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>hook up with pooner at his house
>in his bathroom he only has 3 in 1 shampoo/soap/conditioner
this is definitive proof trans men are men
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Why on Earth wouldnt you have a routine? So you can have shitty hair and get old faster?
rotting with age due to not taking care of yourself is the male way.
Because as a man you don't buy 3 in one products, you only buy shampoo that's it. If it says "conditioner" anywhere on the bottle it's women shit
Jesus fuck men live like this and wonder why no one will fuck them
I have amazing hair and are drowning in gock. What are you on about?

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why do weed and anal go so well together? it's like some forbidden occult ritual, that's how good it feels.
doing gay shit like this is basically what esotericism is
yeah, got fucked by my wife after smoking weed with her and it was so fucking gooood

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tummy jumpscare
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damn, tum thread still going? maybe i should post later
thanks mister! I grew them my self

it's soft enough to be a good pillow if you're eepy, maybe i could wrap my thighs around u too :3
fug. too great


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Mandatory srsussys for all rapehons and agps. Hussies can keep their dicks if they want.
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Wat about the bi men? Nobody thinks of the bi men.
>Mandatory srsussys for all rapehons and agps.
do you actually think any troon would turn this down? fuck it I'll scream to the rooftops I'm AGP if it gets me a free gov mandated srsussy

Keeps them from talking about gock all the time, so I consider it good.
because most women think of bi men are gay men trying to put one over on women by saying they like women
rapehons should not be allowed a pussy. only a piss hole

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Do bottoms, femboys, and general sluts like guns? If so what’s your favorite?

>6.5lb 18” ar I built
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they're cool I like them I have a 9mm shield I do want an AR though and I'm about to start working as a gunsmith
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that rail and hand guard reminds me of the lr-300 so much
How the fuck do republicans not go for >>35831072
I may as well have suggested that only Republicans are allowed to have guns, it's illegal for Democrats to own a gun, and it's illegal for a Republican to allow a Democrat to use their guns unless they're being supervised by a Republican.

Also Republicans may now own tanks.
the femboy i own with my wife is a gun nerd (and their stuff has been posted to /k/ before) and they are an absolute fuckin bottom
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oh i have a special love to SBR AR-15 with .300 blackout subsonic rounds.

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Do trans women have periods?
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you people write shit like this and say you aren't mentally ill

what if wiggers got "race dysphoria"? like every time they saw a black guy get unfairly beaten up by cops it made them feel left out or something?

you're all mentally ill
i literally dgaf and did not ask this isn't reddit or quora go back
uber eats gives me 20% off tampons and pads every month so i guess so?
obviously not (unless they were born intersex and happen to have a womb while being assigned male at bith)
period symptoms? yes. actual period? no

why are so many ftms not on T?
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Because theyre like 15. Most posters on this board are in the same boat where they are underaged and cant get on it.
this is the ftm reddit it's full of little underage girls who post shit like "ummm today at school i used the BOY'S toilets for the first time and i thought it would make me euphoric but all the drawings of dicks on the walls really triggered my dysphoria :((((("
>ummm today at school i used the BOY'S toilets for the first time
when I was in highschool, we had a they/hefab go into the men's and share around their vape.

from then on it was school policy that all the trans kids had to use AGAB toilets, or the unisex ones. even the youngshit gigapassoid was made to use the unisex lmao
ftm hugboxing is waaaay worse so no matter how they look they'll be heckin masculine and valid
>there’s nothing you can do about the voice
you are actually pulling things out of your ass at this point. voice training is the first thing everyone who’s spent at least a couple minutes in community should be aware of

i went to the cemetery today. i tried to find the perfect site. i found a five year old boy. on the headstone there was flowers toys photos left by the parents i guess. i sat on top of him feeling the dirt below me. really feeling that the dead child was just a few feet down. he was right there. i had to put my face in it. i bowed down and huffed the earth and felt a chill. i ripped up some grass and put it in my mouth. imagining the taste of boy that nourished the grass. it made me hard. i lay there for a while with grass in my mouth, not bold enough to go any further. i had to get home. but i couldnt move i was enraptured in his death. how adorable he must look down there. i wonder if he’s still got bits of flesh on him or if he’s all bones now. i feel it so close to me now just wanting to come to me. poor kid. i kept him company a little longer until it got cloudy overhead. i couldnt stop myself from digging a little bit of dirt to bring home with me. so i can keep him with me.
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slit your wrists
He just felt so perfect . I love old people the most when talking of the living I love their soft skin and veins in their hands. I want to fuck somebody’s grandfather I need to
why are white people like this
Best thread on this board in a while and it doesnt even have anything to do with anything /lgbt/ related
>straight transgirls

