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forget about haplogroup, it's irrelevant
i'm only 1/8 spanish, however my own pride don't allow me to feel french. If I ever considered myself french it would mean I identify with the potential french dude who could have fucked my great grandmother but instead was cucked. See how that works. so deep down, i'm spanish. I barely ever visited spain, my spanish is largely perfectible. it doesn't matter. The alpha male in my family tree was a spaniard, therefore i will be one.
of course this is something i keep to myself
you may think i hate my family, i have in fact very good relation with them (especially when they're giving me free shit, also i have to keep up the appeareance because my grandparents, the purely french one, have quite a lot of money stocked)
my point is haplogroup, even autosomal dna, they don't matter. what matter really is who fucked who. in my family tree the iberian is a bvll and the french are cuck. I don't want to be a cuck, so I know on which side I am
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pathetic larp, this is a serious thread
>I was taller than everyone, lighter than everyone, and more intelligent than everyone.
unironically i'm all of that in my province, safe for lighter where i'm about average
but i have an iq of 112 (and i took a real test not some internet shit) which i'm sure is above average and i'm taller than most people around me too including everyone else in my family for some reason
French women do be liking that Spanish dick
whiteness kills diversity.
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Based OP.

Iberian bvlls are the svperior specimen.

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Another atheist classic
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kek. trust the science!
>consistency is... le bad!
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pantheism is atheism. they believe in "the all" which is completely impersonal and has nothing to do with love or whatever.
both of these phenomena can be explained by it being Reddit.
Reddit is where gay retards gather to be gay retards, regardless of the window dressing to their gay retardation.
I'm a Christian but I was an atheist. I've been on both sides and can say gay retards do not represent the best of either.

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Wait... Attila the Hun was European? The Huns were European/Central Asian?
B-But why the fuck were there Huns in Mulan?... I always thought Attila was like, a Mongol sort of guy.
What the fuck?!
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The elites were probably HAPAs while the average foot solider by the time they invaded Rome were a mishmash of different European ethnicities subjugated by the Huns.
Attila was from what is now Hungary. HUNgary.
The idea that the Huns were all Asiatics comes from Roman descriptions of them, which described them as having round heads and unusual eyelids. Later historians assumed that this was describing stereotypical Asian features.
DNA testing on skeletons from Hun burials has shown that there was actually very little to no Asian admixture in the ancient Huns.
Of course, Hun culture did span into Western Asian, but there does not appear to be a ton of Asian mixture within the European Huns.
Attila was most likely completely White.
Attila's worthy descendant according to Bram Stoker.
Correct. They are endangered now, and the language has been sadly lost.
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>Wait... Attila the Hun was European?
He and the Huns certainly did NOT look European. They looked foreign, and they were foreigners.
>The Huns were European/Central Asian?
Ethnic Huns were Central Asian/East Asian. Many European peoples were conquered by the Huns and became "Hun" as well. These were European.
>B-But why the fuck were there Huns in Mulan?
Those Huns were the original Xiongnu. The Attila's Huns were descended from them.
>I always thought Attila was like, a Mongol sort of guy.
He was.
>"He was a man born into the world to shake the nations, the scourge of all lands, who in some way terrified all mankind by the dreadful rumors noised abroad concerning him. He was haughty in his walk, rolling his eyes hither and thither, so that the power of his proud spirit appeared in the movement of his body. He was indeed a lover of war, yet restrained in action, mighty in counsel, gracious to suppliants and lenient to those who were once received into his protection. Short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin."
Jordanes' description of Attila's Inner Asian features is the closest someone can do without straight up calling him Mongoloid.

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Idk. It just feels like European dudes regardless of sexuality who get circumcised for ANY reason outside medical emergency like advanced circumcision are betraying over 2 millenniums of history and are doing exactly what the Talmudists want them to do, to embrace the islamification of Europe. Yup, I’m saying it. Surely any white dude or any Christian (who isn’t some retarded Protestant from America or South Korea ) would agree with me
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What happens when you listen to a quack instead of the Apostle Paul who said no to circumcisions and even said he hopes if you get one that the knife castrates you instead
Europeans see no issue with circumcision and open up clinics for Muslims to chop off their babies foreskin. Which is ironic considering they banned and denounce female circumcision as a great crime against humanity.
You’re not white anyways. You said in the other thread you’re 21% black or whatever.
>Surely any white dude or any Christian (who isn’t some retarded Protestant from America or South Korea ) would agree with me

My man, we dont fucking care in Europe, but we dont do it as rule.

