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>I’ve been standing in the dairy aisle at my local grocery store, poring over the nutrition labels on the backs of different soy, almond and oat milk containers, for 15 minutes when I decide: maybe not this week. I’ve spent the past four months reporting on ultra-processed foods and wanted to see whether it’d be possible to go even a week without them.

>The problem is, I can’t find any dairy-free milks that fit the bill. The soy creamer that I’ve fixed my morning cups of tea with for nearly a decade is chock-full of ingredients I now recognize as markers of an ultra-processed product: maltodextrin, soy lecithin and locust bean gum.

Seems like a really big deal that a major publication has finally named gums, soy lecithin and maltodextrin as the culprits. The narrative for the past forty years is that processed food is bad due to saturated fat, salt and sugar. Are we at a turning point with nutrition?
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Obese and poorfag cope
I never eat out and spend a paltry amount of time cooking food.
>My wife and I cook all of our meals, 3x a day for a family of 4. In total it probably takes 2 hours to make 3 meals for everyone
Realistically speaking that's 4 hours a day for one person since the amount of time spent doesn't go up that much with larger portions. Maybe three and a half if you want to say the simple reduction in amount of ingredients saves time on prep. So for a single person or the common occurrence of only one half of a couple being able to cook that's far more of a time investment on top of an 8 hour job.

But it comes down to circumstances. 8 hour job with a one hour commute is 10 hours of your day working, throw in 3.5-4 hours of cooking and that's 14 hours leaving you 2 hours of free time for 8 hours of sleep. That also doesn't factor in you're probably spending 30mins-1 hour in the morning before you leave to get ready. Flipside is if you work from home you're saving the two hours commute time and cooking lunch and possibly breakfast on company time. Or again if you have a partner to split things with cooking time is halved. Or if you can rely on some premade ingredients, stuff you made and froze, part meal prep from the day before and whatever it comes down too.
Also stuff like a breadmaker and the like might be a pain to afford if you work long hours at a shitty job, and if single you'd need to freeze a loaf and use it over a week. But I think there's still a big gulf between 'I spend 10 hours a day working and travelling to work so I'm not making 3 full meals a day from scratch' which is reasonable and 'I'm so busy I can only eat fully pre-prepared slop' which is not. Even if that means eating fruit, porridge or something quick for breakfast and a basic homemade sandwich for lunch at work then using 1-2 convenience ingredients to speed up tea.
If you don't want to use a breadmaker, make multiple loaves and freeze all but one, then reheat in the oven.
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Another quicker option if you don't mind is soda bread. It uses baking soda and buttermilk instead of yeast to rise the dough. But it doesn't have the light fluffy texture of yeast bread.

I'll start: italian. close second would be japanese but I prefer fresh raw fish to grainslop in tomato sauce
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Japanese is seriously overrated. They have some good shit but it’s average at best and most of their traditional dishes are just bland.
Italian is not overrated at all, especially if you’re considering the quality of restaurants in a nation. I’d say Italy is #1 in that department. It’s hard to have a bad meal in Italy.
Mexican is also not overrated. Normies just know tacos and burritos and think that’s the extent of the cuisine, but it goes a lot deeper than that.
United Stasian food is underrated. From burgers (no those aren’t really german), to bbq, to tex-mex, to hawaiian food. There’s a lot there that people either don’t see, don’t know about, or don’t even consider.
>Italian food is pasta and japanese food is sushi
What the fuck are you even doing here, your entire knowledge of food is from takeout you buy.
There's a guy in another thread who claimed that there are only two types of lasagna in Italy, got schooled by Mario and kept going on about how there are only two types of lasagna. That's just how Americans are.
british is overrated, even though they stole all their dishes from the mainland
Peruvian, but mostly because they willingly try to shun their own indigenous recipes and ingredients to try and appeal to some retarded notion of "elite world cuisine" by misguidedly either stealing shit from other countries or making cheap off-shoots of Asian dishes.

I've been several times to Peru and the ingredients they sell at local markets, you know, stuff that Peruvians actually eat, would blow your mind. Corn and potatoes of every color of the rainbow and with flavors just as varied. Cereals that only grow in specific regions that have been preserved exactly as they were from the time of the Inca empire. Some of this stuff can only be used as condiments because they're too overpowering otherwise, others have to be ground into flour, or cooked for long periods of time. The amount of variety in cooking methods is also insane. But instead of banking on this and seducing the world with their unique cuisine, they market their food to the world in a coarse attempt at seeming refined by alienating their own roots and it's a damn shame.

