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Why did the entire world tell me this was good when it isn't?

While I was in Los Angeles I went to 3 separate locations on 3 different days and it was ass every time.

The only explanation for its acclaim is 1) all the media people are in California and they want to promote something that's their as being the best thing, and 2) they didn't choose Jack in the Box because it doesn't feel old timey enough. People hesitate to declare that a new thing (or new-seeming thing) is the best because it makes them look like a noob. But Jack in the Box should've been the representative of CA hamburgers if that's what they wanted. It still wouldn't be the best chain but it would be closer.

Yes, I got it animal style, non-animal style, every possible thing, and it was garbage. The only chain I can think of that's worse is White Castle. Maybe Whataburger too, although I've only been there once, but that was really bad and overrated too. Shake Shack and Five Guys are co-champions
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Their fries are great. You're plebs used to eating garbage so you wouldn't know.
I think it tastes pretty good, especially with those little yellow peppers. I have fond memories of going in stoned at 1am and getting a cheeseburger, animal style fries and a chocolate shake.
Jack in the box is the most disgusting shit I've ever eaten. Don't understand how anyone compliments it ever.
IE/LA here. Tom's is cheap garbage and Farmer Boys is way too overpriced for what it is. Every generic mom and pop place is exactly the same: bland and forgettable. In-n-Out is easily the best fast food place in California.
The ultimate cheeseburgers. What I liked is how the only condiment they used were mayo. The other burgers all have the mustard and ketchup combination sauce or whatever it is. The tacos are known to be favored among stoners.

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I don't appreciate being lied to. Share times you have been lied to about food.
>mom's recipe bolognese
>its seasoning salt, ground beef, and Full Red Pizza Sauce

I don't know if I was lied too, mom could have been trailer trash, but the menu implied something nicer than that. I worked in a Pizzeria as a teenager and I can just fucking tell when its Full Red.

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ITT: Discontinued Foods
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Based and memorypilled
palm oil lol
>eating dyed high fructose cornsyup ketchup aka the goyest of slop
Do Americans really?
Love the old airbrushed 'chrome' look that was so common in art in the 80s

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How's that food truck idea coming along, anon?
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no but mine will be good. perfectly brined and then pressure fried which is the best. and also the real seller is the milkshake dips
Sounds nice, good luck fren!
Nah man, just a regular ass smashburger, 2oz fresh ground beef per patty, 2 bucks for a single, 3 bucks for a double, 50 cents for a slice of american. Might even do a special with a meatloaf style patty for even cheaper. All I wanna do is get some cheap burgers out so people can eat and go about their day.
>Gonna be serving Texas style smoked brisket
Damn, good luck with that. Takes a shitload of effort to get right and takes a long ass time and a lot of labor. Never seen anyone outside of Texas really do it right.
I'd do something like Georgie Pie, the McDicks of meat pies. Sick of all the meximutt and overpriced hipster shit other food trucks do.

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Post more then. Only interested in drinking though, no burgers, and I'm into strong zero, whiskey, and sake as well as beer specifically.
I'm going to. One day very soon, anon, stay tuned...
> Glorious Nippon Beer, folded over 1000 times
That’s pretty fucking gay, mate.

Reading some seriously conflicting resources on botulism in flavoured oils
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>I haven't died from...so far.
Blah blah blah shut the fuck up. That's not the point. The point is your health and intelligence is still deteriorating and you're aging faster by being exposed to XYZ. And if you live to an old age, or sooner...boom; it hits you and you suffer the rest of your miserable life.
There's nothing stopping botulism from growing in a lipid mix like that. Little salts and the pH isn't extreme enough to deter.
This is why you should always keep a plentiful supply of rats running around the house. You can catch one and feed it anything you suspect of being contaminated with botulism, and if it dies horribly then you can throw out the stuff.

>Flavored oils should be made fresh.
That kind of destroys the purpose of having the oil leech the flavor out of whatever you put in it.
>5. Pressure caning the oil might be the solution, but I'm not sure if you can even pressure can an oil
Sure, why not? You don't even need to pressure can it, you can just heat the oil on the stovetop. You can get an oil bath up to 200C (400F). Botulism spores won't survive that, period.

Of course, whatever you put in that oil while heating it is going to fry, but still.
looks like jars of shit and swamp water used to test lifestraws

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I got a tub of this because it makes tacos taste better. I don't make tacos though. What are some good uses for this, so it doesn't go to waste?
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smear on pancakes
put into soup
add to mashed potatoes
Put it on baked potatoes!!!! Very easy meal to make to!!
Simple, but effective
>I've never had one go bad on me
You wouldn't be able to tell if it did, you can't see the mold
a scoop over homefries or other breakfast potatos, add chives on top if you're a feeling faggoty that day

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Do you like fancy cakes?
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If you need a wedding cake don't tell the baker it's a wedding cake, just say you're throwing a party
Bakeries typically charge 3-4x more for wedding cakes but they're all made the same, wedding cakes just get priority, so order early
I'd post some designs I just generated using AI, but for some reason the fucking board is telling me that posting images from my IP range is "blocked due to abuse".
Imagine cheaping out on the cake at your own wedding.
This is a good tip, thanks
I find this happens on public wifi or data sometimes
Or you know, spend $10 on cake mix.

