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Suppose this:
God exists. We call him God1. He is omniscient omnipotent all the yadda yadda of the theists.
Now God1 creates God2 with all those same powers EXCEPT in regards to God1. Meaning God2 knows everything except that God1 exists. God2 is almighty except over Gos1 and God1 is almighty over God2 etc. God2 does not know that God1 exists.
Now God2 creates the universe and experiences himself as almighty God but everything he does could be undone at the snap of a finger by God1.
How does God1 know that he is not an equally conditioned being to a potential God0, who also cannot know etc.?

Now the theists will probably answer that God2 isn't the real god they worship and they by definition only worship the final Urgott we will call godhead the actual source of everything.
But that doesn't solve the problem because even if God were the godhead he could never know he has to consider himself the godhead axiomatically because how God1 and God2 (and God0...) experience themselves is exactly identical.
tl;dr Omniscience is impossible.
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>He objectively can't. Omniscience requires a logically impossible condition
Omnipotence as well. It all goes back to semantics defining god as all-transcendent, by which logic god is unbound by logic itself.
>Okay, but we as outside observers in this situation can presumably tell if he is real-omniscient or pretend-omniscient. So is your assumption that he is real-omniscient to begin with, or pretend-omniscient? Or are you saying that WE can't know if he is real-omniscient vs. pretend-omniscient? Because that is a whole separate issue.
He has all possible knowledge B. But all knowledge A entials the knowledge that A=B which is impossible.
So God2 has all possible knowledge B2 but B2 has strong limitations because God1is hidden from God2. God1 has B1 but he cannot know if B1 is also limited by a God0.
True omniscience thus requires a knowledge of omniscience that cannot be gained.

If God1 is almighty I'm sure he can find a better answer than me.

I have already explained that.
So God2 has all possible knowledge (for him) B2*
With the difference between B and B2 being God1's existence actions etc.
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Unfortunately you are trying to apply boundaries to an idea which inherently is boundless. The answer to your questions would be:

"I worship a God which fullfills all of the logical conditions to be omnipotent."
>Now the theists will probably answer that God2 isn't the real god they worship and they by definition only worship the final Urgott we will call godhead the actual source of everything.
>But that doesn't solve the problem because even if God were the godhead he could never know he has to consider himself the godhead axiomatically because how God1 and God2 (and God0...) experience themselves is exactly identical.
Do you worship an abstract idea or a concrete divine person? In the latter case we will have to ask how does God know he fullfilla all the logical conditions.
If you worship the godhead by default and only use the divine person as an approximation I guess this doesn't apply to you hence I used Meister Eckhart in the OP.

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How did Northern Italy become one of the most Industrialized regions in the world while the South remained rural?

Was it always like this?
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>uh yeah dud, the english monarchy in the 1200s had a real true effect on the indussial revolussion das a a hissorical fact
>reading comprehension
Shit theory
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Check yourself.
uhhhh spainbros?

Why are they so insecure about their pre 18th century history?
why are spics so insecure about their entire past
What are you babbling about?
Being cryptic is the epitome of idiocy.

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Do you think modernity has been worth it for the common man? Has it been worth it for you? Part of me wishes I was born a farmer with my own plot of land to tend with my family, but I also know being a peasant wasn't easy, so I'm not sure.

Zoomers still in school/college with no real world experience need not answer.
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No you don't get it. I have to be FORCED to be a peasant. I can't choose to be one. Choice is a liberal corruption that is faustianing the VVEST.
People spend more time working now than they did in the middle ages lmao
After working the land people still had to work on maintaining and fixing all their tools, clothes, homes, tend to their animals, gathering and preparing food.
People had to provide these things for themselves because there weren't as many people with specific and specialized jobs that would take care of it for them.
Being a peasant is not a job. It is what a dozen specific jobs are now rolled into one.
>After working the land people still had to work on maintaining and fixing all their tools, clothes, homes, tend to their animals, gathering and preparing food.
You are wasting your metaphorical breath, person you are answering to clearly never worked farm in his life.
None is drowning in the Mediterranean to get back to traditionalism

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I, Claudius
I came to mention Three Kingdoms 2010. 95 episodes, 1 hour long each. If you're a neet it's a must watch.
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Wasted potential of a premise. Also the worst Philip K. Dick novel desu
I've never seen an actor carry a show harder than Rufus Sewell did with that

