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Do u use the women or men’s bathroom

And what’s ur assigned gender at birth
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lmao, just tell them it's your culture.
I try not to use public bathrooms because they're so disgusting, but I use the stall in the men's if I have to.
>t. intersex male
i'm a boymoder and o used to use the men's but i got too many uncomfortable looks and got asked to leave too many times so i asked my doctor for a disabled bathroom key for "my autism" and he gave it and now i use the disabled ones
where the fuck do you live where disabled bathrooms are locked?
I use the secret mario side areas

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I advice all reppers to read this, it might help you out a lot:


Anyway IWNBAW sneed and dilate
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We can only hope. Thanks anon. Good luck out there
severely underrated
Who here repping purely because of their circumstances? I really want to transition.
Repping because I can't pass.
You know 6/7 years ago I used to be on repgen a lot

I hope all the people from back then transitioned. It's impossible to rep for to long it drives you insane. I'm 5 years hrt and I don't pass given I don't try but I'm a lot happier you guys should try and not be as stupid as I was

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QOTT: If you were reborn as any non-human animal, what animal would you like to be reborn as?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Previous thread:
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I have it. I think it has something to do with the bottom third of the face looking shorter.
Bedtime guys I gotta go uber to my truck in the morning because drinking I left a $50 tip because the waitress was very attentive and kept feeding me drinks
>tfw no attentive waitress gf
In my younger years I drink drove a few times by accident because I did not know that being buzzed after one standard drink was a sign that I should not have been driving.
>one time i accidentally drunk drove because i didn't know that drinking alcohol and then driving was drink driving

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straight mtfs over 5'10 should stop being straight and be my dommy mommies instead :3

t. 5'2 transbian
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I'll just dom my bf instead

>t. 5'9"
Even if you're taller than me
I'd top you
T. 6'2 chaser
6'0" straight mtf goth dommy mommy here.
I only fuck shorter guys.. Or they fuck me and i call them good boy.
It’s tough out there for midget transbians, pretty sure every transbian wants to date someone around their height, slightly shorter, or taller than them
>t. 5’1 transbian

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I may have rose-tinted goggles on the matter forgive me

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How do I start dressing more feminine or at least androgynous?
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Why are you afraid? And why must you "girlmode" as opposed to simply dressing in ways that you'd enjoy and would look nice?

Genuinely answer those questions, it'll probably involve multiple components and some you might not consciously understand well, but trying to answer it (even if i sleep before you reply) will be helpful for you.
I didn’t want assaulted or harassed
If there's real danger just to however you look in some slightly faggy or feminine clothes, you won't feel safe until you're armed or living somewhere else, and if you're just armed are you gonna really be *happy* or merely living in even more fear waiting for the worst to happen? And if it's just misplaced fear / paranoia, you know even better then if the danger is real that dressing fem will be inherently scary.

The goal, then, is to nudge things both to get yourself comfortable and less noided out about this, and to see how genuine the worries are -- after all, maybe you do live in some shithole where assault or harassment really could be a major issue.

I still think you'd be surprised though, you can look really-not-passing without being disgusting if you're dressing / presenting yourself much like I suggested in >>35833149 overall. Someone who's clean and looks even just a bit androgynous will usually just be ignored, you're harmless and doing your own thing.
As a tangent off of the bulge in female jeans, you can easily get around this with tucking underwear, tomboyx sells pairs online, wear them under you normal underwear if you're still worried but they're generally really effective eliminating bulge. i wear a women's small-medium depending on the store, am 5.5 inches, and have no issue hiding my crotch area entirely.

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Hunter and her friend Tedessa Rankin were driving to work when they were hit by another car on the corner of 50th St SE & C St SE,[1] a block away from where she lived,[4]:234 in the neighborhood of Marshall Heights. The other car was going twice the speed limit and had run a traffic light. The driver of the car, which was stolen, fled.[4]:234 Gerald Jay Johnson, the 21 year old driving the car that hit her, was charged with negligent homicide.[1]

According to witnesses, a male firefighter helping Hunter stopped and backed away laughing upon discovering that she had a penis, and saying "this bitch ain't no girl...it's a nigger, he's got a dick".[5] Two other witnesses corroborated the comment, but the description of the technician varied.[1] He continued derogatory comments and joking with other firefighters while leaving her untreated.[1][4]:234 Bystanders requested them to resume treatment, but they did not do so until a supervisor arrived three to seven minutes later.[4]:234 Fire department officials disputed these, saying that medics never stopped treating her and, while a derogatory comment was made, she couldn't have been saved.[1] Otis J. Latin Sr., the D.C. fire chief, said that they couldn't determine who made the comment, and nobody was disciplined.[1]

ER staff at DC General Hospital subsequently "failed to diagnose Hunter's injuries and follow nationally accepted standards of care."[6] Hunter died about an hour after arriving,[4]:234 and two hours after the crash.[1]
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Black folks are only overrepresented in violent crime statistics if you do not account for income and socioeconomical status.
>socioeconomical status

>I was presented with facts and proven wrong, but instead of admitting it I call bullshit in an attempt to not lose face.

