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Didn't find a DIY/Amateur Telescope/Astronomy thread here
Share some resources for Telescope making at home and celestial observations

a reflecting telescope is probably the easiest
No idea. Only endoscopes experts here.
Sometimes I wonder if lapping your own mirror for a dobsonian is worth it, it seems like a dying art, something that only old boomers had to do now that we're spoiled and cursed by chinese reflectors of dubious quality at suspicious prices. I'm sure they're all dogshit- It's why people hunt for old newtonians on ebay and craigslist to scrap the mirrors out of them.

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A) I can get the storage shelves I want for $300, plus tax.
B) Or buy lumber boards, and build one for $150.

I got the tools, but I'm on a budget. I'm worried I will fail : ) What would you do?
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what the are you gonna put on them? tp and bathroom shit weighs nothing and thats why you can get away with pressed sawdust
That’s like $275 too expensive, my friend.

Look for government surplus auctions in your area. Maybe check a yard sale?
Smart play is buy used carts (U-boat dollies especially) as a rugged rolling base then weld up a frame or insertable shelves for them as you prefer. Remove the center axle bolt so you can push them sideways. Fixed shelving just accumulates shit and is hard to move and immobile loaded. I've lots of heavy auto and motorcycle parts/engines so my shelves either hang leaving the floor clear for easy cleanup or roll for easy reconfig and cleanup. Goal is nothing on a floor I cannot easily move.

I buy surplus industrial carts for less than the steel would cost and prefer those fabbed from standard stock so I can cut and rearrange as I prefer. For example I've my Harley Panhead project on its own dolly for easy access from all sides.

Shelves that roll are wonderful things. I use upward-facing angle to prevent shit rolling off and to hold the plywood I mostly use (steel sheet is fine too) for shelf boards. I place flat bar crossmembers (unwelded for future reconfig) as needed for specific load support.
$150? More like $100, and you'd have a 3/4 sheet of OSB left over and a bunch of fasteners.
Or use pallets and spend like $10 on fasteners.
Keep an eye out for any closing restaurants in your area. I was able to snag 4 Uline epoxy wire shelves for 200 bucks and i just had to clean the grease off of them

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Post what you've acquired recently and why little paypiggies
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>3.5mm bits

What the fuck were they thinking?
what are you referring to ? the ps4 controller screws were #00
such a good point. these are incredible compared to the full size milwaukee screwdriver set I have. those ones strip more and more each use
Klein makes the best screwdrivers. I've never broken one, even when punching out electric box cutouts/chiseling with them. Idk how they harden the tips, but they're invulnerable even to the most stubborn Rabbi.
Their newer microbits are a non-standard 3.5mm hex shank instead of the 4mm standard that a lot of other precision screwdrivers use. There's pretty much no bit comparability outside of these newly released Klein drivers.
interesting but not a big deal to me
lmao, that's great. yeah this felt awesome to use. loved that spinning piece on the very back. nice and easy

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Any simple way to set up a small motion detection sensor below my door (space beneath door about as tall as my thumb nail) to a wire and lead to a light that turns on whenever motion is detected? or better yet a wireless one

picrel crude example
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>small motion detection sensor below my door (space beneath door about as tall as my thumb nail)

Is there a motion sensor that's small enough to sense through the small gap under the bottom of a door
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Theres your final solution
Why are you so angry?
Why are you so nosy.
Everyone wishes they could go back to being a retarded happy zoomer instead of old, tired and miserable

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rate my handrail
what color should i paint it
white aluminum exterior
i was going to go with dark green because of the yard/hrass but maybe a rust red because the brick walkway or something absolutely garish like safety orange or amethyst so it stands out
yes i know my deck is dilapidated
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Also, since the only way to rectify this is painting it like a shinto void gate, youre going to need to disassemble it and paint every piece individually for coverage. You think youre going to be cool and just paint the exposed parts. But thats a mistake. The unpainted gaps will collect rain and prematurely rot and you will regret this decision vs. Disassemble for full paint coverage. Youre fucked kiddo.
>Disassemble for full paint coverage.
jesus no. prime it, caulk the cracks, paint it. and if it's pressure treated wood let it weather as long as you can before you do anything.
Jesus yes. On outdoor structural wood this is how you do it right, pedro. Youre asking for a premature failure if you own something, not painting the crevices for complete coverage. Pedro is out here fucking around bullshitting again.
cant sk8 this rail/10
my wife has severe back problems after our second kid and I didn't want to make a ramp or stairs + had extra wood from work
I was really drunk when I built that
Yea it's sunk deep
I live so far in the woods "code" isn't a thing I am worried about

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does this really work in america? i need to resupply my workshop, what are the best cities to do it?
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So there are a higher percentage of blacks in jail, but that's because they all have a "get out of jail" card? What are you trying to say?
I don't understand why you have to pay for things. Why can't you just walk in a big shop and walk out with power tools for free? The big companies make billions
>50% or more
God that is scary. I get unconfortable when I see just a single one in my white town.
how do you find this? i only find facebook market place scammers.
Fucking kek. That one county in Northern California. It's Lassen county, has a total population of less than 40,000 people. It is home to California's largest prison, which I'm pretty sure is the entirety of the purple on that map.

