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can you guys give me a reliability rundown on 2010ish pickup trucks? i want a truck and my budget is for a 2010 one, i will be using it as a DD so i dont care about towing capabilities, etc since i wont be using it for truck stuff, i just care about reliability and looks and cant decide which one i want yet

For looks my list goes like this from best to worst
>dodge ram
>gmc sierra
>ford f150
>toyota tundra
>chevy silverado
>nissan titan

So ideally i want a ram but are they unreliable?
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europoor post
Best bet is to find a decent 6.7 either Cummins or powerstroke. There are slight issues with the older 6.7 powerstrokes with turbos and such but they ironed them out after a while (2015+) do not fuck around with old diesels as they get to be moneypits pretty easily. Try to find one that was owned by an old farmer so you can be sure it was worked and kept healthy.
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2011+ Rams are OK but they should not be top of your list. They suffer from electrical gremlins and threw engine codes right off the dealer lot back in the day. Hemis love to fail even moreso than GM afm motors. They eat camshafts for breakfast. 2007+ GMs are more reliable but some people consider them boring or bland. Me? I went with a 6.2L GMC. 2009 was the first year for ventilated seats and bluetooth, 2011+ got bluetooth audio and USB ports if you care about that. I prefer using the aux port with a physical cable for superior sound. Speaking of superior the high trim GMT900s have excellent Bose audio with high clarity tweeters and 10 speakers. Sounds better than most cars today. Anyway, you want the 6.2L engine and 6 speed transmission. GM is parts bin for sure but the higher trim level trucks are definitely built 'better' in some way. Dashboards crack (all brands) but for $300 and a few hours work you can put a brand new oem one in.
Fords are just shite don't bother. No better than a Land Rover of that era. Rust kills everything but on the GMs the bed side acts like a zinc anode and all the rust seems to concentrate there. Fender liners were a dealer option but if you find a truck with them odds are it won't be rusty. Pop the tail lights out every spring and flush out the inner fender.
The Tundra is alright but it is underpowered, spartan, and burns fuel like no tomorrow. Not worth the toyota tax. Nissan Titan? Eh they're rust buckets but it'll work fine if that's what you like. Similar to Tundras. Third worlders killed most of them.
faggot larper
Thank you, I'll look for examples of both.

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>EVs: picrel
This is the future of EV charging. Already there are about a dozen types of connectors. Have fun bringing 5 adapter dongles everywhere with you so you can plug-in to whatever the charging station has.
You already have:
And then you have to double this (except tesla) for different AC vs DC variants. How hard is it to design 1 plug and stick to it?
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ok, OP pic was hyperbole. It's really picrel (mostly)
False. In Europe, you only have 1 due to laws. In USA, everyone is moving to NACS. Not sure about rest of world but eventually it will all standardize. Just look at cell phones. Took 16 years before Apple and Android finally adopted the same thing.

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So what are the worth while weight reduction methods?
I'm guessing wheels, tires, and battery are good ones.
Are brakes another avenue?
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what movie is this?
A donut spare is 30lbs. You can feel 30lbs.
you could diet and work out and lose 30lbs and have an overall improved life on top of everything else
Or you could stop projecting and assume everyone is fat.
go to the gym and drop 75 pounds, will make you feel better, makes it easier to drive and the car will be a hair faster

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

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/osg/ sticker sellers always start out involved in the threads and enthusiastic about production, but as time goes on it tends to get old. Especially with people talking shit on you. Most of these people work other jobs and do not do this full-time.

That's why sticker sellers only tend to last so long, Only a couple ogs are left. Waifusquad sold out, notori, turbololi, osr, lnds, etc eventually disappeared.
I remember using late night death squad slaps as my phone cover
Still waiting on mine. I had to reach out, and it looks like my order is either in no tracking limbo or he accidentally marked it as fulfilled without actually packing it. Only time will tell at this point
anyone afraid of using their old stickers? i dont wanna put one of my favorites that will never be remade on a car im gonna sell or on a water bottle that might get lost

20 y/o here. Should I get a Chevy Suburban in this economy or downsize to a smaller vehicle. I need something with a lot of cargo space but don't want to get assraped by gas prices. I found a GMT800 Suburban in blue and really like it, but it probably isn't a smart decision in the long run.
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That's because they all dissolved. They're a rarity on the road these days. I always respect a clean one when I see one.
Wrong. If you actually lived on the coast, you'd know this. Where do you live? A shithole I bet.
Americans generally drive so much that it evens out.
Yo what SUV do I get if I specifically don't care about gas mileage? Needs to be cheapie bobiepies

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What are the chances that these cars were sold during the pandemic?

