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Is it true that growth stops on HRT?

Plz say what you were taking at the time too
I started puberty blockers at 13 (was around 5'0) and estrogen at 14, now 18 and I've been 5'5 for two years. On the off chance I still have an inch or two to grow in adulthood, turning out 5'7 will be sad, but lucky for me, seeing as both my parents are freakishly tall (dad 6'3, mom 5'10) so compared to them I got lucky. I was also extremely malnourished as a child so that might be more of a contributing factor than puberty blockers lol
How small is your pp?
ayy fellow formerly malnourished 5'7" tranner

Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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Yeah, give us an idea of what you want to accomplish and what you’ve tried and we can troubleshoot. This gen can seem cliquey with there being regulars who’ve gotten to know each other, but we do our best to welcome and help anyone who posts.
It doesn't work on me as it should be for a normal person. I drink a lot of cheap dark tee and some coffee (my current one is heavily roasted and sucks with no depth in flavor and I still have 3.75 more test bags of it, ew). It doesn't stop me from feeling tired or sleepy and I don't have more problems than usual to fall asleep after drinking double espresso.
>legal route is safer
Appeal to emotions and authorities
>20% of ADHD
Missinterpretation of statistics
>oh fingers crossed
It should be 1-2 visit thing if she(?) won't be just yelling at me how dangerous DIY is (check above paragraphs). I just hope to get my EV refilled there. Also which type of syringes has the smallest dead space? Mine aren't effective in how much EV they are wasting and I forget about that.
>I actually have a habit of that in private!
Cool gooner-chan do you want to tell all of us how you use those butt plugs? Do you want to post unsee of you using them? Just don't do it in response to me.
Stupid jerk who thinks of himself higher than anyone else ever would. He's too stupid to keep up with mathematics for years even if he got privet tutoring. He was always more important kid due to his visible allergy and now when he's adult and doesn't get nearly as much of a special treatment he's mad about it and thinks I am special kid because our mother (whom he often pisses off and insults in ways he's not even aware of) likes me more due to me resembling her brother and our parents being force to acknowledge that I'm smarter than him thanks to me being good at uni until I drop out of and be forced to be self suficient (which my dad sees as a good thing that he didn't had to interact pretty much at all with 8yo) while he has problems with square equation. So now he grow up to be a insulting jackass who thinks that making strange noises, farting and burping is funny for some reason. He nearly can't walk past me without insulting me for the sake of it. He's gf 2KUgetThePoint
Today was probably the biggest letdown I experienced all month. I have been immensely angry on and off since noon.
I am glad to be there for you, even if I haven't caught on who you are.
I can be quiet and struggle to initiate convos, but I am happy to be there.
Ohh, perfect! If you will live with your friend, you will find a lot of back and forth between the two of you in housekeeping matters early on, in my experience, some prefer a symmetric approach where everyone takes a turn, I much prefer everyone being a specialist in some tasks and some being done with no schedule or plan at all. First rule of housekeeping in my experience is to do small things casually rather than big things with lots of buildup. Example: whenever I tried to make cleaning my room a big thing I "get to eventually" my room ended up looking like shit. I ended up doing a dynamic equilibrium where me picking up trash is a thing I do based on a trigger. For example, when I go to the restroom and have a plate in my room, I use the momentum of getting up for that to take it to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher. If the thing is full I turn it on. Then restroom. Things like that. As for bookkeeping, it depends on how controlled you feel your spending is. By default I would check if your net spendings after a month or two zero out, or whether you lose/save money without putting much effort into it at all. In general I like envelope accounting where I withdraw X money from the bank on payday and put it in my wallet. That is my living costs for the month. And every expenditure as visual feedback.
>Can online interaction be enough?
It's not about whether it is enough per se (time will tell) but it is a crucial start and a major accomplishment if you manage! Absolutely! Your goals sound good. Ofc online stuff can be a bit distant but it can work great, too. What are your interests, what would you like to tackle besides?
The good news about my mood is that eating has severely stabilized it. Tomorrow I get to do another apartment visit that will probably go nowhere.
Hah. The one thing I do always say in these threads is that I'm cis m, bi, and a top, because people often assume the opposite of at least 1/3 of those, kek.
Ah, perfect! And yes, your mindset is very correct. The small initial steps are the most important. Managing to consistently do small things every day is putting you in a position where bigger things come more naturally.
First of all, congrats! You did amazing, and I hope you know. I think they have outlived their usefulness.
>t i've tried multiple approaches already and i'm getting close to just going back to how i was and masking as best as i can around others.
tell us about them! I would hate to make paragraphs of useless advice you already tried. I wanna hone in on your personal strengths and weaknesses.
Just for context, what is your target BMI/weight? And what is your normal deficit/intake?
Such a sweetheart. Than you.

