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Old house, old 50s drywall. What would cause the paper layer to bubble and separate like that?
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Turns out it was termites. After a Google search I scraped the paint. They eat the paper
Had that before involving a /a/ book, house is older than that, silverfish and termites ruin houses pretty well.

See if you can get it patched and hire a exterminator if you have a lot of them. Should be a easy /diy/ solution for killing termites firsthand without a exterminator.
I win again…
Old saying, If you’re the smartest person in the room, youre in the wrong room
outgassing, typically signs of a dead body
they were probably attracted to the dead body

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Is it normal for there to be more than one interview for trade jobs? Is the second interview to be offered job or are you meant to demonstrate your skills?
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If it is a public job then they will have a process in place for all appointments so that they can’t be accused of hiring their friends and giving them cozy jobs. If it were a private wildlife park/resort then having a panel makes less sense because they would probably not have the resources to assign three people to vet you.
they want "plumbing" skills since they want you to fix sprinklers. Should have made some shit up
t. former college grounds maintenance
It was a public position for a small "city".
If you’re interviewing you’re a sucker. Just teach yourself
All I can say about any maintenance job is that when I interviewed they wanted somebody with no experience or at least no illusions that there’s a “right” way to do things so that they have to butt heads with some chuck who basically exists to create potential lawsuits.

But that’s for residential maintenance.

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So /diy/, epileptic here, and have a asshole diabetic stepdad. (He's irresponsible to not take care of his sorry ass sometimes)

Looking since COVID, I don't have much training from anyone, except from the hospital I at times visit.

Paramedics advised the idea I should make my own or buy a kit, got a 50-70 usd bag with simple medical tools in it.

Looking to do some /diy/ to improve the bag better, what should I invest in for epilepsy, diabetes, shock, etc when it comes to first aid?

Currently have tools for dehydration, low blood sugar, headaches, some forms of bleeding, etc.

Pic kind of related, can invest about a decent 100 usd as I already have some basics, including disinfectants and gloves (I have a very large blanket that covers almost all the bag, looking for a better option)

Any good, or should I invest more?
/out/ frequently has first aid kit threads. they're usually geared more toward hiking, but they cover a lot of the basics and may help you with your specific use case.

I'm moving to a new place and I have a lot of cats. way too many. I finally got them all fixed so they can't breed anymore but anyways. the place I'm moving to is a two bedroom and I really only need one so I was going to give the cats their own room so the rest of the house doesn't smell like a litter box but the room has carpet. how do I prevent the cats from peeing or pooping somewhere that might fuck up the carpet? assuming I can't remove the carpet and install something better
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Crawl under a trailer that has 30 cats living under it. Becomes a gas chamber. Disgusting animals fuckin hate pet cats. Dogs aren't nearly as bad
based and petfree-pilled
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I have 3 cats actually, had cats since I can remember. That's why I discourage retards from having too many cats.
Mine are indoor/outdoor, their job is to keep the local rabbit and rat population down and prevent a rattlesnake infestation.
I live 1/2 mile from the nearest public road so splattered in traffic is not a concern, they don't go that far alone.
Inside I have automatic liter boxes otherwise you have to scoop daily. This also allowed me to cut down my litter costs, I was spending about $700/year just on litter and that was pre covid inflation. The box scoops itself immediately so the rankness doesn't spread on the entire litterbox, makes the whole lot last longer, so spend $200/year instead.
It's because their shit & piss is more rank than mustard gas. Especially if you don't clean it right away, it just gets worse and worse.
>have n-1 cat per responsible household member
>if you live alone, you should not have cats,
>have n+1 litterbox for every cat you own
>have at least 500sq/ft of space in your home for each cat, you can share the space with them, it doesn't need to be a dedicated cat shitting on the floor room
>have enzymatic piss remover spray on hand even if they "never" have accidents
Id rather have the the snakes, rats and rabbits
Turn the cats out to roam free and fuck up the rodent/bird population.

The only good cat is an outside cat.

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>I’d probably use big relays so there is a satisfying kerchunk noise when switching them. My amp makes a “kertink” which sounds weak.
You have a point, Anon...
That's kinda a lot, big backlight?

I'd probably try using a switcher, should be fine.

Yeah, like that. Those should be input caps just after the power supply, though having caps both near the PSU and near the star ground is probably a good idea, within reason. Make one lot of caps the bulk capacitance (probably by the PSU's output) and make the other lot of caps low-ESR in order to minimise ripple at the star point.