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I’m a straight man going to a gay bar with my bisexual male and female friends. What should I wear and how should I act?
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How do you normally act and what do you normally wear? Put a sign over your ass saying “no access”
Start a fight if someone approaches you or gives you the bedroom eyes. Assert dominance on the faggies
grab some poppers
If you were molested as a bit wear a cup and a butt pad or it’s going to completely ruin your day when strangers start grabbing you without warning
*as a kid

/lesgen/ allegedly is an inclusive general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics

>QOTT 1: what was the worst breakup you had?
>QOTT 2: Have you learned anything from it?
>QOTT 3: will she come back?
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>>>35801754
discord: https://discord.gg/vakBkTTwBx (we do not have a secret nudes channel)
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tfw not at least a butterface so I could get a despicable coomer gf
What is a "male woman" even supposed to be?
i dont care, ask someone else
Dae think its dumb that poachers burn ivory? Like, i get they want to discourage the hunt, but isnt it also a super waste to burn perfectly good ivory that could have many uses?
Anti poachers * burn the ivory

Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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4am, okay, bedtime. Have some rare combo: pandemonica and zdrada.
Well a lot of things will be difficult, certainly. No beating around the bush, and it will make things scary and exhausting, but the emotional reasoning is inductive, and likely a contributing factor of how it got that way;
>it's been 8 => it's been 9 => it's been 10 => ...
Okay but that said, it might actually help a great deal to have something to cling to that is forward facing. Something that you are grateful for having made even if it is late. Right now you look back because there is nothing in front of you. I think the moment you have things you cherish and wish to foster, which can include friendships, an art project, anything you need to feed.. would it really matter that your means to do so (like a job) would be worse than they could have been?
Huh, it's been ages since I looked into stoicism. Good point! Do you have a preferred book you would point people towards reading first? Something that drew you in maybe?
Read your conversation with the other anon, def rooting for you!
Sorry for the late reply, I slept through my time off and since it's the weekend I indulge some 3am posting instead.
Also, great!
> Problem-solving?

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hi whatever this site is, it is currently 3am. i need help, if i only find physical and mental attraction to a trans woman does that make me a chaser? i just want to have an understanding trans gf and not some cisgendered woman literally i want to spend all my life with someone i can understand but would this make me a chaser?
we all wish to be understood, but why do you feel that only trans women can do that?
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If you are reading this, please now, you are loved and your struggles matter but they arent unbeatable.
Keep going!

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If you don't look like a woman while wearing masculine and feminine clothing, you don't pass. Period.
If you’re under 6ft, you will never be a real man, you are barely human

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>wear girl clothes
>get boner
I wish it was at least smaller, it makes me feel like a pervert...
post unsee
>wear girl clothes
>too ashamed and self conscious to go outside
>put jeans and tshirt back on
I was working out in booty shorts and a crop at a public gym the other day. You have no excuse.

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You're finally awake! That fall looked real bad.
What are you talking about?

Get up, Anon, we're retaking Jerusalem!
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>Verily needst thou recognize that thou damned art
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i ask thee sir, trobar clus or trobar leu? that is the true question of our time back home in the frankish lands
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>cursed to masculinise until i die

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If trans women really were women then the procedure would be, you say you have gender dysphoria to a clinician, you immediately start crotch electrolysis or laser and schedule an SRS date for a few months or a year later depending on how hairy you are, and you HAVE to get SRS before they even give you HRT.
Fuck wearing female clothing, getting SRS is the best real life female experience there is.
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Nah I'm gonna keep taking my HRT cause it makes me happy and makes you seethe
based eunuch , dragging actual women down with him
It's the same history dumbass, stop trying to be special
This is actually…yes. All MtTs are bullshit but the ones willing to do this would at least cut down on the rapes.
>this would at least cut down on the rapes
the imaginary ones? yeah totally

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