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What the fuck is their problem????????
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how many have you actually played?
Kemco is good desu
Don't lie.
Better than Falcomslop, at least.
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They publish games from multiple studios. Most are just mediocre and basically what you played after you've exhausted every other JRPG out there. I wish the Omnibus collection was more widely available, though.

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What the F*CK was his fucking issue?!?
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Nah fuck that post, your opinion is shit.
Skellige has some of the best side quests in the game and the landscape beauty is unmatched until Blood and Wine DLC, it also has some of the best soundtracks in the game and great characters to meet there.
The only real problem with Skellige is the point of interest bloat so exploration is not that good but aside from that its a great area.

Novigrad was great as well with many characters to meet and a lot of memorable side quests like Carnal Sins, and you meet characters like Djikstra there.
I'd agree that main story wise the stakes are not there but its a great section regardless of that.
What is this post even trying to say? you are sperging like a retard for no reason.

And fuck you i know all your shit opinions are printed from the press of Joseph Anderson and his trash Discord server. go kys you worthless trash. you have no identity and no backbone everything you say is literally an uninspired critique from others.
>the catalog is always garbage at all hours and if you haven't noticed that you have a developmental disorder
No, whenever yurotards are around the whole top of the catalogue is open world action adventure console slop like witcher, gothic, and TES and on the jrpg end its all rpg maker trash and Square shit. The quality of the board takes an enormous dip in quality whenever these retards are around. None of this is interesting.
I have to get it out. I couldn't get into Witcher 3. I got bored in the first location. What does it make me?

Squeenix and other Japanese studios are reporting historically massive losses while Falcom is posting record sales and profits. Really makes you think, huh?
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>absolutely retarded fanbase
Only geniuses can understand falcom
Squeenix lost its way. Their biggest fuckup was trying to make FFSI/FFAC and the resulting fuckery that came after it.
Squeenix is also a publisher now and they're like the netflix of Japanese publishers.
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This is what happens when you give gamers exactly what they want.
Yes, exactly. Nothing happens, then nothing continues to happen. Sky is extremely uneventful. Crossbell is also largely uneventful outside of 2 chapters.

‘member this game?
Yes, has one of the single best world maps in the genre. Sadly the rest of the game is utterly generic.
>muh nostalgia
nobody cares grandpa

What's an RPG with a good story that doesn't take X amount of hours to get good? I like Japanese games more but if your game is really that good then I'm willing to play it. Picrel is a good example in my book.
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Xenogears and Xenosaga for obvious reasons. They were targeted at an older audience, however. Xenoblade was aimed at 13 year olds, Xenogears and Xenosaga were more for the 17-20 crowd according to Takahashi, so they expect more investment and patience from the player. Overall though, I think they reach much greater heights of grandeur and that trademark Takahashi plots within plots revelation insanity, even if gameplay wise they are pretty insufferable.

Other than that, various SMT games (like IV,) Persona, etc all start interesting and stay interesting.

Two much lesser known titles I'd highly recommend as a xenofan are Shadow Hearts 1 and 2. 2 especially is interesting since it creates a kind of "perfect thematic circle" with 1 and enhances both in a way that's both extremely unexpected and yet highly emotionally satisfying. The first game is dated, but there's merit to it as well (although if you have to choose, you can start with the second.) These games are truly hidden gems that deserved more attention than they got. Characters you can fall in love with, great pathos, and a surprisingly meaningful story. Great soundtracks, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEpSqDJH6H4&list=PL7wKx1YpR-lx2JO9VRtkazu_MKtxMKFLk&index=2
Berseria never gets good
It’s the worst game in the series
Given 3 is structured like an anime, with each "episode"/dungeon having its own 3 act structure, I think it likely can hold the attention of retarded kids. The other games are less rigorous - I love 2 but it has many points that are simply "we're going to a new place, time to walk through the dungeon", at least in the first quarter. After that there is very little filler, which is very obvious on a second playthrough if you know the actual plot.
Fun fact, the Shadow Hearts wailing lady is the same lady who does the scat for Minstrel Song/Emerald Beyond.
Metal Max. Start with the remake of 1 for the SNES, then play 3 for the DS, followed by the remake of 2 for the DS.
>90% nintendo games
confirmed to have never played real jrpgs

