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There exist two types of transbians…
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i want to make icky do this
So mean…
the one who jerked off to futa loli rape yuri inflation furry diaper [insert 1000 tags] 10x a day for like 8 straight years
the one who makes nuns ashamed of their lustful ways
no in between
I'm in between :(

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I'll take a pound of estrogen
you know the rules
see you on the other side.

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Genuinely asking, what makes trans women really a women? I'm not a transphobe, but I'm confused.

>Dresses, make up and nails!
No. These things don't belong just to women. Men can do this things as well. Women dont own feminity.
Also product and piece of material can't make your gender.
It does change your body, but it doesn't make you completely female. It still lacks major female traits. Such as vagina an XX chromosomes.
>Social role as a woman!
It is hard to get female social role as an XY unless you giga pass and basically went stealth forever.
>Being fucked like a slut!
Don't even fucking start. Also if you are this type of person just die.

So, what makes trans women really a women and not just most effeminate individuals of male gender?
It feels like only mtfs who really are women are those who get SRS. Becuse they have female genitalia now, which extremely make sense.
But the ones who don't, how the fuck are they women?

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so it's just baseless stereotypes, then? are biological women who don't do those things socially men, or...?
From most people's perspective, I think they see a twink with "girl" gender expression.
I see transwomen as transwomen, or at least force myself to, if I have to interact with one.
From my point of view, intelligent beings are only entities that were assigned a body at birth, in the future that will not matter, we will be able to modify our bodies even further than we do now and all this about a gender, race, etc will be something of the past and outdated, the only thing that will matter will be the intellectual capacity of each individual.
A square is always a rectangle but a rectangle is not always a square.

Same applies to gender, Anon.

While giving headpats is usually fembrained it's not that women always do it, it's that men never do.
so that's a yes on both of those? ok. brb gotta go tell my wife she's actually been a female man all this time.

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Is anyone else too depressed and autistic to bother putting in effort to pass? I could pass 75% of the time with ease if I worked on my voice and stopped boymoding but I just can't bother.
Being trans is unbearably high-maintenance t.b.h.
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Would a bf/gf help.
this is why you need to put in the effort to just get an orchi or like any surgery. the effort:passing ratio of daily things like makeup hair and dressing well pale in comparison to the lifelong effects gained from ffs, vfs, srs etc.
oh damn. at first i was gonna make a joke about “you had the effort to make this post but not take care of yourself?” but this actually does make me sorry to hear. chemical lobotomies suck and i’m sorry they have you on that
i can literally get an orchi fully covered but there's this voice in the back of my head that's telling me i shouldn't do it in regards to my fertility
i'm really torn about it honestly, i know i'm not fertile now but there's a small chance it will return if i temporarily go off hormones

i just can't shake the feelings of potential regret if i get it without storing my sperm first
>At least you do that
yeah, like once a year
>I'm a shut it stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere, Europoor NEET
same! incidentally also from europe

idk maybe but i don't have any qualities that would make a desirable partner

I unironically have a kink for masculinizing women. It’s like an inverted form of feminization stuff.
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How does one masculinize a woman
what about GOMAD?
it'll just make her thicc
where to find woman to masculanize?

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not because i am like you
want girl friend
bump for love!
leave this place... NOW
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You want a girlfriend, and you go on 4channel? Anon, we need to seriously talk
Do you l live in the NY Metro area?
>doesn't post rough location so nearby girls can find him.

I'm plugged and in chastity right now
god I love being a bottom
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So this is common because I don't know wtf you are talking about
Chastity seems cute but how the hell do you cum from just your ass? Being plugged or fucked feels good but I always need to touch my dick to send me over the edge at the end or the arousal just wears off and turns to ass chafing eventually.
Might be that you aren't turned on enough, you're not stimulating it right or something along those lines is messing you up. It should be as simple as decent girth+ decent length with enough time, pleasure and arousal.
This is bullshit. It depends on the bottom. I've fucked a couple that cum handsfree pretty much every time I pounded them, some who had them more rarely, and many who've never had one in their life. My cock size and fucking technique were consistent. For some reason, in the last ten years bottoms have become deluded into thinking it's the only way they can or should cum. It's a disservice to the ones who don't have a sensitive p-spot. Reacharounds are fine, I honestly prefer them because it makes it so easy to time it so we cum together at the same time
I don't know, I find that the pressure from the cage becomes it's own additional source of stimulation

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How do I say "I only fuck trans women" in American Sign Language?
(I'm obviously learning ASL)
why are her dirty ass shoes on the TTC seats. the rest of us have to sit there, I hate this shithole of a city
I'd love to say I know ASL then whip out the "I fuck trannies." sign then stare at the deaf bastard.
"transgender" is thumb on sternum, hand open palm facing outwards, keep thumb in place and flip hand to palm facing inwards, while also closing fingers onto thumb
I can't tell if you're trolling, or if the asl community really made the word a mimicry of penile inversion surgery

i literally need a bf or i will die
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Yeah she does
You don't need to try, I'd take care of you
thanks anon
same ):
You welcome, anonette

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evil tranners post ur evil ass hands
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Very cute & hot. I like them fluffy. You are overall very attractive.
love the style
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evil hand with a evil bug
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What the actual McFuck is going on here
you posted your face not your hands (or optionally armpit)

QOTT: do you show your fellow trans men love?

