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This was Taco Bell's last hurrah, wasn't it?
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you aren't the only person on the planet. Way to miss the point you narcissistic boomer fucking loser lmao
Enjoy your money you fucking moron. weird how you have any considering how fucking dumb you are
who knew being able to afford taco bell hit so many triggers
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dude the amount of money will increase by 500% by the time I am dead. short of buying 5 lamborghinis or 1 lear jet I won't be out of money for the rest of my life.

pic related
Incredibly based. These idiots get what they deserve, it's literally what they voted for
>I remember $1 whoppers in the 90's you could stuff your gob all day for $5. minimum wage was $4.25.
>minimum wage was never meant to be a wage you could live on.
Good contradiction retard, if you can't live on 5 whoppers a day you have the caloric requirements of a small gas giant

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texture and color looks like its cured meat
Looks good bro. If you torched it a bit after it would be perfect.
OP's eating healthy for a change
>let me just blow the nutrients out real quick

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american vs european chicken sandwich
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do NOT take the name of the ENCHILADA in vain
Always have been
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america be like
>you know pizza right? LETS PUT A CROISSANT IN IT
The spicy deluxe burger is actually a good value. The regular chicken sandwich is shit
Nothing served in a bun is a sandwich. It's a bun.

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Horseradish Brusselsprout Fired Rice.
Half and half curry powder and egg too.
Molasses ghee and olive oil.
Garlic toom puree and coconut flour for the base.
Horseradish Brusselsprout Fired Rice
>troon puree

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sup /ck/ having a good ol cookout tomorrow, what's the best mushroom for grilling in your opinion?
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>friend offers me glass of sweet tea
>thank you, chug the whole glass
>asks if I liked it
>I say yes, and they start to laugh

It was shroom tea and I tripped balls for the rest of the day.
Why would we refer to him as "they"?
Why are you referring to your friend as "they"?
Good morning saar!
There'll be none of that, just answer the question.
>t. Autistic languagelet

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>mom makes fruit salad with cherries
>leaves the pits in
youre supposed to use maraschino cherries for fruit salads
>mom makes
mediocre at best

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My buddies have been telling me that Red 40 causes ADHD like symptoms. Is this true or is another "corn syrup causes autism" type myth?

Chronic exposure inflames the gut and disturbs the microbiota causing overproliferation of serotonin to the point of also causing colitis
It's bullshit guilt by association to Red no.2, that shit was absolute poison, look it up
I make cakes for a living and the amount of old ass boomer women who are looking for red 40 in everything is making me fucking crazy. Like they are hella concerned about red 40 but the food coloring used for my white chocolates is literally antifreeze with food dye in it, they dont give a fuck about that though.

Also rolling, if I get dubs I get to have a threeway with the old dude and the chick with my number
They took red M&Ms out of the bags for like 18 years because of that and M&Ms never had red 2

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Lose weight by volume eating. Feel fuller on fewer calories.

How do you volume eat? Apples and carrots are a good lunch for me.
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>Last week I went heavy with a low calorie salad with added grains.
>Turd ended up clogging the shitter.
When this happens, you need to take the turd out of the toilet and cut it up into manageable chunks, not entirely unlike when you have a miscarriage in the shitter. Haters gonna hate, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I mean, wherever you are, there you are.
That packaging makes me not want to get it at all. You cannot fucking tell if there's a hole somewhere on this thing, until it's too late and then you'll get wet noodle food poisoning, that shit can kill you.
Going keto for long times leads to catabolism and shitty/ass workouts at the gym. Your pumps go to negative and you look flat as all hell
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There's also this which I just came across. >>199458852
aw that fucker deleted his post ... here it is again:

Enjoy my eating blog

>doctor recommends me a keto diet because of stomach pains
>stick to it religiously, somehow: no dairy, no bread, no processed sugars for several months
>hands shake at random points during the day, always feel hungry
>lose 40 pounds rapidly
>pleased with losing weight
>months later I start itching on the soles of my feet
>itch wont go away
>it spreads up to the rest of my body
>everything itches, even scratching it doesn't make the itch go away
>piss is always bright orange now

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Bro what the fuck is smoking
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My mistake, you pass
I honestly cannot understand how it happens, but it happens to me constantly.

When I pour out oil, I roll the pan upside down so oil CANNOT drip underneath the lip, and I wipe the lip with a rag. I clean the pan, I scrub the pan top with soap. I rinse the bottom in the same scalding water and sometimes even wipe the bottom. But still almost every time I get wisps of oil from the bottom of the pan next time I put it on a clean burner. I look, and oops now the bottom of the pan has a little more seasoning.

tl;dr I'm aware of it, I take steps to prevent it, and it still happens. The only solution seems to be actual soapy scrubbing of the bottom of the pan, which has never been allowed contact with oil yet somehow still gets oil on it.
Did you ever consider drying the pan before putting it on a clean, hot burner?
It might seem like a common sense solution to your problem, but
Came here to post this.
What kind of stovetop is this? Electrical or one of those magnetic induction ones?

You do get mayo and hashbrowns inside all your breakfast sandwiches, right?
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>hash brown
turbo based
ngl they had us in the first half
what filter is this? It always makes food look so fucking disgusting
Mayo on a baconeggandcheese is demonic. I fuck with the hashbrown though.
Anon that's just the nyc air...
No, but I make my breakfast sandwiches by pan grilling the bread with mayo spread on
you mean frozen tater tot patties made of fillers? no just make actual hash it takes 10 minutes

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The most refreshing thing I have ever drank.
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holy shit ye water w/ bubbles in it is kinda do be fire tho no cap for f r r vf r rf r f
I hate this shit when I used to work at cvs we had these on sale for like 79 cents and these faggot kids would call them palmies when I rang them up
>working at CVS as an adult
and the kids are the faggots
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I prefer the original
I remember CVS having these on sale for 50 cents a pop and me and my friend would buy 20 at a time and then chug them while playing Conker on 64, Arizona for life.

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baking buns on a rack
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ay caramba
Show finished bottom. Man made horrors etc.
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bon apetitte
That looks really good man. You deserve to be proud of your work

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Why do people act like Dominos pizza is trash? Its not and im tired of hearing it is.
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The Domino's Pan pizza is better than anything you can find at the corporate chains. Also if you get their new XL New York style that replaced the Brooklyn style it's better than the Brooklyn style and regular hand tossed. I use the $7.99 1 topping large carryout coupon and usually have the option to upgrade it to an XL for $2 more.
>LiTeRaL cArDbOaRd
I'm pretty sure literal boomers invented this insult for Domino's, and it was never accurate even when their pizza was worse.
>I only eat local non-chain pizza now.
fucking retard hipster. GB2R
>Mom-n-pop shop
I have something I really want to tell you.
>all for me
nah weirdo that counter is familiar
Someone publishes a hit piece on the rectangle and women read it because DRAMA and because the piece attracts attention it gets copied and propagated and women see multiple sources proclaiming Dominos sucks on their rectangle and interpret that as group consensus and then it just snowballs from there.

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Here's Tuesday

( Tomorrow it'll be the same except baked salmon as the "meat")
Is tonight your boyfriends "meat"?
>sup bitch

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What's /ck/'s liquor of choice?
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Does kosher mean it doesn't contain goy poison?
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For me, it's the Weller
holy shit WHY
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My body is a machine that turns whiskey into foamy piss
How are the benefits at InBev?

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