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This nigga comes in slaps your girl with a Wave Cannon and Atomic Ray
What do you do?
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learn atomic ray and cast it back at him

Get better taste in threads, cocksucker.
Sit ask if he wants a coffee as we talk about 28 years ago when he was asked to be the main machine, albeit in another more humanoid form, with a new game idea by that fucking flake Takahashi for what was their proposal for FF7.
I play him the Ballad of Romeo

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The remake of this guy just game out, so we're having a DRPG thread.
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>The word yuri (百合) translates literally to "lily", and is a relatively common Japanese feminine name. White lilies have been used since the Romantic era of Japanese literature to symbolize beauty and purity in women, and are a de facto symbol of the yuri genre.
Have you heard of Google?
It's pretty cool they translated and integrated the enemy lore from the Japanese famicom guide. I like seeing the synthesis between the Western and Japanese Wizardry lineages.
entire chara texture2d dump. will have spoiler
thanks anon, i love magodesu's art
Did anyone figure out which personalities compliment each other?

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Just started disc 2, what am I in for?
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what xenogears should have been, a vn
Xeno a shit.
god dammit Sakaguchi
Unironically I enjoyed disc 2 more than 1. Gameplay in gears is mediocre and most of the big story reveals happen in disc 2

every year this piece of shit movie turns out to be even worse than previously though

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If you dont know who this cutie is you know jack shit about Elder Scrolls.
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NTR is good as long as you're the one stealing the girl instead of some fat bastard.
Another coomer thread.
of course I know who my special coda flower is, I'm her golden kanet after all!
Shut the hell up buddy

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Why is Disgaea so funny? They just knocked it out of the park. Everything about the games is hilarious, especially the item descriptions, and the voice actors are great too.

Why doesn't anything else ever try to be this level of bad taste, east or west?
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>Shrek of RPGs
And you think this is a criticism or an insult?
Consider the fact that you're very wrong.
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>Why is Disgaea so funny?
Because it has Etna and Flonne who are funny and cute
Does anyone have a screenshot of the prinny NPC in D3 saying something like "You know how buff guys and zombies can reincarnate into cute girls? I don't like the idea of that, dood."

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Name a more iconic RPG duo than Rean and his wife Altina (aka Doyakonga). Haha you can't.
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Rean and Towa if I’m being real with you
Retributive tower.
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I mean, consider how other people (pic actually related) get scandals about committing adultery with three different people while married at the same time. Is "this person shitposted on 2channel pretending to be a fan of herself calling haters retards" really that bad?

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OK guys I have made a notable discovery about this game, are you ready for this?
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Another kaiju in the final fantasy series is FFX's Sin.
I've drawn connections between it and Chrono Cross' Dragon God.

Although it's name would be more accurately spelled "Shin"
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The "supreme" god in DBZ is also named Shin.
Since DBZ is based on Journey to the West, it's only natural it has a Chinese Bureaucratic Afterlife.
The station of "supreme god" is transitional and power levels don't scale like you'd imagine. Most of the kais are pretty inept at doing anything on their own, and have to recruit fighters to work for them feel originated with the Dragon Quest games.

In FF11, the Gods are Promathia and Altana.
Altana created the player races while Promathia created the beastmen. As I mentioned earlier the races are meant to fight each other to distract each other so nobody attempts to open the gate of the gods like the Zilart attempted.