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So, to elaborate, by “plan for the future” I mean I’m thinking about building an investment portfolio. Doing something to help my future self financially. Assume I’m going to live an average American lifespan and plan accordingly. I don’t want to be a broke senior citizen, and I can’t really support myself just on my autism bux anyway. I want to look into other ways to earn money besides working.

I don’t mean I’m thinking about building a bunker and becoming a Doomsday prepper.

What I’m worried about is Trump getting re-elected, Project 2025 kicking in, it becoming functionally impossible to exist in the United States as a free openly transgender person.

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/lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: What do you and your gf wear to bed? Do you have a similar nighttime routine and sleeping schedule?
>QOTT 2: What have your dreams been like lately? Meaningless or an omen for what is to come?
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35885500
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
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Im not a quitter.. there's literally nothing i can do... the tentacles kill me after i get one good attack in on the boss..
sexo el videojuego
uh oh someone cant handle tentacles......
Based soulnark enjoyer
poopy tentacles

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Guess whose back, back again. Guess whose back, tell a femme

Question of the day: Whats your favorite movie?

>What is a femboy?
A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male

>Are femboys trans?
The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Though some may realize they are trans later in life, these tend to be the exception.

>Why dont I ever see femboys irl?
While femboy and trans are not the same thing, femboys are often lumped in with trans people and are therefore also subject to transphobia. For this reason, many do not present feminine in public, even if they would prefer to.

>Im in my 30s, is it too late for me to be a femboy?

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if I posted any two pictures of his and removed the color no one would be able to tell them apart
I mean, they're kinda samefacey
but like... they're hot.
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is there an HRT regimen that won't make me grow breasts? Not that I would mind it, but transitioning would be hell and I'd like to take my shirt off around psychos(everyone in my family)
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I'm supposed to be twinkdead but apart from the beard shadow, I don't look much more manly than I used to. Body's the same too.
I do look older but that's expected.

I don't know about transitioning desu
Looking fem is nice, but I'm not sure I care much for 100% passing as a woman.
any big dick femboy in here?

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Listen ftms are cool as long as you don't get one pissy. They are as vicious as cisf and as violent as cism. Love you brothers to hell but man to man... chill with the anger issues.
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>repressed emotions
the problem is women (you guys) haven't actually been taught to repress their emotions lol
Ok, your suffering is entirely your fault and yours alone. You could have had a pretty good life as a normal woman but instead you turned yourself into an omega male manlet
I'm self hating repressor. I'm basically a cis woman, but I still don't have normal life. Neither will I ever be able to have it.
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Give up on the idea of trooning out, ftc’s will literally never ever pass, no woman will ever love a ftc manlet and men will only see you as a woman anyways. Gay men don’t want a woman in mens clothing you’ll just be a titles woman who doesn’t put out. Being a manlet is purgatory, appreciate life on easy mode foid privilege
I'm 5'10. My height is generally really good compared to most trans men because of tall genes. But it isn't about my height isn't my problem. It's just biology. I'm sad because I can't have male genitalia, male bones etc. So I don't see point in pooning out. I will try to wait, maybe technology will improve and mtfs and ftms will be able to swap body parts. That's my only hope.
>ftc’s will literally never ever pass
I seen some that pass. But I agree that they are rare.
>appreciate life on easy mode foid privilege
I wish I ever experienced that thing. Unfortunately I live in poor shithole that is falling apart every day more and more and even top tier stacy here is treated like shit. Some people just can't win in life.

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Last time!!


