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(humanly & historically)
It really does. Self defeatist copes below this line
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Hell yeah
also checked >>16639944
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it sure does
mayocide is the future
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so true

I will defend French Africa til' the day I die.
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It literally was just glorified corporate handouts and job welfare fir tye middle class.
stop wasting dog food on niggers wtf
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Real niggas eat GORILLA CHOW
Well you're dead then, since even it's former strongholds fell to Russia
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>dog food on niggers
The majority of the starving, encircled French troops stationed in Niger forced to eat dog food were White, dumb Amerimutt retard.
Not even eating that along with eating every protein imaginable every hour would fix the lack of masculinity in the cucked French so-called "males". Over 1/10 of French people identify as LGBT, and they get mogged by nonwhites in their own country.

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The most benevolent empire to ever exist. The world should be grateful
The US is way more benevolent.

This is the seal of Kuyuk Khan
You must respect and fear it or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
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>This digits
I respect and fear the seal
not a pretender, his grandson. Ruled the empire 1246-48
>oceanic Khan
>never crossed an ocean
crossed an ocean of fat to get to yo mamas butthole
güyük had no right to call himself oceanic khan.

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What are the most liminal nation-states next to Belgium?
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Which myths?
Countries are very real lol, try becoming a citizen of one
I'll be honest I hate romanians as much as the hunigga but I cannot help but feel like they deserve Moldova in it's entirety. Why is it even called Moldova?
a tumor of a tumor

Why is World War 2 considered to start with the invasion of Poland?
Shouldn't the start of the war be the start of the Sino-Japanese war in 1937?
After all the Sino-Japanese war is considered to be part of WW2, it is the opening of the pacific theatre, the casualities form a large part of the WW2 total and it lasted for the duration of the war.
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It received 1/20th of what the Soviets received and was largely irrelevant. China had already stalled the Japs when the US started to finally fight back
Sino-Japanese War was a war between two countries in one region of the planet.
It eventually kicks off the Pacific War, a struggle involving global combatants, but even that required the Japanese move into French Indochina, which only happened because of the German defeat of France. Events in Europe (Anti-Comintern Pact,Molotov-Ribbentrop, Tripartite Axis, Barbarossa) heavily influenced the course of events in Asia without a symmetric influence on Europe until after the general European war was an accomplished fact.
Meanwhile, by September 1939, the British and French empires were committed to war, making it inherently a globe-spanning conflict. Had they stayed out of it, but later found themselves at war, the Polish-German War would be seen as a precursor conflict to the World War, much like the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the Soviet-Japanese Border War.
Doesnt matter. Allied operations were planned theatre-wide and in conjunction with the chinese.
WW2 as a narrative tool is concentrated on Germany. Ultimately however this is a matter of classification, therefore what's relevant is the ability of WW2 as a phrase to communicate to you the particular part of world history rather than being perfectly accurate, therefore it's irrelevant.
Because the Sino-Japanese was could've easily continued without snowballing into a greater conflict in Europe.

It's like asking why the various unrelated wars happening in Latin America during the 1940s aren't considered part of WWII.

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Imperialist Americans and Europeans raped and genocided the Manchus for centuries.

Beijing was a majority Manchu city and Manchus inhabited counties around Beijing and they suffered the brunt of rapes in the Boxer rebellion.

>Beijing, Tianjin, and other cities in northern Hebei in China were occupied for more than one year by the international expeditionary force under the command of German General Alfred Graf von Waldersee. Atrocities by foreign troops were common. French troops ravaged the countryside around Beijing on behalf of Chinese Catholics.

Look at Manchu population concentrations in Hebei.

Shandong's Boxers were killed by local Han Chinese forces under Yuan Shikai so the Shandong Han didn't suffer from the Eight Nation Alliance unlike Zhili (Hebei Manchus)
>The Americans and British paid General Yuan Shikai and his army (the Right Division) to help the Eight Nation Alliance suppress the Boxers. Yuan Shikai's forces killed tens of thousands of people in their anti Boxer campaign in Zhili Province and Shandong after the Alliance captured Beijing.