Although, Shantotto could probably do it. The Dissidia games use Shantotto in this manner. In Dissidia 012 she was the personal body guard of the Goddess Cosmos. While in NT Cosmos and Chaos are replaced with Materia and Spiritus.
Although she is personally summoned by Materia, Shantotto has no interest in the perpetual conflict and doesn't think Materia is very bright for a Goddess.
Shantotto's villain counterpart in NT is Kam'Lanaut one of the Zilart Princes that attempted to open the Gate of the Gods in FF11. He cared little for sustaining the world as it was if the possibility of leaving it was an option.
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Given all of Kam'Lanaut's quotes are about reaching paradise (what was supposed to be on the other side of the gate) it's surprising that he wasn't chosen to appear in the DLC for Stranger of Paradise.
>The "supreme" god in DBZ is also named Shin.
FFS do you really have no concept of how fucking retarded you are?
I was hoping I could convince it to condense the posts into longer single posts, to make them easier to ignore, but alas it is too autistic. I'm not sure why anyone would actively want to destroy any and all discussion of a beloved franchise, but this is easily the most successful attempt I've ever seen. Various agents that have been trying to bring 4chan down for years now could learn a lot from this guy. I'm loathed to abandon a thread I created but I think I'll have to at this rate for my own sanity. Guess I'll just move on to a different untainted franchise... any suggestions? I've been considering picking up some Dragon Quest games.
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Shin was the Supreme Kai of the East. Had his dominion included lands from the bible he'd be incharge of The Garden of Eden, which was planted in the "East".
What else is in the east? The Sunrise. Which only makes sense on a planetary scale. This direction is also associated with the Azure Dragon. There's a lot of symbolism regarding "east" that I won't go into.

The 4 direction God-Beasts are the Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, and White Tiger.

In FF11, these beasts happen to be monsters that can be spawned in the Ru'aun Gardens. They dropped decent gear back when the level cap was like 75. Now it's not worth the walk.

The Gardens are essentially the "Gate of the Gods" that the Zillart tried to open. That might sound confusing. It's the nexus at the center of all the mothers crystals. But as I was saying before, what is "Paradise" to the Zilart?

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Post the worst moments in RPG history.
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Absolutly repulsive. This is fine but Japanese games have to be censored? Or is it only ok when white people do it?
It was blatant pandering after they got booty-blasted about the soda ad
I have a theory. Tellah tried using Esuna on them before quitting and declaring that it won't work since they petrified themselves of their own free will. But that just means that they were casting it like a buff spell and he SHOULD have used Dispel to cure it instead. Berserk works the same way- in some games it's considered an ailment and needs Esuna to cure, and in some it's considered a buff and needs Dispel instead. Presumably the Mysidian elder just wasn't as much of a dumbass, and that's how he was able to free them.
Actually Tellah knew all that and just didn't want to deal with the little shits anymore.
The more important point is if they lifted the spell before disabling the trap, everyone, including the kids would die. When Baron gets liberated, the kids are de-stoned and thus show up before the trip to the moon.

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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If you look closely you can see Quistis and the others tip-toe by.
It would be nice if Square were in this thread, noting these ideas like these for the remake.

If you believe in God and believe in eternal existence, then FFVIII will eventually be re-made. It has an excellent base template, if you ask me.

I fuck with /x/ and view FFVIII as soft Disclosure. It’s a much better game if you interpret it that way. Certain aspects of the story reflect real events and real technology that cannot be disclosed to the general public (pre-scripted NPCs)
Why else would you play them? If you like the gameplay of JRPGs, might as well just get an IT job.

I play JRPGs specifically for the story. If you play JRPGs for the gameplay, you are autistic.
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>Oh we Esthar now.
>I play JRPGs specifically for the story. If you play JRPGs for the gameplay, you are autistic.
RPGs are just a form of escapism, and different people enjoy different things. For me the story helps but I prefer atmosphere and interesting gameplay.

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ADOM is probably the hardest "RPG" game you will ever play. Nothing else comes close.
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ADOM is the best roguelike because the world gives you control over how difficult the area you are going to is.
I don't really like the additions since the graphical version though.
Late game frogcomposband begs to differ.
And using against anything dangerous will get you killed in short order.
ADOM seriously isn't very good. This is absurd, OP. You need to try other things.
Yes, like Elona :)

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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It's mind blowing how hard they dropped the ball.
it will probably be late this year
MonHun Wilds comes out in Spring next year after all
I thought they took mystic Knight out.
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That's DD1

