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post the worst, ugliest, piece of shit you have EVER driven or owned
this thing I had on vacation rental.
and the 4-pot it had- what the fuck, an Iron Duke would gap this hunk of shit
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Not the worst but certainly the ugliest

I want a van but I don't want to seem odd. Is anyone else inhibited by social judgement about their auto?
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Drive for Uber every once in a while so you can write the car off as a business expense, silly
Doesn't Amazon and other package businesses rent out van drivers for local runs?
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>inhibited by social judgement about their auto
Nope. Live your true life, OP
what the FUCK
>Caring what other people think
Lol, lmao

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That'll be $97,000, please.

Will this Chevy Avalanche looking EV finally win you over? Mary Barra is betting si,si.

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Isn't the 9k lb curb weight eating a lot into the max tow+payload capacity? Aren't civilian licenses limited to 10k in some states?

Did they bother to keep the rear steer? Maybe implement it into their towing nanny to parallel park a trailer.

Imagine how much money they're wasting on the sheet metal press tooling for the low-volume panels. It even looks like it's using a unibody tub.

Automakers have been flooding dealer lots with high margin luxury trim pickups that sit baking in the sun until model refresh.
I'm certain this will buck that trend. Clearly the people were just holding out for an EV variant.
So fucking heavy it'll collapse bridges.
Batteries are such a meme.
>car is good!!!
>recall 100% of them because bad.
Tell everybody here that you rode the shortbus to school without saying you rode the shortbus to school in a single post.
Oh wait....
The bolt recall was 100% the fault of LG, the battery supplier, not GM.
It's obscene.

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Not my problem.
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No wonder it's called the Isuzu Hombre
Nice car though
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think you'll live forever?
People do it often on a blind corner just up from my house and it infuriates me to no end. I've lost count of how many times I've had to slam on the brakes. The lanes are barely wider than a car and there's a wall right up against the inside of the corner so all you can do is stop and hope they react fast enough

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Explain to me why this costs $40,000 besides overpaid lazy boomer union labor
it doesn't, the wrangler base starts at 30k and the rubicon starts at 40k
getting the rubicon would be the correct choice however
quick rundown on what makes the rubicon version worth the price? seems like a steep difference
Instantly gets you into the 95th percentile of off-road capable vehicles without even having to change a single thing
If you want into the 99.9th you need to change out every component of the jeep except the body, at that point it doesn’t matter what you start with
I will sell you mine for the low price of $30k

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because they got rid of all the buttons
>(although it only controlled the air conditioning).
only thing a screen in a car should do
anything more is masturbation.

Thats fuckin beautiful
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JC Cosmo is just so comfy.
The 80's were a mistake

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suspension popped and i was leaning to the left and not in the way tony intended
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So... your control arm fell off?
lolll get rekt faggot
Ball joint failure, so yes.

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be honest, how much crap do you have on your keys?
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>Car 1
>Car 2
>House key
>Work fob
>Lanyard from work
If it doesn't fit in your pocket then you have too much shit and might as well carry a purse.
thanks for the report faggot
glad my keys broke you
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0 because I'm not a woman.
>please send hate
I do carry a purse

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It's ugly and it turns gray after two years.
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It is the Subaru approach to make a road car seem tougher and more lifted like a serious off-roader.
they do it in an attempt to hide their massive belt lines and make them look smaller
What did Subaru mean by this?
I have been demanding all ABS plastic cars (or at least some better material than paint, which is uber-fragilistic-hyper-faggot-sensitive)

Cars are 4000 (now 6000 thanks EVs) pound monstronsities going 100+mph everywhere (most drivers are unhinged retards) and oh no no no don't dare anything touch them or it's instantly 10K+ repairs, repaint, blending, clearcoat, then the minimum-wage workers did a lazy sloppy job so theirs/they'res clearcoat drips everywhere


How can you accept paying 40-100 grand for a fucking fragile little Coca Cola can that must float through the universe never touching anything or instant 10K penalty?

Why have people not MINECRAFTED all car CEOs houses yet for such nonsense?
You just described a Saturn.

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>gain 0.006% fuel economy in EPA test
>decrease bearing life by 75%
We did it Patrick, we saved the environment!
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If it was that insignificant of a benefit and decreased reliability that much it wouldn't be used by brands that stand on their reliability to sell.
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>tfw the toyota dealership sends their forensics team after you
>if I didn't use Genuine Toyota Motor Oil I would void my warranty
If you live in the real country, you are protected by the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act. If they make you use their product to not void the warranty, they must provide you with that product. Horay USA.
>brands that stand on their reliability to sell
Anon it's 2024, we have brands that used to be reliable in the old world, 5 years ago.
We have a board dedicated to people like your kind you know.

I know nothing about specific cars, only about minor maintenance such as changing out tubes, pumps, and easier access parts when needed
What's a cheap, compact suv I can get that is easier to maintain, that has the POTENTIAL(very hypothetical) for cross country driving and MINOR trail capability that would be willing to last a good part of a decade, granted I take care of it regularly
Or do I just use the money to put a camper shell on my automatic 2wd 93' nissan hardbody?
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Hadn't considered mileage or making things top heavy. I might be retarded. Appreciate it.
Also, you're already in an enclosed vehicle. Do you really want to waste time "making camp" every night? A setup like this can be made without too much hassle, and it's just THERE, just climb in and sleep.
OP here
This thing is hot
I want this
Where can I get this for mine?
Also I would like another small crossover thing too btw
Mostly for travel stuff if necessary
The trail thing is VERY minor
I'm think early 2000 rav4
Am I retarded?
He clearly mentioned a car that can last.
Just search "camper shell" or "truck topper" etc on craigslist/facebook marketplace etc and you'll find plenty. Ideally add your model of truck to get a more exact fit, and measure your bed + ask the seller for detailed pictures. Hardbody exact fit toppers are going to be harder to find than, say, Ranger exact fit toppers, but the dimensions might be close enough to make it work. Make the bed frame and whatever else you want to put in there yourself.