QotT 1: For MtFs, what do you want out of a FtM bf?
QotT2: For FtMs, what do you want out of a MtF gf?
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fuck I'm Italian
taken from the last thread, im mtf btw
>around my height, a little shorter or taller i dont mind (im 5'7)
>longish hair, a little bit of that weak facial hair if he's able to grow it
>unpopular, not many friends or ambitions (like me)
>midwestern emo type fashion, no tattoos or piercings but visibly puts a little effort into how he dresses
>chill personality, dark humour, someone who will say random things to keep conversation going, shy tho and maybe awkward
>twinkish but squishy with slight muscle definition
>body hair
>cuddly and touch deprived
>a little nerdy with niche interests he's passionate about
>finds my body attractive
>>around my height, a little shorter or taller i dont mind (im 5'7)
i'm 5'8
>>longish hair, a little bit of that weak facial hair if he's able to grow it
yes and yes
>>unpopular, not many friends or ambitions (like me)
popular, many friends, ambitions
>>midwestern emo type fashion, no tattoos or piercings but visibly puts a little effort into how he dresses
i have tats and piercings
>>chill personality, dark humour, someone who will say random things to keep conversation going, shy tho and maybe awkward
yes to everything but i get hyper when I feel awkward I don't get shy
>>twinkish but squishy with slight muscle definition
I'm getting muscly and plan to build more mustle mass
>>body hair

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i can't cope with having small breasts. even if i KNEW a guy liked them or didn't care i would still feel inadequate. they're so pathetic and small and surely couldn't bring the comfort to a man that a real woman's real breasts could. i feel like their very small size is symbolic of the very small amount of happiness i could bring a man with my hideous male form. anyone know this feel?
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guys just say this to make you feel better
your brain is LITERALLY evolved to prefer large breasts. saying otherwise is cope.
If they're real perky or puffy they're definitely still great in their own way. If you're just flat, then yeah that's not ideal, but there are guys into that too.
are you actually this retarded
i hate zoomers and this veneration of SLUTS and their gross pig bodies
"still great in their own way" is a copey way of saying "worse in every way but possibly tolerable". they suck.

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I was wondering what you guys think this guy smells like ?? He’s pretty cute
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And you know what i'm having? An enraged conniption in a board full of danny fannies! Come the rapture, you will surely perish first.
Wishing death upon me will do no good. I am being targeted. The blame of Eden lies upon ye- for here on, the devil shall be in the numbers ‘35904307’
Ftm poster obsessed with Danny elfman is probably the same as the one obsessed with Jason Schwartzman

Why can't you learn to love yourself instead of idealizing random humans
I do love myself but I also love Danny Elfman so….
its very weird and sad to obsess over another living human being. you don't know anything about them besides your idealized version of them.

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> Be me
> I enter a gay bar
> meet this cute guy and we go home together
> he gets up mid sex and says he needs to leave
> I ask him why and he says ‘you stink of oak and chives.’
> wtf does this mean ?!?!??

I was sat genuinely confused, sniffing my pits. Do I need deodorant?
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Wtf are you saying I may be secretly Danny elfman ?!?!
This better not be who i think it is. Twinkazoidberg. Heh.. Its all unraveling.
what is it code for
I’m not sure I’m scared for my life
Thats for us to know, and for you to find out.

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>why did consumer goods prices only skyrocket just now
well a couple of things, it wasn't "just now", inflation is always on, it's just that gen z and younger millennials lived through what is basically an outlier (a long period of low inflation). but also, we had a triple whammy of
-supply shock in a JIT, post-toyota system with no resilience baked in
-pent up consumer demand with a shitload of liquid cash with nowhere to go from the 2020-2022 period all getting released at once
-employment shock from covid that the fed was in a rush to undo

it had very little to do with russian oil and I think you're reading some pretty fringe stuff if you think it's that
also I love sucking cock, just to keep this thread from getting pruned for being off-topic
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same bro also I have AGP, thanks for keeping things on topic
>pent up consumer demand with a shitload of liquid cash with nowhere to go from the 2020-2022 period all getting released at once
this is the part I dont forgive Trump for, giving everyone a stimulus check was retarded, it should only have gone to people who were already unemployed or got furloughed due to Covid. He also did his own share of retarded spending
>it had very little to do with russian oil and I think you're reading some pretty fringe stuff if you think it's that
I mean, the smarter non-racist part of 4chan blames it on that, which is only marginally better than the reddit/twitter "it's just corporate greed" excuse. Glad I could count on the homos and trannies of this board to be smart and edumacate me
Based, wanna suck my tiny chaser cock?