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Is there a reason why most JRPGs give you dialog options when they don't change the outcome of the story? DQ8 is a good example. If I say "No" the game forces me to say "Yes".
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It's not like most dialogue options in WRPGs aren't just saying the same thing to move the conversation forward but in a different tone of voice. The only difference is that most WRPGs have the occasional choice that actually affects something, while the average JRPG doesn't and is entirely flavor.
>DQ8 is a good example
No it's not, because they're aware and it's a running joke there, newfag.
It's called engagement. You're a participant in the scene; not a passive viewer.
You might be on the spectrum if you think you're always part of everything.
Egocentrism is something children and teens do. Not autists.

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Who is the greatest rpg chad and why?
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Certainly not that fucker. God, what a disappointment of a game.
>play Suikoden 5 anticipating Georg to be some badass antihero/antagonist
>turns out he's just le generic good guy who does nothing morally wrong whatsoever
Shit like this is why I'm glad Suikoden died since the combination of 3, 4, and 5 absolutely destroyed anything good about the franchise.
>>play Suikoden 5 anticipating Georg to be some badass antihero/antagonist
Then you're an idiot
5 was fucking great and that scene is the absolute peak of the entire franchise
anon 2 is overrated asf also. 1 is the only one i truly enjoyed. and even it is far from perfect.
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>still playable af 3 decades after its release
>writing consists of: "good" guy kill bad guys

For real is it just virgins who play these games?
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How about none because jarpigs are gay
It's because you can't be a good game designer and a good writer. Rare. Usually game developers skimp and write their own stores, wonder why they are trash.
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I'd like to interject for a moment...
Really fun game. I'm desperate for something like it, now.
This is such a fun game. I enjoy the how cheesy it gets and how self-aware the humor is, all while being genuinely fun to play. It feels like you get powerful a little too fast sometimes, but that's my only major gripe. Haven't played Doom 2 RPG yet.

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what are your thoughts on the mana series? is it better than tales? what is your favorite game in the series?
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Dark Riesz is much better than Light Riesz in Trials and you have Dark Duran who's really good too. Pretty impossible to fuck up that team especially on Hard which is the game's Normal.
Yeah.. it was pretty cool that the Jumi arc got a whole anime dedicated to it.
Shame how it turned out though.
Legend of Mana for me. Love that game and world and wish there were more games very similar to it in world build and crafting and pets and stuff. i'd be fine with it being turned based combat even if I had a game similar in how legend of mana plays and works.
I sense a flop incoming.
That depends how much they spent on it

Just completed this gem and thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately I can't see much replay value in it though beyond what restrictions I self-impose. I like the fact that unlocks are random and the game scales with your progress which makes playing at high and low levels feel noticeably different. I'll definitely give Ironman + Uber Damage a try if I get around to a replay.

Infiltrator with maxed stealth, Mk2 S.Gen, Mk2.E.Gen and a double battery feels abusive as hell until something goes wrong.

Definitely recommend it if you haven't already. RTWP feels like it would cheapen the game, I never tried it, never enabled it and never unlocked the slowdown skill but if you need easy mode this will be your go to.
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Never played this but syndicate wars was fun as hell back in the day. A lot better than the original syndicate.
>So it is RTWP or it's not designed that way but is optional?
>it's not designed that way but it is optional
By Default:
One of the agents abilities slows down the game so you can can assess and issue orders faster. Higher levels of the skill slow the game down more and for longer, practically to a pause. It has restrictions so you can't constantly spam it constantly.

