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>Sam Houston
>Nolan Ryan
>Davy Crockett
>Stephen F Austin
>Stone Cold Steve Austin
>Dwight Eisenhower
>William Hobby
>Lyndon Johnson
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I just moved to Texas from california. People are nicer here, better manners. Demographics seem the same. Maybe a few more white people. It’s hot as hell.

My point is when does Texas become anyones home? You have to be born there and die there? Someone mentioned Beyoncé but doesn’t she live in LA now? Being born in Texas is all that matters?
You have to LARP it, but you can't act like a transplant. It's not just shooting guns and wearing hats and calling people nigger. Since you're from California that might be difficult, but it's possible to become honorary Texan.

The real question is will Texas retain the good traditions of the past like great public schools and a disdain for elites, or will it collapse into Florida's gun-serfdom with the influx of rich self-proclaimed libertarians?
Why is France even included in the six flags thing when they only controlled a single fort in texas ?
Lamar Hunt had a huge impact on American sports. The NFL wouldn't be what it is today without him and the MLS might not even exist.
Fuck him. He turned a calm and sensitive Southern town with deep and interesting heritage into a braying mass hysteria factory that subsidizes the worst kind of small-minded small-town politicians and their shitty decisions. Also soccer sucks.

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It seems like the most perfect spot in Africa to settle next South Africa climate, vegetation, and it not some desert/jungle or place Europeans would be unfamiliar with

>very low population Kenya barely had 1 million people when it was first colonized
>Looks very similar to Germany and central Europe
>not full of crazy mosquitoes and malaria
>It's just plain out beautiful
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Yeah eventually, still not as much or as early as the other places I described
Brits didn't mass migrate to SA. SA was inhabited by the Dutch for centuries and then Brits took up military and administrative divisions when it fell into British hands following the Boer wars. SA is different because it was a Dutch colony for centuries beforehand.
I was pretty bad in Kenya too. Especially since they will never ever get their land back and the alienation.
Yeah fair actually, it's probably worse than I think it is, I guess I'm just comparing it to say Australian dispossession where the people were basically wiped out.
Richard Dawkins is Kenyan
Also, I agree, as Kenyan women are just about the only fuckable Negresses

If someone asks me to kill them,
is it wrong to do it with fire?
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>FO3 is kino
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Not if it's an illusory being with no soul like an npc
>If someone asks me to kill them,
is it wrong to do it
china would do the same

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Hero or Zero?
Bongoloid spies are always much more interesting than mutt spies who are invariably doing it for a quick buck or are slimey jews jewing america for pissrael or the sѹviet jewnion
Cuck weirdo

Moral relativists can’t refute this.
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Knowing Moral Relativism is false is extremely simple. First, you understand that the concept of better exists as an observable phenomenon. If I create a hole to hold water, and then create a bigger hole for the purpose of holding water, the bigger hole is better based on the criteria of holding water.
Likewise, if we were to judge ideas and attempt to decide which is better, how would we go about doing this? Well, I think about life, what is the purpose of ideas in the context of an individuals life? The purpose, I think most would have a hard time disagreeing, would be to propogate your life in the direction you deem worthy enough to move towards. Which means, in this context, any idea that justifies the unecessary death of the individual thinking it, might be considered worse or inferior to those ideas which do not justify the unecessary death of the individual thinking it. Which is where OPs post comes in, and I don't think people are grasping. OP is advocating for the idea that moral relativists must support the taking of their own life unecessarily, which as I have stated early would mean Moral Relativism is a worse or inferior idea than other ideas that exist in the set of ideas it exists in, and why would you not use the greatest, best tool at your disposal? Because that's what ideas are, they are tools, so why would you use a tool that justifies the taking of your own life unecessarily?
Morality is consent based. You give me something I like and it's good. I take something I like without asking and it's bad. Therefore not wanting to be shot makes it that shooting someone is bad.
There are relativists and there are liars. Absolutism exists only in the aspirations of brainlets and hypocrites
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Both propositions are independent, the invalidness of one does not suppose the validity of the other
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Also, you are using absolutism to disprove itself.

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There was never such a thing as "western roman empire". There was an empire with two emperors, and eventually one of them got fired by germanic foederati and only one emperor remained. On the other hamd, the term "eastern roman empire" may be a synonym for the "byzantine empire", as the seat of power was transferred by Constantine to the east (so western parts can be considered as part of ERE since 330, some of the were later reconquered by Justinian, but ERE didn't magically appear in 395. "Western empire" was never an entity and I am getting tired of the retarded narrative.
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Wrong, fed. Both subordinate to the emperor in Constantinople. Try again.
the ideal was one empire two emperors but in practice there were multiple incidents where they tried to get rid of one another
>the 4 tetrarchs try to get rid of eachother
>that means.. there are le 4 empires!!
Your brain on normalfaggotry and kiketube.
This is obviously true , its merely labeled that way to distinguish the different management and military campaigns of the two parts of the empire.