What are the three most well-known "Peruvian" creations?

Invented by Japanese immigrants and basic bitch as it gets.

Invented by Chileans centuries before Peruvians got it.
>b-but we invented pisco sour! we added LEMON to it!
Big fucking deal.

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hey guys how about them prices? ha ha ha ha ha
i don't know how i'm going to stuff my fat retarded face 19 times a day with mcslop at these prices?
any tips? god i'm fat and stupid
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You can get 4 mcdoubles for $6.50 with the 20% discount on the app. That's 12.8oz of meat for 4 sandwiches.

5 bundles of 4 mcdoubles x $6.50= $32.50 for 64oz of beef

You will spend over $40 plus your own time to cook at most 44oz of meat(assuming no waste)
They really think a few deals for a month is a going to be game changer?
why the fuck are there so many different versions of this same picture?
some fat fucking retard trying to make a point, not realizing everyone is laughing at them for being fat and getting ripped off.
>hamburger royal
this is burger king

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I went to a restaurant and ordered the orange chicken. But the second I took a bite I realized it tasted like fucking BLOOD. This happened once before elsewhere. What the actual fuck could've happened to the chicken?
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Clearly they used blood oranges
This is serious guys, he didn't even have time to eat fries
Did you order egg roll with it?
Used orange juice from a can, I almost guarantee it.

Did you mean iron?
To be fair both taste similar and shitty and could be the culprits.

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When will consumers say enough is enough?
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who ever controls the alcohol, controls the universe.
The English are mentally children and can't be trusted with their own well-being. That's why they've been the chattel of European powers for centuries. In some ways, they've never left the swamp.
>make retarded regulation
>businesses respond to maximize profit, the most predictable behavior in the world
>it's the businesses fault my regulation failed
Kys government-worshipping bongtard
anything below 4% is not beer.
Cows are useful at least

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For me its bacon chicken broccoli alfredo.
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Yeah I don’t understand what the fuck they’re doing there. Same with sopes, they’re just so hard and messy to eat. I do like tostada salads, cracking off a side of the bowl to scoop the salad between regular bites is just a fun way to eat. I think quesadillas are the most comforting Mexican food.
Not really, enchilada filling is typically just meat, cheese and sauce. Maybe some places will do beans. A burrito has beans, rice, salsa, maybe sour cream and guacamole along with the meat and cheese. Enchiladas can also be made with flour or corn tortillas, burritos almost exclusively with flour.

That sucks dude. Luckily it’s not terribly hard to make most standard Mexican foods.
Looks good anon. Pizza mozz is just mozz? Reminds me of an omelette I had recently with burrata, asparagus and crisped up prosciutto
I miss my moms homeade lasagna
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knorr pasta side with seafood mix
will substitute kraft if required

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Is the absolute undisputed best potato chip ever in your path
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Grandma Utz is better, they're cooked in lard. Pretty sure there is a barbecue option too.
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The only problem is that Utz reduced distribution.
I prefer Wise or Tim's Salt and Vinegar.
Ruffles All Dressed as well.

You right Captcha, you right.
lol literally like the 5th best lard chip made in PA
That's a shame, I always had a feeling they weren't far reaching. One of the few good things about PA

>didn't post one
gay, stupid, and MOGGED by grandma utz

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Wisconsin Americans love a good fish boil
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it's a fat person
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I've lived in Wisconsin all my life and I've never had a fish boil or a smelt fry
>I'm literally okay woth this
>I would eat a dog's shit, simple as.
i went to a fish boil, it was good. it's simple, but good. the fish is quickly poached in a vegetable bullion seasoned primarily with onions, lemon and dill and served with potatoes, butter and more lemons
>Confuses unadulterated food with adulterated.
Klown Kuisine.

How about "No." How about Meat, Salt, Pepper, and Water, Sparkling OR Still.

How about "Not appealed. Just not very appealed."

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This is Pizza Hut's new "Cheeseburger Melt."

