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>day driving
>crowded as fuck
>depending on time of day you have an influx of wagies trying to get to work or home, or worse school zones and buses
>always some asshole tailgating you despite you being over the speed limit to begin with
>overall less fun and hot as fuck in summers

>night driving
>practically no one out on the roads (especially backroads)
>highbeams make it easy enough to see anything ahead
>can drive at your own pace and enjoy the night breeze

I don't get it. Why do people always say to never drive at night?
>Why do people always say to never drive at night?
1. cops
2. deer
3. drunk retards
4. angry boyracers
5. bugs are attracted to your headlights and will make your car look like shit in 30 minutes flat
I find that cops are more prevalent during the day to be honest, and deer typically come out in the evenings but highbeams make them easy to see regardless as night descends.
>I find that cops are more prevalent during the day to be honest,
Drive more from 12AM to 4AM, you'll see exponentially more cops. They camp out for the DUIs around that time.
Commuter lifestyle has ruined daydriving. I find that despite driving slower ar night i feel a lot more calm and soothed by my drive
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Moon is real nice tonight

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Italy as a car destination.

Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland all have great active car communities and car events. Italy on the otherhand seems to have great car establishments but no grassroots car scene. Automotive excellence is instead siloed away and shipped to foreigners, you are most likely to see the best of Italy in Switzerland and Japan. Italy has no Le Mans, Isle of Man or Nurburgring equivalent.

Is there a single good reason to go to Italy?
>Italy has no Le Mans, Isle of Man or Nurburgring equivalent
nigger ever heard of monza?
You think Monza is an equivalent? Ridiculous.
it's the oldest circuit in mainland europe you historically illiterate clown
>You think Monza is an equivalent
Old F1 layout Monza was pure unfiltered kino
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>roads 2m wide
>cityfags drive vespas or lil fiats
>countryside is all 90 year old farmers
kinda easy to see why they don't have a car culture

My 2005 Tahoe is blowing white smoke from exhaust and burning oil like a bitch, also the gas consumption went through the roof. The car is supercharged I paid 10k for it should I sell it to CarMax for 8? This car is having constant issues and I don't want to deal with it anymore is it with fixing.
I get like 8mpg
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The engine is donezo. Buy a subaru outback, you don't ned a car that big and stupid.
>a subaru outback
That should resolve the oil burning issues.
>t. limp wrist runt posting from inside his gym locker lol
Lol, you bought a 20 year old tahoe and you think white smoke is a burnt valve, you're obviously fuckng retarded.

It's 20 years old, for starters, they're gonna need work. It's supercharged, probably by the previous owner, part of why it was only $10k, seeing as a decent SC setup is $5-10k in itself.

White smoke, you dunce, its water, it's sucking and burning coolant, you either hooned it too hard, it's probably got a blown head gasket. If it's burning oil, oil burns blue, and you'd know, it's unlikely valve stem seals and most likely burning oil from a cracked ring or piston from some idiot hooning a supercharged 20 year old LS without a proper tune or fuel.

>wahh, my SUV with a SUPERCHARGER gets 8mpg

My god damn 502 big block gets 17mpg and makes more power than your shade tree built tahoe.
dude relax lol what's your deal

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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see this insignia?
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CVT broken beyond repair
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There was a Silverado fag I was dropping off at Enterprise because his bedside got a ding and he told me he didn't like the Titan because "it feels like driving a truck".
This, my family has owned a ton of Nissans including an armada and xterra and my parents would always tow around a camper with the armada that substantially exceeded the tow rating for many countless miles. Armadas are severely underrated, that fucker was a beast that just refused to die
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Literally me (more than I want to admit)

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Mighty GT-R and Patrol!

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You WILL slow down
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It's a kike rat.
Wasn't that they guy trying to legalize something to do with pedophilia?
Yeah, it passed. Fabio was right
freedom=grift and has been since 2012.

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2002 NB with rear camera and touchscreen edition
how can you let this thread die
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On further research, they have tinted ones which look less worse while off but I still would prefer red lenses like stock
You can use a heat gun to melt the glue that holds the lenses on. Swap clear lenses for stock ones.
Thanks man. I like the clear look but I have black paint so it has a contrast going for it. I think with darker paint it would look nicer than a lighter paint.
Not sure how well that will work with the brake and turn signals swapping locations between that aftermarket light and the stock NB2 lights
In that case, I thick you should stick with stock lights, maybe just upgrade the globes

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This is what happens when /pol/ tries to enter a monster truck competition
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it's the same black dually truck with a camper towing it in every single picture
congrats on your blind retard diagnosis
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>posts a completely different picture
>uhhh achutally
Here a picture of my dog so you can blow your load (inb4 actually that's a cat)
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holy hell, that man is BASED.
You might want to see an optometrist.

>Shatters your side window
Nothing personnel, kid
Unironically how do you deal with the mower menace? I can't attend to my car at all times when the boomers start mowing and blowing.
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Me looking across the street watching someone leafblow debris at and around a bunch of my neighbors cars
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im gonna shatter your FACE for fucking up my CAR, WETBACK
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Id pull over, the rest is history

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its over
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What I'm saying is if it's automatic, it's gay and no point in buying it.