There's no reason for that, if the signals are single-ended or pseudo differential then you'll be ground referencing the output signal anyhow. If the signals are properly differential then that would need to be supported by the rest of the circuit too.
another link since that one says no longer available
at least to my country the shipping is cheap, you can search "four stage emi" for other listings
>>2799790 NEW THREAD

>>2799790 NEW THREAD

>>2799790 NEW THREAD
>only on page 4
Retard, this thread will still last a week.

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What type of engine does this thing use?
i know its rocket engine but what type of engine can be turned on and off like this?

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Seems to be working pretty well with two states of on or off. Maybe the compact design of '08 didn't allow room valving beyond an on and off. They would also require a very quick reaction time, at the time they might not have been able to get a regulated valve to react quick enough.
Some missiles use multiple small solid rockets but it is not what is shown in OP's. They are coming out of the exact same hole.
It's using hydrazine and NTO. Proportional valves tend to be bigger and heavier than a valve that just opens and closes. Response time is also better with an on/off valve and that helps with control loop stability. While engines can be throttled you'll get much higher performance running an engine at the limits of its capabilities. Everyone in this thread is terminally retarded.
>Hyperbolic propellants

Peroxides are unhealthy but not extremely so. Hydrazine, on the other hand, is a major hazard.

Had it been hydrazine powered, people would have to wear hazmat suits. In some videos, people were sown in normal clothing next to these.
The best thing about hyperbolic propellants is that their capabilities are limitless.

I got this for your mom for mother's day. Best gift for moms everywhere. (Especially YOURS)
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A thrift store I go to tosses old raggedy couches all the time. I have piles of couch cushions for the dogs, and for mechanicking
those hold water and mold and are fuckin gross
but yeah valid
They get dirty, I toss em and get new ones.
kek I live with a tomboyish British girl so my whole life is a constant stream of dirty jokes and innuendo, and while over at my parents' house helping them clean out the garage the other day I accidentally made a similar joke when she found one of those garden kneeling pads. To my mom's credit she found a hoe a few minutes later and said "oh I guess that's who the kneeling pad was for."
>15 bucks for a tiny neoprene mat
jesus fucking christ... I guarantee those cost less than a dollar each to produce.

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show me your hovels, you cretins
>nigger breath mints

Red pill me on water and sewage utilities work.
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Not him but I worked in that field and it was pretty often that I was using shovels and angle grinders and whatnot in a hole full of wastewater. They like to remind you that it's mostly from showers, dishwashers, washing machines, etc and that's true...but there's still shit and piss in there and they love joking about the "brown trout". And even though there are many ways to setup temporary bypasses that will mostly dry out the work area, often the foreman would just want to skip that part to save some time on the job, or it wouldn't work that well and the pipes would leak on the street level and have to be dealt with, or the soil would still be soaked with it and you had to go in anyway. On top of that, the boots (galoshes) they gave me leaked and sometimes it didn't even matter because I was standing in sewage deeper than the boots. Or when you had to cut wet pipes, you could use a face mask, but in reality you couldn't because it would just get covered in shit and you couldn't see anything. They were pretty good at using trench boxes though so I was never worried about being trapped in a collapse, so there's that. Dealing with the ladders that were sinking into the shit soaked mud was never fun though, especially carrying heavy shit up and down.

But maybe I was just working for a shitty company so I can't speak for the field as a whole.
Every cable company when they see phone lines in service longer than their company has existed
forgot to add, working on new construction (not active lines, before the buildings have even been built) wasn't bad and was kinda satisfying and fun actually.
Is there room for growth there or once you're get hired to dig up holes and assist old timers fix leaks and unclog shit pipes you're stuck doing that forever?
There are a few job offers nearby and I would like to give it a go for the opportunity to learn and work water supply but having to deal with waste every day will not only become really depressing and disgusting but also embarrassing.
Yeah, after about 6 months or so they offered me an apprenticeship as a plumber or something like that, but I didn't take it because I was moving away soon. From what I heard from the guys I worked with who did go that way, it was a hell of a lot better than what I was doing. Much more money, as well. If you decide to try it out, I recommend keeping spare socks in your car.

Need a new corded angle grinder with all the safety features, jobsite requirement. What’s the cheapest decent thing that meets all these requirements? I have an old Hilti that’s great, but no brake on it.

I’m suspecting it’s going to be one of the less-high-end Metabos but there’s a ton of models and the filters on the site don’t work well, and it would be great to get something cheaper.

- Dead man paddle switch
- Restart protection
- Kickback protection
- Brake
- No more than 6”, going to be used in tight spaces
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I just got one from harbor freight for $14, works great and cut my chicken wire in about 5 seconds. Worth every penny.
Those safety features are meaningless in the context of the consumer safety board and will soon need to be replaced with discstop(tm) technology from TTI masquerading as “sawstop”
Possession of older grinders without discstop(tm) technology will result in confiscation and distruction of the tool, and a federal felony with mandatory prison time.
cool boomer vibes
>faggot shit
>has evil face for logo
No surprise really.
He's a closet homo, so he'd immediately go in the defensive without a good reason.

