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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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Replied to wrong post oops.
The GBA sound chip rapes SNES OSTs For that reason alone I wouldn't play FF5/6 GBA.
ff4 3d on hard mode is the ideal way of experiencing the game, way more immersive than ff6 too
you can keep your ugly ui and shitty translations to yourself, satan
Is there a single turn based JRPG that isn't an auto battle grindy snooze fest? Is there a single one where you have to activate 3, maybe 4 neurons and maybe strategize a bit instead of just grinding a few levels?

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Anyone else get annoyed just when they see shitty dialogue/roleplaying choices? Even if you don't have to pick it, it deflates the tone just seeing that you can do something stupid/insane on a whim.
Every rpg character has schizophrenia

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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>The superior audio of the original Dreamcast version
so I've heard for a long time that the GC audio sucks, but what exactly is the issue? is it just compression so that it could all fit on a single disc? i've never played either.
>Combat honestly isn't the strong suit of this game.
I feel like the issue with the game's combat is that most battles are just too damn easy. When you do some of the harder optional bounty and Piastol battles that were added to the Gamecube version, it actually starts to shine; buffs become useful, debuffing becomes essential, certain super moves become indispensible, and the spirit point system leads to some harrowing risk/reward choices. They're honestly among some of the most satisfying turn-based battles I've ever played. If the romhack manages to bring that same feeling to the random encounters, it could very well be worth it.

SoA's sister-game Grandia had a similar issue, really. It honestly has one of my all-time favorite JRPG battle systems, but the game is so easy that it just ends up feeling "meh" to the point that you begin to let enemies ambush you just to make things interesting.
You can skip random battles in the dreamcast version by pressing the start button whenever the gd rom starts spinning up to initiate a battle.
Ive played thru Grandia 2 and thought it was a decent title and enjoyed it. I cant say anything really bad about it since I dont remember anything that stood out that made me go I dont like that. I remember the ending being pretty good and feeling accomplished I had conquered the game. I than moved onto time stalkers (another game I greatly enjoy but is an aquired taste)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 owes its entire existence to this game.

>If <insert game here> doesn't allow me to kill every single NPC in the game (including children) and still allow me to complete the main quest, then it's not a CRPG!
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You can nuke entire areas and kill old people and torture people and etc., but killing children is going too far?
yeah, that's just how rating systems that boomers made work
not game devs fault
How long until companies realize that preventing the player from hurting children while also allowing them to commit lots of evil shit is retarded?
It's really hard to design a good story where everybody can die.

Nope, and nope.
for the simple reason that the devs account for the player's actions. making NPCs immortal and unresponsive to attacks is limiting to player agency and stifling to roleplayability.

They should of changed more when they remade this game with how fundamentally flawed it is. Yea the upgraded the combat and visuals, but they did nothing for the horrible structure of the game. Route B shoulda had you playing as Kaine as originally intended instead of sticking it behind like 4 replays of the same shit. If they weren't gonna have meaningful additions for route c and d they should just let you reload from the shadowlords castle to get straight to the endings. The game has a great story and characters but after the first playthrough it just feels like a chore, which is why the remake and the original failed. Automata knew how to do the alternate routes much better so why not learn from the sequel when doing the remake?

Wasted potential
>Wasted potential
Any Yoko Taro game
I remember playing this game because of the hype and it was really overrated.
I spent the first half doing fetch quests for the girl in the library, the quests are garbage and they all boil down to go fetch me 5 boar tusk or go collect 10 minerals of this and that, then you start expanding it and you go to other towns with side quests about look for X and find Y.
Trash tier side quests created in the most bland, generic and empty open world design you will every see.
The world has no creativity in its design all you will see are areas that are either green or desert with nothing else going for them, the first one you see is literally a grass empty field with similar reptitive respawning animals and shades, which is so boring and uninspired.

Combat is also an after-thought with lackluster mechanics and extremely low enemy variety.

Halfway through the story it gets better and then only by the ending it becomes good, i didn't bother with the rest of the ending because of how boring the game was and you need to play it 5 times apparently. fuck that.
I guess the music was good and the girls look sexy but thats about it.
Also the dungeons/levels in the game are so shallow and generic its laughable, a level design of this atrocious quality should be critiqued.

I enjoyed Automata way more, at least it was a competent game but it also has some annoying flaws.
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>They should of changed more
Great way to out yourself as someone who didn't play the original NIER game on ps3 or Nier Replicant (2010). Kill yourself Automata fag.
You're right I played it on 360.
Seafront is probably my favorite video game town I love it! But you don't spend enough time there. Not a huge fan of facade though.

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Which one is superior? They both possess a procedural generated overworld and dungeons.
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Daggerfall is half baked but it easily wins anyway because Oblivion is one of the worst games ever made.
Procedurally generated is not the same thing as randomized, anon. In both games a computer, rather than a human being, created most of the overworld, which means they are procedurally generated.
Morrowind's shitty dungeons only look good when compared to Oblivion's unbelievably shitty dungeons.
I feel like that's an old wives tale. Daggerfall does generate doors that wont open and lead to nowhere, but I do not believe that the engine could then generate the quest item outside of it in nothing. Daggerfall makes lots of secret doors and passages, and it's possible to not notice them as a player, the quest item could be in one of those.
>The devs used a procedural generation tool to sculpt the basic shape of the overworld
Do you call drawing a heightmap to generate the world 'procedural generation'? Then Morrowind's landscape is procedural too.