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>Be porsche
>make some of the best front engine sports cars ever
>2.5 turbo 4
>3.0L n/a 4
>even a 4.5 to 5.4 v8 offered in the 928
>basically offered the equivalent of modern ecoboost and coyote mustangs with transaxles and top tier suspension from the 70s to the 90s
>make the boxster and never make a front engine coupe again
I know they were a bit more expensive than the competition, but I feel like people would be drooling over these in the present day if they were made by toyota or nissan. I mean big bore 4 cylinders and a 32v v8 making 345hp in the early 90s? I really wish porsche still made stuff like this instead of suv's and goudy panameras.
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Back in the day yes but now 944 is cheaper than foxbody or s chasis
944s are cheaper because they're a poor platform for modification which limits the buyer pool. Fox body and S chassis are expensive because of massive aftermarket and ease of modification. If your 944 is non turbo, turbocharging it is non trivial, and is actually a lot more of a pain than most cars like it, the differential is weak too. If you want to a 944 you either need to figure out a way to use the torque tube with the engine you're installing or completely rework the underbody and rear end, this is a lot of extra work and expense vs what is a downright trivial thing to do with a fox body or s chassis nissan.

Two of those are Volkswagens, not Porsches. But the one with the V8 is good.
>924, which was a joint development
VW was not involved at all aside from commissioning Porsche to design a new sport coupe for them before ultimately rejecting the design in favor of the Scirocco. Porsche bought the design back and set to work redesigning the thing to eliminate all the VW parts over the following years.

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Ok guys
What car would Nero roll in?
This should be an interesting thread.
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Probably something Italian
Probably something expensive
This and probably a motorcycle
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Stretch hummer and would race it.
>e entered a chariot race in which participants were supposed to use only four horses. Unbelievably, he arrived with ten horses. Incensed, but unwilling to stop him, officials allowed Nero to participate in the race. Despite such a massive advantage, he did not fair well. Nero was no athlete, known to be overweight and out of shape.
>Shortly after the race began, he lost control of his chariot while entering a turn, injuring himself so severely, it almost killed him. Nero’s nearly fatal accident was not the most outrageous part of the race, however, as he was proclaimed the winner, even though he was unable to finish the race, due to severe injuries.
I can’t find a picture of Putin standing on a car, when he was giving some speech. What kind of car was it? Was it his, or did he just stand on some random car?
Didn’t he appoint his horse to office?
Wow they gave him almost as much latitude as any common tranny gets today

Would it be stupid to buy a car new and manual swap it after the warranty expires?
Q50 red sports are selling thousands below MSRP new off the lot, but I really want a manual.
I heard the 3.7 VQ is "easier" to switch to manual, but I'm not sure about the 3.0t VR. The nissan Z has this engine and has a manual transmission.
I'm a wrenchlet so I'd have to pay someone to do it, don't care if it's like $8,000 for a really good job, after a few years of owning the car.
I don't need to explicitly point this out, but I will anyway: I don't care about resale value or anything, this would just be my car until it dies or I die.
Why not buy a 400z? The way you're willing to dump money on an auto sounds you don't have a family or friends to haul around, so why not co(u)pe?

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My car sat at the shop for two weeks while I had it wrapped and eventually the battery died.
When I got my car back, I had to replace the battery because it wouldn't charge after jump-starting the car. However I got a new battery and it still isn't charging, despite starting the car just fine.
Can an alternator just stop functioning from sitting around for too long?
I have a 2010 BMW 118d and yes the new battery was registered after being installed.
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See >>27660559

Modern cars do not like running straight off the alternator. It’s not very clean power and all of the electronic BS in modern cars need that big battery to smooth out the power.

Get a fucking multimeter. Or charge up the battery, start the car, and go to the sensors- live data and find the voltmeter. If the car is running and you’re at like 11.5V, your alternator probably isn’t doing shit. Sometimes you can rev it and watch it go up to 12-13, but then it settles back low at idle, that’s a bad alternator.
Go do it. Busriders who haven’t changed out batteries or alternators on many cars wouldn’t know this.