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This is the best buldak flavor but stores never have it.
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ooh that's rad, are there some available similar to buldak noodles? I really like the texture of buldak compared to normal ramen. that would be great for making other noodle dishes too
2x spicy with szechuan pepper powder added is fucking delicious, must try
Carbo n curry are the best. 99 cent only always had all the flavors. I'm sad they died.
I have both rn and was planning to taste test for tbst exact reason. I'll post in a week or so if you want. Kek.
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If you like these, which you should because it's the best flavor, get pic related which is the same and you can just add it to anything else for flavor superpowers.

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Should I save my bacon fat and use that for cooking?
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This stuff is ok but it tastes a bit weird because it's mixed with shit to keep it shelf stable. Lard should be porky.
lard taste too porky and not in a good way.
I do. Made chicken soup with it for tonight's dindinz.
o_0 I keep all my bacon fat in the fridge and it might be months before I use it (I use chicken fat instead now) and it's perfect for me. You're def doing something wrong here. Maybe there's still water in urs?
>salt cured pork
>not salty?

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Is this a burger or a sandwich?
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>on the fire
like just straight onto the embers or what?
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Gnarly and everything dude
That's a grilled cheese sandwich
Burgers are sandwiches themselves
the burger in the meat

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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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dubious claim
I live in a bedroom community. I have two propane grills that I do not have locked up.
Anons talk about homeless people and vagrants messing with these but the great majority of them exist in areas way off the beaten path of that type of person. They're in state and national parks and usually behind an entrance gate at the end of a fairly long road, and in the middle of a campground surrounded by woods on all sides.
>I need a bullet proof vest to grill in neighborhoods with park grills.
Then your post of
>I need a bullet proof vest to grill in neighborhoods with park grills.
is very silly.
>Australians are so proud of their grills
>outside of their COVID dormitories

No one wants to follow the Australian plan of disarming your citizens then putting them into camps for the flu.

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Last week I brined some cut roast for jerky in quart jars for 2 days
Dumped jars out in a collander over a bowl
Made beef jerky
Used brine on a couple chicken breasts for a couple days
Slow cooked chicken in brine for delicious shredded chicken
Once again strain the now stock/brine and shred chicken for various meals, first was crispy carnitas
Today use the stock/brine as a soup base for avgolemono with some of the shredded chicken and orzo
it is delicious

Tell me stories about not wasting ingredients at all and making meals from leftovers, etc
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couldn't tell you exactly, i know I really didn't want to use soy sauce and teriaki like EVERYONE recommends and was just interested in testing brine v marinade
bunch of salt
chunk of sugar
garlic, onion powder
bay leafs, peppercorns
lil ghost pepper hot sauce

i rinsed off the jerky, dried it, sprinkled some salt/pepper/chili flakes before dehydrating
came out great, definitely imbued with flavor and no tacky exterior from marinade. quite satisfied

in the bottom right there? maybe. i didn't notice and it's all gone now. just recyclin' some keratin
When I make yogurt I strain it into greek yogurt. I've used the leftover whey to make ricotta cheese, but have recently been making lacto fermented sodas with it and that has been excellent. Sipping on homemade ginger beer right now that's lacto-fermented. Quite good. Other than that, normal stuff like making chicken stock from bones in the instapot
>lactofermented soda
so... one step away from kombucha
>thread about not wasting ingredients and using leftovers
>whines about a little hair
kombucha is terrible shit. almost $10 for a regular drink size bottle of it and it tastes like absolute SHIT.

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this shit just doesn't taste good. it degrades every meal that it is put in.
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i made this thai sweet chili sauce last week, recipe courtesy of chef john.
followed the recipe except for substituting the sambal with reconstituted dried guajilo chiles i had
i like torturing myself and testing my mental fortitude.
It would be alright if they didn't have the seeds. Seeds are too big, contain no heat, and are responsible for that off taste. Also most of the stuff sold in bottles has been sitting for years.
You're better off looking for something with more heat and a better taste. Cayenne is pretty mild stuff compared to the taste of jalapeño or habanero or anything. Flavor with the chiles and then add a suitable amount of heat using Carolina reaper sauce. Crushed red pepper is pretty much useless because no taste except seed and low heat. The Indian store is always an unpleasant experience, but it is one of the best ways to get non cayenne chiles of reasonable freshness along with other cheap spices.
I'm literally eating them raw and right out of the bottle right now. I love the heat. Eat em raw and with raw carrots and it's pretty fine as it Helps keep the hunger pangs away for a bit.
This, but calling bs on addiction part.

Rate my meal deal. About £3.70
>incel magazine
>7 up zero
at least it's no calorie
>pre made tuna mayo sandwich
>Thai sweet chicken chips
3/10, at least it has some protein

Treat your body better, you eat like a total loser
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Fine if you were in a rush or on the go somewhere.
If it's what you eat regularly as an average meal and you aren't active I would be pretty concerned for you nutritionally long term but also it's just sort of bleak and bland in away that only Brits seem to make their very existence for some reason.
You might as well just smoke in some dark dingy club without dancing.
Maybe next time skip the GW mag and have an actual lunch?

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