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imagine sucking on a thick other cock waiting for the juice to start flowing in your mouth mmmm
Frosty dicks
green is the most refreshing color
>It's dead summer
No cap
I hope my boy chi city mang is doing well these days

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I made beef ravioli. This is a couple rav's plus the leftover pasta scraps and filling in brodo.
I also thought I'd let you all know that I'm just about out of reasons to continue living.
If you’re going to kys I would recommend to move to a different country instead. Maybe japan or latam.
You can think about your demise after that.
I'm not gonna kms, just a bit tired of life right now.
I visited Taiwan last year. If I could speak Mandarin and afford a house there I would seriously consider moving.
My country’s situation was pretty bad some years back with the previous government and I was depressed and considering moving to another country.
Now with the current president things are great and I feel great.
If you’re going to make sloppa I suggest beans with ground meat and tostadas/tortilla chips.

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Classy roaster edition

If you're inexperienced start here https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're experienced what's your go to?

Previous thread >>20464291
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it's pretty clear only one of them is a faggot.
Cope. Answer the question
The uppity newfag by my estimation
it's you the faggot.
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>Welcome to Chunks, please choose your Chunks.
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Every game after 2003 is 2/10 at best. Very few exceptions.
it's a boy with a single mom
its the worst 7/10 ive played in recent memory
Chunk? Isn't that a fat Chink, like the NK great leader?
Why would anyone in their right mind patronize a place called "chunks?

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Whats your i dont feel like cooking meal you like to make?
I'm cheesed with dry cured sausig.
Low effort high reward.
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thats a big sausig
i had a few slices of maasdaamer cheese, cold cut ham, mustard herrings, beet root salad and left over garlic bread.
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Nice. Thinking of doing some shark-coochie on a nice little outing to the park on my next day off
Dangerously based...
I make a lot of different soups in the nukebox. Bisques, for example, are perfect and often even easier than the mixed veg soup I mentioned. Carrot bisque is just baby carrots, onion, stock cube, water, a little instant rice* and butter, nuked for 6-10 minutes (I have a kettle so boiling water is available almost instantaneously, lowering microwave times quite a lot) then let it sit a few minutes for the rice to fully hydrate and, finally, blitz smooth. Since I use the kettle to preboil the water, I take that time to chop the onion for the bisque but if you didn't want to chop anything, dried onion is a great workaround if you have a scale. 20g dry is about equal to 100g fresh.
You can swap the carrot out for any other bisque-able vegetable. If you use tomato, swap some of the water out for tomato juice for an extra-tomato-y taste. Bell peppers are also good this way, particularly the ones that are roasted and packed in oil since you can use their oil as the cooking fat instead of butter. Green leaf vegetables require blanching, adding five minutes or more to the cooking time but frozen chopped spinach makes a decent enough substitute.
* Instant rice is your friend for i-don't-wanna-cook cooking. You can make an easy af risotto-like with instant rice, frozen peas, tomato juice, dried onions, stock cube and olive oil. Just combine them all with boiling water and nuke at half power for a few minutes until rice is cooked. While it's microwaving, knead a knob of butter with some grated parmigiano then, when the rice is done, whipped the cheesy butter with the cooked rice and it'll result in a super creamy, very risotto-like final dish with practically no effort. Frozen pesto can also be added for an herbier flavour. I also make cheesy broccoli rice this way (blanched broccoli), swapping parm for cheddar, and have it with grilled or pan-fried boneless chicken thigh.
This is easy shit when you've got a kid to feed but really really don't feel like standing.

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>Be me, old zoomer
>My brother's family is visiting and his kids always want IHOP. They live far away so whenever he comes to our state "it's special".
>Mfw pic, (IHOP is overpriced sugary slop that undercooks everything if you're unaware)
>We get there, wait like 10 minutes to get seated and when were done the bill is always like 100 dollars+ for like 9 pancakes and eggs
>Here's the issue, if you're unaware and the waiter is feeling sleezy. They can sneakily write what tip they want, making you give them the money or they write on the receipt "20% = 23.45 :)" pressuring you into doing it.
>A waiter did the former to me last time and it was a headache to fix it, so now I rarely tip.

