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the chicken cavity is lined with connective tissues and is air tight, there are no physical ways for that moisture to make its way in to the meat.
>how to be a cool-chicken uncle.
seriously underrated thread
Do Better ck
Fun friday night.

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Post last food you bought that fucking sucked.
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and you're a faggot
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So family dollar has had these La Choy soups for several months, miso, wonton and hot and sour.. I used to love this stuff at the asian buffet so I wanted to try them but not for 2.75 and they were the only place that had them. They finally marked them down to 1.75 so I got one of each. Tried the miso first.
Literally just awful barely-flavored water with a few forlorn cubes of chicken and some supposed flakes of seaweed floating in it. Just horrible. Now I'm afraid to try the other two.
Ale 8 one is very good
I don't sexualize children. Their very existence is already sexual. Their soft little breasts, tight little buttocks...
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Before and after

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Was trying to cut some so I can make a recipe I saw on a Thai food youtube channel.
How do you slice this stuff without fucking up all your knives or slicing off your fingers?
Anybody have any luck with this stuff? It's not like cutting ginger at all. wtf?
y'all are chefs on this /ck/ board right? help a guy out please.

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Bro what the fuck is smoking
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You didn't clean the bottom of the pan, it's covered in liquid oil. So you put it on there next time and SSSSSSSSSSSSS
Not OP but just as naive, thanks for improving my life slightly with your knowledge.
My mistake, you pass
I honestly cannot understand how it happens, but it happens to me constantly.

When I pour out oil, I roll the pan upside down so oil CANNOT drip underneath the lip, and I wipe the lip with a rag. I clean the pan, I scrub the pan top with soap. I rinse the bottom in the same scalding water and sometimes even wipe the bottom. But still almost every time I get wisps of oil from the bottom of the pan next time I put it on a clean burner. I look, and oops now the bottom of the pan has a little more seasoning.

tl;dr I'm aware of it, I take steps to prevent it, and it still happens. The only solution seems to be actual soapy scrubbing of the bottom of the pan, which has never been allowed contact with oil yet somehow still gets oil on it.
Did you ever consider drying the pan before putting it on a clean, hot burner?
It might seem like a common sense solution to your problem, but

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Murican potatoes are laced with estrogen.
Pay up, bud.
honestly i'm glad this is happening to fast food. they will destroy themselves and people will get healthier at the same time
Lmao the fuck is a grandma mcflurry??
>I hate skibidi biden so much
Why are you stuttering on the internet?
Time to move.

>ONLY shin-ramen supports cooking by microwave
I can no longer sustain on this earth.
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Grocery Outlet carries a varying selection of ramen at a discount as long as you don’t mind it being close to expiration (props to Grocery Outlet anon that mentioned it before), got some Nissan raoh tonkatsu there once for cheap.
my nigger
Maruchan vs Nissin
Which is better. I really like maruchan but nissan is a lot cheaper
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always been a Nissin fan myseff
hehe, love me sone puns

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Hey pizza paladins. Tonight I'm gonna review Newman's Own Thin & Crispy Supreme Pizza. Earlier this week I gave a Newman's Own pie a 9/10 (Stone-Fired Crust Quattro Formaggi Pizza -- definitely try it) so I'm hyped to see if their thin crust can wow me the same way
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always funny to see "no added nitrates" on the labels, and then flipping it to the ingredients list to find some kind of celery seasoning. same thing with "no msg" and then they have some kind of yeast extract in there
The pan may have impacted cook time, this looks a touch undercooked to me.

I’m pretty skeptical about these charities, even assuming the founder is benevolent the organization’s character eventually changes to executive entitlement and actual charity spending drops.
Pizza hut is too caloric for me to eat by my lonesome

I don't know about that anon, I've ignored plenty of negative comments. That pie looks absolutely loaded up with meat, I literally thought that leftmost slice was just sauce for a second.

I didn't know about the yeast thing anon, does the yeast make MSG or something?

It's interesting because I got told the same thing yesterday too even though typically my pizzas come out overcooked. Hopefully my oven isn't breaking down from the constant pizza abuse...
It looks like Newman's daughters sued the company because they weren't getting charity dollars they were promised
Yeah, it's a salt bomb. Need plenty of water for that one. Also responding to negativity is a great way to keep threads active anyway, I do it all the time but I actually do enjoy the negging and arguing in general.
>I didn't know about the yeast thing anon, does the yeast make MSG or something?
kinda, yeast extract has a lot of glutamates which is the same thing that MSG has (mono sodium glutamate)

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What are some other food based villains?
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But OP said "food based villains", not food cringe villains.
Kek. You. I like you.
You should be baking them. Micro makes them nasty.
Air fry them, baking takes too long.
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If your basmati rice isn't endorsed by Sanjeev Kapoor, the famous Indian chef, you don't know SHIT about rice.
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Indian cook-a-long anon here, I'm currently using this rice. Aged basmati has the best flavor. If for some reason you don't like basmati, there are plenty of other Indian rices to explore.
I'm not a brand loyalist. Any aged basmati will have a great taste and aroma. Unaged basmati is great too.
>better ingredients
>better pizza
>it's Papa John's
I always order dawaat extra long. So long and pretty and tasty. Dont turn that into an innuendo.
Based and Sanjeev Kapoor-pilled

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Going to Griff’s Burgers in 22 hours and I a want (you) the highly opinionated and picky eaters of /ck/ to look at the menu and put in what (you) would order and HOW (you) would order it.

