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Is there a Christian equivalent to the Islamic model of the Soul?
why are Abrahamics so autistic
It's a really good model desu

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Why is orthodox judaism so cringe?
even kikes seem less unhinged than catholics
bear your name proudly

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Why were Soviet sissies so bad at war?
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Tankies are those retards who dream of being bootlicked.
Did he also cry like a bitch when his son died like scum in Korea?
They won WW2
Stalin was a good military leader
They also put down many CIA counter-revolutions in the Warsaw Pact
>Parroting the lend lease 4chan myth

LOL is this the new tankoid cope, that lend lease is a 4chan myth???

>Today [1963] some say the Allies didn't really help us ... But listen, one cannot deny that the Americans shipped over to us material without which we could not have equipped our armies held in reserve or been able to continue the war. -Zukhov

>I would like to express my candid opinion about Stalin's views on whether the Red Army and the Soviet Union could have coped with Nazi Germany and survived the war without aid from the United States and Britain. First, I would like to tell about some remarks Stalin made and repeated several times when we were "discussing freely" among ourselves. He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war. If we had had to fight Nazi Germany one on one, we could not have stood up against Germany's pressure, and we would have lost the war. No one ever discussed this subject officially, and I don't think Stalin left any written evidence of his opinion, but I will state here that several times in conversations with me he noted that these were the actual circumstances. He never made a special point of holding a conversation on the subject, but when we were engaged in some kind of relaxed conversation, going over international questions of the past and present, and when we would return to the subject of the path we had traveled during the war, that is what he said. When I listened to his remarks, I was fully in agreement with him, and today I am even more so. - Khrushchev

They know more than you retarded larper
>After getting my nose broken I was successfully able to beat up a toddler and steal his lunch money

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Obama also nuked civilians
>obama that high
What about FDR?
He provoked the Pacific War into existence, so that he could go after Germany.
And I'm fairly sure he would have also used the nukes on a couple of Japanese cities
The guy who carpet-bombed hundreds of thousands of German, French, Dutch, and Belgian civilians is number 3, so sure.
The fact that FDR is anywhere near the top 10 is legit delusional beyond anything I thought plausible.

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We are Psychopathic Geniuses.

Only 1/31,560 people have a 160+ IQ, and only 1% of the population has psychopathy. Assuming probabilistic independence, about 1/3,156,000 of the population satisfy both criteria, meaning there are only around 2,535 of us in the world. Are you one of us?

Every human interaction induces a game. The player who wants to win the most sets the rules. Affective empathy and other forms of neuroticism set the bar for your capacity to take action. This bar is concerningly low for most people, bordering on the self-sacrificial if not outright masochistic. In effect, when faced with a purely rational opponent, such a person can never win. No intelligence makes one impotent; no lack of affective empathy and other irrational biases makes one incapable of competing at the extremes. In this sense, psychopathic geniuses are the ideal people, a superior people.

We labor to create an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric individuals—a place free from the impotence of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of neurotypicals. We may look friendly on the surface, but make no mistake—there are no lengths we won't go to if you piss us off.


Islan says all souls are in Barzakh until judgement day (qiyamah) and that hell is currently empty.

Sunni hadith says Mugammad dreamed Abu Lahab was burning in hell and he got relief for giving a slave water.

Sunnis also say Abu Talib is in hell now and having his brains boiled out.

Sunni hadith says angel Gabriel physically rendered Pharoah incapable of vocalising the Shahada by stuffing mud in his mouth because Gabriel was afraid Allah would accept his repentance.

1. Angels don't have free will, they follow Allah's commands, so Allah was scared that Allah would accept pharaoh repenting?

2. This means mute people can't convert to Islam if Pharaoh was prevented from repenting just by mud in his mouth. If you punch someone's teeth out you can consign them to hellfire by this logic since they can't say la ilaha illa allah.
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aren't those that assassin guys?
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>Even until the very last minuted of his death the prophet was begging for Abu Talib to say the shahada but because he didn't he said that he was consigned to hell.
No he wasnt, he was asking for a inkpot, quill and a shoulderbone of cattle to write his last will. But all his so called sahaba were too busy bickering over his succession to care thathe subsequently died, and kept arguing until 2 days later they realized he was dead.
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You do not have the iman to decline what is sahih according to fiqh
Nizari Ismailis are the assassins.

Tayyibi Ismailis (Bohras) are not the assassins.
This reminds me of the whole criterion of embarrassment that Christians try to use.

Jennifer Lopez would pass as white in southern europe.
she snuck a gun into a club for that nigger diddy which he used to commit a murder, she should be in prizon
she should be executed cause she's a beaner
Executed with my dick

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What made the ancient Greeks so advanced compared to their contemporaries? They were inventing computers and steam engines well before everyone else. Even the Romans didn't come close
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nobody was inventing steam engines back then, they didn't have the metallurgy to make pressure chambers and without those steam power is fooking useless
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>You are brown
And the Greeks weren't.
Looks whiter than most Americans. Also
>3d recreations
No such thing existed; what was found were a number of jars with miscellaneous items in them
Cool artifact but not nearly as impressive

Why was Korea so poor even compared to Japan and China, before the japanese colonization?
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Architecture of the Goryeo Dynasty in the 10th and 14th centuries.