Why do Westerners criticize China for human rights violations against ethnic minorities when they've been violating ethnic minorities in China throughout history?
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The hell?
Probably because the Chinese themselves thought the Manchus deserved it and participated.
Must be a self-portrait they take every so often.
Wants to show the world.
what is wrong with white "people"
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I wish we could rangeban the entire eastern hemisphere

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Was it really this bad in Japan after the war with people living in shanties begging for rice, or are the Japanese rewriting their history to feel sorry for themselves about their role in ww2 again?
It was but it didn't last that long compared to a lot of wartorn countries, due to American financial assistance. Same thing with (West) Germany as well
The postwar period was awful in terms of food, in Europe too, not just Japan. The men were off waging war and not growing food on farms, in a period where food production wasn't when it was today. Blockade meant food (and fertilizer) from abroad wasn't getting through, firebombing wrecked both infrastructure and food stores.
Britain only survived it by starving Bengal, Soviets had their last famine. US shipped massive amounts of food overseas to get Japan through the 45-46 winter.
yeah it was like that for most of the 1950s. Countries tend to look that way universally when the US's heavy strategic bomber fleet goes to work on them. shantytowns, barefoot kids begging for cigarettes from US troops, etc. Even in the early 1970s it was pretty shitty and poor but it didn't last too long and by the 80s Japan was economically world class again
Yeah when bombs and the resulting firestorm destroy a majority of the city and the survivors are left wandering around without any homes or jobs or money they do tend to look like that

Wait, so every major Christian site was just decided by Constantine's mom wandering around and going "Yeah, I be it was here"?
she tortured a few jews to get the knowledge too
>tortured a few jews
God bless only thing one should do to kikes
>she actually does it
>wait so everything in christianity was decided by political fiat?
Welcome to Abrahamic religion.
>double chin
Was she a fatty?

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What’s the historical precedent for certain cultures not being able to ingest shellfish?
hamfisted definitions of animals, ie. they live in the water but lack fish and scales
fish? fins*
That’s retarded

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Pre-christian jewish mystics who worked on the sephirots believed in keter, binah and hokmah, something which would later be called "the body of god" in kabbalah.

Hokmah means "knowledge" and is related to arabic "hikmah", keter means "crown" and binah means "understanding"; these compose what would later be called "the supernal triad" in the jewish occult, hokmah is considered the meaning of something, binah is the capability of processing it and keter would be the subject processing it.

During the second temple period, the high priests started codifying the law, because they started noticing some strains of heteropraxy among the jews and didnt know how to organize them, what they did is debate it all out, without using their intuition or reasoning, in a lawyer-like manner.

Jesus is considered the incarnation of the truth, or what would have been hokmah, the meaning of the law made man, confronting the fact that one can do something like another, without understanding it, and giving people the ability to be in touch with the truth intuitively, this is why his biggest complaints are always on the misuse of the holy spirit (binah).

The premise of philosophy is similar: the sophists (pharisaic types), insult what would basically be considered common sense today, by using reason to come to retarded conclusions, just to prove themselves right in every instance.

Socrates is a character who does not know the truth, and merely tries to give expression to his intuition via questioning, which eventually proves truth, without having come in contact with it.

Modern philosophy is in this sense self-defeating, what is true is not something to be codified, it is something known mystically, plato did not make socrates ask questions for people to ask more questions, he did so to make you self-aware about the fact that you already know certain things and possess deep, mystical intuition.

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So at this point you might say: but wait a minute, every religion claims to be this "truth", right?

Islam considers "people of the book" saved by their righteousness

Judaism considers all people going to the same place after they die, even pagans

Only "orthodox" christianity considers people who go to the same place after death, being saved by something unique to themselves, why is this?

Truth is what gave you life, it is why you are alive ("in the beginning was the word"), and by partaking in this eternal truth, which is unperishing, you are given eternal life.

This type of intuition is true whether it is scrutinized, or "rationally" disproven like with the sophists and pharisees, but how can you intuit something so mindlessly? And how can that even be true?

This is where intuition stops being a human attribute, and starts becoming something divine: faith.

Kabbalah is probably post Christian. Not that there were not older systems of Jewish mysticism that do predate Christianity, but Kabbalah probably wasn't one of them.

>a-according to Coons

why have Nords been larping as Meds for 1500 but the opposite never happened? Why are they so obsessed with Med culture?
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I don't understand the exact problem here
Even the celts were mainly brown hair.. the same with the Sintashta and etc
wypipo don' bleach dey hair
>this passes for journalism in America
>people pay to read this
the funniest thing is red hair isn't even exclusive to Gauls or whatever

Da Vinci had reddish hair and when they looked into it it most likely came from some Eastern ancestor from the Balkans or somethingm. the group had a name but I forgot it

there probably *were* Romans with lighter hair. but were they nord or Celt? who knows but there's like a bunch of other groups they could be too

Can fascism be defined as the belief that civil society should be structured similarly to the military?
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Fascism is simply any attempt to use exterminationist methods to suppress the left. Everything else is fluid and tactical. Militarism is only fascistic insofar as the fascists are in government and get to use state power: out of government they use street gangs. Clericalism is fascistic insofar as the fascists need to Catholics in the coalition: where they don't need Catholics, they disregard the clergy. Corporatism is nearly a constant but that's just because they're anti-left.
Fascism is post-Marxist socialism
>even though it appears in some movements it's not a core feature. Mussolini explicitly wanted the church to gtfo politics.
This is a postwar myth. Not sure why it’s become so popular in recent years.

