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Why does /his/ shidd and fardd whenever the standard chronological model is questioned?
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>You basically are saying there exist people out there who can fabricated hundreds, if not thousands of works from diverse times and places all to do... what?
Stratigraphy doesn't lie, but manuscripts can very well be fabrications. The ball is in your court, catamite.

Brain worms.

He's shitposting for attention. Time to abandon thread.

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Why didn't he set the conquered territory's civilians into the army, for the dozens of millions, but preferred to lose Italy and neighboring territories which isolated him in Berlin?
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is this one of those threads were op pretends to be a massive retards just to farm (you)s
>90% of invalids

How many of the country are women, children, the elderly, the sick, you fucking slimy retard?
90%, I said it. Just read.
Mobilizing ten percent of your population for war is insane. Total war economy levels of mobilization.

Consider 50% of 100,000,000 million because men fight and not women. Then a typical population pyramid and that 10+ million combat dead represented the bulk of the working/fighting male population.

War isn't a map-painting Paradox game, retard.

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I’ve often seen it be claimed as nothing but a “dark age of barbarism, ignorance, and obscurism” and that the Church and Germanic barbarians are all to blame for 1,000 years of progress.

Now, I do think the Dark Ages existed for some time during the early medieval period, and I do consider the Fall of Rome a big setback for Europe (key word: Europe; MENA and Constantinople were still thriving, and there’s a whole other world in China and India), but I still feel it’s more or less an overstatement. Or at least it can’t get any worse than the early modern period, which was full of barbaric acts like witch trials, chattel slavery, and systemic genocide. But what do you think about this era of Europe? Are there some kino moments still worth looking at? Or is it at least worth looking at other civilizations of that era?
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>key word: Europe
This is the weird thing when trying to blame the church for Dark Ages because as you said you have to leave out Constantinople as when included there is no Dark Ages
the medieval period had several true renaissances, with it ending by the protestant reformation
the idea that the 1400s-1500s was less "medieval" than earlier periods is a stupid idea, because its an invention of people who came afterward that wanted to separate the periods
there was a renaissance in charlemagne's time that lasted atleast 100 years and made the medieval period what it was, a renaissance in the 12th century that caused education and manuscript writing to become far more developed, and the introduction of gothic architecture (which is also structurally stronger than romanesque architecture, allowing for much larger buildings), then the renaissance we know today, which really began in the height of the medieval period, in the mid 14th century which saw the creation of new art forms, religious thought, clothing, and the introduction of plate armor
i personally would like to claim that the medieval period didnt begin until charlemagne's time, because the medieval period is defined by a series of innovations in all fields that had been missing since the roman times
I personally think Charlemagne is a good start date too, but mainly because you can chart the split between the Greeks and Rome and it’s realignment with the Franks, up to the Reformation, as encompassing one long period wherein there was one united church in Western Europe.

The reformation collapses this papal system, with emperors and papal coronations and entire kingdoms being “papal fiefs” and all.
>I’ve often seen it be claimed as nothing but a “dark age of barbarism, ignorance, and obscurism” and that the Church
no one seriously thinks this anymore. stop taking pop culture history seriously.
>Germanic barbarians are all to blame for 1,000 years of progress.
stop taking bantz seriously
no, literally every normalfaggot thinks this, its a problem
just because its not true and not generally accepted by people who know the slightest bit of medieval history, doesnt mean most people arent retarded

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Is a life of doing things out of spite worth living?
Depends who you're spiting.
Does this relate to your picrel at all?

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What are some historical times an actual super villain actually won?
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> until it was abundantly clear he was going to rise to power and were attempting to gain favor with him.
Learn to read
Why are you telling me this? That has nothing to do with "Islamism" being a retarded made up word
Nope, we have no evidence of that.
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Mass executions before and after April 17 certainly occurred, they certainly didn't end up killing as many as 25% of the country.

Brother Number One didn't have a harem, he had two wives at different times in his lives.

He did not die of old age, it is well known that he either killed himself or was poisoned (we cannot know because his corpse was cremated shortly afterwards).

People still pray to the place in Anlong Veng where his ashes are resting, by the way.

Pic related, gives some badly needed context for the "Cambodian genocide"
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his tomb hasn't been excavated yet because of the damage fresh air would do to the priceless contents inside.
When the Terracotta statues were excavated all the paint flaked off them immediately after 2,000 years of no exposure to fresh air, we only have a few pictures of what it was like before they all turned grey and chipped. given their complete indifference to the well-being of a couple dozen workers, the chinks are presumably waiting until technology is good enough to dig up the Qin tomb without affecting anything inside it negatively

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Why do robust humans always lose to gracile ones? Think, Neanderthals vs. Cro-Magnons. Hunter-Gatherers vs Farmers etc.
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This even goes back to the Australopithecine days with Paranthropus vs Homo

>Why do robust humans always lose to gracile ones?
Confirmation bias.

