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What's the best stain removed for old stains on carpet? That won't actually bleach the carpet. Asking for a friend.
uhh ok

- white vinegar w baking soda
- h2o2 and dish soap
- maybe club soda
what kind of stain, mr mass murderer?
Dihydropentaflorohexamethanol should do the trick.
Folex. pH neutral surfactant, no odor, no color. Spray on, let sit, scrub gently, then blot repeatedly with clean rags or paper towels. Re-apply and blot until stain is gone. No need to rinse.
>baking soda and vinegar
I fucking hate this shit. Congrats, you made bubbles, that'll surely make your third grade teacher proud.

Hey /diy/. I got this laundry pump off my drain basin after it quit working in the middle of a load of laundry. Got a huge whiff of burning plastic while I was trying to get the mess up. Am I right to assume that the capacitor burned out trying to pump the washer's discharge? Can any anons offer some insight in fixing this pump? I definitely don't have 500 bucks to grab a new one

Also, filesize limit is gay, this is the model I have.


if a new pump costs 500 dollars it's cheaper to just get an entirely new washer.
Nah, that wouldn't solve it. The washer discharges into the drain basin (retarded) , which then pumps it into the sump.

Question, though. Is there anything particularly stopping me from just extending the discharge directly into the sump pump?

if it ultimately drains into your sump then skip the basin, but usually they pump to the standard sewer drain

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LIFE GOALS: to the arial county police, this is a mere shed, oh but oh boy, what lies beneath is 800 sq feet of beautiful living space with NO property taxes no permits just pure by God FREEDOM.
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Shit, *maybe 6 years ago
I remember the start of that. It was mostly just pictures of giant cavernous rooms full of standing water illuminated by work lights iirc
True. Affordable caves are built from pallets as anyone knows.
How expensive was this to buy? God I hate being a Eurocuck

Anyway would it be safe if I make the entrance inside my home and like hide it under the bed or whatever? I wanna grow shrooms
The land and cabin was $140k cash.

Don't take your Euro life benefits for granted. I lived in the UK for years, and I miss being able to walk to a grocery store that didn't cost a day's wage.
I don't miss the weather though. It's literally the biggest thing that would keep me from ever moving back.

Be very careful before digging directly underneath your home. If you compromise the foundation, it could literally wreck your house.

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Post the oldest tool in your collection
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The US was very different before it was ruined. I too miss that world no one after can truly conceive.
yeah. my wood shop class in 7th and 8th grade taught:
wood working
some metal working
gun safety

we could even bring guns to the class to work on them (make grips or stocks).

teacher kept a civil war sharps breech loader next to his desk.
They should bring that back. I had a wood shop in my public middle school, but not the private HS. There’s a couple technical high schools that train for the trades in big cities, but most of them have become “college prep” and electives are all arts and ceramics and photo class. But these days they just want students to pass the exams and go away for a worthless liberal arts degree and all of the institutions keep getting paid.
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>my oldest tool
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same here

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That's USB 3.0, notice the blue color on the tip
Ahh, i had no idea USB 3 had more pins, I thought the just made it faster like USB 1.1 to 2.
They definitely jumped the shark with USB-C, but soldering all those micro pins on both sides seems even less doable (as designed… to sell you on an un-DIY-able technology subscription)
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The extra pins are 'hidden' behind the regular, visible four pins.
>(as designed… to sell you on an un-DIY-able technology subscription)

Were you a normal person before 4chan started force feeding you redpills?
Lay the wires out on electrical tape in a row and press it against the contacts to test before soldering. Helps with soldering too as it keeps everything in order. They're nicely labelled for you though, shouldn't be too hard.

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600mA vfc or 4A ceramic fused non-vfc multi, for home use, /dyi/?
A5X or FY106B, below:
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ok, I'll throw this one too:
I’d trust a lightbulb more than I’d trust either of these
why so? i know they can be sketchy, but looking at buyer's reviews (yeah, those can be sketchy too), couldn't find anything wrong with them.

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The circulator pump at our rental is driving us insane. Its whistling sound travels through the whole heating system. How would one go about destroying the machine in a not-so-obvious way so it has to be replaced? No crowbars or baseball bats. Would a strong magnet do something to the motor?
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Hvac tech here.

That whistling noise could be air in the system. Id recommend watching a few youtube videos on how to bleed your system. It's not hard.

But if you want to be a dick and destroy someone's property: most pumps have isolating valves for a quick and easy change out of the pump. You could close the upstream one and overheat the pump but i wouldn't recommend doing that.

Another option is finding a way to make the capacitor go bad in the pump. Most of them have a compartment on the pump that houses a tiny cap.
Download one of those spectrum analyzer apps so you can show it makes a sound.

Im not a hvac tech, I do maintenance on rentals, and I agree with the poster above me; high frequency whistle or whine people with hearing loss cant hear doesnt immediately point to the pump.

" it whistles through the whole heating system"

>so i destroyed a thing in ur basement, sry.

