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Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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I'm glad it helped!
The food looks lovely! Personally I might add a bit of sambal oelek depending on mood. And yes, ovens like that tend to have bizarre options. Hell, even some nicer rice cookers (plan on getting one) have quite out-there options with nary an explanation.
>This thumbnail deceived me in regards to the depicted body type... How cruel!!
I am very curious what body type you hoped for, theta~
It depends on how comfortable you are with accounting. There are several at your disposal but one of the easiest ones I can think of is called envelope budgeting. The simplest version is that you go to an ATM, have your paycheck paid out the day it hits, and put your budget into dedicated envelopes. You write the budget on them, like, "food: 300", "rent: 800", "CC payment: 100" etc. Write down when you take money out of an envelope, and how much. The first few months you will probably overspend one envelope and have money left in another, because ofc without data you have no idea how much to put where. That will change as you learn how much you actually spend. There are more things you can do on top and get into accounting, but it is a matter of how much numbers autism you can stomach, and trust yourself to sit down and do on a monthly basis. There's tons of online resources that go into detail, I have no particular one to rec though. Also there are apps, but I honestly never really liked the idea of relying on an app for this kinda thing too much.
(Also, one warning: The problem in the US is that the entire system is rigged to incentivize you to be in debt as much as possible, so let me warn you that anything I would suggest will be antithetical to maximizing your credit score.)
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4am, okay, bedtime. Have some rare combo: pandemonica and zdrada.
Well a lot of things will be difficult, certainly. No beating around the bush, and it will make things scary and exhausting, but the emotional reasoning is inductive, and likely a contributing factor of how it got that way;
>it's been 8 => it's been 9 => it's been 10 => ...
Okay but that said, it might actually help a great deal to have something to cling to that is forward facing. Something that you are grateful for having made even if it is late. Right now you look back because there is nothing in front of you. I think the moment you have things you cherish and wish to foster, which can include friendships, an art project, anything you need to feed.. would it really matter that your means to do so (like a job) would be worse than they could have been?
Huh, it's been ages since I looked into stoicism. Good point! Do you have a preferred book you would point people towards reading first? Something that drew you in maybe?
Read your conversation with the other anon, def rooting for you!
Sorry for the late reply, I slept through my time off and since it's the weekend I indulge some 3am posting instead.
Also, great!
> Problem-solving?

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hi whatever this site is, it is currently 3am. i need help, if i only find physical and mental attraction to a trans woman does that make me a chaser? i just want to have an understanding trans gf and not some cisgendered woman literally i want to spend all my life with someone i can understand but would this make me a chaser?
we all wish to be understood, but why do you feel that only trans women can do that?

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post literally yous and guess leters
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>Why are there so many Harrys?
He's a fairly noble but "grounded" in terms of mostly just actually being a fat 40 or 50-something depressed alcoholic druggie living-with-the-pain character. Makes sense that a lot of people would feel a closeness to non-winners who have it hard in life and are underachievers with potential that's countered by depression, addictions, etc.

cool person who I want to watch films with
potentially cool person; more information required
this poster is a CAT and probably GAY + Cute
you were going to be cool especially with that plague doctor and nero, but the incest game + cyberpunk loli = lame person!!!
cool person, judging by your trip you will probably sack northern Italy, which is very commendable. I hope you get a handlebar moustache and wear a striped shirt and carry around one of those old timey barbells with round weights on the ends. :D

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repper or ftm
gay boy
dom transbian
gay fat guy
straight mtf

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I dressed as her for Halloween one year
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pan and not sure if they're mtf or not
bi egirl

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for gay men and women who spend most of the average day in bed
what are your hobbies and interests?
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oh fug, get it glenn
he always wears hijab clothing but his body is FOINE nonetheless
I think he has a wedding ring
he comes across to me as subtle flamer but what do I know
I'm glad you're into him, I just thought that pose was really funny. I was fast forwarding and rewinding that part to make him wiggle
anime, vidya, jerkng off 5 times a day and drifting in and out of sleep while gilmore girls plays in the background (duh)

when I get out of bed and am mentally together I spend the entire day making music...
I try to get up and do it for at least an hour even on days I don't want to and usually i just regret it and go back to sleep lol
you didnt need to say it
we know.

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I wish "looking queer" as a woman was more than just making yourself as ugly as possible to straight men.
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Yes of course.
I’m a coomer obsessed with titties
If you care about "looking queer" and whatever that means you must be a faggot npc
Based, at least you like something about women's bodies.
No ovary women like me anyways so I might as well bend over and put on slutty stuff…

the self hating bi women who might use me would find it sexy… I guess that's all that matters…

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i'm considering FFS when i can afford it but i'm absolutely terrified of complications, recovery or ending up looking worse than before. i'm extremely squeamish and have a general phobia of anything to do with doctors and hospitals to the point where going to my GP gives me palpitations, so going through a surgery that's essentially a simulation of being chucked head-first through a windscreen in a car crash is frightening to say at the least and idk if i could cope with some of the things i've read about what the days or weeks after FFS are like. while i don't have issues passing in day-to-day life, i spend a lot of time agonising over some of my features like my slight brow bossing and my stronger than average chin/jaw. this has been going on for years at this point and i'd probably get some relief from them being gone, but maybe not if it'd just be replaced by agonising over scarring in my already fine hair, sagging skin under my chin, etc. nerve damage and permanent numbness also scare me, it seems like hell for someone with sensory issues like me. what advice would you give someone in this situation?
i hate the doctors aswell, i have a similar feeling when i go, i usually try writing down all the things i need before and sedating myself slightly (with alcohol) when i go to the GP idk if that will help
writing down everything i need before i go is a must for me too yeah. i tend to react pretty badly to psychoactive substances so i try to avoid alcohol.