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the floods are over edition

New things on the agenda this year:
>Someone let me know if sherman pass is in drivable condition it was still fucked last august

Potential route change:
>Driving to Kernville the long way around instead of taking the pass then taking 155 -> Jack Ranch west to fountain springs
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good morning
Are indian people allowed or should i stay home
Actually i dont think i want to go anymore saars.
are gay people welcome?

I daily a '23 Rubicon
the whole meets gay youll b in good cumpany
yeah make sure and bring some rubber ducks for the rest of the jeepers

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F1 hasn't been good for about 17 years at this point, but what do you guys think about the current drama.

1. Honda quits F1, but then comes back, and pairs with ASTON MARTIN
2. Red Bull Racing loses Honda because they quit, then makes their own engine development before learning Honda will come back, the pairs with FORD

Do you think they're going to be fucked because they're pairing with Ford now? Will Honda be fucked because their car won't be aero at all?

I don't know what to think. F1 largely sucks still tho. I miss them being real cars, but still watch because turbo Honda ICEs are my thing.
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ford is just a name slapped on the side, but they will probably try to gay it up somehow like ferd always does. the v6t hyrbid is basically corporate conspiracy
>2010 merc buys BrawnGP
>they know they cant just buy a winning car from last year and then expect to win everything
>2010 they start developing the current v6t hybrid in secret
>2012 they have it on the dyno
>2014 they get it introduced as the new f1 engine after "talks" with f1
>reason given is climate change, emissions, "remaining relevant to ever increasing hybrid road cars" (f1's hybrid has nothing to do with a road car)
>as well as a token system that retards other teams development of the engine merc has been building for 4 years already
>we know all this bc niki lauda and others spilled the beans
>merc wins every constructors champion from 2014-2021
>2022 cost cap and new aero regs fuck merc, they cant into the new aero without their massive staff
>2026 REGS ONLY REMOVE MGUH (good chang but still the SAME FUCKING ENGINE)
>expected to be used past 2030, when they "might" change it if synthetic fuels worked

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the v10s were 600k usd. see where im going with this? f1 went to shit in 2014 not 2007, no idea what op is on about
>I haven't found any racing series that feel all that more exciting

What series have you looked into?
>adding ballast is BoP
you are a retard
Niether one of the posts you replied to mentioned anything about ballast. Take your meds, schizo. Also minimum weight IS one of the functions of BoP, retard. It's actually the main one along with power reduction/air restriction and fuel capacity.

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>51 mpg
>wireless carplay
>wireless phone charger
>dual climate control
>all digital dash
>rear ac and usb ports
>heated seats and steering wheel
>spare tire


How did they do it? Is there a better vehicle for the price?
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Why do people think electronics are expensive? Electronics are cheap as fuck, you're not wiping $10k off the prices by removing a few screens.
Because OEMs rip people off and charge you $3000 more for a 2" bigger screen in the center console and 2 more speakers that cost them $20 each

It's standard, every fucking car option is like 1000-5000 and the materials and labor are nowhere close to that value. Even stupid shit like body accessories, a stupid plastic lip is $700 (Chevy Camaro) but it's just plastic that's worth like $30

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You have to get a Sentra for the 6spd, if that's even still available in manual.
I love all cars. Begone fakers

would you buy used coilovers on marketplace or buy them off of eBay or the makers website? Found some for a decent price but have never bought any used before. They look ok from the pics but not sure if it's worth the risk
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coilovers don't really hurt ride quality when valved correctly.
problem is, 99% of TOONER coilovers are valved all retarded with stupid spring rates so owners can "Feel" the difference.

pro tip: Coilovers valved correctly, are almost unnoticeable.
odd right?
it just be that way.
No. It’s not really worth it and here’s why:
>coilovers should be rebuilt around every 20,000miles or so
>used ones are probably shot and require a rebuild
>used price + rebuild is usually almost = new coilovers
>have to wait for rebuild
>at the end of the day, you have used coilovers
Just buy new, save the time and labor, and only buy used if you want a second set (for when your current set needs a rebuild)
I bought used ohlins and they were fine after a rebuild (in japan), but it took about a month and cost me roughly the same as a new set. At least I could’ve customized the valving / spring rates for a discount if I wanted to.
really depends on the brand of coilovers you're buying.
in a lot of cases these brands are just using things like Koni yellow bodies.
So in that case the shocks are perfectly fine to 50,000 mi or more.
but some TEIN shock is gonna be dead on no time
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>crackhead sideboob
If someone is selling used coilovers it's for a reason.
Either they are shot.
Or they didn't suit their application (for example being way too stiff and they wanted something softer).
Don't buy used coils unless you know the guy selling them isn't unloading old worn shit.
And don't buy cheap ebay coilovers either.

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