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Bottoms, how many dates does it usually take to get a tour of your chocolate factory?
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I'm neither, question to you though. Why does an opposing opinion automatically warrant an insult like incel or khhv? Are y'all so thin skinned you can't handle someone thinking and seeing things differently?
you just think like youre owed sex because some other person got some, its strange
That pic was when he was 17. He's 20 something now and walled hard
Not once was "owing sex" ever even mentioned. You obviously didn't read any of the responses. It more a matter of loose morals. Sex is an intimate act and how men in particular tend to bond with their partner. If you are just fucking everyone, sex obviously means nothing to you outside of a quick pleasure. You're also more likely to cheat since you see sex as no big deal. It lessons the act when you get with someone who is "relationship" status imo. You can't say is suddenly special with the guy you made wait when you just fucked some random the night before cuz they were hot.
>no argument

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Why are all transwomen and fem bottoms so goddamn obsessed with politics? There's nothing less attractive than a woman who thinks everyone needs to hear her opinion on every question. Please learn some grace and be servile in social settings.
This, I enjoy cooming to tranny porn but hate how trannies always side with the wrong opinion on everything political. Even if both sides were pro trans rights trannies will still side with the guys who want to ruin civilization
Plowing trannies while discussing new vegas lore is how you get trans girls to orgasm hard.
im hsts and i get all of my political opinions from my boyfriend
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Bottoms have bottom empathy which is inherently suicidal, so all of their takes are childish at best. In the past we knew this and protected bottoms from themselves while protecting other's from the opinions of bottoms but at some point we lost the way.
You literally cannot have a valuable political take if you enjoy cock inside of you, it's that simple. Discussing politics at all is already a huge red flag but a bottom doing it? No thank you.
So based so based

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i want to be a pretty slut and suck dick be called a good girl and shit please please please
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Good girl
Your thighs gently kissed, hands and fingertips gliding against your tummy and flipping u over - groping your ass while warm, heavy breath and ticklish stubble dart across your back. Your body is tingling and so impatient - you hate it but love it oh so very much. After what feels like hours of your body being pushed to the edge by his kisses, hands, and lips, you hear him leave out a big sigh - almost like some kind of noise a wild animal would let out - he grabs your hips tightly with his large hands, and slowly u start to feel his cock slide inside of you. You moan as it inches deeper inside - it's easing itself all the way just until it hits "that" spot; he starts thrusting and continuously pounds and hits it over and over and over and over. You grab at the sheets as the rest of your body are under his control. There's no escape for you.
>tfw no tranny whore worshipping my cock and balls and savoring every drop of my cum like her life depends on it
>tfw no submissive tranny slut spreading her ass for me with her dainty pink fingernails, moaning like a bitch in heat while I fill her up with load after load like I'm trying to get her pregnant
>tfw no horny cockhungry transgirl fingering her tight hole while fantasizing about my thick, throbbing cock and how it would completely destroy her and fuck her in to a brainmelted puddle of depraved ecstasy
the things I'd do to get filled and degraded...just to have someone to worship would be a dream come true
Transgirls deserve to be plowed nightly and cummed in both mouth and ass. Giving her brainfog from a good fucking is how I know I serviced her right.

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i want an older boyfriend who lets me call him Dad and he calls me his daughter and he tells me he’s proud of me and that he loves me!!

my biological father may call me his “retarded crossdressing son” and make up lies about me to make other people hate me as much as he does, but i know some nice sweet guy out there can fill the void he left in me ..

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you don't understand a thing, it's nothing about being a pretty porn star or whatever you're going on about, it's the little things like not being a disturbing presence to be around, that normal people just ARE, but i am constantly in doubt of whether people perceive me as a monster. it's being able to go on a dating app and present yourself to the world, and all you are worried about is whether you look pretty, not if you don't look like a freak or will never be accepted either way. it's thinking that if you were to record a youtube video, it would just be you talking, and not being unable to present yourself to anyone because you know most people would not focus on what you present but on what kind of a freak you are. i am sick of being a monster, i am sick of the complete and utter futility of trying to fit in on the most basic, fundamental level, and still fundamentally being a freak no matter what i do. i will never ever be a woman, i am just stuck between, even if i passed perfectly i would still not be complete because my body tries to default back to its disgusting biological directions m. it's a fundamental thing, from the very core i am rotten
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I transitioned in 2018. I'm far from what anyone wiuld consider physically attractive, but that doesn't matter. Why does it matter? Ultimately you are concerned with dating and mating, and sex is something involved in those things. I am saying that your focus on only these superficial aspects are what I consider to be a fetish.