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Any way to make a complex model thinner?
I told somebody Id do it no problem but now I'm stuck...
idk. add a displace modifier probably.

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There is no amount of seethe or cope that can disprove it.
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*Laughs in German*
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laughs at cheap consumer grade shit
i got all my tools at the flea market for dirt cheap lol
say you are a casual without saying you are a casual
You are a casual.

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We have a Red Lion G308A210 HMI on a machine at work with touchscreen issues. The touchscreen will work for one minute and then become unresponsive for 10-20 minutes, then it may work for 1 or 2 minutes again and then it dies again. Power cycling it does nothing. The machine manufacturer wants 12.000€ for a replacement, with a 6.000 euro "core" refund when we return the broken one. Some questions:
Is it really the touch panel? The fact that its somewhat intermittent makes me think it may be a board issue. I don't want to fuck with it and then the manufacturer not accepting the core back if the touch panel replacement doesn't work.
The HMI uses a CompactFlash for the software. If we buy a used/refurbished one from Ebay, same exact model, will it boot the program with the old CF card in it and just work or does it require further programming?
Is replacement of the touch panel a matter of peeling the front "sticker", replacing touch panel (I think it's not fused to the LCD) and then applying the "sticker" again?
Will heat on the edges of the touch panel work temporarily?
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I'm not surprised if heat had an effect, thermal expansion or solder issues were the first thing I thought of. It could just be a bit of solder that needs reflowing. Is it a resistive or capacitive touchscreen by the way?
It's 4 wire resistive. Supposedly heat fixes issues with the conductive bars around the edges.
fyi a stylus fucks these up
All operators use fingers and not stylii. It's just old, and due to the nature of the machine's operation, you have to tap the display constantly Once the label rolls finish, cut the web and tape the ends, tap to deflate the rewind mandrel, remove rolls, insert empty cores, tap to inflate rewind mandrel, tap to advance the web, glue the web to the cores, tap to restart operation. Speed adjustment is required pretty often and that happens on the screen too using a slider instead of a rotary encoder.
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heh we have physical buttons for the these common functions
>t. label machine builder
On the CF card, it appears the configuration is stored on internal memory and the CF card its used as additional file storage. However there is a recovery procedure, if your supplier is not a retard, you might find that file on the card. might need a usb cf reader to check that

What can I do with these?
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how do you fuck up like that
Egg cartons are fucking expensive. $1 each.
>dude uk ackshually I’m smarter because I hoard garbage
>*worthless projection*
Shut the fuck up retard.
Burn them or throw them in the trash like a normal non hoarder would do
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When the wave (the sound wave) hits the curved surface it distorts the wave making it incoherent thus unable to be heard as "an echo".

However what the egg carton does not do is significantly reduce the "amp" or energy of the wave thus there is still *background noise* that is unintelligable.

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I have a great working Dewalt DC984 drill but the battery packs are dead. Should I try risk it with the scissor trick or something? It would be a waste to not use this anymore. Otherwise I will just go get a new Parkside set or something on a budget
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Had an old blue Bosch 14.4V drill that was working fine, but the batteries it came with all died.

These were Nimh iirc. Opened them up and found the cell size written on each OEM cell. Ordered new cells from ebay and soldered those into the batteries in place of the dead cells.

I still have that drill and although it's definitely no 18V lithium as far as power, it's nice to have around for jobs where two drills = fewer bit changes.

I think I paid around $15 for enough cells to repair 1 battery. Ended up repairing all 3 eventually.
> SSRs will eat that no problem
Exactly. Everything is already electronic drivers.
In fact, they could step it up to any arbitrary voltage in the pack itself if they wanted to with 97% efficiency if the collective idiocracy forgot how to design a 12 V motor. Although, they could disassemble one of the billions of 12 V automotive starter motors for some clues.
Yes, it’s absolutely impossible to redesign plastic moulds for battery packs. Once set, no manufacturer has ever changed them… not in hundreds of years, anyway… and perhaps hundreds of years to come.
OP here again. I could not for the love of me find a battery adapter that would fit this drill model. I did another full charge of the two batteries I had, then I connected them using two pairs of scissors as mentioned before. I left it like that for 5 mins, let them cool off for another 5 then stuck it back on charge. It's probs too early to say but Atleast one of the batteries has been working without issue over a couple of hours drilling in intervals. Shame I can't get the adapter tho, the ones shown don't clip in properly which means my drill must be even older than I though

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