Noice party, glowie.
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Joseon Fortress during the Japanergse Invasion of Korea in 1592.
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During the Imjin War, Korean warriors and muh samurairet.

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Why don't Finno-Ugric people except Sámi have EHG admixture? Did the Indo-Europeans genocide all EHG in non-Sub-Arctic Russia?
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We gotta bring the distance atleast below 0.01 for the modern populations
Yamnaya is irrelevant and they got clobbered by corded nordid descendants (sintashta)
It could be that globular amphora culture contributed beneficial genes to corded ware and the sum was greater than the parts
Protip: the EHG were extremely few in number (as are all hunter-gatherers) and those who survived waves of disease and social filters just became part of CWC.

Do you want me to tell you about WHG and SHG now? I will, don't worry. Exact same thing happened. Exact same. Maybe some became Bell Beaker instead, potato-potahtoe
Yeah but hunter gatherer men cucked farmer men and became their kings so they won out in the end

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How common were "Irish need not apply" signs? Did non-British descended White-Americans use them too?
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Depends, in my country it was basically just a meme and anglo - irish banter
Catholic civil rights in America were never a problem from 1776 and anti-Catholicism in 19th century Britain was hardcore. The KKK hate Catholicism almost as much as they hate niggers? In Britain it was the other way around.
No, I’ve met a lot. My homeland is nationalistic as fuck. But people still have a level of self-awareness that they do not literally believe they are morally, physically and mentally superior to the scum on the border. On the other hand the shit Canadian libtards say when you get them started on the USA is Balkans tier. They also hit the ceiling when you reference “America” as a continent that includes them. I’ve also heard a lot of bizarre beliefs about Quebec separatists from the same demographic. In particular that they’re racist hillbilly rednecks, I’ve been working on random farms across the deep Quebec countryside for about 6 months now and I have seen no such thing, they do not bat an eye at Congolese and Haitians all over the place, and in terms of actual policies besides secession the separatists are, if anything, MORE left wing than lib voters. I don’t know what word can accurately describe the Canadian anglolib worldview besides nationalism, rather radical nationalism even.
I wonder if anyone ever put up a "No Anglos Need Apply" sign, could they? Like an Irish-American that decides to fight fire with fire. Would be pretty funny and in my experience the Irish can be pretty funny.
>Catholic civil rights in America were never a problem from 1776
One of the so-called 'intolerable acts' stated by those who sought separation in the late colonies is that they found it wholly unacceptable that Britain had granted equal citizenship rights to the Quebeckers due to their Catholicism. Anti-Catholic hostility remained strong in the US throughout the 19th century - the largest singly lynching of all time in US history was perpetrated by the KKK against Italians (Catholics). And basically the entire reason the Irish were discriminated against with the 'need not apply' shit wasn't because they were Irish but because they were Catholic. Meanwhile in Britain (tons of Irish also went just across the sea to mainland Britain before, during, and after the famine), the majority of the discrimination they faced wasn't because they were Catholic but because they were Irish. When they started showing up in the US from the 1830s onwards, most of the migrants from elsewhere in Europe coming over to the country at the same time were still Protestants. It was only towards the end of the 19th century that Italians started showing up, for example, basically a whole lifetime after the Irish paved the way.

Hell even when JFK became President, tons of pearl-clutching conservatives gasped at the idea of the US having a non-Protestant President - it was considered to be pretty scandalous and for many an unacceptable deviation from the norm.
>anti-Catholicism in 19th century Britain was hardcore
If you would have said 18th century Britain (and certainly 17th century Britain), I would agree with you, but as mentioned, it was already in the late 1700s that the Catholic emancipation process began, by which it wrapped up in the late 1820s.
>The KKK hate Catholicism almost as much as they hate niggers?
Catholics entering the US were very clearly their second-most reviled group. They Klan was pretty clear about that.

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>tranny statues
>crucified Jesus
>persecuted Christians
>bloodsports in coliseums
>sodomites and pedophile groomers
>degenerate politicians and emperors
What was so great about Rome again? It was a Satanic evil empire.
It was all part of God's plan, though.

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Why are White Americans obsessed with jews?

>come on goy we are the judeo christian west you have to support us hehe
>Christians are cucks to jews. If you are a Christian you are a slave to another master that is not GOD
>Jews used to only circumcise the tip of the foreskin, and then they started doing the entire foreskin and frenulum. They intentionally transformed it to be more painful to make sure they never forget they're property of the Jewish.
Jews: I hate you with my entire being and want you dead
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>Jews: I hate you with my entire being and want you dead
I've never heard a Jew say this.
Maybe because I've never met a Jew.
Oe maybe I have bit I haven't noticed.
>Maybe because I've never met a Jew.
I've met a few (in America). Worked for one (so I had a Jewish master). Hooked up with two. There are some stereotypes that have truth but my impression is more like.... slutty neurotic basketball fans. They are very driven and competitive. Also thoughtful with gifts.