Jesus Christ, stop being dramatic.
OP is the living embodiment of that /int/ meme of the dysgenic amerimutt telling normal Europeans that they're not acting european enough for his standards.

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When and why did Israel get powerful enough to dictate or ignore American policy rather than the other way around?
day 1 they are the ruling class of the western world

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how did christianity end up here?
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Blame the jews for blm, not Christianity. As a matter of fact normal black people don't want anything to do with those mindless buck broken golems.
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this is who you christianized KEK
4 billion nogs are coming
and there's nothing you can do about it timmy
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>"We have no king but Caes-ack!"
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>four years ago
You're a jew so what would you know about Christ?

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How much whiter would the US be if miscegenation was immediately allowed from Reconstruction onward?
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As white as brazil
That baby doesn't look mixed at all.
See: Brazil
I know someone who had a baby and the baby is 1/4 black. The baby came a ginger with blue eyes. The second baby will probably look like a quadroon, but sometimes they get really lucky.

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Why are they so uniquely hated inside europe? It seems like most people don't have any problems with Italian and Greeks and gladly consider them white but for some reason the same doesn't apply to Spaniards and Portuguese, why is that?
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nafris have a hateboner towards spaniards
yer a nafri monkey
>the obsessed fag just doxxed himself
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false flag. this isn't him you retards.
>POV: You just endorsed the Black Legend on /his/

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Are there any historical references to Atlantis outside of Plato?
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It's fake and gay
no and if you bothered to read his dialogs you'd know that he didn't mean it historically either, as a thought experiment.
Yes the aztecs had aztland
No, but there are similar things that exist in real life.

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Theonomy/Christian reconstructionism is a Christian movement that developed primarily under the direction of R. J. Rushdoony, Greg Bahnsen and Gary North which has had an important influence on the Christian right in the United States. Its central theme is that society should be reconstructed under the Dominion of Jesus in all aspects of life. It is influenced by the Neo-Calvinism of Abraham Kuyper. Reconstructionists advocate for theonomy and the restoration of certain biblical laws which they say have continued in their relevance. Most Calvinists reject Christian reconstructionism and hold to a classical covenantal view of theology. Which holds that the civil laws are abrogated but still are a useful tool as guidance. Classical Calvinists also hold to an Amillennialist eschatology which is in contradistinction to the postmillennial eschatology of Christian reconstructionism(which informs the view of the Kuyperian cultural mandate). Also unlike Classical Calvinism, Christian reconstructionism generally holds to the presuppositional apologetics of Cornelius Van Til.

In the Middle ages, Christians created a 3 part division in the laws of the old testament. The moral law (i.e. the ten commandments), the civil law (i.e. The case laws of the Israelites ) and the ceremonial law (i.e. rules about “uncleanness”, Sabbath, circumcision, Passover, dietary restrictions, clothing restrictions, feasts and festivals).

There are 3 types of Theonomists:
Theonomic Reconstructionists: Believes that the civil laws and the moral laws should be enforced by the government.
General Equity Theonomists: Believes that the moral laws should be enforced by the government and the General Equity/Moral principle of the civil laws should be enforced. Most advocate a common law system in its application.
Weak Theonomy/Basic Dominionism: Believes that the moral laws should be enforced by the government and the civil laws are no longer binding.
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Christian nationalists today just want aesthetic Christianity with a ban on sodomy, porn and abortion. The more biblically based ones want Basic Dominionism. Which doesn't come close to the Theonomists of yesteryear.
Who cares what some Calvinists dreamt up
How is he going to implement this?
They're post-mil so they think it will happen when most of the world is Christian.
Sounds insane. Let's do it.
>with a ban on sodomy, porn and abortion
And yet when presented with these things they gladly consume them at rates greater than those of normies.