Does it fuck up the battery? All the rapid charge experiments I've heard about end up toasting the battery's operating life.
ev is a fucking joke the 2010s and 2020s will forever be a laughing stock looking back
IDK if they still have ads on gas pumps. I bought an electric car when they started rolling that shit out and haven't been to a gas station since.
Polestar is your moms nickname

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There's also the opposite
>buys relatively uncommon and valuable car
>drives around for 15k miles after 3 years
>lists it for some amount under msrp without realizing that they sell regularly over msrp if he did some research
kek one of the managers at one of the branches of the company i worked at snapped up a 2jzgte back in 2021-22 like that. the guy was starting to wonder whether he priced it too low or something because he got absolutely bombarded with offers. manager got it though because he offered 5k cash on the same day, he called up his buddy to pick it up pronto.
Should have catfished him after that. Start a bidding war with temp contact info. Escalate, get aggressive, have a high stakes last chance meetup scheduled 50 miles from his house then... don't show
Then bask in the salt
If I encounter it again I will now, I was pretty peeved over it.
Interior is perfect. No leaks.

Note: no engine

Actual facebook marketplace post

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Also, any idea what that aftermark knob and red-light are for on the center console? I’m wondering if there’s something to control the boost. There’s an aftermarket intercooler and possibly upgraded turbos, not sure. Lots of crazy stuff done to this car (rx-7).
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it's just a gimmicky button. it's not important because it's not in the immediate view of the driver so its feature is not anything related to performance

there is no reason to have a manual boost control dial, the car already has a tune for best performance, in some newer/modern ECUs you can have a street and race setup so you don't cook your shit on the streets or alternatively the car might be so ass to drive in full performance mode that a street mode is necessary. but for controlling that again the placement is poor and indicates this is not the case. another thing that comes in mind is 2 step but you wouldn't use a dial to control it, it's either on or off. the placement would be acceptable for 2 step as it shuts off once you launch unless you got a retarded system. antilag is also plausible but again, nobody with any sense would put it there and control it with that

you can tell it's a silly car when there's a dial in the glovebox where the driver can't see it. I'd wager the knob and light are entirely for looks and have no functional purpose.
slow piece of shit...i can smoke the fuck out of this in my 1994 EG hatch with a couple of simple mods:

10 point cage with Parachute

3 piece discontinued JoJo frontend

spec-R full drag suspension

Fuel cell with -8 lines from tank to motor

1 044 bosch pump

1200 rc injectors

golden eagle sleeved block

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What documentation is there for random modifications on a highly complex engine that's being wildly modified all over the place? Maybe you can get diagrams by respected shops like re amemiya.
>muh you can't wrench
Nice projection. I fully know it's possible to diagnose all kind of problems without documentations. But be honest - do you really believe that OP who has not even enough self discipline to keep his finances together or a steady job would be able to fix that rats nest all by himself? You are beyond delusional if you do.
Luckily the shop who built it in right down the street.
I will be taking it to Mr. Fujita though, because he does better work.
>Samefagging this hard

>rc f
Why don't they make it faster? Unaerodynamic tuned shitboxes regularly break a 3 second 0 to 60.
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>dodge journey
Well no but my dodge avenger can do 5.5 with good tires, 310HP from a maximal 91 octane tune, a 6800RPM limit, ripping out some interior for weight and changing the spring rates to reduce rear transfer.
I guess if I really wanted I could either put one of those 5PSI electric turbos in or for the same cost upgrade the valvetrain and put in custom cams to make 360HP at 7200, and get close to a 5 flat.
How is that stupid? Price makes cars compete with stuff they shouldn't. The mustang and camaro v8 are both priced at 40k. The rcf is literally a muscle car competitor. Nobody would be shitting on it if it were 40k cause it'd compete directly with other muscle cars. Instead its on the cusp of gt500/corvette money. Being poor doesn't make a car have any more value. If it sucks it sucks. But price is what determines whether it sucks or not. A 3.6 cts coupe sucks, but not if it costs $20k brand new and competes with the mirage for sales
When did I say they weren't? It's just that no one buys coupes because people care about muh practicality while never using the backseats.
Well you're right on a matter of general principle, but $40k was a ridiculous number.
2024 Mustang GT Premium Fastback is $47k.
So, I'd expect the RCF to be at least $55k. Even at $60k it's competitive. You want a premium feeling muscle car, without having the stigma or flashiness. You are willing to pay $15k more because it's Lexus reliability.
But its MSRP is $67k, and in reality it's being sold for $80+k. That's the real problem.
>peyton manning, the car

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why are they like this?
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Way to throw your life away; Americans keep baffling me every day.
hell yeah brother truck on
Truck em up truck king. Should have shot his gun at him too.
Niggers gonna nig.
just had a nigga moment

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JC Cosmo is just so comfy.
The 80's were a mistake
The funny thing is people keep tripping on the same stone twice.
Buick's experience (and complaints about being unable to use the interface by feel/muscle memory, the submenus being confusing and clumsy and all that) wasn't enough for everyone to learn their lesson. Now after forcing everyone to endure them for about a decade again they're finally going back to buttons and dials. Fuck the industry and fuck the söyim that bought and even demanded that crap. I wish DIN/double DIN stereos made a comeback as well but it's probably asking too much.
where are the new buttons and dials on current year cars remind me?
Everything since 1970 has ben a mistake.

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Something got stuck and wrapped around a pulley for my power steering. I cant get the belt off now no matter how much i loosen the tensioner.
Should I just cut the belt off, clear out whatever is wrapped around the pulley and put a new one on or just keep tugging until the old one comes off? Im kinda worried that if I cant get it off, I cant get a new one on. Especially with how taught new belts are.
You can’t take a couple bolts outta the generator?
Yes, you can just cut it. You don't get any points for keeping it in a loop.
Cut the old one.

Even if you’re too retarded to install a new one and have to bring it to a shop, it doesn’t matter because it’s totally dead until you take the first step and get the old one off.
1AZ-FE? Good luck faggot.

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