Why isn't Annie Oakley famous among feminists?
This is good to show how women are capable of carrying out war tasks, in fact, this could be used as an argument for women going to war to protect nations.
Firstly, women themselves choose this and day by day we see the number of women like Annie increasing.
There is nothing wrong with women in war and in male roles, they will naturally have a little more difficulty, but over time they can do it.
I am a father of 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls) and I make the girls do farm chores. they actually help their brothers to use the swollen and pickaxes,
>There is nothing wrong with women in war and in male roles
There's plenty wrong with sending the rate-limiting factor of reproduction into battle.
Tell me more
How what? What i believe?
One more thing, although my wife is relevant about this and says that I am "ruining their bodies", I, with a lot of talk and effort, make my wife get used to it little by little.
like making her fix our pickup truck, clean up the grass that grows near our lake, tear down and make another barn wall when it rains and all the shit falls down, she has a strangely bizarre way of cutting down trees, not if it's her laziness , but it takes almost twice as long as me.
unfortunately, sometimes she suddenly starts crying and complains of "bone" pain for almost 3 days, but a lot of this is exaggeration and she comes from a somewhat classic family. Anyway, she's not just my wife, she's my work friend
not necessarily nowadays.

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>Ireland and Spain are the only european countries to recognize palestine
>They are also the most attacked european countries on this board
I'm starting to see a pattern here
(There's also norway but there's nothing to say about norway, positive or negative)
>Norway? Doesn't count lmao
chicanx moment

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When you think about it, isn't Gender Studies basically just Theology for leftists? They're both just entirely made up subjects. There's no way to verify any of the conclusions they come to. There's no way to even tell if any progress is being made in either field. Everything they say is just meaningless word salad nonsense with no basis in material reality.
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It also features all the inherent contradictions that pertain to Abrahamic religions in general.
For example, there's the idea that gender and sex identity are two seperate things, a person with one sex identity can have the gender identify as the other.
But then if sex doesn't define gender what exactly IS gender identity "male" or "female" supposed to be? Why would you use the same sex-bound terms? If the male/female binary is an illusion then maybe they be rejecting it in its entirety instead of chasing after some vague, completely ill-defined idea of what a male or female is supposed to be, or at least be honest that a trans woman is a trans-woman, as its own identity, and not a "woman", because you can't teach that women don't exist, except when someone who isn't a biological woman wants to be one.
It's ultimately trying to pidgeonhole gender identity into a few niches, even while promising a kind of personal, sexual rainbow that would probably be much more free without this nonsensical categorisation. It reminds me of the holy trinity shit and how it's DEFINITELY still somehow a form of monotheism, or how Jesus dying was such a big deal but jokes he was resurrected lol.
They also have the same rebuttals to everything I just wrote, which is "uhh that contradiction is actually the point" or "well you just don't get it, you have to FEEL it".
>There is not a ounce of gender on the planet.
B-but there are fish who can change their sex, that means I too can change my sex by asking some shady surgeons to mutilate my genitalia beyond recognition and taking body-altering pills for the rest of my life!
The actual answer absolutely does matter. They just like to defer to other groups, to prevent you from being able to define it either.
>Oh, I'm not a biologist, so I can't define it. I'm not an expert, and neither are you.
It's a diversion tactic, and it's 100% bullshit. When they do encounter actual biologists that aren't woke, the biologist's answer gets downplayed and ignored.
>We're more than just DNA, reproductive markers, etc.
Gender Studies is a joke, because they're not looking for truth, they're looking to spread their cult.
>And a lot of the woke retards are neo-pagans, neo-wiccans, and astrologists.
Yeah, except their larpaganism isn't the origin of their beliefs on gender identity.
Heck, most of the cases, they adopt those beliefs to be special little religious snowflakes, to compliment their identity snowflake status.
Boring I AM SILLY shitpost. Don't bother talking to me again

>Gossiping housewives cause government to collapse

...Is this normal, historically?
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Remind me, wasn't it just him being extremely autistic over the houswive club not liking some dowager and he decided to die on a hill deffending her honor, not because of any kind of affair but due to some sort of weird projection of parenthood on that woman?
Gossiping housewives cause simps to chimp put and revolt because m’lady is distressed, so yes.
>FLORIDE Calhoun
Lucas couldn't even dream of such amazing Star Wars names.