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Vikings built across baltic and northern sea the most influential and important closed maritime route since the fall of Rome... muslims turned the mediterranean sea into a quasi prehistoric shithole filled with deformed endogamical jihad pirates and slave traders... even venetians needed viking norman support to stablish bases to travel China due the barbaric backward shithole that mediterranean sea has been since the arrival of Islam...
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Nikephoros II Phokas, one of the most pious Roman emperors
>inb4 byzzie no real romunz
I don't fucking care nerds. Even if it was a half larp by Macedonian time, it was a pretty glorious one and a key aspect of European and Christian legacy.
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Pajeet can't even write English properly. Saged.
add a caption to the meme son. Otherwise it's unclear what you're arguing in the historical context.

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So how exactly does the caste system work? And why did it only emerge in India?
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>shilling for an albalongan rube
>The Varna system refers to your divinely ordained social class within a traditional Hindu society (which was originally based on intrinsic nature/personality or Gunas in Vedic science).
Post the scriptural passages that relate Gunas to castes?
That's a Merkabah, not a Vimana.
That's hilarious. I hope it catches on. Seattle is full of dirty chandalas anyway.
NTA but here you go:

Rigveda (Purushasukta Verse 12) speaks about how different Varnas are nothing but designations for different Svabhavas of people by symbolically describing different Varnas as emerging from different limbs of Purusha (Brahman). In this verse, Rigveda employs the model of the human body to describe a conception of human society rooted in Svabhava and Svadharma in an organic manner.

Manu Smriti (1.87) describes about how Brahman allotted different Svadharmas (personal duties) to people born with different Svabhavas (inherent nature).

Similarly, Bhagavad Gita also speaks about creation of four Varnas based on Guna (natural qualities and tendencies) and Karma (personal duties) (4.13) and that the duties have been allotted based on the Gunas that arise from Svabhava (18.41).

Bhagavata Purana (11.17.13) stresses that the four Varna’s that originated from the Supreme Purusha are to be recognized/designated by their Atma-achara (natural activities or personal duties according to inherent nature i.e. Svadharma).

Mahabharata (12.188) assigns a color to each Varna that symbolically represents the attributes/Svabhava associated with that Varna, reflecting the three qualities of the nature (Prakriti): Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas.

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Let me get straight:
>God is all-knowing and all-loving
>He decides to test a man who did nothing wrong by killing his children and burning his house
>He sends Satan to torture him afterwards
>After the man refuses to call out God for ruining his life for no reason he is given a new house and new kids
Why would God torture a man and kill his children if he's all-loving, shouldn't his love extend to the kids? And if he's all-knowing then what was the point of the test anyways?
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When you look into it, he's technically defending priests molesting children in churches, since to him that's how god refines them.
He must believe that tornado in Texas that killed a couple dozen folks this week was god blowing a kiss.
>Can god refine gold without a furnace?
I'll ask him if I ever talk to him.
This is found nowhere in the Bible. It's just something new age Christians say to make themselves feel good.
And if he did and I had the last of my impurities refined out of me and then came out a holy man I could then be allowed to step food in the holy place and experience the sacred pleasures reserved for the purest of hearts.

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Atheists, which of these two premises do you disagree with?
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You don't, you're right but that doesn't make you completely innocent and free of consequences. The young generation will make you bite the curb and won't care because why should you get to be an asshole and not everyone else? Faggot.
>i need jews to give me philosophy and hope
>No moral code, no values, doesn't bring people together, doesn't give hope or inspire art or anything
If you left your house and had human relationships you would know this stuff happens and exists without religion. Mostly cultural really.
No, I agree that actions have consequences.
But, that's not what moral obligation are about.
Some people have faith in God to justify their moral beliefs. God is an ephemeral immeasureable unprovable proposition.

Some people have faith in their moral beliefs. Moral beliefs are an ephemeral immeasurable unprovable proposition.

One of these these statements contains one less layer of obfuscation than the other.

Yugoslav female partisans used pliers, hot irons from blacksmith forges and other tools to torture penises



Yugoslav women cut the penises off enemy men and castrated them after performing femdom BDSM style CBT on them. Both Yugoslav female partisans in World War II and women in the Balkan wars of the 1990s did it to enemies. The Yugoslav Serbian female partisans did it to Hungarian Catholic priests, German Nazi soldiers and Italian Fascist soldiers and in the Balkan wars in the 1990s female Serbs and Croats did it to each other. A Bosnian Muslim also got kicked in the balls by female partisans.


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Holy fucking based. No excuses for the terror

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