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Gasoline motor vehicles with more than 200 hp should be illegal to register and take on the road unless you can demonstrate that you have a necessary commercial purpose for the vehicle. There shouldn't be all these cars on the road that are a safety and pollution hazard for everyone else. People have already proven they're not responsible enough for these vehicles.
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I promise you that all the girls i take pictures of with the DSLR i carry around with me everywhere are exactly 18+ and that's all that's on my hard drive.
Oh okay, my mistake.
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I've been driving an old V8 with an EVAP leak for years
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>noooo you cant go fast its illegal!!!!111

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>brat has a retarded take
Go figure. However it there should be licensing restrictions for passenger weight classes though, that way retards can't just buy and drive gigantic SUVs and trucks that can fuck a normal car's shit up.

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some heroes are real
last thread >>27622830

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64748
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we are racing troon-ams in AC on SATURDAY!!!!!!

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Figured out the track backs. They're not indexes into track chunks, they're texture indexes. So all walls with texture X get back Y if the apply back texture checkbox is checked.
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my car in 5 years
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i want to complain but it does feel like they tried
the problem is its so out of date
i look at the meme vaporwave yt mp3 downloads and the dates put obama as president
its neat but so out of date its cringe
its horizon blood dragon except bd released in 2013
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>blood dragon was 10 years ago

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Stupid questions thread. Old thread is on autosage.

Is there a definitive way to tell what's causing an oil burn? My trucks been fouling out plugs and I'm tired of taking them to the wire wheel. If puffs blue on start but doesn't seem to burn any when running. However it also burns it quick enough to be noticable after a while. If it's the top end then it's fixable, but if it's piston rings then I'm just gonna run the engine into the ground while I attempt to build up/buy another one for it. Pic related. It seems to do it heavier on one side than the other, but both sides have done it.
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>never heard of a car not running because the ebrake doesnt work
never said that was the issue, I just wanted to know why that ebrake looked strange
description said:
>It worked perfectly, for work I had to travel to [city far from published location] and I left it on the street. someone opened it and stole some cables, and that's why I'm selling it as is
I have a 2011 135i; I suspected the catalytic converter was clogged , so I replaced it with an aftermarket catted down pipe. I’m now getting a CEL and p0420.

I don’t have to worry about emissions testing, is there any other reason to bother fixing it (via spacer)? Like will the ECU fuck with performance to try to compensate? As far as I know it’s not running any tunes or whatnot (bought used)
Short answer based on what I can see, no.

The far left appears to be a normal socket outlet. Unless you're looking for a 120v 15A circuit, that won't cut it. The center sure looks like some sort of photocell circuit, and if so, controls the lights at night (so hell no). The second to the right is a faucet. So no, but plug it in there to be sure. The furthest right looks like a box for either telephone/communication/sprinkler system, so also hell no.

Dedicated chargers require 240V, 30-50A connections, which is virtually non-existent in outdoor terminations. Unless you're looking to hook up a 120v for a trickle charge, good luck buddy.
What do Honda forums and other Honda specialist communities say? It's always wise to get specific detailed answers.
It's the A25A-FKS, so it runs 0W-16 or bust, allegedly, so i definitely want to avoid doing anything sketchy
I guess it isn't a huge jump in price from the stuff they have at AutoZone, so I might as well

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Where are the rubber duckies?
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prangler moment
>Where are the rubber duckies?
Exactly. I'm not a jeepfag and even I notice a lack of rubber duckie hoarding.
Wheres the anon with the tropicana green and orange jeeps? This is their child
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>tfw I have a neighbor with a hybrid wrangler
>duckies littering the dash

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be honest, how much crap do you have on your keys?
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Lots of fox stuff these days. I'd suggest Poland if you like foxes. They're also big on strawberries.

Auschwitz 0/10. They charge a lot of money for a monument of jewish seething and malding. The Exploseum is more interesting. There's also this weird shop in Gdansk that sells penis and vagina shaped waffles. Couples really like going there.
based poorfag
the more random crap a man has on a keychain the more manic they are
same thing as tattoos
>>27679997 - Which is great for me. I love foxes and fox stuff. Probably won't go to Poland. Considered Scotland or southern Sweden for work, but never could get the timing worked out.

