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Reading some seriously conflicting resources on botulism in flavoured oils
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>I haven't died from...so far.
Blah blah blah shut the fuck up. That's not the point. The point is your health and intelligence is still deteriorating and you're aging faster by being exposed to XYZ. And if you live to an old age, or sooner...boom; it hits you and you suffer the rest of your miserable life.
There's nothing stopping botulism from growing in a lipid mix like that. Little salts and the pH isn't extreme enough to deter.
This is why you should always keep a plentiful supply of rats running around the house. You can catch one and feed it anything you suspect of being contaminated with botulism, and if it dies horribly then you can throw out the stuff.

>Flavored oils should be made fresh.
That kind of destroys the purpose of having the oil leech the flavor out of whatever you put in it.
>5. Pressure caning the oil might be the solution, but I'm not sure if you can even pressure can an oil
Sure, why not? You don't even need to pressure can it, you can just heat the oil on the stovetop. You can get an oil bath up to 200C (400F). Botulism spores won't survive that, period.

Of course, whatever you put in that oil while heating it is going to fry, but still.
looks like jars of shit and swamp water used to test lifestraws

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I got a tub of this because it makes tacos taste better. I don't make tacos though. What are some good uses for this, so it doesn't go to waste?
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smear on pancakes
put into soup
add to mashed potatoes
Put it on baked potatoes!!!! Very easy meal to make to!!
Simple, but effective
>I've never had one go bad on me
You wouldn't be able to tell if it did, you can't see the mold
a scoop over homefries or other breakfast potatos, add chives on top if you're a feeling faggoty that day

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Should I save my bacon fat and use that for cooking?
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This stuff is ok but it tastes a bit weird because it's mixed with shit to keep it shelf stable. Lard should be porky.
lard taste too porky and not in a good way.
I do. Made chicken soup with it for tonight's dindinz.
o_0 I keep all my bacon fat in the fridge and it might be months before I use it (I use chicken fat instead now) and it's perfect for me. You're def doing something wrong here. Maybe there's still water in urs?
>salt cured pork
>not salty?

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Is this a burger or a sandwich?
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>on the fire
like just straight onto the embers or what?
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Gnarly and everything dude
That's a grilled cheese sandwich
Burgers are sandwiches themselves
the burger in the meat

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this shit just doesn't taste good. it degrades every meal that it is put in.
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i made this thai sweet chili sauce last week, recipe courtesy of chef john.
followed the recipe except for substituting the sambal with reconstituted dried guajilo chiles i had
i like torturing myself and testing my mental fortitude.
It would be alright if they didn't have the seeds. Seeds are too big, contain no heat, and are responsible for that off taste. Also most of the stuff sold in bottles has been sitting for years.
You're better off looking for something with more heat and a better taste. Cayenne is pretty mild stuff compared to the taste of jalapeño or habanero or anything. Flavor with the chiles and then add a suitable amount of heat using Carolina reaper sauce. Crushed red pepper is pretty much useless because no taste except seed and low heat. The Indian store is always an unpleasant experience, but it is one of the best ways to get non cayenne chiles of reasonable freshness along with other cheap spices.
I'm literally eating them raw and right out of the bottle right now. I love the heat. Eat em raw and with raw carrots and it's pretty fine as it Helps keep the hunger pangs away for a bit.
This, but calling bs on addiction part.

Rate my meal deal. About £3.70
>incel magazine
>7 up zero
at least it's no calorie
>pre made tuna mayo sandwich
>Thai sweet chicken chips
3/10, at least it has some protein

Treat your body better, you eat like a total loser
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Fine if you were in a rush or on the go somewhere.
If it's what you eat regularly as an average meal and you aren't active I would be pretty concerned for you nutritionally long term but also it's just sort of bleak and bland in away that only Brits seem to make their very existence for some reason.
You might as well just smoke in some dark dingy club without dancing.
Maybe next time skip the GW mag and have an actual lunch?

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I’m finna cook this pinner and goon. Is this a good brand of matches?
Use an electric lighter. It also serves to ward off annoying shitbulls from the high frequency buzzing.
Man you’re probably right it took 6 of these shitty matches to lite the joint fuck this brand >>20503041
get some hemp wick
How old is that box of matches, bud?

