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Anime edition!

>rip gn, rip gaymoo, rip pinkhorny
>tennyfren HQ
>moto camping
>still HYBrahing
>giving out riding advice and then lowsiding
>avoid group riding, you dont have any friends anyway
>take the stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles except v8 chinkwing
>the class
>the plug


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and more likely to be owned by a girl, so you got some nice perfume sweat combo ingrained in the saddle. might be worth a sniff
You are one brave soul.
Anon, you don't live with niggers do you?
Yes I'd recommend the new himmy, it can take abuse and is a good bike.
I'm from the south. I don't eat street food, I don't know if its clean, so no street food for me. G310 is powerful enough and D390 is not a real upgrade for me. G310 is a lot more reliable than D390.

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So I just found out americans don´t know how to drive a manual car... This has to be a joke right? No one is that stupid.. right?
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>i think only smart people can drive manual
>that's because i drive manual and my mom said i'm very smart
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average euro will find this thread amusing for over 15 years.
I don't even know how to drive a car with more than one pedal.

Where's the most ethical place to drain this shit if I don't have a pan or container for it? Just innawoods somewhere?
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Get a dollar store aluminum pan to use as a temporary drain pan. Once drained, punch a hole in it and decant the oil into drink bottles - 2 liters are best for obvious reasons. Leave around the back of the local oil place. What I did when I was homeless around the US on a bike. Get smart, or get fent, but get going anon.
lol I’ve actually seen one full of oil.
You can drain straight into a bottle or even a bag. Cardboard box on the ground with plastic covering it makes a pan.
at a car wash, they usually have traps to capture shit.

realistically go find a container you gooober.
just burn it in a fire, dumbfuck

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Isn’t it kind of weird that we drive speeding murder cages at 70mph right next to strangers with sub-100 iq brown people and we trust them to stay between the lines and not slip up for even .001 seconds or else they’ll kill us and our entire family in a horrific, bloody implosion/fiery explosion? Kind of weird.
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I do my best to avoid brown people, both on the road and irl

You're completely right that our high trust society cannot handle them
Thats why everyone wants big cars now
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How is the price of gas now a days...lol
every beaner thats rolled into my shop has an open beer can and never has insurance or title papers (I have to check glovebox for RPO numbers)
illegals without insurance or license with impunity
many such cases

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Recommendations for used cars that are cheap, light, and fuel efficient which can get me from point A to point B primarily in the city.
However, to avoid higher insurance costs, I’m also hoping for something that’s less common than a honda civic or toyota corolla, as in my area the premiums are higher due to frequency of accidents.

I’ve heard good things about the mitsubishi mirage and the toyota yaris, but I don’t know shit about cars in general. What do you think, /o/? What relatively obscure car is ideal for a frugal commuter?
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Jetta TDI
2nd gen Honda Fit
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These are a good choice, look for the ST170 or a rare ute
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You need one of these. Somewhat fuel efficient, great to park, and you'll get more attention from middle aged men than you'll know what to do with
>What relatively obscure car is ideal for a frugal commuter?
Honda Clarities and Chevy Volts. Former if prioritizing comfort, latter if prioritizing utilitarianism.

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High T chooses top
Low T chooses bottom
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>caring what people drive
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High T: This is my fourth 6 point something V8.
Low T: I neither know nor care what they think?
top isn't even a v8.... what the fuck are you trying to pull
It's just debadged and spoiler delete

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get fucked
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Yes, sir.

That car could been full of criminal nigs willing to carjack and kill just to get away from their nearest previous crime scene.
Whyteeeppl will never survive.
I think the kid was just too stupid to figure out how to keep turning while trying to get back into the right lane at the same time.
140lbs x 4 people(I don't include driver weight since that's a constant) = 560lbs.
That's like a 15%-20% weight increase.
Honda FWD is too fast for the road

Found in the "Low Miles No Miles" public Facebook group.

What's wrong with these people?
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>For desired cars you're wrong. An all original 1970 Plymouth Barracuda will sell for at least 400x what it sold for in 1970.
That's a fair point, for which I forgot to include the caveat.

The car in question here is not in the same category AT ALL.
>boomer wife also wants a "weekend toy" to drive because Merv doesn't let Betty drive the Viper
>buys wife a Corvette
>she drives it and complains about trivial shit that makes her drive the car less
>won't matter if they car sits there as clearly it's in a separate/second garage on the property so the Corvette isn't taking up unneeded space.
>because it's a "special edition" they keep it so that it becomes effectively a fancy garden ornament to show off to his other boomer friends
>likely deciding to sell now because Betty wants to turn the spare garage into an overly expensive AirBnB or some shit because her other wealthy boomer friends did the same.

Women are retards, no matter the generation.
>The car in question here is not in the same category AT ALL.
Assuming you're talking about OPs corvette you're still only kinda wrong. Those corvettes are desired by people building race cars and boomers wanting to own an inexpensive corvette when they instead spent money on some other bullshit in their life. For that undriven example something in the 30s would seem reasonable to a cheapskate like me. You'd have to be silly to spend 40k on a corvette that old because ones with some miles on them are still ~$15-20k.

Sometimes you have to throw belief and value propositions out the window. Kids had posters of that piece of junk on their bedroom wall, and 30-40 years later now that they have some money can live that dream of owning a poster car. Thats true for nearly every generation. Squarebodies are super popular (going up in price) now. 10 years ago you couldn't give them away. Easiest example are any year Ford Bronco. They were junk 30 years ago, they're junk today but that won't stop beaters from selling for $15k still.
Le Mans win(s)
Le Cletus wins.