Most historians recognize that it was the battle of Battle of Adrianople in 378 that doomed the Western part of the empire even though it was fought in todays eastern Thrace. The western limes had completely collapsed well before that.
Wait until he finds out there was never a "Byzantine" empire.

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They do it so effortlessly?

So in a historical context, would every average Nordic man have unquestionable breeding rights to i.e south American hunter-gatherer women 2000 years ago due to racial advantage?

Considering the influx of southern Europeans in South American history, a Nordic conquest of the South Americas would be unparalleled.
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>breeding rights
what is this
Two Mediterranean Gods, who inspired the mythology of the backwards nordoid neanderthals, creators of civilization, philosophy, architecture, mathematics, and beauty, and in the middle, average angloid (a slave in ancient Rome/Greece)
dicksucking lips
It's not about mediterraneans or angloids here retard
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patagonians were tall

Anything beyond the physical world does not exist because there cannot be proof of things that aren’t physical. Math is a human construction that only worlds because people contrived it to cohere in convoluted manners. Religiosity is the consequence of brainwashing. Free will is a useless matter of semantics.
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>there cannot be proof of things that aren’t physical
Not that far from the real thing
He marries Hebe, which is kino
>secondary sources
Ah yes, the famous western philosopher Yukio Mishima.

What are your fav /his/ YouTubers? Mine is TREY the Explainer.
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You too anon, didn't mean to exclude you here >>16658949 sorry
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>Implying I don't have the right to watch a funny yet largely accurate history video here and there.
Why you gotta be like this bro?
pic unrelated
There used to be that guy, sadly killed by the vax, study of antiquity and the middle ages. His channel has tons of great interviews with historians, lectures etc. Lots of crap too, but you know how it is.

There's this tiny Welsh dude Cambrian Chronicles who's nice because he tends to do videos on topics that have 5 sentences written on them between 8 different sources and there's a puzzle involved in interpreting it. I like early medieval period so that's resembling a lot of what I read.
>tfw we missed out of a Gallic-Roman-Syriac cold war
Life is not fair
This guy's funny but he's clearly a massive homo.
>brown femboy Dionysus

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Why only Judaism, in the mythological sense, treats snakes as something antagonistic? Since all mythologies treat them as often beneficial, even having queens and kings of snakes? IE mythology, for example, does not treat snakes as such.
What leads to this and what are its implications? the garden of eden?
and why are it often female deities who are portrayed as having authority over serpents?
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That seems to be the idea reinforced by the gospels and letters. It would follow that it is this same earthly Satan which tempts Jesus in the wilderness.

I will note, Josephus himself says the snake originally had legs. This is confusing, since we see hear of flying sepents later in the bible.

I might be able to explain this incongruence. Either Josephus was simply wrong (this doesn't seem likely to me), or I am.
OR he was deliberately concealing this information from his Roman audience. It's this last possibility that most intrigues me, though I can't think of anywhere else he might have done this. It is well known that Josephus isn't necessarily the most reliable narrator when it comes to certain things.

Moreover, I cannot recall ever reading anything to that extent in any of the early Church fathers. And while Philo's treatment of the serpent is allegorical and abstracted, he doesn't digress much from the text. He does however relate the fiery serpents and brazen serpent of Moses found later on in the Pentateuch to the theme of Adam's fall and healing.

These fiery serpents Philo talks about philosophically in conjunction with the Genesis serpent are literally called "Seraph" in the Hebrew (שָׂרָף sārāf). Well that sounds kind of angelic to me, even if they are afflicting Israel.
>Hercules... uhh... killed a snake when he was baby. Dunno if that counts.
That one is irrelevant, what is relevant is the antagonistic Python, slain by Apollo, and the malevolent primordial devil Typhon.