I love you picky eaters with stupid preferences like how you personally can’t stand to eat tomatoes or pickles on your burger, or how you don’t like mustard but rather ketchup.

Tell me what you would order and how you’d order it, tell me what to drink. Yes you’d like an apple pie with that!

Once submitted, I’ll have an unsatisfactory method of determining which order wins and I’ll go to Griff’s and order that specific order. I’ll then post pictures of my adventure including what I think about your order. So let’s get cracking’!
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3rd order submitted
>no apple pay
fuck em go somewhere worth a damn
>no Apple Pay is a bad thing
>globalist detected
Old school businesses avoid globohomo
I’m lucky that they don’t require cash.
I was surprised how good their ratings are given it’s a fast food place.
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They’re old school. Like microphone to the grill at the register old school.


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>foie gra
What else do rich people eat?
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Rich people pay for "exotic" culinary experiences. Caviar, foie gra, uni, and oysters are all old rich foods. New rich people eat hypermodern style deconstructed popcorn or some other bullshit.
>hypermodern style deconstructed popcorn
This is true reality.
>A few servings of these, a main course, wine pairings all around, that'll be $300 plx.
Heh. Ünt Tôst, unt Sūp, black cracker made from squid ink to represent pride and prejudice.

:fist: :looking_down:
Mmmmmm I love eating baby flowers and sea goo. This is the height of culinary artistry.
Someday the amount of dollars you pay for it will be higher than the calories it contains

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The secret to long life is high salt consumption. Man came from the sea, salt is in his blood. Everyone telling you to cut it out wants you desalinated and dead.
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I didnt say anything about being fat
so if you account for obesity, would japanese and american's smoking and high salt problems be about the same?
Then why does reminding yourself that you're not a fish stop hiccups?
>just contributes to hypertension
People who aren't fat don't suffer from hypertension even if their salt intakes are relatively high.
do you think people just absorb nutrients in the dirt through their feet, or maybe has seafood been a staple in human diets worldwide since day one
That's not true. Like 30% of Japanese men still get hypertension. That's just a lot lower than the 50% of American men with it.
I weigh 140 lbs at 5'10 and have had high blood pressure and even water pooling in my feet from overdoing it with salt. It definitely doesn't make you invincible to salt just to not be fat. It's more relevant when looking at the total population's rates for diseases than it is a guarantee any one individual will be able to eat retarded amounts of salt without problems.

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Behold: a proper, authentic Italian meal. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Authenticity < taste
I believe it.
>wa la
Super Mario RPG, it is the only one just for me...

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He can't fit you in there
sounds like something is broken unless 20 mins is all it lets you set
mine too, but mine is basically a small convection oven with multiple racks and a door, not like the drawer ones in OP. i love the thing, honestly.
This looks really good, I haven’t cooked a whole chicken in at least a decade but now I want to try out the air fryer.

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any tips on cooking this? Right now I cut out the white parts those are really tough. braising works to break it down but it's a bit too thin to braise and supermarket doesn't sell whole pieces.
Obviously pork shoulder has a lot of collagen so it's not the most tender piece. Does going low/med heat for a longer time work to melt it down a bit in about 10-15 min or is it too little time so better off just going hot fast like a steak? Would a marinade with acid do well?
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the softest pork shoulder i've made is the one that sat for 12 hours at 70C, and it was one piece. I don't exactly know how to replicate it for chops though
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Made some more
>cut meat
>quarter tsp baking soda
>splash of water to just cover
>let sit 10 minutes max
>rinse and squeeze out excess
>salt and seasoning after
Best results for tenderness the chinks know whats up. Feel like it does wash out the meat flavours though.
def salt brine them even if you only have a couple hours or less. 30mins is better than nothing even. coat evenly and liberally with coarse salt, pepper, and garlic powder on each side.. put in fridge for 30 mins minimum.
cutting them is good though they will marinade faster and cook faster.
after they are brined they will cook fast you only need to briing them up to 145 degrees.
i'd do the cooking in a pan with oil first, and turn the heat down and add butter and baste til done.
also you could mallet them. i have used 1 technique, 2, and even tried every one i know at the same time (worked great).
no worries though it's pork so you have that extra cook time from 145 to 160 max which makes it a little easier to take it out before it's dried to shit
next time use a wire rack and coat the fuck out of those steaks with coarse sea salt and pepper, don't use baking bowls from mom's closet jeez bro it's not a wet brine
use warm filtered water, salt, and sugar if you're wet brining. keep it simple with steaks.
pork steaks have tons of flavor

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