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New storyline in the Bethesda's remake
>The Courier gets shot by his son
>platinum chip got stolen by Mr. House from Brotherhood of Steel
>Courier recovers for a month, can't be skipped
>Caesar's Legion is supplied by raiders
>NCR is supplied by Enclave
>The Institute SUDDENLY helps around The Strip
>Also synthesized Deathclaws and Cazadors from fucking nowhere
>the shortest route to Vegas is mandatory
>the only option in REPCONN is to detonate the rocket the moment you see them
>Old World Blues is a part of the main story, completely dedicated to dick jokes
> Enclave fights BoS on Hoover's Dam
>Gojira spawns out of nowhere in a middle of a battle
>Mr. House is actually your son
>Enclave gets FEV right from their asses and deploys it on Hoover's Dam while fighting for it

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Larian is owned by Tencent, aka the chinese communist party. Chat GPT shill posts are 100% real.
Fuck, if Obsidian doesn't involve Sawyer and Avellone it'll be shit
NuObsidian is shit. There are no good studios left.
new vegas doesn't seem old enough to warrant it

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Post your ultimate rpg party of four members.

Fighter: Demi-Fiend from SMT
Healer: Yuna from FFX
Caster: Emil from Nier
Wild Card: Gig from Soul Nomad
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nocturne was the binging of the end for megaten, the atmosphere and design went to total shit
Fighter: Cassandra pentghast
Unbreakable front line granted

Healer: Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau
Party member down?
"The road to healing is going to be a long one, stay the course, you will make it. Some day."
No one is ever down.

Caster: I don't take bitches with me

Wildcard: Nate the rake. Fully customized RU5.56, angular grip, extended chamber, heavily compensated, full on folding stock, glowing sight, switchable to 4x scope, 3 nuka-grenades, Night vision goggles, and extreme hate for Canadians, gays, and women

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I would like to play in an alive / persistent world that has true darkness.
Could WoW be that? WoW 2 with a new engine?
I want the 80s/90s dark fantasy back.
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Not exactly fantasy, but The Secret World, SMT: Imagine, and EVE Online all sort of fill that dark 90s vibe. They're all mostly dead though.
>The Secret World
I miss it, /v/ros.
The art style wasn't great at the start either. It was noted for its outdated and low quality assets. Now they call it timeless.
I remember in another multiplayer game in the mid 00s and they imported wow models for weapons, but they always looked like toys.
Wow and Warcraft 3 were a really special blend of Metzen and Samwise. If you look at Metzen's art it's all super masculine, comic book hero proportioned, grim dark warriors and blood. Metal album covers as you describe.

Samwise on the other hand is like someone read a bunch of Conan the Barbarian stories growing up, but was also a cartoonist. He somehow blends muscle bound beefy warriors with a very elegant and almost cartoony exaggeration of form.

When you combine Metzen and Samwise you get that perfect mix of over the top stylized, but still cool that Warcraft 3 and Early WoW captured. No other game has ever hit that blend as well as those two games.

One unexpected benefit of the stylized forms is that they read SUPER cleanly from far away and that made WoW the most successful at visual communication of all the MMOs.
>wow 2
i hope the mmo industry keeps getting worse and worse and never dies to be reborn until you grow old and die you fucking faggot

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Enough about Earthbound-inspired RPGs, what are some LISA-inspired RPGs?
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All the Lisa fangames
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None exist
That gutter game or whatever its called that was posted in the dev threads

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What's with the hate towards DD? Some capcom shit or just because?
1. A lot of assblasted discord anti-shills badmouthing the game here before launch
2. By all accounts, the games condition sounds pretty underwhelming even to fans of the original
The first game was also unplayable at release and only became a success after the expansion. Of course crapcom being crapcom, they dropped the ball in the second one again. Maybe they can save it who knows, but I will certainly not buy t at full price.
People deserve to eat shit, because they keep buying this. It's akin to simp behavior with women.
the subhumans deserve their suffering

>If <insert game here> doesn't allow me to kill every single NPC in the game (including children) and still allow me to complete the main quest, then it's not a CRPG!
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Name one RPG without a single hateable character
yeah that's the way I feel about it
on the other hand I really wouldn't mind if they level a handful unkillable if they can't think of a way around it even if they don't want to write some elaborate excuse like with Yes Man in New Vegas. I like an open design but you don't have to push it to the point where you're just making needless work for yourself. Just don't let it go Bethesda tier where half the NPCs are immortal
*level = left
I'm fine with unkillable NPCs. A minority of people ever kill them, but working around those possibilities can increase the amount of work a quest will require. Of course unkillable NPCs should be kept to a minimum.

Like people believe voice acting limits development, I believe unkillable NPCs can do the same. Don't bother if it's too much work.