Tips shouldn't be mandatory.
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They’ve still taken your jobs anyway you have no argument
>Minimum wage itself is a nonsense concept which shouldn't exist.
Ok 1800s industrialist
>min wage helps the employer, not the employee
What the fuck am I reading
It works on paper but in reality they do the minimum necessary and feel entitled to a tip.
Yes, your country should abolish minimum wages so they can have legal slavery.
Provide good service and I'll provide a tip. Not just service. I pay for service. I tip for quality.
The argument is a failed nation state.
Cope. I prefer Catholic Corporatism as a governmental schema.
The truth. Employers, if forced to hire the correct population (citizens), would be forced to provide competitive wages. When they can't hire immigrants that can't desire higher wages, they turn to automation.
Indeed. Legal slavery, however, does not occur in the state upholds its duties by enforcing the law to punish businesses.
Like said, the other worker's protections still exist, which force the employer's in a no-minimum state to provide competitive wages.
As I said, this is a failed nation, so it won't work.

I'm planning on trying some Soul food (Gumbo with Corn Bread) or Indian food (Curry with Garlic Naan)

Will this destroy my toilet?
protip: everytime you eat something your gut is not accustomed to, you will have upset stomach. It shouldn't discourage you, your gut biome will adjust eventually.
Indian food will curse you the only way to break the halal curse is to fuck a white woman
gumbo is cajun, not soul food
i was really hoping we could have a racist thread together, please contribute or fuck off back to plebbit. I even posted a frog so you'd know the type of person I am and wish to talk to
OP here and i'm just hungry. The fat frog just likes food.

I had a good chance of getting it right but the restaurant called it soul food

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>go to a restaurant alone
>have my food
>waiter crouches down next to my table while I eat and says "How's the food BUDDY?"
I'm a grown fucking man. I'm not your buddy, it's "sir". I get this in pubs too, it's patronising
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You are being racist
A local boomer shopkeeper calls some middle-aged men "kid" when he thinks it will piss them off.
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>Boss Man
>Young Man (geezer on geezer.)
>>Young Man (geezer on geezer.)
that's cute
I call everywhere I don’t know boss because it empowers them to the point where I can control and manipulate them

This Burger is way better then the overrated and overpriced Big Mac
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Kill yourself fat fat aussie bastard
Why is the US McDonalds menu so fucking boring?
We don't have that!
Wait, you guys don't have the McDouble Chillie Cheese? Well that sucks and I feel sorry for you.
The only specials we get are the celebrity collab meals that are just normal menu items with a special sauce
We have these too. Like right now they're pushing two vegan menues with the help of Tom and Bill Kaulitz, the two faggots that founded Tokio Hotel.

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>buy cheap pistachio icecream in store
>it's great
>buy fancy pistachio icecream from vendor
>it tastes like trash
They're two completely different flavors, fucking bullshit.
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>You’re used to the cheap stuff
>Fancy one uses real ingredients instead of chemicals and you’re not used to it
I've avoided store stuff because I expected them to be as bad as parlor stuff. Obviously different ingredients are used
>It it less sweet and now you can actually taste the flavors instead of just the sugar
the store version is less sweet, in fact it's lower quality consistence wise, but still mogs
What brand was the cheap stuff
stop responding to incel anime pedophiles
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Various, I think this is the most recent one


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Today I'm having a Spanish traditional meal, Castilian soup. It's made with garlic, olive oil, bread (high quality baguette), egg and serrano ham.
I'm also having a Spanish energy drink to wash it down although I prefer monster red.

What do you guys think?
It looks like sloppa
but its ETHNIC sloppa
looks vile

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Why does my kitchen get so damn smoky when I cook steak
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the heat of the steak cooks the pan
oil temp is too high.
You aren't using enough fat
too much smoke being created
Put down the bong for once

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>nespresso, what else
how true is this statement?
>keurig :|
>keurig, but european :O

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I'm going for a walk in the woods tomorrow. What goodies should I take with me?
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Don't forget some water, a gun in case some weirdos jump you, and some gardettos.
And the home of the brave
Insect repellant and pants in socks
Don't forget some condoms and some lube, a boy scout always has to be prepared.
>you're going outside with limited water supply, pack the saltiest food you can possibly buy

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Lads we're eating good today
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Same, wanna fight?
Canned mack in tomato sauce with mayo on rye bread is a staple in Denmark.
Not cheap these days, though.
You're attitude is why you're a skeltal.
Average Amazon employee lunch break
Im actually fasting today

Its the Wagie-Dilemma-Diet. Eat or...just not.

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