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How often do you redline your car /o/?
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35 and still redlining almost every day. I did several WOT pulls to the top of 3rd today.
Redlining water cooled engines isn't bad at all. You can sit there right below fuel cut for an hour and it'll be fine. It's impulse forces that fuck bearings and cylinder walls up.
Multiple times every single day? Why would I have a fast car if I don't want to drive fast? It's a dsg though so it never truly 'redlines'
I don't really know, I don't have a working tachometer, speedo or fuel gauge
almost never. most of my cars are old and turbocharged so a. no real benefit in performance for redlining, they're out of breath by then, and b. low key worried something will snap and i'll spin rod bearings or bend valves or whatever
Pretty rarely, turbo starts losing torque at about 6500 so anything past that is just gratuitous noise - pleasant but not something I constantly seek out

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>Nose ring
>electrictricity bad
>mechanical good
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>ABS helps you with braking on snow or ice
Fucking bus riders, stop posting. Embarrassing.
When you brake on snow, and your ABS kicks in, it prevents the tire from forming a wedge in front of it from the snow or ice, which will slow you down far quicker when the surface provides no traction, than without.
If your tires keep turning, you're still going to slither across with no significant braking force applied.
The only thing ABS can help you with in such a situation is to aid in keeping your vehicle steerable at the cost of braking performance.

If you went to driving school with an instructor worth a shit, you'd know this.
>it prevents the tire from forming a wedge in front of it from the snow or ice, which will slow you down

This sounds like some retarded shit someone made up in their own head.
You can try this yourself with your bicycle, which you should be more familiar with than a car.
Drive over a loose surface like sand, then brake lightly with your rear brake, only applying so much force that the wheel does not lock, until you come to a stop. Once you've stopped, try not to move your bike too much, get off and lift the rear tire away, observe the sand.
Do the same again, but this time, apply maximum braking force so your rear tire locks up, and you will notice that your braking distance is far shorter.
Observe the sand around your rear tire again, and you'll see that there will be a noticeable lump of sand in front of your tire, at least compared to the first time.
This is due to the fact that the locked tire started to displace loose material in front of it which the rolling tire didn't, causing it to build up, and the more material accumulates in front of the tire, the further it digs itself in. This helps in braking.
The same thing happens with cars on snow. Only in this case, the effect is even more important for the braking procedure, since a tire that loses it's traction on a slippery surface like snow or ice won't just magically regain it, regardless if it's still turning or locked.

It works best on loose snow, then compressed snow, and on ice it works the least, but it's still better than braking with abs enabled.

The downside is reduced steering performance. Which if you drive a vehicle on snow without abs, and you brake, you will only go straight. If you neet to avoid an obstacle, you need to take the foot off the brake, allow the wheels to turn again.
This of course will make you roll over the material that you have accumulated in front of your tire, so under no circumstances should you "pump" the brake like on-off-on-off. Full force on the brake, take your foot off it as little as possible.

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I just bought a 2012 Camry. What do I think of it?
How come you didn't stretch for an Avalon instead? They're usually about as expensive as Camries once they get about 10 years old, and have a lot more creature comforts.
It's a Scotty-approved NPC econobox. They're solid cars if all you really care about is reliability and comfort.

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How do you guys feel about cars without physical HVAC controls? Seems like all luxury automakers are trending that way
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What retarded vehicle did you buy that has a touch screen infotainment system but no simple volume control on the steering wheel?
I didn't buy it. My mom had some lexus shitover. She hated it and sold it.
I used to think this wasn't an issue, until I got a car without a rotary volume knob, just virtual up/down on the touchscreen and physical buttons on the steering wheel. You'd think this would be sufficient but it isn't. If you want to quickly turn the volume up or down you can't. Press the buttons too quickly and they only respond to the first press. You have to frickin game it and press at the correct interval like you're playing Daley Thomsons Decathlon on the C64. Such a little thing yet so so so annoying, and means I spend most of the time just listening to my music more quietly than I'd like. This, and touch panels with buttons without any physical dividers (Nissan Ariya/Kia EV6) are genuine dealbreakers for me now, I'm not gonna put myself through it on any daily in future.
>you seem very dependent on technology
Which coconut did you post this from?
Dont like screens, glad my new chevy truck has buttons.

What do Australians drive?
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Of all the continents I've visited, Australia had the coolest cars at least per my tastes. They have the skinny body vehicles developed for third world nations that have slimmer roads, but with the styling of European vehicles. They were practical, more bare bones type vehicles but still with good power and styling.
Oh hey that’s my exact car and colour, mines even a maxx too.
Got it in 2015 for $22k, done 70k km on it and seems like it could sell for about 15 now.
Only had one smaaaallll issue when it started making a high pitched whining noise above 80kph and it needed a gearbox replacement. Warranty covered it thankfully.
Big spiders
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Big rep of the trifecta of Poojero/Pootrol/Poodrado on the Best Coast.
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For me? It's the 2018 Ford Ranger

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is there a camera-cleaner-stain cleaner?
Looks like a 15 years old Mercedes prototype
Best selling means BMW knows about it.
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>slant eye tier headlights
>retarded angry front
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op is fake. REAL new BMW leak

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>just did an oil change on my vehicle by myself for the first time
Today, I become a man
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Sounds like you did it right.
Did the old filter come off easily?
based, I am about to do the same to my car when oil change time comes. I am not going to be stuck as an eternal wrenchlet
I bet you torque down plastic clips too
Oil changes are something an underpaid teenager working at Jiffy Lube can and does do every single day.
Do your own spark plugs or an alternator and accessory belt and we'll talk about being a man.
That's just as easy...should've said timing belt/chain. If you fuck up it's literally over

Just did my 1st one along with cleaning injectors & revealing them. Removing intake manifolds suck ass on gtis

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