What a brilliant idea from a business perspective. They are stuffing one slice's worth of pizza toppings between two slices, folding it over and selling two of them for $7.99.
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pizza companies are so fucking stupid, any time they do something new it's the gayest shit that is just a rearrangement of sauce bread and cheese, it evokes zero excitement. you have to appeal to normie's desire for novelty. make limited edition crazy shit that people will actually talk about and post on social media. stupid fucking boomers running these companies
those melts are fucking dogshit, im surprised pizza hut is still in business.
they have not been good for like 20 years now.
But enough about Taco Bell...
Pizza isn't fast food
Just as shitty.

ITT: Weird food habits.
Describe odd food combos you eat or rituals you perform.
I'll start:
pecorino Romano grated cheese on rice cakes
Corn puffs on jello
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In Finland, rice porridge is traditionally eaten around christmas, served with sugar and cinnamon.
I however eat it with salt. And no, I don't mean using a bit of salt when cooking it, I mean pouring half a kilo of salt on top of the finished product on the bowl.
Sweet rice is a blasphemy to me.
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neither of those sounds weird, just unique.
i feel like weird stuff needs to be or taste gross-adjacent in some way to a majority of people in order to qualify.

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>perfect eggs
>perfect eggs

you broke the yolks nonnie :'[
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Guys I finally found it
The holy grail of /ck/
The image which perfectly sums up the cast iron cullinary movement
I've been looking for this since the day it was posted and deleted nearly 4 years ago. And today it has been delivered.
Praise God
in english please, sandeep

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Bought some dried of these out of curiosity, are they "usable" anywhere or are they so spicy it's not worth using on any food? I don't mind spicy food but not to the point where it's not enjoyable anymore.
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My glass top stove does this crap too and is a nightmare to cook on.
In a world where gas and charcoal are illegal, only outlaw chads will cook.
>but my glass top turns off for like 45sec at a time
Come over to /diy/, it was fun having some kid "engineer" in diapers tell me that my electric kettle's failure mode was "literally impossible" because CAD told him so.
My new glass top from 2022 does the same thing. My glass top from 2003 was much better.
There's an old chef's trick, rub a little bit of the pepper on your anus to help gauge the heat.

Why aren't all hot dogs "bun length"?
hot dogs that are the same length as their buns are soulless
For kids to eat straight off a plate with their fingers and a little splot of ketchup
I prefer when the hot dogs a little longer than the bun so it feels like my chin is hitting balls as it deepthroats the hog
this but in a no homo sort of way

People keep telling me that the thigh is great for some reason but I just cannot understand it. Every time I try them they are full of bones, cartilage, fat, gross dark strings, and I have to remove the skin. What is the appeal? Is it just poor people cope? The breast is superior in every possible way.
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Sounds disgusting you revolting freak. Make proper food.
Raw chicken in general is just gross as fuck. I do my best to just not look at it or think about it too much before it's cooked.
Oh sorry, do better
why are you apologizing and what does "do better" mean relative to his post???
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these instructions are what i do, and are for bone-in, skin-on; using a cheap-o 7-inch zyliss "chef utility knife" (or something like that)

>step 1
take the bone out. ill skip instructions for that, since theyre as long as this post will be
>step 2
flip the thigh skin side down.
find the thicker side and make a small incision at a shallow angle, from the middle of the thigh and along the bone line, such that the blade edge points to the edge of the thigh.
this will expose the stringy thing in the middle. you can take that out with your fingers and a few, short knife strokes
>step 3
on the thinner side of the thigh, find the fatty blob under the muscle by pulling up gently on the layers of meat. if difficult to pull the muscle up, use your knife to gently score it as you pull upwards. at that point, you can just cut the whole blob out, by pulling it from the center to the edge, and using short knife strokes.
>step 4
look for any joint parts if theyre there, and cut them off.
>step 5
remove the skin and any large amounts of fat under it

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Just getting some snacks. Soylent bar or Mr.Beast Feastables?
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Mr. Beast is soo 2019
i've never watched a video of his so i'm not aware of his popularity over time but he looks like he fucks children so i don't like him
>even his animal logo makes the soyjak face
>i've never watched a video of his
Nor I. I'd never even seen his picture before some twat brought him up here who was absolutely incredulous that I've never seen any videos of his or even a suggestion in my YT. My YT mostly suggests opera at me. I don't think Mr Beast sings, does he?
Saw that at the supermarket yesterday. Wanted to ironically try one but it was sold out.

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