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What are some RPGs where I can be evil?
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Pretty much any open world one. I can't really think of one where you can't just go around killing innocents for no reason
That is not enough. NPCs that have no name and no backstory mean nothing to me.
TBQH i think that's all the evil shit you can do, also i didn't do all of them (mostly the Corath stuff) so i looked a few up, see this:
That all sounds small time. The Board from Outer Worlds is 5 times as evil as a character that does all that crap you describe in Fallout 1.5, they make him look like a literal saint by comparison

>Sells Bumble to Eulogy Jones
>"Wonderful! Here's your 330,000 bottle caps as promised, partner. Looks like we'll both be laughing all the way to the bank tonight. Maybe I'll even hire a plumber and buy myself a golden toilet to shit in."
Not interested in your shitty game shill

I've played about an hour into this so far and it really doesn't hold up at all. Compared to the intro of FF6 the game is slow as molasses. By the time you fight the boss at the 2nd reactor, (who also dies in one hit from breaker, kind of mind boggling) which is nearly identical to the first reactor, you'll have already gotten to 4 or so comepletely distinct locations and fought equally as many bosses in FF6. The dialogue is also just terrible for the amount of emphasis there is on character interactions, and some of it doesn't even contextually make any sense. Additonially, the Switch port is really bad. I've already had it freeze up once, about 2 feet away from a save point, and there's some questionable design choices like speed up only working in *some* cutscenes. (even at 3x speed the game is still really slow) The one thing I can say is the background renders being animated so the camera can occasionally shift around while you are moving about is seriously impressive, but its scarcely used and thats about it so far.
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How about the MODS do their fucking JOB instead of arbitrarily applying their lazy, waste of life standards onto the userbase? What a concept!
>How about the MODS do their fucking JOB
Sounds to me like you're getting your money's worth
I would've preferred you said nothing instead of whatever that robotic reply.
>How about the MODS do their fucking JOB
Because theyre the ones shitting up the board
FF6 is a better game, yes. Many people agree it is the best installation in the entire series. FF7 was a change for the series over all but it was a good game, especially mechanically. FF8 was foreshadowing what the series was going to become, cringe normie pop fantasy.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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the bricks are on the bottom left
the question is which room/interactable implies it.
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I found this string by extracting the text but I don't know what message calls it, but it is one of ceroba's talks in steamworks
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I think I found it, might be the room axis traps you in and you gotta build the robot
also what's with how the dialogue is coded in this
ah yeah thats it.
though, the line could just as easily be interpreted as normal baby/toddler behavior. little kids love to stick random things into their mouths
kanako wasnt that old when she got injected, so "when she was younger" would put her well into "i am going to eat this lego because uhhhhhhhh" territory.

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Did you "save" your world?
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Video games were a mistake.
Made a compilation video of all scenes with Salik and Alisa, from False GamerGater

> Watch video:


I've questioned every now and then, if I'm on the right path (for choosing to make games, as a religious person).
But hearing this...
>Doing God's work lad.
...hearing this confirms it for me. XD
Okay, move over to the new thread
(not the one who made the comment you replied to)
Feel free to keep posting.
I'm using your feed here to follow your development activity generally, so its interesting for me.

Feel free to comment on trashposts. I generally ignore them unless my mind turns sadistic and needs a laugh. Rather than schitzo, I'd say unique. People have their own styles, obsessions and beliefs. It should be fine no matter what you make.

I have seen people making games willed with the usual sexual jokes, for example cocks everywhere. Despite that being cliché, overused everywhere and sigh worthy, people don't crybaby about it. I don't get why they do it with your products.

Your storytelling is actually interesting and the constructs you make, the effort you put into your games, the complicated web of plugins communicating and making it work together to create your art pieces are impressive and should be recognized as such. It seems some devs are still, thread after thread, too busy with other things to see that.

Well anyway, you're welcome is what I wanted to say. Feel free to milk the cows who try claiming you aren't.
I'm just saying this after reading a number of the posts here.