If someone is a chaser but they don't use the girl and their respectful towards trans women are they still bad people?
I'd rather have a man that's already into me than try to squeeze validation out a straight cis man that hates me like other trans women are so desperate to do. That being said just don't make my use my shrivelled dick and support my desire for a neovag and we're good
chasers are incels no matter what that cant get a real gf/bf
Where you at
incel = involuntary celibate

if they manage to put their cock inside trans bussy they are by definition not celibate
Im probably the worst chaser alive

Had a worker at McDonalds call me “lil lady” today did I finally win?
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mcdonald's? das godlike yo
take care of ur hair ill lady
wtff ur the pretty version of me

My tummy is so fucking cute I look like the college girls I used to lust for! I am pretty now! Iove HRT! I love HRT!
Post it or no proof
Nope, I am currently treating a skin condition, I ain't podting that shit
I'm jealous, but super happy for you :)

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If trans women really were women then the procedure would be, you say you have gender dysphoria to a clinician, you immediately start crotch electrolysis or laser and schedule an SRS date for a few months or a year later depending on how hairy you are, and you HAVE to get SRS before they even give you HRT.
Fuck wearing female clothing, getting SRS is the best real life female experience there is.
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What if I want to be a eunuch? They have more history than trannies. Small does estrogen for bone health. A modern eunuch with better means.

It is my freedom to be a eunuch on estrogen. As much as it is your right to be a eunuch with an axe wound. It's the same shit.
okay I don't like non ops either but I'm glad I got a year of hrt in while waiting on srs
Non-op here hating us isn't gonna make the project 2025 republicans like you any more than they do now :)
get the surgery or go back to being a man
Nah I'm gonna keep taking my HRT cause it makes me happy and makes you seethe

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--- Totally-Not-About-Suicide Edition ---

>QOTT #1: Do you expect your life to end naturally or end in suicide?
>QOTT #2: Do you consider suicide to be a bad thing?

Previous thread: >>35705871


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

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Sigma energy
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morning bump

Please have both been twinks

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Why are most women bisexual?
women are all walletsexual, they have no sex drive or orientation, none of that, they are like children, what they have is a drive for resources and protection, they care about a mate who can provide, they don't care about specific gendered features at all ever
>Why are most women bisexual?
Because they aren’t
I would be if the lesbians would give me a little space and maybe let a tranny up into their club so i can become half gay without being a rapist…

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helo it is me i am a drunk boymodre rn i was wondeirng if u gusy would want to tlak to me!!!! i am fun adn nic4 to talk to i pormise :>
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ough i get that i like gusy mroe bc i hate beinga taller and stuff rthan cis girlsa nd stuff
but ya thank u i am sirry i apolozgize so much i am actually o very happy
should i drink the mouthwash i got today so i can be drunk too?

(twink but i wish i was a girl :[)
Girl what the fuck no don't do that
take estrohgen its soooo fun i love it
t. drub k anon
it sounds really fun i want butt and hips and to be softer and cuter :|

don't worry i'm specially trained in alcoholism i can handle it (elite division)

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I sometimes get really tuned on and sexually frustrated and when I'm in this state I get a super strong urge to start taking Estrogen
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Are you taking it regularly?
at least 4mg or 6mg a day
how does it make you feel?
like a little slut because iwnbam
... kinda hot ngl

why did i have to be a woman???

this is the only thing i want
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Gay tops don't really care much about dicks - they care way more about the secondary male characterisitics and having a hole to put their dick into.
this isn’t even weird all my girl friends were doing the same thing, we were all oohing and aahing at how cute the guys were together and even the teachers started making gay jokes at them lol
>just kiss boys
i’m a girl so doing that would be corrupting the embodiment of purity (MLM romance)
This is fiction. Being a real life gay man is more complicated. We age, we have less than perfect bone structure, we have compatibility issues and can be lonely or single. You have to put in effort to find a guy.

Anyone, including a gay man with good bone structure, will be unhappy if they compare themselves to fiction. The whole point of fiction is to depict something that is not there, otherwise it would be nonfiction.
>jealous over their bromance
that's called friendship
I often fantasize about lesbian relationships but I can recognize they're still relationships just like straight ones
sure everyone has imperfections, but life as a gay man will still always be better than living as a miserable woman

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i love my girlfriend so much! i need to protect her from all the bad things this world has. i need to show her how perfect she is for me and how cute she is every day! she's the only person i have ever wanted to marry in my entire life! i'm so excited to grow old with her and have so much fun in our life together as soulmates!
You hate her. KYS terfoid.
oo i'm quite far from hating her :]! i cherish her with my whole heart! one of the main reasons i'm studying really hard is simply to get money and have a lot to spend on her

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