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Dare i say: you'd be hardpressed to do up a better Arnie Palmer than THIS
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Can't wait to try this but with the lemon AZ
Yeah, the whole point of an Arnold Palmer is to have a half-sweet drink that you can chug down in hot weather. Gotta use unsweet tea for it, or you're defeating your purpose.
nice 1000mg sugar drink you got there. arizona is terrible sugar content wise
dude your op image shows SWEETENED iced tea

How many Big Macs do you think you could realistically eat? I'm choosing the Big Mac because it is very popular, recognizable and virtually the same size worldwide.
Here's the challenge: You have a full 24 hours to eat as many Big Macs as you can. Once you finish a Big Mac, a freshly made Big Mac takes its place. The Big Mac must be eaten in its entirety before you receive a new one for it to count, small amounts of fallen morcels are permissable to move on(fallen lettuce, sauce ect ect.). No fries are involved, just the burger; you are, however, allowed whatever size drinks they have to offer, and the drinks can be refilled at any point. The challenge ends if the participant taps out, pukes, leaves the premises or the 24 hour period has ended. Using the washroom is permitted. You must be sober when attempting this challenge, you cannot be drunk or high. You can bring in entertainment, within reason, to pass the time. You can choose to see this challenge as an endurance challenge or a casual single sitting attempt, up to you. Or contemplate both, knock yourself out.
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realistically i would start the challenge at lunch and eat two, probably eat two for dinner, maybe one before bed, then another two for lunch within the 24 hour period so i think 7, maybe 8
I'm allowed to shit, right? I could probably eat one an hour for most of the day, if not all day. Big macs arent *really* that big. The patties are like what, a 1/6th of a pound? Lettuce is mostly water and the bread isn't very dense either. I had two big macs in one sitting as part of a coupon for lunch at work one day and I was hungry before my shift even ended.
>1/6th of a pound?
Jesus, yeah. And from what I'm seeing around here recently their patties are even thinner now.
Is this the circle of hell for gluttons?

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when I worked overnights at a gas station (during covid) I basically only ate gas station food
egg salad sandwiches, burgers, chips, chocolate, energy drinks, cigs...it wasn't bad, honestly
what're some of your best "it's not great, but least it's calories" foods?
They took away the nacho machines during COVID and replaced them with shitty Mexican egg roll wraps in the hot dog roller
I used to get these for lunch at the gas station and wash them down with a 4loko (when they had caffeine) before going back to work driving a forklift
Big Azz spicy chicken sandwich and a tall boy of budweiser is a quintessential construction lunch.
cumberland farm kielbasas were genuinely good

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Whats good canned Italian cuisine for Italian night?? Mini Ravioli?
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found the wopmutt
shrek is love
shrek is life
that shit better be green
get murdered

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What are some crock pot recipes?
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spaghetti sauce
This is what they are great for.

They also do soups and stews, but you gotta do any searing elsewhere. It's why instapot is better - you can sear stuff first, then dump soup stuff in.
You can cook rice in them. Put stuff on top and you get rice + protein. Use stocks instead of water for colored rice. Great for keeping rice warm too.

Not really the best method, shit takes way longer than on the stove or in a rice cooker.
I was going to suggest grape jelly as well, or half grape jelly half bbq sauce
dad this isnt google

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Post what you got on eggs. Memes, fried, poached, whipped, devilled, everything.

Im building my egg folder.
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convection or no? also what temp
you have to eat all the eggs
tried this once and the egg was undercooked and it was just a bad idea
if you butter the bread with room temp butter pretty heavily you don't have to worry about constantly flipping. you can flip once and be done 2 or 3 mins later
no shit. it's called adding oil to your pan before you try to cook eggs and cooking them on medium heat or less. i have all 3 types of pans and prefer my nonstick cancer pan for eggs

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Accidentally dry aged salmon?
I defrosted some salmon filets to cook on Mother's day, but they were still a little frosty that day so I decided to cook some tri-tip I had instead. Monday morning I salted them, and put them back in the fridge for later that day, but through a series of unforseen events I kept forgetting, or things kept getting in the way so that they sat in the fridge drying for roughly 96 hours.
They didn't smell off at all, just a normal salmon scent. I was mainly concerned about the texture. They definitely turned out a little dry. They also cooked really fast. I actually don't mind the sort of crust on them. I also like how it retained that deep red color instead of turning pink. The skin never got crispy though, it just stayed rubbery.
sounds like cooking gravlax
its pretty gross
It's not like I immersed them in salt. I just sprinkled a regular amount on like you would before cooking it normally. Not saying it's something I would do again. I was surprised that it was still enjoyable, if a bit strange.
Guga Foods did this a while back. He seemed pleased with the results. Relevant part starts at 7:45. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5rLJw25pJA

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Anything out there that taste like Prime Ice Pop that doesn’t involve me spending money buying the retard e celeb drink itself?
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the thrill of shoplifting
Faygo firework is basically the exact flavor.
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Pretty good, from walmart.
mmfwcl fr
If you want this: just blend a cherry, lemon-lime, and blue raspberry drink mix together, and you will have something that resembles this. The lemon-lime in the prime is very weak, so cherry and blue raspberry will do the trick.

If you want sugar free like prime, use the gatorade zero mixes and put the blue and grey mix together.

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