Mussolini passed laws making it a felony to criticize the catholic pope, alongside other strict blasphemy laws. There are other examples of the extreme christianism, but I digress, those two will suffice… It doesn’t get any more rabid christian fundamentalist than that… it’s like straight out of alabama…

Lets also not forget that he himself created the vatican city state. Singlehandedly saving the catholic church from total financial ruin and gave all of its confiscated (by the first king Emmanual) italian properties back.
>third position
Thats actually also a postwar misnomer, spread by some people dissatisfied with the fascists (such as the internet favorite Julius Evola). Third position would actually, in the cold war era, describe a set of left-wing socialist but non-marxist economies. Baathist MENA states come to mind, along with Peronism.

Fascism was a staunchly right wing ideology that was weird, and unique to its time and place. I’m not aware of any non-european country that can be said to have practiced fascism. Maybe Brazil flirted with the idea under Vargas.
No. There are several examples of fascism that make no attempt to “exterminate the left”. Fascism was not a really reactionary movement. It brought reactionaries under their umbrella but it itself was not that typenof movement. Fascism was “exterminationist” towards communism, and communism only, and was not “anti-leftist” really in any proactive way. It instead sought to incorporate non-communist leftists into itself.
This was actually one of the most integral aspects of fascism, adopted years before Mussolini or Hitler each respectively came into power.

Clericalism or christianism seems to have been a major component of fascism becaus eof its association with the peasantry, culture, people, and history of the countries it arose in. It certainly wasn’t because of building a “big tent”, rather it would have been there without a big tent because Fascism arose out of that segment of the population. Read the National Socialist German Worker’s Party’s 25 bulletin points summarizing their movement.
>Corporatism is nearly a constant but that's just because they're anti-left.
I’m not sure you know what corporatism is. And it wasn’t “nearly a constant”, it was one of a handful of prominent defining features present in every single fascist state.
This. But not really. Militarism is a defining characteristics of a state, so it follows that the ideology which glorifies the state will be militaristic.

Pashtuns conquered and ruled Sikh Punjabis for centuries, committed all sorts of atrocities including massacres and rapes without any resistance.

Then Sikhs with European mercenaries and British supplied weapons and backing rebel during the breakup of teh Durrani empire due to Pashtun civil war and the Sikhs briefly capture the Hindko majority city of Peshawar, never ruling the Pashtun tribal regions in FATA or most of KPK.

Then the Sikhs get BTFO and conquered by British who use Punjabi women in their military brothels.

And now Sikhs boast they conquered Pashtuns because they ruled Hindko in Peshawar for a few decades,when Pashtun men ruled all of Punjab for centuries and changed their DNA.

Sikhs never ruled Afghanistan but Pashtuns ruled all Punjabis and had access to their women.
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Look, we get it, you like raping women because no women would actually look you in your general direction unless you forced them to.

Sikhs aren't subhuman savages who define themselves by how many hymens they forcibly pierced. They're actually a warrior nobility, something you clearly aren't.
Nigga your still ruled by Pakis (punjabi muslims) before that it was all turks.
The durrand line exists because of sikhs, you know it. Kek seething boy dancer.
Funny how someone from the biggest shithole with 60IQ is claiming superiority
پښتو خځې انګریزي تناسل خوري
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زه عکس هېر شول

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Why do gulf Arabs look different to each other?
Half of all gulf arabs were actually black slaves and the rape spawn of Arab males and black females
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Natufian genes
Gulf Araps are mystery meat, pretty much the Shitalians of West Asia. It's not that they're phenotypically diverse, they're very mixed and barely count as an ethnic group, even though the mutts all call themselves Araps.

Many of those Gulf Araps are real Araps, some have a Mesopotamian "Arab", Levantine "Arab" (fun fact, Bin Laden was half-Syrian Alawite) or even a Circassian concubine mother, while MANY others have a Bantu concubine mother / grandmother.

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