There's a difficulty option that enables RTWP. This wasn't planned in the original release but was requested so they added it as a starting option. It's basically a reskin of the agents skill but with no restrictions.

And there's a secret Big-Head mode if you like the land of the bobble-heads.
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint and Invisible Inc. are somewhat similar.
It is one of my favorite games of all time. I've heard people have had performance issues but I've never had this problem.
I'm excited for the companies new game Cozy Caravan as well even though it is a completely different game. It would be cool if it got popular enough for them to make a Satellite Reign 2.

My only complaint was the ending was fucking garbage but I wasn't playing it for the story anyway.
Agreed on the lack of replayability, but thems the breaks. I found the game far more fun to just go loud everytime, splitting the party for stealth was always a bad idea.

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Never trust anyone who would sing you a song for money or says that they know many tales
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what is everyone's favorite tech animation? i'm thinking guanyin, but stunning shot is pretty gangster as a magdump, especially with the behemoth revolver
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>Triple Thrust
>Hell's Fury
>One for One
>Jolting Slash
>Aerial Rush
>KO Throw
>Blood Rage
>Leading The People
>Cosmic Rave
>Beam of Destruction

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yeah virginia's animations are great, the mech animations in general are pretty good, aerial rush ko throw and windwhistle are good, i like all the martial arts animations, but since i've picked up 1hg i have to admit those animations are great in full showstopper format
>interacting with the trading drum brings up a loading screen every time
>all it does is open a menu that you always have access to
And you have to quit out of the menu and talk to the drum for literally every transaction you do there to maximize your laundry rewards. It's an insane implementation that could very easily be fixed.

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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I'll look into it. atm im mostly going thru roms and dont plan to buy anything but if it looks decent enough i'll add it to my wishlist.
I just found out that MH Stories HD port is not going to be sold physically in the US. Do any of you have a recommendation for a good website to buy the UK version for PlayStation? The only one I can think of is GAME's website, but I do not know if they ship to the US.
Is Vengeance actually gonna fix the base game or is Fatlus blowing smoke up my ass?
how well did monster rancer fans take to the ds installment?

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>Larping as Caesar fag
>Install dozens of ttw Sexout mods
>Enslave & Rape every hotties, Raiders and NCR, Fiends of course
>Kill Ulysses and nuke both side
>Finally start main mission and become 0 reputation after you met benny
>More rape ncr hotties & ncr rangers & cass & veronica and sneak kill every bos niggers after even more rape bos rookies and finish it with Caesar ending
>Get bored and move to DC wasteland and cum hot loads on Moira my wife
>Nuke brotherhood of steel and enslave sara, rape her next meaningless 100hours
Yepp, this is the best game ever made
Extreme gooning like this is how eggs get cracked.
amazing how you instantly proved that you have bigger mental issues than OP
or trannies are all complete degenerates so extreme gooning is just kind of a prerequisite

hello rpg
truthfully what race have you never played as in any of the ES games and why?
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khajit argonian and orc
I like the lore and stuff, dont mind them walking around the world
but never really felt like I should be playing as them
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For me it's high elves, they either look too ridiculous for wanting to be snobs or in ESO case a bit too plane looking for me.
I usually just run a woodelf hunting everything that exists or a berserker argonian with a bunch of paralyzing/fear enchants and spells
I like this image.
Everything that isn’t a Bosmer and an Altmer. I picked a Bosmer when I played Oblivion because I wanted to be an archer guy, and I picked an Altmer in Skyrim because I heard they walked faster than everyone else.
I played Imperial in Morrowind, Breton in Oblivion, and Nord in Skyrim. I don't really like the non-human races except for the Orcs. I'll probably play as an Orc if they ever actually make another game.

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How are you enjoying Arcana Invoker, lads?

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Pretty based of me, fuck those dipshits
Most streamers are legitimately fucking retarded. I once saw someone get filtered by a game's fucking tutorial.
>Racing cockroaches for an hour
What did the Arcana mean by this?
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i look like this

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