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just took apart a microwave how should i kill myself
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>just took apart a microwave
cool. now how are you going to cook tendies?
>how should i kill myself
suck starting an 870 express seems the have the highest effectiveness rate
a rope is a great choice for the budget conscious
I love don martin comics
should i run the magnetron into open air and stare at the antenna
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I like to run the secondary winding wires to my testicles

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I don't know why I fuck up ceiling like this.
I manage to get a decent even finish on the walls, but this is what I get with ceilings.

I thought this was good enough yesterday because I only noticed the few spots on the right, but this morning I noticed the edge of the roll marks on the left are kinda visible.

Am I going to be forced to do a third coat or can I just fade out these mistakes somehow?
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Use an oil base primer, then a ceiling flat. You'll get it in 2 coats. The finish will vary depending on the size roller, the nap, and make sure you use do a proper layoff. All ways keep a wet edge. But lighting is critical to see all this. Get a nice light set they are like 100 bucks or so. High lumens shows everything. Compared to the natural lighting, it won't be a problem.
Sanding latex is difficult, i just put the paper over one finger and sand out the ridge. The sandpaper clogs immediately, it’s literal rubber.
For lighting, I have an extendible pole shoved into a christmas tree stand with a harsh LED mini PAR light I got from goodwill clipped onto the top. $5.
Harsh crappy blueish LEDs are better at seeing flaws for some reason.
When I paint, i paint each load in a crosshatch pattern until there is no roller marks, and until the paint on the roller is almost gone.
I put the paint initially in the center of the area I’m going to paint with that load and feather it out around the edges.
In the tray I tilt the roller and squeeze off the extra paint on one end of the roller, and that’s my “no ridge” side which is on my left if I’m working from left to right.
If need be get on a ladder and do it by hand without a pole.
I cover the ceiling in an “s” pattern, to minimize re-pointing the light.
I find keeping a wet edge unimportant (and nigh well impossible on a big ceiling) but there is a lot of variables involved there.
I use pretty flat rollers.
It’s better to put on two thin coats then try and put on a single thick ass coat.

I just painted a few hundred sq. feet ceiling an hour ago, so it was fresh in my mind.
>Use an oil base primer, then a ceiling flat
I haven't seen any oil primers nor paints specific for ceilings at the store.
I've watched multiple videos on how to do this before starting but the paint simply behaves differently.
It's so thick I can only paint 1 square meter at a time but both the clerks and the instructions say that's ready to go and not to dilute it.
And even when I did it didn't change much.

It's not latex, it's water based paint.
I'm using a similar technique but I always go in the same direction, I found alternating patterns doesn't really do anything.
But it's definitely important to have the final coat parallel with the light source.
The drywall basically drinks the paint. 5gallons of primer will do about 1500 sqft. Then you only need like 1.5 gallons of water based ceiling flat. Any oil primer will do. Kiltz is fine.
Isn't it just easier to crosshatch spray a ceiling?

I'm unfamiliar which directions I'm supposed to be rolling adjacent to windows. Spray also does a nice job of permeating texture.

How do I get it out?

No it's not on you fucking retard.
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Tell him to reach for it then turn on the gas
>does the grabby end go up my peehole?
Do not recommend, the edges of the claws are plenty sharp. On and off bleeding for the better part of a week last time I tried it.
Jews are incapable of forming friendships
I don't see how a turd grabber is going to help in this situation.
drop a penny in there and watch him get it out himself

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So this flowerbed is fucked. Not only is a ton of grass growing in it moss is as well. I understand everything must go my question is what tools should I use to clear/clean it out as efficiently as possible?
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>A reddit board is missing it's redditor.

Well you better get back there faggot!
Astounding creativity!

Best you can come up with 'I have no ammo left. So I'm going to imitate you.'

How flattering.

How to tell us how retarded you are, without saying it directly.
You do know they spray down wheat, corn, oats, and onions with roundup before harvest?
You ate a fuckton of it already and you ate from fields that were sprayed for years.
It dries up the plants fast, decreasing the time between ripe and ready to harvest.
I'm an organicfag, but I can see the appeal. For example last year I lost half my sunflower yield to some burrowing asshole bugs, but I couldn't do shit but watch them because it has to be dry first.
Honestly your post was such a low quality, unoriginal, bait post anyways... Like its never been done before. Such originality!

Let me guess, you are the originator/inventor of all such posts pertaining to someone being from, or needing to go back to redit right?