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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
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Should I go back and finish vanilla smt 5? I remember I was in the last dungeon getting pissed off at chi yous
Just wait for Vengeance. You’re not missing anything. And hopefully the level scaling that makes the endgame enemies annoying is fixed like they claim.
I would finish it just to get an idea about the ending. You're yet to see Metatron and some endgame boss music is pretty good so it should be worth it.
btw getting filtered by chi yous is something I would have never thought possible lmao, I mean you can avoid them and there's only a few near the very end of the dungeon iirc.
I wish they'd work harder on the top difficulty -1 in these games, I hate the early game cornholing of the top difficulty but hard always becomes braindead like 20% into the game
I wanted to grind them for shiva but they're a huge pain in the ass

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After this game his designs have been getting worse.
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Yeah, just like the games.
Why are they so adamant on keeping him from being playable.
Dogi is too based for Falcom. He pretty much steals the show in 6 since Adol has to never say anything. If they made him playable too often he would become the main character.
just give him a spinoff
Can you design a whole game around wall breaking?

Could a TES game set in Akavir work?
>oh man i love the mystery
>can we please ruin the mystery?
You'll get people bitching about muh mystery like it retroactively ruins the older games, but honestly a TES game doesn't even need to be set in Tamriel to work. It's just a ruleset, and not even a consistent one.
Would it be even recognisable? Races are going to be completly different, religion is going to be different, political situation is going to be different. It might as well be completly different setting
Yes but it'll never happen so what's the point of speculating?

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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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Seems like the fake right-wing, the one that still loves immigrants, gays and trannies, tried to relabel "woke" to mean lefties, so they could get away with still supporting all the same things.
Woke=bad is a truism provided a sufficient understanding of what woke actually means, however wokeness is hardly the biggest problem with BG3
At this point "woke" is when white people are involved in some way. Opposing wokeness is when you shill for china, worship muslims and fellate all the based third worlders.
kys pedo
It's both, really.
One big meme and boring, too.

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I was reading through a forum and many people were recommending Underrail so I might as well give it a shot. I’ve played a bit of Fallout 1, and have been playing Quasimorph and actually kind of like turn based.
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Just all around antiquated, bad design. Imagine janky RPGs with steep difficulty spikes because of not enough playtesting. The beginning is too hard and riddled with mazes, only to become a steamroll for the rest 80% of the game. Then it throws bosses at you designed to be cheese-proof.

It's a glorified boss-rush with way too much padding.
So basically it's Fallout with more interesting boss mechanics
If you liked fallout 1/2, you'll probably like underrail. It's a good game though like other anon's have said, higher difficulties require you to be much more autistic about builds, but if you enjoy that kind of thing you'll love the game, there's a good varied amount of viable builds with vastly different playstyles. Really only 4 bits of advice I can give.

Use classic XP, oddity xp is just retarded unless you're roleplaying as a scavenger or some shit, nothing breaks immersion like a game where 70% of the gameplay is killing enemies and your character gets better at combat not by actually practicing fighting but by rifling through every single garbage can full of piss, shit, and dirty diapers just for a few measly crumbs of XP.

Crafting is king in this game. All the craftable equipment is significantly better than what you can find or buy and it's a load of fun making your own personalized gear, being able to choose different fabric, leather, insert pieces for armor for different benefits is a nice touch.

If you get to depot A and find yourself struggling with clearing it, restart with a new build or experiment with different mechanics like throwables and traps, it's the "learn how to play / your build will NOT carry you through the game" filters rolled into one.

And buy the DLC, expedition is a blast, honestly better than anything in the main game in what's already a solid title. Probably my favorite area and the one I look forward to most when I replay.
Thanks for the info
no, not really similar to fallout at all. it's a more of a pure combat game.

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You people lied to me. It's fucking great. I liked it more than 3 because of the atmosphere and general tone. Wasteland 3 felt more like a Fallout game, while this is truly a Wasteland sequel.
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>Drawn-out tech demo to prove a viable concept
>Better than the resulting "full game"
Now where have I heard that one before?
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it happens a lot
I was just trying to get you to avoid W2 like the plague and bait you into playing W3 instead. That being said, Wasteland is still leagues better than Fagout and either Wasteland entries are still better than recommending you Fagout. No hard feelings, right?
Finished that game
It was medicore
Imagine being allergic to fun

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did they copy Blizzard and why didnt he sue him?

here's now comparison of arcanist skills (GD) to wizard skills (Diablo3)

magic missile (diablo)
replicating missile (gd)
-they are same

shock pulse (diablo)
callidors tempest (gd)
-they are close enough

disintegrate (diablo)
ether ray (gd)
-they are same

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Post hardcore achievements
the term "Action RPG" was around since the late 70's.
ARPG is not Action RPG.
>mirror of erectus
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New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
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sounds like a personal problem
>a character's story to end with a meaningless orc mob critting him in static PVE
Anon, the gnomes are leading us into a glorious multicultural future. Don’t you see that diversity is our greatest strength?

>every zone being bordered by that one mountain placeable every server uses spammed 50 times is good...... because it just is, ok??

Sorry your 10 years in production masterpiece is ALREADY struggling to match a single Arelith sub-server, maybe a few more mountains will fix it
how else would perma death work? you know you can kill off your own characters on arelith, correct? it happens all the time, it just gives you the choice if it makes sense for your character's development or someone might like your character's rp so much that they reward you for it. arelith has problems, but i like how hands off dms with those sorts of things
except matching arelith player numbers was never the goal

Are there any satanic-panic/death cult RPGs? Fear and Hunger kind comes to mind, but i was thinking about something more modern.
First season of True Detective or Mandy would make great isometric RPGs
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And 3… and…
>leftism is a satantic death cult by and large so most of the modern ones in a sense, they're certainly in a panic about fascists
2016 /pol/ was a mistake
Just those two. BoF1 had Dragon racist Supremacy and BoF4 had evil nation. Dragon Quarter doesn't have it either.
Fair. I remember 3 fairly well, and did emulate 1 and 2 at some point but barely remember them it was so long ago, never played anything after 3.
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