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Why has vexillology become so horrible lately? I swear its all because of that one TedX talk from like 10 years ago of that faggot saying a flag cant have any personality or intrigue and has to be the most boring, generic, and uninspiring slop to be good and everyone just sort of ran with it.

This shit needs to stop, Minnesota already got pozzed with this shit.
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Probably because art in general is getting shittier
If you want the coat of arms to be your flag I think you should own it, blow it up and put it on white. The blue background makes everything generic, just showing the coat of arms in non-seal form would make for a better flag.
People don't wave flags in battlefields anymore and ships have IDs
Question: How often do flag even show up in people's lives besides beong flown on holidays or sports events?
Unlike Europoors, Americans actually like where they live, so they fly the flag all the time. You also see them outside of public buildings and schools and shit

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What is the truth about Yasuke.
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it would be cool if actual japanese warriors were glorified, not just for being black
I saw a comment on the Japanese internet saying that the relationship between Nobunaga and Yasuke is literally like Michael Jackson and Bubbles.
>All samurai had surnames (even William Adams was given one), but Yasuke remained simply "Yasuke" until the end.

>He was equipped with only a short sword, not the two swords typical of samurai.

>He never went to the battlefield to fight.

There is more evidence suggesting that he was not a samurai.
Even if Nobunaga granted him a rank of samurai, that's kind of a joke on sake party.
Nobunaga is famous for making fun of people by doing ridiculous things.
>Yasuke was promoted to samurai
This part is false, he never had the title "Samurai", and he was specifically given the title "Kosho" which precludes him from having ever been a Samurai. There is no evidence he was a Samurai and the evidence actually stands against that, logically. His association with the Samurai is purely due to the west's obsession with Samurai and lack of knowledge of anything else. It is pophistory cringe of the highest order.

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Knowledge doesn't exist

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Do you think maybe the Americans overreacted in ww2?
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Maybe, but tell that to the people who would be asked to die conquering Japan. The American public was done with war by this point, either the bombs were used or they weren't and Truman would be impeached by the millions of widows, orphans, and siblings of the deceased.

War has a cost and the bombs avoided the largest cost to America.
The existence of tranime suggests that Americans didn't go far enough.
Tranime is a direct result of American occupation and cultural influence. The first Japanese anime artists took direct influence from wide eyed characters created by Walt Disney.
So true /pol/sister, why can't it be as aesthetic and wholesome as quaint old Judeo-Christian animation?
Also should've given the koreans and chinks a slice each to complete the humiliation
The ladies would've loved it!

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Nobody was a housewife in middle age, (and before)outside of the bourgeoisie.
Noble women had their own work (running the household, creating connections with other noble women to benefit their husbands, defending protocol, etc.) and peasant women worked like men, including in the fields.
Offering money to a woman who does little (just cooking and cleaning) is a recent development.
This was true until just before the 1920s for the West and even then the middle class was small compared to when it grew from the 1960s to what it is today.
Both are wrong, feminists who treat ancient women like pets and tradcopers who treat ancient women as if they were in the 1950s with lots of modern equipment to help.
In fact, even in Europe this is still common in many rural parts.
>Offering money to a woman who does little (just cooking and cleaning)
And, you know, taking care of the kids. Feeding them, dressing them, keeping an eye on them, educating them in regard to daily matters.

You know kids, right? That one thing that ensures we don't go extinct as a species
>Noble women had their own work
In medieval France and Spain, in these countries they are allowed to inherit property, succeeding not only to duchies but also to principalities, just like men. Not only to the principalities, but to the monarchy itself, such as the sister of the king of Spain, who managed to ascend to the monarchy, as well as having dominion over numerous other principalities
We all already know this. Yeah, a funny but useful way to prove this is to use linguistics.
Since Latin, there was a distinction between male and female between peasants (male) and peasants (famale).
Women inheriting property were to be seen frequently in France and England.
some cases in Germany too, but they were few.
Women conducted various businesses and mercantile transactions in the cities, while the few male servants remained at the stoves lol show that to an illiterate feminist.

and women not only managed business and sales, but also private income.

Was she right about trade unions?
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Employee-owned businesses are based, basically the polar opposite of unions.
Not at all. They both can exist in the same system.
>Employee-owned businesses are based
They're less efficient and thus have lower wages than capitalist firms.
Inb4 the mondragon cope. They're basically corporate welfare.
Stop watching vaush.
Trade unions with a strong sense of nationalism and purpose is the best way

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