This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
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NTA, but this was helpful to me, thanks. I was writing my encounters in events instead of using the in game random encounters because I wanted a battle results screen. I forgot that a switch triggered common event on every map with random encounters would do it better for less.
This makes me curious. Could you emulate some real action hits in RPGMaker to enemies? Not some autistic action battle system. But just the player giving various hits to something and destroying it. Something like
>Get close to enemy
>Attack it 3 or 5 times pressing X
>Each time the player does a swing
>Finally the enemy/object is kill
I have a rough idea of how to do this. But the problem is how to do it with moving enemies because they're already using the touch event trigger instead of action button.
You can absolutely do a full blown action battle system in rpgmaker but you need serious patience for it.
To make the event either trigger battle or death (of the enemy), have touching the enemy activate a switch that counts down v[x] amount of seconds while you store presses of the z button in v[y].
Conditional branch v[x] = desired amount of seconds:
Conditional branch v[y] = desired amount of hits:
Yes - enemy dies
No - enemy battle
Something like that, I don't have access to a personal computer at the moment and this is as best as I can explain, sorry.
Well, I try to follow your advice and it kind of worked. Here's the event pages more or less. One thing that I disliked was a bit of delay between the timer starting at the player touching the enemy/event. They just stare each other for a second and then they go. Otherwise it worked fine, not very elegant. Probably you meant something well done instead of this mess. Why for the button press, I surrendered with that one. My brain is kind of fried after work.
> I don't have access to a personal computer at the moment and this is as best as I can explain, sorry.
No worries. I wasn't even expecting an answer.
Made a compilation video of all scenes with Salik and Alisa, from False GamerGater

> Watch video:


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Post the worst moments in RPG history.
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except the cancelled true DLC became the novel and therefore the true ending
This really fucked with me back then and I had to put the controller down for a minute.
it's basically a happy ending for everyone in the game.

Noctis doesn't die.
Luna gets brought back to life.
Ardyn gets his name/honor restored in the history books
Bahamut, the true evil, is defeated when Ardyn does a heroic sacrifice to give Noctis and Luna an opening to finish him off
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>If they had control over the water, they could control the people
why woudl they want to control the people they dont see as people in the first place but as subhumans that need to be removed?

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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>sad shill thread
Not an RPG.
rpgs would make much sense given its a quasi-medieval setting
but there are explosing arrows...
I don't get it.
At a fundamental level it do nothing to alter the core gameplay loop, just like most mods.

There is a reason why BBI added a lot of enemy variety.
the point of that mod isn't to change the core gameplay loop, but to make it more challenging (if the user so wishes it)
lack of challenge which the anon was lamenting about
can I ask why you removed one meme arrow from the quotes turning them into simply greentexts?

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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>the towns are kinda boring
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say this. I think the towns are all awesome. They're all extremely different and have their own culture and history that you'll learn about if you talk to NPCs and interact with the environments. Nearby discoveries end up fleshing out even more because they're usually related.

Honestly, playing Skies of Arcadia is what started to make me super critical of other RPG towns and locations in general. Valua is probably one of my all time favorite RPG towns, period.
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>you'll learn about if you talk to NPCs and interact with the environments
This. SoA is probably one of the few RPGs I've played where I can always name every single town and at least five random facts about their history/culture/economy/whatever.
>Valua is probably one of my all time favorite RPG towns, period.
muh nigga. I remember the first time I played this game, I got to Valua at like 2 AM and I thought it was the coolest shit. I know the whole "evil techno-metropolis slums" had long been a JRPG trope at that point, but I think that was the first time I ever saw it in full 3D. The dark skies, dingy metal textures, and flickering electric lights were such a harsh and memorable atmospheric shift compared to what the game had shown so far. I loved how you could see the imperial palace and the upper city across the way.

Also, it just hit me that Valua is literally built in one of the craters left by the rains of destruction.

And that fucking music, man.
>And that fucking music, man.
I think my only complaint is that there wasn't unique music for when you get to upper city. Like something a little more elegant sounding, but still kinda dour. I can see why they didn't, though; you're only in upper city for like 2 minutes.
Why does he hold his sword wrong
Is this a zoomer game
Le heckin quirky chungus tranny
They didn't do much for me. I found them fairly generic and visually uninspiring. It's the over world in skies of Arcadia and ship combat that make it stand out. The towns and dungeons are a snooze fest.

>in times of need. We call upon. The power of the ancients

Still remember this combat quote even after like 20 years...