You use the word monster, freak, things like that. In reality, immoral, feral people will attack you from any angle they can, regardless of whether you're one sort of perceived demon or another. You are carrying hate which originates from them.
That hate doesn't stem from your own feelings, it was pushed onto you and you chose to hold onto it. Must you carry hate, especially hate which is not yours? You can still put one foot in front of the other and continue moving forward even if people hate you.

As for seeing yourself as rotten, if you truly believe that, then that's what you are and that's what you want to be.
I think that life isn't empty and dull, and we are truly blessed for having this opportunity exist. Being here is a small miracle and we each carry with us a small fragment of the great Divine that created us for a purpose far beyond human comprehension.

If you think that we are only meant to die, that only things like material wealth and physical attractiveness matter, remember that the Lord doesn't care about your riches, your fame, none of those shallow things. Only those tales which our souls can sing of once we pass on from this world into the next.

Why not try?

im happy being trans
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I need a gf like this.

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How much do you have saved up for your FFS?
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Same ;-;
True and smart
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GI bill made me rich as fuck while doing college and starving myself. Just hesitant bc my voice sux
If I'm broke but my insurance will pay for it, is it worth it or will I certainly be bogged?
Ffs is a meme it doesn’t work biggest waste of money ever

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>bpdemon tranner
>split really badly in front of bf
>he can usually deal but cant get me calm
>just ball up in bed and cry about being disfigured
>keep saying how ugly i am
>tell him he should be with an actual woman
>ask why hes keeping up with me as a charity case
>he calms me down eventually with some edibles
>gets me food and talks until im calm
>edible starts hitting and i dont feel like anything anymore
>eventually move onto watching a movie then making out
>asks if im okay with doing something
>i feel guilty about everything he deals with
>least i can do is let him use me as a cock sleeve
>blowjob turns into doggy turns into riding

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most ppl w bpd have some degree of bdd so
>didn't realize you're mentally insane
it's literally what doctors did back in the day
yeah it's kinda fucked up but it works

Like how do I know if I'm woman enough to transition?
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How does this image make you feel?
it's cute but doesn't make me feel any particular way
Well you aren't a fujo which is my most potent fembrain test. The lack of revulsion is a fembrain positive, however.
so... sorta fembrained?

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>Call paramedics
>They arrive 1.5hrs later
>3 medics, a policeman
>They describe how they sent the paramedics to my old address along with police officers, knocked on my neighbours doors to ask questions
>Old house is in a small village, gossip spreads like a plague there
>Got caught picking amanita mushrooms last season by a dog walker and everyone in the neighbourhood fucking knew.
>Start checking up on me
>They find the needles and sharps box
>"Anon, what are you injecting, insulin?"
>"i wont disclose what i inject"
>Checkup continues
>Paramedic gropes my tit whilst checking for abdominal pain
>Check up is over, they ask about the sharps box for a third time
>Police officer staring with discontent at my avoidance to say what it is im injecting into myself
>Takes me for a junkie

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Do you have a job?
Nah im on benefits and in a temp housing for homeless people. I got bare disabilities so im trying to sort out other benefits but beligerent fucks are delaying it at every step. I could theoretically get 2-3x (ish) my current income in benefits once the process is done. Til then i cant do much. Im fine with boymoding for awhile though i just need a bra that pushes my tits down cuz its summer and i look like a dick with my hoodie on.
Yeah cigs and nic make me dizzy as fuck too. Dont care to try them too often.

Dxm and Dph sound like the stupidest most destructive shit I do not know why its fucking legal I do not understand why children need to get a little high because they have a cough or allergies? Literally makes me want to Kms

>Would rather cut straight to the prescription painkillers and anxiety meds.
Did uk crack down on that like the US? Ive actually never cared enough to learn the difference between benzos and opioids lmfao.
You dont get high from doses used for allergies / coughs, its way below the threshold for any recreational effects.

>Did uk crack down on that like the US?