You, like a lot of tenants, are believing what you want to believe with no experience.
Landlords are all scum anyway so who cares.
my grundfos sends a nice brrrrr up to even the 4th floor
is nice

Need anons to point me to what I need for a camera security system.

Have a house in another city 30 minutes drive away that I'm renovating and am tired of feeling helpless every time I go there and see the house has been vandalized or there's been attempts to break in (area is 85% + white BTW)

I have electricity at the house obviously, but no internet.
Cheapest internet I can find is $40 a month with contract, which seems like a waste just to run 2 cameras.
OTOH, if I have just a DVR 2 camera system, and someone does get in, they could just steal the DVR.

Any anons have any recommendations?
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Go low-tech. Intrinsic reliability. Not high tech.
Look at how high tech worked out for Isræl (either that or it was planned). Their security tech sector is a laughing stock.
I paid $40 a month for decades, they only managed to call in false alarms (while I was home) and I got stuck with the fucking false alarm bills from the city police and answering ackward questions like I was swatted or something.
There’s no bigger scam than monitoring, in my opinion.
Tripwire shotgun.
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Search the archive. This has been covered in previous threads.
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I need a cheap way to exhaust an attic for an elderly couple on my street who are coincidentally mentally ill and live in poverty. I've done what I can by cleaning the coils and trying to block some of the draft, but the windows and doors need to be replaced, however the couple aren't able to do so, and their children don't seem to have the desire or mean to accomplish it either. I was thinking about mounting an exhaust fan at the top of the attic and venting it out the soffit, or maybe insulating the actual flex ducting itself. Any ideas?
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Invite them to a mattress party, and be done with it.
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Get something like this. This beauty has been running 24x7 for about a decade. She's got plain bearings that you'll need to grease every couple of years and she'll outlast the couple.
you don't need that shit, you need a lawyer to slap you upside the head with the liability for their wellbeing you'll take on
well you haven't post the roof, the sides of the house, whether it has gables etc.

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Moving into a new apartment and the landlord seems reasonable. I want to plant some veggie gardens etc (raised beds) and keep some chickens. I already know I'll have to talk to him about the chickens first, but how much is normal to ask for permission for vs just doing it without permission? Like, can I put a fence up without permission? Would that cause a ruckus?
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Several others keep animals already

>Why are you moving into an apartment (presumably where you pay rent) to do that?
Because it's better than my previous apartment by a lot.
>What's with the childish, unrelated anime image?
To guarantee replies.
>Helpx. Find a host. Go out and work in the country. Get some basic life skills down and give up over-aged under-mature anime nonsense.
Dumb nigger
Coordinate it all with the landlord since it belongs to him not you. That's the route to a positive relationship.

Remember roosters crow at all hours. You don't have to have one since you can order chicks instead of hassling with incubation.
I had a garden in an apartment with a backyard and just used raised beds with legs/huge planting pots. I was able to sell them on marketplace WAY faster than anything else I tried to get rid of when I moved out as well. IDK about chickens tho you might get into problems with neighboring tenants about the smell/noise more than you will with the landlord. Depends on the law where you live but you could be evicted due to tenant complaints or just by your landlord if it's too much of a hassle for him to keep texting you about the fucking chickens.
Who's the 'dumb nigger' that posts anime to a diy forum, and wants to keep chickens and garden at an apartment so they can be a rentcuck?

Projecting much. Smh. And that's why no one, no one will help you whatsoever, and you have to come begging to an anonboard.
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Oh nooo, someone wants to do something entirely within the confines of reality, expectation, and means!!! nooooo!!! better threaten him or whatever nonsense that is. Don't reply if you don't have any helpful responses :)

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Homeless advice required

/adv/ is a pretty normie board so I'm trying here first.

>no car
>weather averaging 32c from now til October
>neetbux (not enough for renting, I'll be using my time to save and learn skills)
>can go live near a sea/river for showers
>gym is 60$/month at the cheapest, i'd rather not

List of necessities:
I'm getting a tent today. got a 60kg backpack.
2-3L water
phone, battery pack, charger
mosquito spray

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If you can't have a knife, how about a stick or club or some sort of tool you can do some damage with? Lots of things can be weapons if you're creative/desperate enough.

Why no gym? Showering there's gotta beat plunging in saltwater.

How about a storage unit? Can you afford that? Could be useful place to stash stuff and maybe even to hang out and have some solitude. Post office lockbox? If you can get mail somewhere and have some sort of address like a PO Box, that's a plus.

Library's often got resources for homeless. Use the computer to look for work, apply for gov't benefits, training, etc.

Try churches for food.
What country? That should have been obviously relevant because local anons will know useful local options no one else does. The board is mostly burgers with less applicable info.
I gotta disagree somewhat. There are plenty of mentally ill and drug users that do have homes. There are plenty of people living in cars and stuff and businesses and friends and no family and girls will do that to you. Rent is too high, so sleeping in your car might be a choice but not really. The whole goal is just to be out of debt and have a good bit of money. Like there's not much around, you gotta be cutthroat to get good dibs. It's best to just have some money and move somewhere better. So you gotta sleep in your car. One of my biggest mistakes that I don't blame on others, even though, really, it had a lot to do with just a couple people, was choosing to not be homeless any longer. I was really saving money.