Zero intent to go see a monument to such suffering. my ancestors avoided the camps by arguing they were religious but not ethnic sucessfully and I'll continue that tradition. I will also elect to never visit my families home country or Azerbaijan.
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Just the key, the fob for the power locks and trunk, and the tiniest Swiss Army knife they make. Weighs .7 ounces and I've got a little knife, a bottle opener, a flat head and phillips head screwdriver, a nail file, a toothpick and some tiny tweezers. Its a handy tool, not gonna shank anyone with that tiny blade obviously; but I've got a 9mm if I need it.

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is 1k miles every month too much? its basically all city miles too.
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>driving more than 250 miles a month

If you are a uber driver it's alright
the average american drives roughly 11k miles a year so that sounds about normal
if you live in a walkable city and are only driving around that city and are clocking 1k thats probably kind of a lot, but otherwise its normal
12k a year is pretty average

Are you ready for an electric 7 seven seater crossover Pontiac GTO?
GM confirms it was a joke.
You can now leave the thread.
It's a pretty sadistic joke if you think about it. Corporations like GM, Ford, Stellantis, etc. know that people yearn for the days of cheap, cool, powerful American muscle/pony/sports cars.
So they play a "joke" like this before going right back to selling electric egg-shaped faggotmobiles designed by and for women, queers, and nignogs.
Part of it is the companies' faults, and part of it is the government's fault.
Obviously, EPA and CAFE standards completely stifle what sort of cars a company can make... It's often not so feasible to come out with a real GTO with all the regulations. There are many engineers who absolutely want it. There are passionate people who love cars. But it wouldn't make financial sense to.
But another thing is that often times the "enthusiast" vehicles get discontinued because they don't make ENOUGH profit. For example, Camaros definitely made profit per vehicle produced, but they sell so few, that they think it's simply not worth keeping them alive.
>like this before going right back to selling electric egg-shaped faggotmobiles designed by and for women, queers, and nignogs.
Kek, god new cars are so gay

>says he needs a speedy car
>picks something with only 200hp
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we did actually get the R30 as an infiniti m30
the skyline series' general problem is mostly that it is a floppy piece of shit chassis and doesn't have a hope of meeting us crash standards without the kind of reinforcement that would kill its performance and price advantage.
a serious mod people do to the R30 coupes is cut out the floorpan and weld in the usdm M30s stiffer 4-dr sheet metal to increase the torsional rigidity
I get R30 and kenmeri are 10 years apart but still. Nissan domestic market sports cars are fucking floppy deathtraps
AWD was the saving grace of the skyline. there's no way those cars were ever going to match 3 series BMWs or even ford fox body cars without some kind of mechanical advantage.
M30 was the F31 Leopard which shares some components with the R31 and C32 Laurel.
Pontiac, not Chevy.
>wins in the first movie
>becomes an alcoholic in the sequel
Why does this always happen?

Bedford Rascal appreciation thread
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why did they all make the exactly the same vehicle but not just make them all in the same plant like brz/frs was
what exactly IS the rascal I assume it's a rebadged jap van.
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Back then each manufacturer was making their own style of kei van/truck. For example Hondas were midengined, Subarus rear engined. Later on everyone arrived at a conventional design (i3 front engine, RWD with a live axle) and these days there are only 2 van/truck models left that get rebadged a lot
Are you fucking serious? This shitty thread that has been up forever was actually about the SUZUKI CARRY this whole time? Suck a fucking dick americans. I had a 3 cylinder 2-stroke carry it sounded like an F1 car it was bad ass.
Rascal was made by Bedford in Luton England
It's a facelifted Suzuki Super Carry.