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Just finished it as a Half-Oger technologist. Fucking incredible. Best rpg I've played in a long time.
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ah so it's good then
It has bot, but the game is clearly balanced to be played as TB. Some stats like speed are crucial in TB, meanwhile in RTWP are useless, and doing backstabs is impossible too. RT is only for fast clearing trash mobs when you're already way more powerful than them
I heard they only added RT because they had to do multi-player for some reason, so this makes sense. Also considering doing my first (somewhat) magick-aligned build as a backstabber, is Prowling worth raising for that?
it's awful in low levels, but really good after you get master training
>RT is only for fast clearing trash mobs when you're already way more powerful than them
Realtime pretty much makes you unkillable against slower enemies if you have any ranged spell or throwing weapon.

I feel like this phenomenon happens in rpgs way more than in TV or film. Why? Anyone else noticed this?
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There's also the case of people wanting to Prove They Are A True Fan by sticking to 'lore' and 'canon' when they write fanfic, and sometimes haven't actually got that much real detail to work with when they try, obviously maximised more in an episodic environment. So they go with visible and obvious hooks that they can hang their I'm A Fan hat on, and then meme magic does the rest.
You then also have times when meme magic becomes more fan-accepted than actual canon, but that's a whole other post.
>This is part of the reason I can't take it serious when people get mad at BG3 for fucking the lore. WOTC already fucked the lore in all holes before BG3 was made with the dogshit official novelization and sequel comics.
Both being true doesn’t negate each being true separately. Simply means that we must be precise about who did what. WotC didn’t rape Balduran’s corpse, for instance, although you do have a point overall.
You sound like a jarpigger so post discarded
Most of Cyrodiil is boring as shit. They have the Imperial city, most of which was of Ayleid origin. Most of the cool places on Tamriel are of non-Cyro design. Romaboos need to get off their high horses and stop pretending their fantasy r*mans are the be all end all of civilization.
there's no consuming skooma "once or twice". once you're in, you're married to the pipe. don't do drugs, kids

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Where's the fun in playing as these butt ugly things?
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>you can't appreciate V for Vendetta because of anonymous
Oh I hated that faggot moore way before that.
Do you hate fun?
to spite my brother and sister who told me not to play one on my first playthrough. So far it's going well
i don't think so. why are you trying to start shit with me? i didn't mean the question as an attack, i just wanted to know
Are any of the mods (besides the plus patch) any good?

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I played RPGs for 20+ years and I realized that RPG without life sim/survival elements is not a true RPG.
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I suppose he means they're rarely implemented in a manner he finds enjoyable
>early access
>procedually generated
>open world survival craft
>pixel art
>single developer
Yep, it's indiesloppin' time.
Good example, just building a well and having it hit the water table without dowsing or some other method is bad design.
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>I played RPGs for 20+ years and I realized that RPG without life sim/survival elements is not a true RPG
WELL then meet wayward, a true open world life sim/survival RPG game
Looks like it's not what I have in my wishlist.

Why is Allie Sin in there?
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pro-BoS spam with wojaka and gigachads when. You see the ironic memes make it good, like Star Wars.
>ive had this opinion for like 20 years kiddo.
Sure you are buddy, sure you are. Let me guess: for all that time you also hold an opinion that isometrics "aged badly" and need a remake, that Bethesda "saved the franchise" which wasn't relevant until F3, and that F3 was a "real" start of the series (and is a spiritual successor to F1).
I've never had PS2 and BoS per se is probably nowhere near as bad as people say, also the characters on the OP pic are way closer to original concept art that people are willing to admit, but mid00s nu-metal would absolutely not fit. Blues rock like in Tactics' intro, maybe (they were supposed to license ZZ Top's Jesus just left Chicago and i am still bitter they couldn't), but not it. Retrofuturism is supposed to stay at least a little retro.
i literally commented on the music you halfwit. I don't think Fallout should be constrained by "1950s" music. The og game had apex twin inspired music.
The setting should have its own post war music too

People like you just want a flanderised setting like the Bethesda games.
Tactics is fun and I don't care if that is contrarianism or edgy or whatever. I wish all the fallouts had the combat of Tactics.

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ITT we post shit games some people pretend to like just for the sake of being contrarians.
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/vrpg/ shilled this.
Arcanum is the most glaring example and honestly the only one that people have posted ITT that really qualifies. It's so fucking broken, unfinished and just half assed that it has nothing going for it. The writing that people make a big deal about is not only mediocre, there's barely any of it. The setting is also shit and lackluster due to how barely none of its potential is realized. Even with the unofficial patch it's shit.
How is that contrarianism though? It's herd mentality and cult status from people who genuinely liked it despite its flaws being transferred down to secondaries. The whole concept of the OP is utterly retarded and anyone giving an answer to it is similarly idiotic.
Todd, i know people are starting to see through the paid review fest that Fallout show marketing was, but this is getting ridiculous. Come on, Tim Cain even endorsed it, stop shitting on his titles.

