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I'll start off with the obvious.
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that's my mom's recipe. the world would be a better place if this became the standard for sushi rice
I am sure you mom's recipe is amazing and I only just recently bought a rice steamer and have yet to use it. But isn't sushi rice meant to be boiled???
not to my knowledge. rinsed religiously, then soaked for an hour or more
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>"Gotta have my 'pips!"

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Reminder the rice Asians eat doesn't really matter if the rice grown in your country isn't their rice.
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no offense but I go out of my way to avoid everything and everybody Asian
I'd stick to rice grown in California because rice grown anywhere in Asia or India is full of lead and cadmium. And rice grown anywhere other than California in North America is full of arsenic.
Yeah but the rice grown in California is full of California. Yuck, no thanks.
no offense but I go out of my way to avoid everything and everybody Californian
I agree, it's a catch 22. If anyone knows a different foreign or domestic variety that isn't full of heavy metals and I'd like to hear it. Apparently scandi rice isn't bad but I've never seen or heard of it.

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Is this true?
this is just natural selection at work
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It's true someone gave that advice on the internet at some point in the past.
AI is just telling you what it's seen.

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Was trying to cut some so I can make a recipe I saw on a Thai food youtube channel.
How do you slice this stuff without fucking up all your knives or slicing off your fingers?
Anybody have any luck with this stuff? It's not like cutting ginger at all. wtf?
y'all are chefs on this /ck/ board right? help a guy out please.
Galangal in America has the opposite problem if the produce here. While the produce is picked too early and therefore unripe, galangal is often picked too late and is therefore woody and with that rock-like "vein" in the middle. Trying finding some labeled "young galangal" or use chopped frozen or sliced brined stuff.
The brined stuff is not true Galangal, it's Krachai or "lesser galangal"
Then there's the true unicorn of Asian root spices, the Kencur
If I meant krachai, I'd have said krachai. Krachai is typically left whole when brined. That's why I specifically said 'sliced.' Don't try to correct someone when you don't know what you're talking about, kiddo.
I was going to say I’ve never had a problem cutting galangal and that this dude needs to get better knives but if it’s really that tough just use a cleaver to cut bigger chunks or maybe use a mandolin and see if that helps.
Actually better yet, just use young ginger. You will not notice/care about the difference in 99% of Thai dishes regardless of whatever YT says.

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For me, it's Chef Ramsay's heat n eat frozen meals. Richcels absolutely SEETHE about these because they're mad that anyone can afford to eat cuisine by Michelin starred chefs now. What's your favorite? I like the Lemon caper chicken one best. His lasagna and beef in red wine sauce ones are great too.
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combines the functionality of an air fryer, convection oven, and toaster oven in one.
i got some of the boston market dinners on sale and they were bordering on inedible, they had an absolutely ludicrous amount of salt in them to the point of being unpalatable. i just assumed these would be the same lmao
The fuck are you talking about Boston Market makes the best TV dinners, have you ever had their Swedish Meatballs?
wait a minute are you saying british people are stupid and dont know anything about food? no.....

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The pre-midnight snack. Pizza using a special dough, topped with green pepper, mushroom, ham, sausage. Keep it or need it?
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It was made by a retard
Your shitty "special" dough is rejecting the sauce and toppings. Third world rubbish.
>no sauce?
There is tomato sauce. Am I not supposed to completely cover the sauce with cheese? Someone made this comment on my last pizza as well
looks more like AI (Atrociously Inedible)

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When will consumers say enough is enough?
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Cows are useful at least
Whisky would be 15% in Britain if it weren't regulated
>The English
>posts a photo of Cardiff, Wales
Heineken is still 5% I believe
Oddly enough ,you can still get cider that is 5%, maybe even 7.5%, for a quarter of the price of lager

the only excuse to own a toaster is if you live in a cuck shed with about 2 feet of counter space
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>doesn't have both
who's in a cuck shed again?
You, I think.
Imagine not getting a toaster from your mom or grandma when you move out of the house
They both died before I got to move out of the house cheers man
So you haven't got one yet huh?

I'll start: italian. close second would be japanese but I prefer fresh raw fish to grainslop in tomato sauce
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There's a guy in another thread who claimed that there are only two types of lasagna in Italy, got schooled by Mario and kept going on about how there are only two types of lasagna. That's just how Americans are.
british is overrated, even though they stole all their dishes from the mainland
Peruvian, but mostly because they willingly try to shun their own indigenous recipes and ingredients to try and appeal to some retarded notion of "elite world cuisine" by misguidedly either stealing shit from other countries or making cheap off-shoots of Asian dishes.