At any rate, OP is a fucking retard.
that is obviously a rabbit

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Why are Latinx spamming memes like these? Are they aware that the Spanish navy hardly ever won against the British one?
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You're a literal moor rapebaby with negroid admixture
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>You're a literal moor rapebaby with negroid admixture
I bet they were much more tender to their seaman
You could mix a nigger with a Swede and the mullatto would probably cluster with nafris, but it wouldn't be a nafri.
nafroids such as iberians carry an inherent buckbrokenness that cannot be mediated. it eats at their heart and threatens their manhood at all times. that's why they have such a bombastic and effeminate culture of extremes which they compensate with religion (spoiler alert, they happen to be the most depraved catholics)
atleast the sentient vantablack aboriginese-plantlife hybrids from somalia are funny to behold, whereas iberians are just annoying.
just ignore them and let them do their tradcath nonsense. i will not be replying

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here is scaled of my fathers coordinates he is an Ashkenazi J1 Dad_scaled,0.102441,0.127957,-0.00528,-0.046835,0.006463,-0.017849,-0.003525,-0.011999,0.008181,0.019317,0.002436,0.007943,0.001041,0.006606,-0.006515,-0.01127,-0.016428,0.002407,0.000251,-0.005127,0.004991,-0.001113,0.004314,-0.003133,0.000239
here is mine also Ashkenazi :D
curious about the mystery meat in there thank you and have a nice day!

Why did they lose WW1?
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>be armchair retard
>creates alternate WWI
>germany loses and is encorcled and cucked torever and ever by russia
Very nice foreign policy there cuck. Enjoy your slavery.
>look! Some faggot with a gay name said thing I like!!
Only a strong germany could build a strong europe.
In the Second World War, yes. Britain stationing a fleet caged up in Gibraltar or Malta would have been quite vulnerable to air raids and lurking u-boats,but remember that In ww1 they could not hunt in wolfpacks nearly as well and had to have a “sit and wait approach”due to tremendously low speeds and weak battery. Britain had the cruisers they needed to deal with the problem. By 1916-1917 cruisers were swatting them like flies.

Most importantly in that scenario, the med is closed on all the choke points; Turkey is hostile or neutral to the central powers, the Russian navy would have access through a he straits (since they’re neutral in this scenario) and you add the Russian fleet to the mix. Honestly the French and Russian navies combined could win the med battle against Italy with minimal British help. Having dreadnoughts barrage land fortifications

If this was the alliances, peace would have reigned. France and Britain have no skin in the game in the balkans, and wouldn’t back A-H over an assassination.

Honestly, A-H probably gets dismantled over time just like the ottomans here, with some nations getting independence and becoming German or Russian politicial puppets. Anschluss, Czech, Slovaks going to Germany in some form (probably a puppet state for the latter two), and Galicia, and Austrian Poland going to Russia. Hungary becomes independent, although still somewhat TRIANONED, losing their southern Slavic lands that Serbia and Italy would quibble over. Hell, if I was German leadership I’d gladly divest all my colonies and turn my attention back home to mittleeuropa the fuck out of Central Europe, which would be far more profitable. I could see a flashpoint over the economic colonization of the Ottoman Empire, but I think they’d come to an agreement over economic privileges with each other.

Who knows though odds are a communist Revolution happens anyways and could even spread from Russia to Germany successfully

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You may want to read it.
It's on libgen.
To write history is to consider how to explicate the past, to weigh the myriad possible approaches to the past, and to come to terms with how the past can be and has been used. In this book, prize-winning historian Jeremy Black considers both popular and academic approaches to the past. His focus is on the interaction between the presentation of the past and current circumstances, on how history is used to validate one view of the present or to discredit another, and on readings of the past that unite and those that divide. Black opens with an account that underscores the differences and developments in traditions of writing history from the ancient world to the present. Subsequent chapters take up more recent decades, notably the post-Cold War period, discussing how different perspectives can fuel discussions of the past by individuals interested in shaping public opinion or public perceptions of the past. Black then turns to the possible future uses of the then past as a way to gain perspective on how we use the past today. Clio's Battles is an ambitious account of the engagement with the past across world history and of the clash over the content and interpretation of history and its implications for the present and future.
Also the teaching company or "TTC" torrents with Rufus Fears. Those are very good as well. Enjoy!

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How did this guy get a 150-year monopoly on the idea of "socialism"?
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Don't forget Blanquists
It was before that, dingus
But anon, the "democratic socialists" had won. You are being ruled by them.
Unlike marxist and nazi full retards they mostly let the capitalists do their job and just steal the *profits* from "means of production".
He applied a coherent intellectual framework to it. The utopians and volkists, in contrast, were pants-on-head retarded idealists
He didn't. Bismarckian socialism and one-nationism are still some of the best forms of socialism out there, alongside various other forms of social democracy or paternalistic socialism. They may degrade themselves over time and lose sight of their intent, but that's where you refresh them with new ideas in ways that one gang's understanding of Marxism never gets. That is the difference between oligarchic tyranny and democracy, and that is the reason the latter is just so persistent.

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