Ok. You do you.
Bro literally said "but there's no way being poor would drive someone to crime!"
A connection between poverty and crime? Impossible!

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i thought you guys said that chasers were a bunch of smelly neet losers?

i see plenty of fit and attractive looking guys hunting for trans girls and femboys on almost every single dating app that i am using atm
Having abs doesn't suddenly make you better adjusted mentally, smelly nerts just do a worse job at hiding it. This person could easily be a stimfapping methhead trawling for quick, easy and dangerous sex.
almost like people who don't like a group will try to make them look like the most vile caricature possible
None of them would date is the thing. You'll just be a used onahole and nobody of any quality will ever date you given you're a whore.

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desperately needed thread. the girls yearn to be clicker trained

no picrel so here's a random hell portal I found
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wanna make out? bark for me baby
>puppygirl thread become berserk thread
not the worst outcome lol woof
>not really like any of this matters since you’re stuck until that bet expires
Arf in the meantime my brain is genuinely fried so it's no big deal.

>eventually you wouldn’t even need clicks to add barks to every post you make,
Terrifying, but also hot. Woof woof. If I keep being instructed to bark every post, it might just become habit anyway.
god clicks are so good bark! not sure how i ever lived without this form of validation woof woof its just soo good bark! bark!
I really want to be a slave to the clicks... I kinda already am for (You)s ruff! Woof woof woof.

> go out of my way to grow tits
> dress in ways to obscure my upper body shape in public

What does it mean?

Picture kinda related.
manternalized mansphorphia
Why are we supposed to know what it means? That's something going on entirely in your head, in your life.

If you want a random person's random answer, it means you're 100% not trans and are a perfectly normal man. Feel any better? :^)

Though for a more serious response / less of a cruel joke, it obviously means you don't think you look consistent. E.g. you think your face is so much more masculine than your breasts, or that other parts of body don't match, or *something*, and so you want to hide the inconsistent elements that you fear would look jarring. But as said, who knows, there's really a whole range of reasons.

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What should you do if you're the type of bisexual that likes dick but isn't attracted to anything else about men? I know some guys will develop more attraction over time, but I've been like this for like 15 years. Is it better to just not act on it? I've been just fapping to dicks all these years to scratch the itch because whenever I look at grindr and see male faces I get grossed out.
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>isnt attracted to men
You should stop being a porn addict, you're straight.
A lot of bi guys just like dick, I don't think you have to like the whole thing just to be bisexual.
You guys should already know about the cocksexual bi guys.
Why is cloud getting blacked?!

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I'll never have a dom bottom bf.
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Where are u from anon
nta but are you a top
am an australian anon
I am not a top i was just curious lol
oy mate

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Would you rather be LGBT in Iran or Pakistan?
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Probably Iran, it has more of a political plurality and its ongoing protests which the press have really succeeded in taking out of the public eye ever since Israel stuff happened are demonstrating that theocracy is still a compromise to people rather than a positive thing for the country to be preserved.
which has better food?
Pakistan seems more normal, you know? The ME is way too politically and religiously spicy. I don't need that tension in my life.
I literally never saw more trannies in my life than I saw on the streets of Pakistan. They're literally everywhere. Most are prostitutes sure, but there were many who were just out with their groups of girl friends fagging out and whatnot. You could hear em if you didn't see them.
And not to mention that when you start to go west towards Peshawar and afghanistan homosexual activity is basically rampant and you will have everything from teenage boys to middle aged married men to old men running up and hitting on you or feeling up on you in broad daylight.
It convinced me that pakistan and middle eastern countries are pretty much the LGBT capitals of the world. I've never seen one tranny in my life in the West and only seen a couple gays walking holding hands, but over there it is completely out in the open and accepted for all I can tell

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>be me, mtf
>on hrt for quite some time already, but no surgeries yet
>barely pass, stealth, but still get funny looks
>lonely af
What do I do? Should I make a dating profile or wait till I fully pass and "forget" to mention I'm trans afterwards?

>inb4 "post face"
I won't.
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As a "straight" chaser, as in I mostly like women/twinks/trannies, by definition anyone like that is bisexual. The thing is like most people are either gynephilic or androphilic then they have a sliding scale of tolerating characteristics of the opposite sex (tomboys/etc).
Anyway I don't like 95% of men only twinks that try to appeal to bi guys, so kind of being a doomer in the sense there are no straight guys into trannies but I think it's also optimistic bc it's not hard to get a bi guy who isn't just a closet bottom/repper.
Date t4t? Seems like the obvious thing here since you're insecure about how you're being perceived by cis people.
>op-pick with vk link
>Most people here don't live anywhere close to me.
you russian, aren't you? didn't your gouvernement banned all the conventional dating apps because of anti-lgbt-schizophrenia anyway?
I am not russian, but I'm from nearby, so to say.
Get a hobby that involves people irl you doofus.
Apps suck dick.

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in any capacity like feeders or just chubby chasers are you real. A switch turned on in my brain and now I want to have my round belly worshipped by a cute guy and also ride him while I tease him for being a chubby chaser
just put the fork down instead of fetishizing your uglyness, epic how you niggas have the gall to demand 10/10 twinks as well

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