I don't get the weird ideological stuff that people say about them. People on this website talk about fast food being "goyslop" but a few years before that, the Jews were taking their fast food away and making them eat their vegetables. But traditional "Jewish" food is not really enticing. It's a bunch of potato food from Eastern Europe.
Also most of the people in this image are probably Jews.
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>Also thoughtful with gifts.
On this, I've been given books as gifts from three Jews. Good books too that were particular interests they picked up about me, not books I'd usually get from other people. I also got a Hamsa from one, it's a symbol that awards protection. I don't know how much gift-giving is a thing in their culture though.

I picked up this gift giving thing from those Jews I knew though. In a different context (no Jews), a friend arranged for me to stay with his friend when I was visiting a different city, and I didn't know this guy, but I learned he was really into motorcycles and rode one, so I bought him a vintage pair of Swiss motorcycle goggles and left them on his coffee table along with a card the morning I took off. He really liked that and contacted me later to to thank me.

Their humor is on the zany side. You see it in Looney Tunes, Mel Brooks, Airplane, Seinfeld.

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Hello /his/torians

How accurate is this religious map of the upcoming Europa Universalis 5?
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I hope the Protestant reformation will have many different choices to choose like in the mod Pope Leo’s nightmare for eu4. That mod has like 12 reformations that spawn including mennonites and other anabaptist sects or anti-trinitarians like Servetuscist or Socinianism
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this is a section of the culture map
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of spain as well
They probably differentiated NA religions and cultures in order to allow for events like the French and Indian war.
It also provides better larp value if you, say, want to do a campaign starting in NA that resists colonisation, because it won't let you easily conquer neighbours that, in reality, were quite different from each other.
Shinto did not exist until the Meiji Restoration.

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>The dog was highly valued in ancient Persia as they were considered part-wild, part-human, and part-divine, a gift from the gods.
>In the Zoroastrian creed the dog had been provided for human beings as a gift from Ahura Mazda, and the deity expected that gift to be well-cared for. Insulting a dog was thought to bring a divine reprimand because the person was presuming to elevate themselves over the dog without any good reason. Dogs, after all, did not insult humans and, in spite of all the good they provided, remained ever humble. Punishments for injuring a dog on purpose include beating with up to “seventy stripes” and, if one accidentally harmed another person's watchdog, herd dog, or hunting dog, one would have to pay for treatment and, further, compensate the owner if the dog was unable to perform its duties because of the injury.
>Infirm dogs were to be cared for with just as much diligence as those who were sound and productive. A mad dog was to be calmed and cured of its madness, and one which had lost its ability to scent was to be guided by collar and leash so that it would not venture off and, unable to detect a predator or some other danger, come to harm. Vendidad 13.6.39 makes clear that people are to take care of injured dogs, not only because it is the right thing to do but also in return for all the dog has done for them. The passage cites the supreme deity Ahura Mazda stating so.

>After the Arab conquest of Iran Muhammad is said to have called for a mass cull of all dogs (deeming them unclean) but then softened his stance, after facing resistance, limiting the death penalty only to black dogs (associated with evil).
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>chimp out over two fabrics touching
>chimp out over one member of the trinity being mentioned first before another member of the trinity in a chant
>chimp out over curtains with depictions of animals
Its clearly an abrahamic issue, or maybe abrahamic is shorthand for autistic
"Worship" of dogs is a universal thing, they're literally bred to help humans so hating them is almost against nature. Only cattle has naturally generated more worship.
I don't understand why you'd think dogs were a nuisance to Muslims, they're useful in rounding up pretty much all kinds of livestock, except perhaps, ironically, pigs.
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>the Iranian government periodically initiates crackdowns on walking dogs in public and dog ownership in general
Talk about completely destroying a culture.
God I would be so fucking ashamed to be Iranian.
Honestly sad how much culture muslims have wiped out in Iran, it's the origin of most of the worlds dog breeds ffs, also a huge variety of winegrapes.
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>Dogs were strongly associated with the Persian afterlife.
>An important aspect of the Persian funerary ritual was the sagdid (“glance of the dog”) in which a dog – preferably one with “four eyes” (a spot above each eye) – was brought into the room where the newly deceased was laid out. The purpose was twofold: the dog would be able to tell if the person was actually dead (and so mortuary rituals could proceed) and the dog would scare away any evil spirits hovering around the body.
>After death, the soul would journey to the Chinvat Bridge which spanned the abyss between the world of the living and the lands of the dead. Two dogs guarded the bridge and, as one was to cross, these dogs would welcome the righteous but not the condemned. The bridge would widen for the virtuous soul and narrow for those who had led evil lives.

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