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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anon, you are so butthurt that i called guns in magic worlds dumb and merely a transposition of historical earth realities onto settings with no thought for cause and effect that you had to pivot to poorly criticize a "premise" you extrapolated from a single sentence. eora is entirely referential to earth, it's fucking awful shit from people who don't really care about crafting worlds but rather saying something about ours. you are a mental midget, you can barely read or write and there's almost nothing of substance in your posts to engage with.
And yet, you're the one seething mad that I criticized PoE. I would consider any reasonable attempt to respond to my criticisms of PoE's attribute system. None have been posted. Your defense mechanism is to pretend I'm lying, that I either wouldn't respond reasonably no matter what, or cannot distinguish smart arguments from dumb ones. This is all YOUR cope. You are mad that I told you to try again when you shat out some generic retarded whataboutism (bringing up AD&D 2e out of nowhere, by the way, as if being questionably better than a tabletop game made 25 years earlier is something to be proud of lmao). Instead of stepping up you chose to retreat into lazy banter and memes from twitter.

PS it was not samefagging, not that it matters. More importantly, but phrasing "obvious X is obvious" further marks you as a redditor incapable of independent thought.
oh-oh someone is upset :^)
>AHHH!! I've came into this thread about a game I dislike and people disagree with me! How can this be?
Really, anon? I know why I'm in poe threads, I like the games, why the fuck are you still obsessed almost 10 years later, now that is the real question

anon, dislike whatever you want, just don't be a rationalizing retard while you are at it
you've had been presented with plenty of counter arguments and you pretended that smearing bullshit over your mouth is the way to address it
for instance
>bringing up AD&D 2e out of nowhere
1) yeah, out of nowhere, not that some of the genre pillars [pun intended] are based on it
2) still ignoring the PF example
>lumped me into an unrelated post
>u mad
i accept your concession. hope you level up. :)
>2) still ignoring the PF example
There are no pathfinder examples in the thread about PoE attributes, at least not in response to anything I have posted. Retard can't even keep two blatantly different conversations separate.

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What is the greatest JRPG of all time?
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FF6 or DQ8
... really depends on how you define "greatest" because I'm inclined to give it to FF7 just based on reach, what it achieved, and how it's still relevant years later. There's other RPGs I like better, but it's hard to argue that they're better considering they didn't have nearly the impact nor the lasting power.

Story wise? Probably Chrono Trigger just because it doesn't shit it's pants at any point. It's a solid, simple, tale. Most RPGs shit themselves because the old shit had game designers and programmers hired on staff, not necessarily amazing authors and writers. Even today, writing tends to get the mouse's share of the budget while the lion's share goes to graphics, presentation, and marketing. So a story that doesn't shit it's pants is kind of hard to come by.

Gameplay wise? That is so based on taste. Nocturne I like the monster capturing and fusion system in there a lot. If we're talking ATB I have a real soft spot for FF4. People swear by the FF10 variation of the turn-based combat system and fwiw it is a nice combat system. Rogue-likes tend to blow RPGs out of the water though. I mean look at Rift Wizard 2. You can literally turn into an elephant, summon an entire stampede, and trample your way to victory in one run... and in the next have everything explode into arcane bursts of yet more arcane explosions... and those are but two possibilities in a sea of endless builds contained within a single game. What RPG can boast those possibilities?

Just overall presentation? ... I mean there's just something real cozy about the Atelier series of games. They're also nice to look at. Just sayin'.

I dunno.
I dunno.
You may choose between Dragon Warrior 1&2 remakes for Gameboy Color, or Dragon Warrior 3 for Gameboy Color.
Planescape: Torment
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Final Fantasy VIII is the runner up.

What is your favorite Diablo-style RPG?
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Torchlight 1 is good, but it's not very deep. Play only on vh+hc, try to kill final boss then stop playing.
Torchlight 2 is not good. Even mods don't save it. You could try playing if you have free time, but it feels like a slog.
Playing the new loot patch in d4 is actually fun. You can easily get like 60% cooldown reduction and more in your build and it changes everything. Easily accessible shit like 300% increased damage for your build too and that's just early game at level 34.

I'm not saying the game is saved, but it certainly brought my fun back. Being able to skip the campaign is great too, I can just run around and blow up shit in a game that feels more modern than path of exile.

Btw poe2 when?
Very "mid", as the kids say.
Would have to be PoE, which I enjoyed for a couple years in the mid 2010s. I like GD, TQ, Torchlight 1/2, but I only got a couple playthroughs out of each of those whereas with D2 I tried every character multiple times.
They are too kiddy for the demographic on this site. They were kinda almost too kiddy for me. But Torchlight is a nice little Diablo style experience (gameplay-wise).
I remember being hyped for TL2, and being kinda vaguely disappointed with it, but years later I went back and decided I had underrated it. The enemy designs are really tight, and it has good music.
But I think the major downfall of both those games is lazy balancing of the skill trees. Their system just kind of doesn't work. It's restrictive.

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