I've been several times to Peru and the ingredients they sell at local markets, you know, stuff that Peruvians actually eat, would blow your mind. Corn and potatoes of every color of the rainbow and with flavors just as varied. Cereals that only grow in specific regions that have been preserved exactly as they were from the time of the Inca empire. Some of this stuff can only be used as condiments because they're too overpowering otherwise, others have to be ground into flour, or cooked for long periods of time. The amount of variety in cooking methods is also insane. But instead of banking on this and seducing the world with their unique cuisine, they market their food to the world in a coarse attempt at seeming refined by alienating their own roots and it's a damn shame.

What are the three most well-known "Peruvian" creations?

Invented by Japanese immigrants and basic bitch as it gets.

Invented by Chileans centuries before Peruvians got it.
>b-but we invented pisco sour! we added LEMON to it!
Big fucking deal.

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>Invented by Japanese immigrants and basic bitch as it gets.
Meds, including the Spaniards, have been eating acidulated raw fish for fucking centuries, you goddamn moron, long before any of us knew Japan even existed lmao
The dish brought to the new world is simply the Spanish variant and certainly dates from before Nips ever visited the new world, never mind lived there permanently.
The appeal of Peruvian cuisine is specifically its ingredients and the fusion of different cuisines. Unlike other ‘big’ cuisines, you really have to eat it there to really appreciate it. It’s difficult to get the more obscure ingredients like aji panca, aji amarillo and the chocla that form some of its basic ingredients outside of the country, and good luck getting people to eat guinea pig, so what you get to know about in the west are the more basic dishes you can make anywhere.

You can select THREE of the pictured ingredients to make an acceptable BBQ sauce. Which do you pick?
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Don't bother. TM3 was a huge disappointment after TM2.
ACV, brown sugar, garlic. To prepare it i'm going to simmer it in my smoker to loophole the paprika and just pray that whoevers eating it can absorb the fact that its a smoky-sweet garlic glaze and has never seen a tomato in its life
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>simmer it in my smoker
Based Kobayashi-BBQ
what's the point of using ketchup and vinegar when ketchup is just vinegar and tomato paste? why not just use tomato paste and vinegar and have more control over the acidity?
ketchup, smoked paprika
garlic or pepper as 3rd choice

i have an idea for a candy franchise that makes candy which taste like the smells of other things. pleasant things that are typically inedible. stuff like soap, or perfume, or deodorant, or flowers, or sawdust, or disinfectant, or burnt rubber, or grass. thoughts?
so you're hoping for a prepubescent male scent huh?

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Imagine eating this good.
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who the fuck drinks rolling rock?
Who the fuck bumps an awful thread off page 10 for this kind of inane comment?
......... on the roll n' rocker faggot
hot dogs are the same meat as normal cuts but they're made of the leftover meat that was too close to the bone for the line worker to remove with a knife, so they throw the chunks into a machine that rubs the remaining meat off of the bones and pushes it through a sieve that the bone can't fit through.

truthfully there are no "trash cuts of meat." all cuts of beef are expensive from the head to the tail. even the stomach, heart, kidneys, and liver are wildly more expensive than hot dogs. hot dogs are just the scraps of the regular cuts.

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Is Olive Garden the best value in dining?
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I will not marry the roastie
white peeple
no way in hell that much pasta is only 490 kcal.
I actually tried that dish one time precisely because it was one of the few things on the menu that was under 1000 calories.

It was fucking disgusting
Based rememberer. I assumed the article in OP was written specifically to try and ride the same fame train as the original review.

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This shit is FUCKIN AWESOME. GOD DAMN. I tried all the other flavors before this one, and this is the fuckin flavor. This might be my new fuckin' beer. God damn it. I'm gonna buy this shit for now on.

I'm from Texas
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>I fuckin knew it.
>reddit caps
you have to go back
Shut the fuck up, gringo.
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Wait until you find out that Micheladas are the dorilocos of beer

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What's the fattest thing you've done?
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I ate so much roast beef ( slow cooked for 8 hours, very tasty ) that I had to go to the hospital because my gut was about to burst and they had to pump my stomach. Worst pain in my life. Would do it again.
>be 18
>smoke with a few friends
>keep eating and eating till you puke and start again
I walked 2 miles through mid-shin deep snow far into the northern Vermont winter to buy a 6 pack and a bag of Tyson Buffalo Wyngz that I microwaved and ate in one hour.
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>Drink 6L of alcohol in one night
>Order a 1 kg of kebab meat & chips the morning after and consume that all day
Damn i'm fat as shit but you guys have done some seriously vile shit, ive eaten alot to the point of my stomach hurting and nearly burping up what i just ate but nothing like some of you, id say my points go towards making bad food concoctions while fiending for food, nothing really comes to mind but a couple messy sandwiches stacked high with lunchmeat and cheese and then a sauce just oozing out the bun uooohohhh yummayyy

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