Last: >>35878140
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why do pooners act like this?
damn… the gloves lore. sorry things turned out so messy but honestly I’m always really impressed by people who can finish any songs (I have tried and failed). Hope you can find a way to get back at it someday if it’s something you enjoyed!
thanks, i have a WIP i've been tinkering with for around a year and while the lyrics are finalized and i have many different renders of it, i hate the mixing on all of them. i like the instrumental though
instrumental: https://files.catbox.moe/v4951k.mp3
lyrics version: https://files.catbox.moe/gddv4a.mp3
meant to tag you with >>35907649
Actually pretty decent! Kind of gives me an Utata-P or Owata-P vibe (in a good way). Wish I could give more constructive feedback, l just hope you can get it to a place where you feel satisfied with it!

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if you want to successfully transition, unless you're a luchshit you have to:
>start HRT, then injections for the rest of your life
>pay a hefty sum for fertility preservation
>manage mood swings on E
>do laser and electrolysis to avoid body hair and beard shadow
>voice train daily
>start a self care and makeup routine
>diet and weight cycle
>go through multiple invasive facial surgeries

why would anyone do this lol
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Icky was my example of passing pre-FFS + less than optimal proportions, i could have phrased that better though.
>kid playing cities skylines
might actually be the best description of DFW i've ever heard lolllll
and oh god the summer weather is fucking gross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzA8DcAiijc
>you know, the way you talk even just about passing as more related to things with presentation and self care than some hyper-focused neo-phrenology seems really refreshing. And yeah, I totally see what you mean with body, I wonder how she avoids it in more recent pics because there in that frame her body maybe even looks more blocky than I do (or at least the same).
Everyone I've ever seen/interacted with that has passed has done so via presentation, next to nobody that has gone through male puberty is going to just pass well without that effort. The final straw that sold me was I didn't ever male fail when I plateaued at 70lbs lost in weight loss for 3 months, but when i decided to wear a cute sweater and some skinny jeans instead of man-moding I male-failed from behind twice in a month (then I turned around and got clocked because my face is kinda rough which is why I'm going for FFS, but this was also with no makeup or skincare yet). Genetics will obviously play some part but its not the end all be all, its just your starting line.
>You really have me kinda wanting to post myself just to see what you'd think, lol, especially in terms of suggestions or if you'd think I can get by as-is or just with HRT and some time
I can try but I am really bad at judging potential success, interacted online with some people that went from zero to passing, so I probably can't help you a ton outside of very basic stuff.
i might not trouble you about it then, but I really like the insight into your mindset, it seems very healthy. I think I'm actively adopting some of it now.
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>weight cycle
because we've all had it beaten into us from childhood that anyone can do anything and be anything so long as they just try really hard. all of us have been gaslit into being completely delusional and expending massive amounts of effort only to fail and sui ourselves
>why would anyone do this
idk why do people manage their diabetes instead of just dropping dead? Would be easier right?

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>7 years hrt
>still don't pass
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Lies, I will continue to boymode.
Same here, 8 years hrt and 4 years post ffs neverpasser. It's comfy here in hell.
>she passes
just get bangs anon
You look like a woman, you're just not that hot. Do you get looked at weird every time you use the men's bathroom or say you're a guy or talk in a guy voice? I bet you do because you look like a woman.

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How do cis boys feel about trans girls that don't like being treated as an equal and want to be their bfs pet, property, object, and controlled and told what to do?
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Why do cis women feel the need to get offended over an interaction that doesn't even involve them? It's not your business what trans women and cis men do with each other.
What are some things that transgirls absolutely LOVE to be told to do or have done for them? Or what kind of things really make you feel like you are perfectly put in your place?
It is my business when those men date cis women and then abuse them because trannies like OP set their expectations.
I love that dynamic but I also want to reaffirm her without being weird about it and I never quite know if what I say is weird bc im slightly socially autismo
A wise man once said "don't get your politics from where you get your porn"

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My shoulders are substantially wider than my hips. Not that my shoulders are super wide, my hips are extremely small, like I cant even wear men size belt.

My question is, can a body like this ever be (maybe with boobjob) attractive to someone who finds women attractive? I am attracted to men so I don’t know how damning this body shape is. Like could you tell me if such a hip-shoulder ratio is absolutely repulsive or mildly or what?

Also let me know if I’m not allowed to share an image like this
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I wouldn’t fuck a guy who ever says “ew” so I’m glad u found me unattractive lol.
lol fag

serious answer you couldve just been a fag and gotten friends who dont bully you for it
retarded transtrenders everywhere
I guess I have a similar body but one girl once asked if I ever did a lot of swimming growing up
oh my waist is thinner that helps a bit
I didn’t do any sports but my both parents have extreme Michelangelo’s David body.

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