I have seen numerous cars cut out with batteries that drop cells too, they don’t even like running at like 11V. The dash will wig out and it will die randomly at idle. There’s a reason why some modern cars want the battery change to be done at the dealer, because the car’s computers and electronic bullshit is so picky that it needs to compensate for the battery age, whether it’s 3 months old or 3 years old.
There is no battery when it is disconnected.
>I have seen numerous cars cut out with batteries that drop cells too, they don’t even like running at like 11V. The dash will wig out and it will die randomly at idle
If the battery's down to 11 V at idle, it's in a pretty poor state, and the voltage may dip very badly as soon as something turns on and draws more current from it.
The regulators used to deliver power to the dashboard's processors and microcontrollers can handle some voltage swing, but they typically need a couple of volts more than what they're outputting. So if some part needs a stable-ish 5 V to operate, its input regulator might want 7 to 30 volts. If the input from the battery falls below that range even for a moment, the board may malfunction.
Some microcontrollers do have a brownout failsafe that can halt and reset the chip if it detects out-of-spec input voltages, but if they don't, or it hasn't been set up properly, the controller may get stuck in a glitched state it was never supposed to end up in. Until you pull its fuse or disconnect the battery, that is.

I can't stand negotiating with used car sellers cuz I'm a beta boy so I'm rolling the dice at a Copart auction today. I need a car ASAP and I'm wondering how I can make the best decision possible. Budget is less than $10k and the vehicle needs to have a bit of space for me to comfortably sleep in the back. Thanks
What's there to negotiate anyway? Either the price fits or it doesen't
Look on Carvana or Carmax instead, they do a good job with return policies.
Prices are fluid (slimy) in America
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Don't do it.
t. Bought from copart twice
isn't this really only for parts cars or shit that needs a complete rebuild?

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is a 944 a good car?
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factual, but doesn't disprove anything that I said. the 944 block (all years/models) is a pure porsche design.
no porsche ever had a volvo engine
Only an american will look at a piece of art and think it must be stuffed with something oversized, brutish and obnoxious
The 944 is an LS swap paradox. Base models are affordable and drive well, but they're dog slow so they're most in need of more power. But the transmission is in the back, and the extra torque from a V8 will blow it to bits, so you either have to source a Turbo/S2 transaxle (expensive) or cut up the whole chassis to fit a conventional F-body drivetrain (a lot of work and shifts the weight balance over to the front).
Meanwhile the Turbo and S2 already come with a very strong transaxle, but they're rare and expensive compared to base models, and already have a significant power bump over the base models in stock form so there's a lot less incentive to drop a V8 into one in the first place.

TL;DR LS swapping a base 944 either fucks the handling or gets expensive, LS swapping a Turbo or S2 is both expensive and kinda silly because of their rarity.

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yeah 1025hp and 1025tq instantly is gay. electricity is gay.

your copium is showing.
>and costs less
Demon 170's were $97,000 MSRP, it's just the dealer markups that made them worthless.
That and they are speed limited to 147 and even if you flashed the ECU the drivetrain will grenade itself if you try to go above 160
Yeah, that's old school.
since i have a 12” long dong i can’t go deep

Quirky features you find important in cars but others may not, or may actually dislike
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Based French sedan driving psycho
>I drive with my taillights off at night
You deserve the rope
I have been pulled over for high beams before so I was wondering.
(No my high beams weren't actually on, the pig just made it up)
they all do mong
>Literally false; EVERY nigger fucking nu car comes with fogs
You should never go full retard. Everybody knows that.
Every sunroofed car I've ever been in the glass is approximately where the solid top headliner would be but the perimeter of the opening ends up recessed into the cabin about 2 inches presumably for the opening track+motor so the roof line doesn't look retarded. So what ends up happening is if I'm literally in the center of the car (in the middle of a purely hypothetical bench seat) I have about the -same- headroom as if the sunroof wasn't there, but in driver/passenger seats the perimeter (and the cabin intrusion) ends up directly over the seats and forcing me to either uncomfortably slouch in the seat, recline it to ghetto-cruiser tilt, or sit up straight with my head tilted 30+ degrees sideways. I'm happy you seem to enjoy them but I hate them for the nuisances they impose on me for no benefit.

>this one model doesn't come with fogs haha i win
The other 99.9999% of vehicles out here do so blow me, faggot.

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Errrr, what did she mean by this?
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There is where I live, but it's referring to the easy possibility of injury or death when driving over someone.
Not yet
>Errrr, what did she mean by this?
Indicating that the SUV driver does not know how to make a left turn, and really should not be driving.
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>oops sorry, your car is so low I didn’t see you there, teehee

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