>Homo sapiens vs Homo floresiensis
>Steppeniggers vs EEFs
>Niger-Congo Negroes vs Khoisan
>Neanderthals vs. Cro-Magnons
Aurignacians and Gravettians had every single advantage except robustness but even there, they were really unique and almost aberrations; hyper-adaptive. Their capacity in mental synthesis surpassed everything Neanderthal could possibly attempt, Neanderthal couldn't even crudely replicate their technology.
>Hunter-Gatherers vs Farmers etc.
Hunter-gatherers just became herders and quite literally raped the farmoids out of existence. The few male farmer lineages that remained were those who Indo-Europeanized quickly and mimicked the more robust, more capable Cro-Magnon descendants. Total farmoid death (except their wimmins)
the real answer is that gracile peoples create sexier women
this necessarily leads to extinction by outbreeding from men
it’s why women have such strong xenophobia towards women not in their in-group. You see white women despising asian women for this reason.
Mind explaining why even the most technologically primitive Africans (San, Pygmies) have bows and arrows then?

I just read what Timurlane did to Bayezid.... Turkishbros, this is like if the British put James Madison in a cage in the war of 1812
I remember reading a narrative history of the Ottomans and I was wondering why there's a gap between the date I was reading and the conquest of Constantinople when it seems like it's just about to happen
Was pretty shocked when I read about Bayezid

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Was Uruk the first egalitarian civilization, without social classes? Or was it more like Egypt, where you were either a king or a slave?
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Are there indetured sex servants?
They're called Actresses
Early agriculture society is very socialist. If you go modern village. Same happened. Village chief get elected then produce held in common. Socialism and communism can be done on small scale. Hunter gatherer also egalitarian. I'm sure that mentality stuck for early agriculturalists and early civilizations. I'm sure early city is very egalitarian with Wealth held in common until agriculture produce become so good that individual that greedy want to monopoliezed it by himself.
Tbh, surplus value and income tax would've seemed dystopian to people living in god-kingdoms
Ancient sources confirm.

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Did any European pagans believe in a supreme being, or was it all faggy lower case g "gods"?
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It's Deus Pater. Jupiter. Jovi. יהוה
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Dyeus is also Zeus. Pater is obvious. It was the patriarchal cult of the old Aryans, Tengriism also in all likelihood borrowed from it or it is its direct albeit changed descendant.
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Zeus and Deus are indeed cognates. Greek Δ is actually read as ð
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>faggy lower case g "gods"?
Reminder that this is yhwh's "wife"
Correct. Both have cognates in several languages of the same family including Sanskrit and Avestan (Dev, Div) and Latin (Devs/Divus) etc.

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So how much of it is true?
Did God really appear to the Israelites and did they really witness God speaking to Moses?
The stories around God taking the Hebrews on their journey to Israel just sounds very bizarre to me, especially when it gets to Egypt
How can you trust that the Tanakh is true? Does it need to be true?
I think it's possible to think of the early parts of Genesis as being myth but as soon as it gets to Abraham it's clear that this is real history and it's important
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Religions are outdated but NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.
>Did God really appear to the Israelites and did they really witness God speaking to Moses?
Do you really need to ask?
Yeah I'm sorry I got carried away, I shouldn't have asked that specific question
I guess my point is that it could have been one single tradition rather than trying to combine traditions
Of course, there is always a grain of truth to the stories; however, whatever little details that were left over changed over time. Everyone knows Joseph was an important Israelite, that he worked for the Pharaoh, that he was a slave, and that've might been it. If you look at Jewish literature in the first millennium you'll find all kinds of crazy stories about people. These guys were just making shit up.
Any book recs on this issue ?

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I heard they are descendants of Mithraism
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> Yazidism has an Iranian pagan substrate, but is also highly Semitized.
But aren't Abrahamic religions highly Zoroastrianized since Cyrus conquered Babylon
What they have in common, which some suppose certain Jews (the antecedents of Christians and through them the Muslims, but also represented by, e.g., 1 Enoch) got from the Zoroastrians, is not much more than the dualistic afterlife AFAIK. The Yazidis share this belief with both the Muslims and Christians and the Zoroastrians.
They also got monotheism from Zoroastrianism
The original YHWH was just a storm god
Yazidism is a fake new age religion which is syncretism of bunch of other stuff, it's ridiculous that it's widely considered ancient
Most religions are syncretism of bunch of other stuff and change over time

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Moments like this in history?
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True, telling the royalists that they were retarded was very brave.
So you just jumped into the thread, read the only post about Hitler, and immediately started seething?

Thanks for proving my point.
Hadrian abandoning the parthian campaign
Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus "the Cunctatator" Cunctator
Nice quads but I'm not proving your point, retard. Hitler had the support of most of his country.