Its hard to get prescribed benzos / opiates here. But i get all my stuff thru onion vendors, pharma drugs are always easy to cop illegally. The OTC stuff like DXM and DPH are more tightly guarded tho. In the US you can just walk in, pick it up off the shelves and then buy 10 bottles, or steal a few bottles. In the UK you need to go to the pharmacy, point out the specific brand that contains dxm, explain your symptoms, why you need it etc etc. Its just not worth it...
Benzos are like if you could get blackout drunk, every single day, and have that blackout last an entire week cause theres no hangover to prevent you from getting blackout drunk. Worse than opiates imo. Opiates r self explanatory just euphoria and semi-conscious dreamlike states.

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AGPs don't even want to have sex
AGPs will literally read feminization doujins and fap to the part with the transformation and ignore the sex

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Could she pass?
Better than most lateshits

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Is it bad as a tranner to act a bit childish by like not really thinkin out what youre gonna say and just sayin stuff even if it doesnt make a lot of sense? I asked yesterday but i think i phrased it wrong..
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Huh wdym lol everyone does it
youre both autistic. just try not to say anything that makes the rest of us look bad tyy ^^
that was kinda passive aggressive anon you should be nicer 'cause its mean 2 bee mean and it also doesn make you any more of a woman or anythin, ive noticed a lotta tranners here act weirdly catty sometimes in ways that you really only see in like mean girls or some awful highschool clique
You don’t look like that THOUGH
Uh sir you might have missed your anti androgen dose today lol
Also >>35906144 is right, everyone bullshits convos
Just look at all the people making YouTube videos regarding subjects they read about for a couple minutes at most.

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Am I a clown for wanting to try out wearing a binder but still identify as a cis woman and nonbinary? I have been wanting to try out wearing a binder since the age of 18 just how does it feel and look.
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Closest thing I could find, i think it gets the point across. Not balding it's hard to explain
Ignore the haters king
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based krustychad
i fucking hate whichever retard named this fucking disorder i have why the fuck did they make it start with schiz im a loner not a fucking lunatic hearing voices
>still identify as a cis woman and nonbinary?
You the whole damn circus nigga

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the spelling of trans men and trans women like "transmen" and "transwomen"
can you unironically like stop that it's basically a sort of sketchy way to say "well transwomen aren't REAL women they're "transwomen" as a separate category from women :) "
it's annoying especially being a passive aggressive cunty way to say ywnbam/w
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not really. think of the word "keyed", which i was called a newfag for not having seen before the other day. i simply asked what it meant, and got called a newfag. someone told me to look it up, and urbandictionary told me what it meant, but it didn't explain how one can derive that meaning intuitively. to me the only possible conclusion i could draw is as it to key a car, since that is the only time i have ever head the word "keyed" used. but that isn't what the meaning comes from, and spoiler alert, "keyed" is somehow a good thing. but even though you can call someone a newfag for not browsing /tv/ to know the word "keyed", you can't call people newfags in real life. in real life, people are going to expect it to either be established, or have an intuitive origin. and butterface does not, so buttercock does not. unless i am missing something
"keyed" isn't a real term. it was deliberately made to confuse and frustrate people. there was a 4chan meme a couple years ago of people arbitrarily calling things "keyed" and "locked" with no discernible or consistent meaning and for no other reason other than too piss people off. it was kind of an ironic response to terms like "based". only the most annoying people are still clinging to it.
You don't look like that THOUGH
>t mtf
>tfw i asked "wtf are whoremoans" out loud
toppest of keks

Trannies of /tttt/, what's your opinion on transhumanism?

Would you get chromed up?
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>Trannies of /tttt/, what's your opinion on transhumanism?
could be based

>Would you get chromed up?
fuck no, but gene splicing would be the shit
based pro mortality stance anon
yep. i want to be a robot. chrome me out, full body cybernetics, make me an aetherlich pls
I'm with you.

Any metal technology with never integration is a death trap. Even if you don't run into issues with invasive surgery you're still going to have major problems when parts or software leave production. Maybe if the paraplegics walk again and live longer than the 1500 monkeys did then it won't be totally insane but I'm not having it.
It would become a society where everyone is a Chad or anime girl based on what body modifications you get and I imagine anime girls would outnumber Chads. Sucks we'll only live to see the prototype stage assuming there's no societal collapse.

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