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Post Kusoge rpgs.
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All of them.
It is pretty bad but it will never be the worst while Eternal Poison exists.
God damn
>unbelievably easy
>also unbelievably slow
>maps are like 3x the size of maps in other DRPG on the consoles but all of that exploration is incredibly linear
What the fuck was going on?
Even the name sounds like they looked up Final and Fantasy in a thesaurus.
Stop being a shitskin.

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is there any chance in hell that this will be good, or even decent.
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Learn proper english pajeet
That was English, are you having a stroke?
You're a well mocked genre of guy
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One of the most stunning first posts of our time.

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Is he right?
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Some fine wisdom from Hamburger University, US
It's all knocks on writing. Thing is, almost all videogames have pretty stupid writing/plots, FO:NV is at least better than most. This guy sounds like the kind of gamer who expects to his games to spoonfeed him fun rather than provide a framework that the player can mess around in and make their own fun with, something FO:NV does exceptionally well. JRPGs would probably be more his speed.
I played NV when it was new, had a little bit of fun, got bored and dropped it. Same with FO3. Don’t get the big deal
Yes fallout is garbage
Bunch of buzzword laced non-arguments and muh heart and soul instead of explaining what FO3 actually does better than NV. Why are Fallout fags such inbred retards?

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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I just found out that MH Stories HD port is not going to be sold physically in the US. Do any of you have a recommendation for a good website to buy the UK version for PlayStation? The only one I can think of is GAME's website, but I do not know if they ship to the US.
Is Vengeance actually gonna fix the base game or is Fatlus blowing smoke up my ass?
how well did monster rancer fans take to the ds installment?
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Jap jank game someone else posted on here. Not too far into it but really enjoying the aesthetic and music

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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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Cute cat
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for me it's last stand
that's weird, i don't remember making this post
it's true though, defending is for chumps and anything that doesn't kill you will give you enough OS for a full heal
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what's the condition for Mesh to put her hair down? she only mentioned it on Janice's route for me
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Completing all sidequests.
Wish it carried over in the jewelry box, drills are great but I love her hair down design and you don't get to see much of it.

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What was the best RPG on the Nintendo GameCube?
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I like women bland. Only westoid trannies want women strong independent black tranny.
There aren't many but I'd have to say Baten Kaitos Origins.
Too bad no one played it and killed the series.
I still remember the neogaf sales thread when that game came out, 6k in sales in its release month. Honestly one of the gaming stories that I still think about and makes me sad.
Not really.
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms 2
The closest thing to a female lead in Zestiria was Lailah and that's because they decided to make Mikleo into a dude otherwise, no one would have remotely given a shit about Alisha or Rose.

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things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... He watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.
your mom naked
The level of discourse on /vrpg/

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Never trust anyone who would sing you a song for money or says that they know many tales
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yeah virginia's animations are great, the mech animations in general are pretty good, aerial rush ko throw and windwhistle are good, i like all the martial arts animations, but since i've picked up 1hg i have to admit those animations are great in full showstopper format
>interacting with the trading drum brings up a loading screen every time
>all it does is open a menu that you always have access to
And you have to quit out of the menu and talk to the drum for literally every transaction you do there to maximize your laundry rewards. It's an insane implementation that could very easily be fixed.
No, Kawazu already said that thralling would not have any plot consequences months before the game released.
>i also deal in non-ticket items
not that i have ever seen, and you hardly ever deal in ticket items to begin with, you lousy lying lazy ticketmonger

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What are the best JRPGS for both of Sony's handhelds?
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Only because of load times which are fine on the PSP and Vita
It's fun and gameplay is improved but there are few annoying story characters
Gake adds two back lines(so you will have 9 team members by the end of the game) which give you bonuses/skills in combat(they get exp along with your main team so you won't have to grind)
Graphics don't differ much from psp version
Postgame dungeon ending is perfect farewell to series
PSP and PSV can play SNES games, you know.
Yeah, but I don’t think that’s what OP was asking for. PS1 eboots are probably already stretching it (though that’s become my favorite way to play PS1 RPGs with the options currently available to me).
Jeanne d'Arc
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
Shiren the Wanderer 4
Summon Night 5
Wild Arms XF
Grand Knights History
Valkyria Chronicles 2
Valkyria Chronicles 3
Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner
Tales of Eternia

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Is TTW the best or the worst way to play Fallout 3?
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Fo3 is Skyrim with guns. NV is Fo1 but without overworld map.
I hope AI will replace pre-recorded VO. I don't really care about quality because I skip to next line as soon as I finish reading captions.

The optimal way is what mainstream JRPGs do to this day. Few important moments are fully voiced and all other dialogues only have few voiced barks "Hello", "hm?", "really...", "let's move on".
Bump I guess.
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no. the thing to do is to beat 3 and then stop playing. nv is just not worth it after the first playthough.
Ive removed that stupid thing multiple times in the last 20yrs. stupid ass bethesda putting that in and only fixing it a few years ago. But than again bethesda has really fallen off lately due to starfield and people seeing just how shit a company they have become under microsoft.

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If you dont know who this cutie is you know jack shit about Elder Scrolls.
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U oh its schizo hall monitor again
Hides thread bro, hides thread lmao
If people actually remembered the questline they'd complain about used goods ntr cucking etc
NTR is good as long as you're the one stealing the girl instead of some fat bastard.
Another coomer thread.
of course I know who my special coda flower is, I'm her golden kanet after all!

>broken character in your party trivializes the entire game
Diegetic easy mode

So just don't play easy mode

Unless you want to, of course.
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at least her story is fun
recruitable dragons in MM8

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>the only good d&d game blocks your path
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>big titty bartender
Having never played the game, I had to look her up based on the description. I actually recognize her from Inquest Gamer having a brief article on the game and making a joke about her huge knockers. Good times.
>good d&d game
That is not the gold box games, you get an F. See me after school!
somebody's a moron
I'll see you in the retirement home, grandpa.

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Oh look, another video where Tim Cain shits on Fallout 2. Why is he so bitter?
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>Cain did Fallout
Yeah, he was behind the original concept, a guy who believed in the project from the beginning and carried it through the hard times till the end, but what did he actually do besides engine that was Fallout's worst part? Postapoc theme was suggested by either Boyarski or Anderson, the art was also theirs. The writing was done by Scott Bennie. Design and SPECIAL? Chris Taylor. I like him but honestly looking at the credits i am getting the impression that he is a glorified idea guy who happens to also code.
Also, he is a Microsoft employee now.
I did and i liked it enough for two playthrough, despite its many, MANY flaws. It also made me appreciate Fallout 3 way more than i did before.
>"yea he's the reason the game exists but.."
>"did he even do anything?"
If you gotta diminish even this, just tells how clueless/bitter you are.
>glorified idea guy
>who also happens to code
Kek he has made it easier for "idea guys" to add shit to his games.

Come on, man. Yes, it's a team effort.
Fair enough. I stand corrected.
You're a good anon. Can't fault you for not knowing. The development process for any game is always some convoluted deep lore shit, hard to know who did what exactly and why.

What is the comfiest jrpg?
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For me, it's any 8 - 32 bit jrpg with a job system.
>In a couple hundred years, they might figure that out.
In a couple hundred years humanity will probably be living in mud huts again.
who cares? All we need to do is not get fucked over in the next 50 years and I could give a fuck less.
That's a boomer mentality. You should care about the well-being of future generations.
>Mud huts again
This also solves the problem. Having to fight and strive to survive gives men a purpose.
But that much is unlikely since books and written language exist. The trades will likely survive in a much reduced form, carpenters surviving the most since it's one of the easier trades to grasp for a layman.

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