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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Quake also lets you ignore Electricity for a very long while.
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>Go out of my way to popularize hammer builds for people playing this game
>A year later, everyone just goes 3 INT hammerfag build
I hate to see it.
Expose Weakness is alright but there's just so many builds that would desire those 2 points to be placed elsewhere. For one thing, EW has extremely limited applicability considering your main source of damage should be doing high enough amounts of damage without needing to rely on a single-target debuff that has an extremely long cooldown. If your main intent is to deal with high priority targets, well either they're frail enough that you can reliably deal with them in the span of only a single round, or they're a big clunky robot that you can easily outrun or throw an EMP grenade at, letting you deal with the rest of the enemies before you 1v1 the metal behemoth. If you just pump your melee skill, level STR, and craft better hammers, you won't be missing EW even when you're faced off against Dreadnoughts. Really, the only time you're actually straight up better off with EW for Hammers is for 2 instances (4 Nagas and Tchort) but at that point there should be other caveats to your build to deal with them reliably.
Expose weakness isn't even good without specialization. Especially on hammers. You basically get 3 swings with increased damage on a single target. You're better off popping a shit ton of drugs, having mobility to break line of sight, and utilizing traps/EMP nades to deal with robots. To top it all of, robots aren't even that common an enemy. They're encountered just often enough to be annoying. I agree with other anons that those 2 points are better put elsewhere. Shit like super slam is going to be useful at all times.
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I like MT hammer better. Though I also like having max dissemble with hammers.
Makes using blast caps easier and doubling up on destabilization is fun. Only thing that sucked was I couldn't get the Masters fight

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Hows this game compared to Pathfinder/Wotr/other contemporary rpgs?

I played for few hours and game seems well researched, history wise
I find it better in terms of story and encounter design, but your skills in combat are less diverse than the ones in WoTR.
It's pretty good, the whole Praetorian missions shit gets kinda annoying but it's alright if you have your people well equipped. Historically it's so, so with 2 female companions but it does a good job in conveying a story where you are both Caesar and Augustus with the option to become Emperor or just try to save the dying republic anyways. I really like the segment before the Rubicon.

Game features the third Pontic war, Conquest of Egypt, Invasion of Gaul and the roman civil war.
It's weird, I had a good time with the demo but by the time it was over and I didn't feel really compelled to keep playing.
Always thought this games was a rts?

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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
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NTA but I highly recommend Tales of Arterra.
Go talk with the dragon and win the riddle game before you do anything else. If you made even one mistake, reload.
thanks, added
Thanks a lot anon!
So I just lurk here in case you upload it someday?
What kind of stuff did you want to add to it? Arbor Falls is really cool but the version that's in the workshop has some room for improvement and some other stuff like the custom animations are down right broken.
Just DM me so I know where to find you. I'll get back to working on Arbor Falls since you're interested too. You mean the ACP combat animations? I think I managed to fix them on my version. I was thinking to add some things like quick buff metamagic rods, creatures that react to light, portable holes, or a Mordenkainen's mansion which you can reach via spell from any module to deposit your items, and then step out the door to take a rest stop in Arbor Falls, before going right back to where you left off in the other module. Lots of stuff, but maybe I'll just polish up whatever I already added first so I can share them with you.

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Is there a reason why most JRPGs give you dialog options when they don't change the outcome of the story? DQ8 is a good example. If I say "No" the game forces me to say "Yes".
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Most dialogue choices in RPGs do fuck all because they're purely there for flavour.
Take Nevewinter Nights 2, which floods you with speech prompts that do fuckall and the only things that change through the game are whether you join one of two guilds in the game (that have the same exact quests) and which party member betrays you in the finale.
Take D:OS2, where you have five different ways to say yes and no to quests with binary solution patterns and have an overall brutally linear experience where whatever little "choices" you have are not even acknowledged by the game for the most part, you can genocide entire villages in there and the game will tell you they're thriving simply because you did it past a certain main quest threshold.
JRPGs being supposedly the biggest offender when it comes to this is largely overblown, especially because in a lot of them you don't have any such choices to begin with, not to mention that when they do give you actual agency people bitch that there's no story and the games are too confusing.
Yes, dialogue trees were a mistake. Bring back text parsers.
That's been done before and it's just annoying.
Because they’re not RPGs. Fun games, but not RPGs.
It's only illusionary participation if you're watching someone else play the game on youtube and it's not even a livestream.

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