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How do you cope with the fact that you’ll never get to buy a modest sized pickup again? Even the new ford rangers are double the size of what they used to be. The EPA will never allow you true consumer freedom because the “free market” is a myth
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The consumer base changed. I wouldn’t say that the old market really resents that too much as the vehicles have pretty much just improved.
>the vehicles have pretty much just improved.
You applaud the loss of Choice.
That's grim.
Tiered vehicle manufacture has existed for 60+ years.
There's ZERO reason to not offer No Frills variants of (name your vehicle).
Then go buy an XL f150 with manual windows. Nobody is stopping you but don’t get mad that normal people find things like crew cabs much more appealing to the point where they become the defacto style. But in the end you are just a poorfag raging against the world for perceived injustice.
>crew cabs
You're being deliberately obtuse.
I said NO FRILLS variant.
A NO FRILL crew cab can eist within the current matrix of models.
DO i need to explain wtf NO FRILLS means?
1. RWD
2. 5-sp manual
4. NO Traction control
5. Standard Analog guages, no Ipad bullshit at all
6. No Skywalker Sound entertainment system
7. Standard halogen lighting
8. Steel Wheels and dimensions
9. Standard all-season tires

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Congrats besides abs, TC, (mandatory safety) and manual (standardized transmission for cheapening) you can buy one of those pretty easily from the big 3.

They might also come with cameras for mandated safety but I can’t speak for monkey models

Why do Americans drive such huge cars?

I’ve recently visited the US for the first time. I saw lots and lots of really big cars on the streets (like Ford Ranger, Chevrolet Silverado and so on), even in big cities! Their trunks were empty in 99% of cases, so it’s not like people are hauling cargo all the time. And there was only one person in the car most of the time.

I checked that the engines on those things are enormous, I can’t imagine how much the gas must cost
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They don't fit in anything smaller
White trash and spics are what ruin big trucks.
You’ve clearly never been to Vegas
I have multiple times. The majority of the state too
>Tries to change subject because he knows what Nevada is actually like

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Are they bad or good?
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> they have surpassed the Japanese
Lmao, in what? Maintenance required per 100k miles?
Their IC cars are okay. Their EVs are top of the market alongside Tesla, specially their software. Expect more Chinese EV domination in the future
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The Japs cannot create a modern fuel efficient powerful turbocharged petrol engine unlike europeans, let alone modern euro-6 diesel. I mean, 90% of their cars are just shitboxes from the 90s with added CVT and slightly more modern body. Jap engines with displacement over 3 liters still have a consumption of about 18-20 liters per 100 km without hybrid tech.

Koreans at least trying to do something, but their engines unreliable as fuck despite the fact that they are mostly naturally aspirtated. It is not surprising that the Chinks went with German technology in their ICE cars, you just have no other choice these days
>The way that the Chinese build their infrastructure should really clue you in on how they build their vehicles

Fakery. It's sick that they would try to put the exterior of the chinese car over a USA car chassis to pass testing.

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is a raptor better off road than a jeep wrangler?
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>It can't really go anywhere a normal F-150 4x4 can't go, except it might handle some rocks and loose terrain better due to the bigger meats.
It's the American counterpart to a supercar. It ferries attractive, promiscuous women from a bar to a bedroom.
>It can't really go anywhere a normal F-150 4x4 can't go
But it gets there faster and more comfortably
is a wild bear better at picking up women than a ocelot?

buy a sidebyside retard
If a man purchases an off-road vehicle but never off-roads it, is it really capable of off-roading?
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yes a bear would be way better at picking up women. like it wouldn't wouldn't be close. what kind of question is that

Manualfags be like
>I am le skilled because I hit the right buttons in a scripted QTE event
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my manual cheby ss has transmission cooler lines
Jesus how horrifying
even my dodge tow pig diesel doesn't have that
By the same logic, bicycles are a better experience than manual cars
Designed to survive the Australian outback. I live in a similarly hot climate so I'm not losing sleep over it.
The virgin synchronized vs the chad unsynchronized twin stick. Driving a normal manual is like doing a paint by numbers and calling yourself an artist.


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What the fuck are these supposed to be?
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Those are the sex holes. Make sure you don't get gasoline fumes queefed on you though
You've heard of hood scoops, yes?
Those are grill scoops.

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