Furthermore, your dumb post didnt make a god-damn bit of sense anyways. I bet 99% of the faggots on redit would see or hear the word roundup and immediately think, " OMG le heckin cancerino!" just as your limp-wristed self did. Anyone who has ever actually been around the stuff wishes it was as dangerous as all you retards think, so it would maybe work better at burning down weeds and keeping them dead.

Go inject some roundup into your shriveled up estrogen filled testicles so you can finish "transitioning" and join the other 46%.
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Look at that heifer! Milky milky.

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Im reading solar prices are continuing to dive and people are getting quotes for 8 cents a watt per shipping container out of china. I saw a guy saying he can do used for $80 for 200 watts. so asked if he can do .15 cents a watt for $40 dollars per panel (double whole sale) and he said $130 USD, cash only. I told him he must be tripping because he doesnt know the bottom fell out of the market. My new hobby is to low ball solar panel boomers and laff at them when they think theyre sitting on gold I guess until they unhero from over extension in the wrong market of boomer price arbitrage. Posting here because /biz/ is pajeet.

Also please post best per watt solar prices on self install (no 3rd party install quotes)
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second post: Try to lease off your neighbors solar so they can sliding scale price gouge you since youre obv. reddit and fucking retarded. (protip: your neighbor doesnt have solar. Hes price gouging your grid because hes boomer and knows youre retarded)

Are you looking to do something or just being contrary?

880 watts of my arrays were pulled from a pile next to a dumpster for free. They are bi facials with cracked rear glass. This is diy. No one cares you are abusing the elderly.
> reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
I was going to respond, but OP's been such a shiteater that I reconsidered. But I'll say that new solar panels are normally going for a little over 3 cents per watt on domestic markets, OP is a retard.
Just trick your retard old parents into getting solar before they die off and you inherit the home.

Free solar

My bathtub has a hole in it, and I'm trying to fix it. A big chunk broke off, but it fits perfectly in the hole. I don't have access to the bottom of it, so I've glued a handle to the big chunk and am trying to pull it while having applied some bathtub acrylic fixer on the sides beforehand.

Any suggestions?
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Go back to a thread dedicated to consuming you faggot...
I suggest sanding it afterwards and painting it if you can find a small amount

you missed the point. OP asked for advice but then just fixed it. so what was the point of asking for advice. can you even read?
Oh look this again
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>acrylic bathtub

I feel bad for you son. Those are designed for emaciated trailer park 8 yr olds. You should strip the bathroom and change out your tub, shower mixer, sink and faucet heads. Redo the floors and shower walls. You live in a cheesy pizza box. Your shower valves will leak behind the wall and destroy all your cheesy pizza boxes you live in next.

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show me your hovels, you cretins
>nigger breath mints
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I'm moving out in a month and most stuff is already packed, but this was a few years ago. I've since replaced the shitty Porter Cables with DeWalt.
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And also, electronics setup around the corner.

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Every farmer needs a real hoe.
Sure, there's plenty of mass production brands out there at the stores.
Those work OK if you're dainty with them.
But does anyone know where one can get heirloom quality hoes?
Hoes that can take a real man working the dirt with them
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Iron ruins the soil. Use copper
Read viktor shauberger if you want to learn more
Remember that the earth is electro magnetic or whatever... the iron ruins the charge. That charge helps shit grow strong like bull
Copper used incorrectly will cause growth issues. That shillenburger cultivate elevate didn't have his own farm. Just promoted it without practical use of it.

A steel shovel does not kill your garden. You could argue for no-till or preserving mycelium, but a steel (not 'iron') shovel does not by itself, inhibit growth.
What you need is called a grub hoe here in USA.
I bought two from easydigging, a 4” and 6” wide. Not cheap about $50 each, but free shipping if you get both. Heavy wood handle and thick steel blade.
It’s a wonder they are not more popular in the US and Europe , in the rest of the world they are the primary digging tool.
Historically they're the primary and often only digging tool, with many poor subsistence farmers owning no other.
this is bullshit
literal fucking magnets-tier nonsense

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I wanna turn a drivers bus seat into a gaming chair any DIY guides thay can help?
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you take that bus seat and you put it in front of your game console or PC. diagram attached
Be sure to play bus driver simulator while sitting in your bus driver seat!
>I wanna turn a drivers bus seat into a gaming chair any DIY guides thay can help?
you are incapable.
Fab a base with locking casters. Make the base out of upward facing angle. Bolt together using lock nuts. Bolt chair base to flat bar or downward facing angle (from the same stick, suppliers will cut to length for transport or to size) cross bars. The tray should face upward to not block casters. Use casters with at lease 3" wheels.

I did (but welded the dolly) but no pix autspergies only care about disorderly areas around an object, not the object.

BTW one reason I choose the dolly format is easy mods in future and another is I can pull four bolts and have a very nice furniture or other dolly if I need to move something else and my other equipment is full.

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