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I want to invest in a tria since it would be cheaper than a body session from my laser package

I don't care about the pain or the time it takes, more interested in the results.
yeah, not as well as the real stuff and its tedious but if nothing else your regrowth rate will slow immensely. hurts like a bitch on your face if you even made a micro scratch while shaving
i took two months off to see how much hair on my chest would regrow: some but not as much as their used to be. im ok with it for what it cost
I have a Braun Silk Expert Pro 5 IPL device and it seems to be working for me. I had a few strands of knuckle/finger hair and some sparse hair on my arms and now they're pretty much all gone and what grows back are vellus hair. I had a bit of hair on my chest/areolas and now they're only a couple of hairs around my areolas left. FYI I have black hair and fair skin so YMMV if you've lighter coloured hair.
I have the same as you so seems like it should work fine for me

thank you :)
This device broke on me after five months, it kept prompting to charge, and now I have hair growing back in the areas I treated resulting in me having to shave every three days instead of every two weeks. I would recommend saving up money and getting it professionally done, which I should starting by August.

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Kenya is one of biggest seekers of gay porn in world

Thoughts ?
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Chasers are the same as the average man; they fetishize the sex the people they're attracted to. The main reason men are interested in women is for their body, how are chasers any different in regards to trannies?

Guys (and gals) who see people only having value as sex objects are bad, whether they're chasers or not.

A chaser really is just someone who's mainly into trannies, for any possible reasons, from their personality to their inability to get pregnant.

I'm a tranny married to a guy whom I didn't disclose until he was very in love with me so I have zero stakes in the topic, I just find the chaser hate stupid. Hate shitty people because they're shitty, not because of their attraction.

>picrel unrelated
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>Short man = chaser Incel
i get rather called cute and adorable by them

but then what about all the transbian hate? we are hated because of our attraction
Yes, cute and adorable as a pet chudhold best friend to all the “women” in your life cis women wouldn’t even waste oxygen speaking to a manlet
yeah true, its largely misdirected but i think its more than that

the amplified issue is that they like trans girls for something they are self conscious or hate about themselves. its like a guy only liking a girl for being overweight when she wants to lose the weight.
its a conflict of interest and it makes them uncomfortable
>Yes, cute and adorable as a pet chudhold best friend
more like they wanna make me squirm and moan
>cis women wouldn’t even waste oxygen speaking to a manlet
i'm also fine in that regard

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Real talk, do I pass yet?
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well that and she looks homely enough to look plausibly trans
i hate ai i hate ai i hate ai
If it's a cis woman why does she have blahaj and cosplay that mtf character?
kind of an obvious wig
Physically? Ish. Vocally? Interpersonally? Mentally? No.

When Trump wins, the Supreme Court will say the president cannot be held responsible for anything and in fact has the powers of a dictator, since That's What The Founding Fathers Intended. He will pardon the christofascist militias lynching trannies. Trannies will be banned - For The Sake Of Children. Homos will be banned - For The Sake Of Children. Women will return to kitchens - For The Sake Of Children. Children will be raped by the Church and regressivist politicians - for... The Sake Of Children, of course. And the rapehons will still say it's a nothingburger, as they're being executed.
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abortion & the right to alcohol are human rights
i still dont understand why vaginoids care so much about this. literally just dont have sex if you dont want a baby. they call men sex freaks and then make sex pills the basis of their entire political identity. kinda weird desu.
They're barely promises. I don't want to be a misanthrope and I think you should do whatever the hell you want to your body but human society is not based on individual freedom in the slightest for as long as we are social apes
Hate to break it to u but this country has always been fascist they're just getting bolder
The public was far less critical of the government when bush was in office despite causing much more harm. In a way it would be unthinkable, I'll give you that.

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