspiracy we have on our hands here
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Her best stories are from greg Rucka. Whenever he gets his hands on writing Wonder Woman he always does a great job.

The only decent female writer for Wonder Woman I hear get recommended is by Gail Simone. I hear her run was decent.

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