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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What's the best Wizardry game to get into it?
Depends entirely on you and your tolerances for old game jank/graphics/consoleshit/difficulty.
I should have clarified, I have a large tolerance and specifically want one of the older ones
Just play the first one and go in order. I recommend the PS1 ports of 1 to 5.
I tried going for Beast of a 1000 eyes with my shitty lvl 20-ish party and got wiped. lul

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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For me it's Miakis
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She is also cute. And I find her antics endearing.
Just bite the bullet anon, Suikoden 5 has one of the harshest and tightest windows. While we're on this topic which games do you all think were the easiest to hardest recruitment-wise?
1 and 3 are both pretty easy. 1 just being remarkably straight forward and 3 has some weird ones but there's not really as strict a cut off point either.
I remember missing Leon once and it left me distraught. I never really got Leon's and Mace's precise recruitment window...

What's an RPG with a good story that doesn't take X amount of hours to get good? I like Japanese games more but if your game is really that good then I'm willing to play it. Picrel is a good example in my book.
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>xenoturd makes an atrocious thread
I am shocked!
Recommend a better game. You won't.
Trails of Cold Steel
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Wild ARMS 3. You're a team of independent contractor cowboys trying to make money. Things keep getting bigger in a logical way, mimicking the structure of a 4 season anime (with changing anime openings to reflect each "season").

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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Pickpocketing has not reason to exist as a skill. It should be a feat ability relying on stealth and dexterity.
Not really, aside few oddities, ammo, cocktails there is no point of investing in pickpocket, you are going to be filfthy rich in no time even on dom difficulty.
There are two reason to pick pickpocket:
1 you want skip part of expedition at Aegis side.
2 you are playing on dominating difficulty where you might struggle with money early on, but trust me after early game you are going to be swimming in money.
No way. A little bit of extra ammo and a couple of oddities isn't worth an entire feat. At least as a skill it's something I can pick up on the side of a dex build.
I haven't gotten to the institute in a long time, can you do all of the quest from investigation and preservation or do you get locked in when you pick one of the questlines?
No lock. It males it seem like there's a lock when you finish one of them and the respective boss says you should join them, but you're still allowed to do the other branch even then. When you get to Eidein he'll give you the choice of joining either.

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ITT: Post the guys and girls who hard carried your party to end game.

I’ll start first. This guy with haste cast on him saw me through almost everything in the game. Only Lantern King at the end game me trouble.
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Isn’t Harrim a better healer than Tristam (more durable in a fight)?
He's barely more durable because having terrible AC like Tristain is no different than having bad AC like Harrim. They both get shredded in combat regardless and Harrim has a worse domain and is just a base cleric
not that you need him, but edwin in bg2 is THE best non-mc mage you can get
I think this bitch might be a little bit OP, currently on unfair shes pretty much soloing encounters for me lol, and she one-turned the chaos marine guy with finest hour
For me it was the space elf.
Give her the officer ulty and she can do 8 shots on the boss from the other side of the map which usually killed him.

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Dread Delusion came out, we got some open world Dishonored kino.
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It feels easier in 1.0 than it did in early access though I can't tell if that's just my imagination or not.
yeah it's quite bad

even as something as lazy as adding a hard mode tick box in the options that gives each enemy 5x health and 5x damage would have been welcomed. there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to use 90% of the combat oriented mechanics (block, spells that give you buffs or enemies debuffs, etc.) because nothing can kill you while you drop everything in 2 hits
Pretty sure ive seen this cover a long time before even midjourney took off, i dont think its AI
they felt similiar so i compared them and while it isnt perfect it does the "wander around in cool places and find cool stuff then yap a few lines to interesting npcs" thing better

i refunded so no screenshots but do the quest at the missing persons pillar in the city

New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
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Then there is no reason to bring them up even if it just so you can be a catty bitch.
OP is gay as always
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>be bernd
>there used to be some amazing german shards around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
>slowly die out
>what shards still were around get absoluty gutted by the release of the Enhanced Edition
>all german servers are now dead or only have like 3 people on them once week
>instead of logging in and just having fun you have to join some gay-ass-discords and set up a meeting when someone will be around
>some of the best roleplaying I have ever seen
What is this like, exactly? What makes it so good?
The people who play on these servers are already maladjusted weirdos. The people who play on these servers and post on 4chan are a worse breed.
The type of person who plays on these servers, posts on 4chan, and then gets into fucking roleplaying server drama and then posts about it on 4chan is basically sitting at the peak of autistic retard and inherently adds an unspoken detail to any drama they're a part of. No matter how much they'll try and smear other people involved or act like they did nothing wrong, they're the kind of person who cries about roleplaying server drama on 4chan. Any testimony they can give can be safely thrown out on account.

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