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Uh... Nazibros.. did we lose?
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That would have been Britain and France wet dream since their entire strategy was to starve Germany like in ww1 and bomb her cities, while their own men stay safe behind French fortifications to avoid ww1-level carnage.
France and Britian was still rearming and mobilizing their dominions, the longer Germany waits, the more UK/FR will snowball their armament as their pool and access of resources, manpower and industry far exceeds Germany.

Most of Germany command had very bitter and negative thoughts on Germanys chances to win in the west. Halders strategy was essentially a more cautious repeat of the ww1 strategy, something which would likely have ended in disaster since a push through Belgium was exactly what the allies expected.
This is why Hitler opted for the Ardenne offensive, it was a high risk = high reward strategy which was far more preferable. If the German army had been caught in the Ardenne it would have been game over, however with this move Germany had a real chance to win, instead of very questionable results with a more conventional strategy to meet the allies head-on in Belgium.

Again, the whole reason for the "phoney war" was because Britain and France wanted more time, and Hitler still believed there was a chance Britain might cancel the war after the Polish campaign was concluded. When no peace offer came, Hitler knew he was the one who had to break the stalemate as he was the one who suffered from a time-window. The whole invasion of Norway was a direct result of the allied strategy to starve Germany of resources by blockade like in ww1. Iron today. Food and oil tomorrow.
You only lose if you stop fighting, that's why the jew's primary tactic is demoralization.
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>a hard to defend to cr-ACK
Does ALL human life have value?
It was about getting back at them for WWI and taking Alsace-Lorraine.

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Was the drinking age raised from 18 to 21 in the USA because the federal government threatened to withhold highway funding to states? That’s what I was taught in school.

Was prohibition good or bad for the country?

Why can you get married, gamble, have children, die in a war, buy tobacco at 18 but not a beer?

I think alcohol is a blight on mankind. It destroyed the Native American race.

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marijuana is legal in California and you can buy that at 18 so idk
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>allowed to engage in military combat for the zionist military complex by the age of 18 regardless of whether you're still a kissless virigin or not
>states legislate bans on drinking and smoking before the age 21
>but you can still be charged as an adult for a crime if you're a minor adolescent over a certain age
>but if an adult has coitus with a pubescent minor it's a sex crime
i've never known a single teenager who didn't know how to get alcohol if they wanted it. what was the point of setting the drinking age to 21 if it didn't actually prevent underage drinking anyway?
I had a much easier time buying weed than tobacco products to smoke them with or alcoholic beverages for that matter. Teens these days are probably having other scheduled substances peddled to them more easily. There however has never really been a development of a significant economy for the peddling of contraband tobacco and alcohol products to minors.
>i've never known a single teenager who didn't know how to get alcohol if they wanted it. what was the point of setting the drinking age to 21 if it didn't actually prevent underage drinking anyway?
I don't think you know just how dumb most legislators truly are. Once upon a time when the world was black and white they actually thought they could ban alcohol completely when you could produce it in your basement with ingredients any grocery store carried.

Was this guy right about greek mythology?
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He was raised as a Christian Scientist and his mom Isn't Jewish. I'm not entirely sure where the Jew stuff you speak of is coming from.
I disagree, I think this guy is a white liberal trying to humiliate himself in this video.
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That's not a Mythology that's about a real event unlike the Indo-European Sodosemite Abrahamic Aryan Alien cult Exodus fairytales they spin every year.
>Greek ad Roman Mythology in movies
>in movies
300 is / was as a tool to promote anti-Iran propaganda, the story is presented from a Greek perspective (on a side note, the way the story is told adds a layer to David Wenham's character's –Aristodemus, I suppose– because the fantastical nature of that world can be attributed to both the stylistic choice, but also to the bias of the narrator, not too dissimilar to the unreliable accounts of ancient historians), but those very same Greeks were deliberately engineered into something more palatable to the modern audiences, in particular to the conservatives who are naturally drawn to movies like 300, and would watch, and then draw parallels between their own values and those of the dead Spartans who remained defiant to the end against the invasion of ambiguous-brown ragheads.

300 doesn't have any compromise with authenticity, it's not trying to be historically accurate, it's just trying to be entertaining (kudos in particular to cinematographer who adapted the panels to a different visual media so nicely), also doubling down as propaganda, it's meant to evoke a Western World (best represented by the Anglosphere) × Moslem World (represented by Iran) dichotomy. It's even funnier with further inspection, Greeks were mostly played by NW Europeans, while the invading brown hordes was led by a token Med (in a golden Brazilian carnival costume or something):

>Santoro was born in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro state, to Francesco Santoro, an Italian engineer with roots in Paola, Province of Cosenza, Calabria,[1] and Maria José Junqueira Reis, a Brazilian artist of Portuguese ancestry.
>300 was directed by a Jew
zack snyder is not jewish

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