People really say people are doing fine all over the world like we're in a great time. Most people are barely above what we consider poverty. Take what you make and subtract all your expenses and divide it, and that's what you really make an hour. A banana costs just as much for a rich person, yeah, they live more luxuriously but that's because they are making way way way more than you. 10 an hour minus 9 for expenses is 1. 20 an hour minus 10 for expenses. They don't make twice as much, they make ten times as much.
Being without a car would be a massive drag, I would not recommend.

The gym is good. It's another place to poop and working out dehydrates your poop and so you may poop less. You want to poop less. Have lots of places to poop so people don't catch on. They surely will, but, you just want to try. Milk is a good nutrient but can make you wet fart all day. High fat greek yogurt is super thick and good. Greek gods has no sour tastes, cabot is like super high fat it tastes almost like frosting. You really just want to eat a lot of high calorie stuff so you eat less.

The gym is also a place to meet people like you could spend a night at a girl's house after you meet her at the gym, maybe even turn your whole life around by finding a good chick like girls who go to college and stuff are more likely to work out than some druggie skeez.

Really you should, as you are doing now, research as much as you can. Get as many tips and tricks as you can because it's shitty. If you need a car, you can rent a uhaul for a day way cheaper than a car.

Get a storage unit, get two cars, or, I think the best thing you could do actually is get a storage unit and put a camper in there. Then you have an actual home for like 60 bucks a month. You could go there to shower and shit, then you could drive away and sleep in your car, or I suppose take the camper. Hypothetically, if you bought a camper for like 3k, and then went homeless for a year, the camper would be worth buying
When Ive stopped and talked to any homeless, even for a few minutes, Ive usually found a man of faith

so I found an old used estwing hammer today and I cleaned it up a little bit. i want to dye the rubber handle green. I heard I can use plain ole rit dye but should I use yellow dye to make green or just use green dye? does anyone have any experience dying rubber?

also please post any tools you've customized in any way, shape, or form
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Give it back Jamal. Changing the handle color is not going to fool the true owner.
I destroyed that elbow from drilling 100000's on the drill press at work, hopping to get promoted to engineering work, I'm left handed anyways.
pay your bills on time José
>straight hammer
you'll put your eye out bro get a claw hammer for the love of everything good
is this a serious comment? do you not know how to use a hammer without hurting yourself?

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Why are quill stems and underappreciated diy item? They can be used to build all sorts of things yet nobody ever talks about this
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I love u quill stem anon
Not everyone has the equipment to weld the frame tubing etc. BTW a dual wheel like the Skedco stretcher takes more weight.

Note the angles of the tubing and how the frame works. Two forks won't make that. Best way by far is do what that maker did and use a stick of clean steel tubing cut and joined as they did. Take a closer look at the design. Easy to make with a welder and drill press though.
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>Two forks won't make that

Yes they will. Quill stem in the steerer tube, metal tube in the quill stem where the handlebar would be, another quill stem onto that, now you have 360 degrees of rotation and can have the fork at any angle. More quill stems and tubes for the frame and it's done.
What stops all those friction clamp and expansion joints from shifting under load? Prayer?
Physics. Show me which joint can shift when every joint is opposed by an opposite force

I just bought a FUBAR Lexus RX350 and I don't have the slightest idea how to fix this. Just use some duct tape and leave it mostly as is? Am I in for a lot of pain and suffering?
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>the classic general
It's a containment thread for forum larpers. I also recommend OP go bother them until they have aneurisms.
Suction cup you can get at an auto store for ten bucks will make significant progress on that. Toilet plunger if poor. The metal has memory, you can spring it back. Lots of soapy water help plubger stick.

After that get hair dryer and compressed air i think it is thats basically dry ice in a can. Heat it up hot, flip the can upside down and blast it so it forms ice. The rapid cooldown will cause the metal to contract, pulling on the dents straightening them out. Its real cool.

But just dgaf or get a new door too

Also, heat gun/hair drywr
Also take the door interior off from the inside, get a flat piece of 2x4 so you arent directly hitting the metal, and sneak it thru the x frame on the door, put on ear protection and TAP away at things. Better to do too little than too much with each hit.
I had an old Nissan 200sx with similar damage in high school, but and hang a new door like other anons said

There is a crash bar inside the door that is impossible to get straight again,

I managed to get the door skin straightened out but that crash bar was a bitch and interfered with window glass
Get another door from a salvage donor along with anything else you need.

How would I go about making the collar/shoulders? wire, foam?
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steel you dumbass, its armor
IF it was steel then you would NEED 5 defense to wear a skillcape!
worse 99
almost as bad as firemaking
Nigga just afk at magics or yews. Or whatever new bullshit afk method fagex has added
basically yeah

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