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I am moving up north soon where everything is 3x as expensive. My new house has a large garage though, and I'd like to have a workshop. I just don't know what I should buy before I go to save money.
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Well, he sure as hell didn’t teach english. Likely a bot, nobody else replied and had nothing to do with woodworking, and your post doubled down on that.

The riddle of woodworking. Is it about wood? No, it’s about steel.
Make a box or ten. Practice miters on both. Make some jigs for fancy tricks like splines.
You've really never heard the phrase "selling my labor" or "selling my time?" They're not exactly in common usage these days, but I'm always still surprised when younger generations don't know any expressions or idioms.
None of that really matters though. Why so upset, Anon? I asked a legitimate question about earning a living cutting wood. The fact that you find my posts difficult to read is probably not the reveal you think it is.
Are you really only talking about $12 in hardwood? Making small things like boxes or pens? If so, just order it from woodcraft or rockler. If you're talking more like 10-20 bd ft then there are some online places that will ship for a fee. Not super cheap though.

Some local yards might be able to load your order into your car if you ask nicely. Would need to phone it in advance and if course don't get to select your own boards.
I was trying to help.
If you approach someone on the street and use phrases like Borat, they’re going to think you’re a weirdo. I am not one of the younger generations.
Of course I understand what it means, it’s just odd.

I’m not upset, I’m actually chuffed to bits that you want to do something useful during the ridiculously long summer vacation that teachers get.

You mentioned “home improvement” not “cutting wood” so we don’t know what your skillset is.
Probably 20% of home improvement has anything to do with wood, and even that is framing with spruce and OSB (and now cardboard). It’s like going to the Apple store and asking how the electricity makes an iPhone go. Sure, it’s somewhat relevant, but what Apple does is a little more nuanced than that; here, in /wwg/ we usually talk about things a little more nuanced than cutting a bunch of spruce 2 by 4s and stick framing, although maybe where you are fine furniture is made of OSB.

> cutting wood
What does that even mean in a practical sense? So you have a table saw, or a band saw, or a portable mill? But no wood, nails, or hammer and the only thing you want to do is cut wood? Help us help you, don’t give us the 23 skidoo.

Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2794873

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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Dont worry about how much you can lift. lift every day and one day it will finish!
you can hire potheads to help too, where i live they can be hired for work for some easy money
Go for it. What’s the downside? Wasting the 2min it took to write the email?

Fwiw, fucking every blue collar workplace I drive past has “help wanted” signs, sparkies and plumbers and welders and I’m sure the machine shops are the same. Maybe they take a chance on you it you’re willing to take lower pay and be a gopher for a year or two.
I wish. Considered throwing one of those famous "Voluntary work" days we use to have around here, but don't know if 10+ of my buddies want to become dwarves in the "mines" for a couple of days in trade for free food and beer.
as fucked as that surface is, it's probably wisest to just sawcut a section out as big as you want out, break it up and repour. you could do the rebar yourself and dowel it into the side slabs. no form necessary and easy for you and a friend to screed and finish yourselves
rent a mini excavator for a weekend and be done
I'm trying to get my hands on these special charcoal briquettes where the charcoal is reformed into perforated bricks so air can run through them.

You see hajis tying then to the bottom of kettles, but they get them from China

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What is the best way to teach myself on how to be a diesel mechanic or should i just pay for community college classes? As i understand there are ASE tests i should take in order to become certified. Are there good books or video series for this or should I just go to the school?
have you considered going to a diesel shop and asking what they are looking for? you might even get hired to do scut work while you go to school.
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>be handy
>be willing to listen and learn enthusiastically
>find farm or podunk truck shop
>ask for job
>be happy with minimum wage
>do mostly loober goober and tire/suspension shitwork
>move up through attrition
>be broken down and eternally hateful by 32

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>We're going to test that!
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Except it's not unreasonable.
The entire point of his channel is how does low and to high end compare.
He didn't not buy them because he was cheap, he didn't buy them because he put 0 research into the video.
This >>2803889

That’s probably the best part of it. Seeing if the 3x price tag on the premium model is worth it or if the big box store model does 95% and the Amazon chinesium model is pretty good too.

My biggest complaint about the choices is that he will buy 4 of something from Amazon that are all the same rebranded cheap shit and/or listings with fake reviews that have been up for a month, but neglect a couple models you would find at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Walmart.
So tell him in the fucking comments that you think he should test higher end coffee makers as well next time he does a round up.
Just admit you were wrong.
Or you're just never going to be anything but a sad, malignant tumor on the internet who has to talk shit about everyone actually doing something.

*blocks your path*
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>Founded in USA
>Head Quarters in USA
>In 2022, Milwaukee Tool opened a 95,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in West Bend, Wisconsin
Its an American company with a foreign parent company. I bet with future china sanctions they'll make more products domestically or in mexico
In all fairness, you can buy a Toyota with more US parts than a Chevy I bet. Parent companies don’t always mean everything at the end of the day. That being said, I wish Milwaukee was still family owned by a nice German-surname family from Oshkosh.

I think that factory was mostly for hand tools. They have cornered the market on power tools for sparkies and now mechanics, so they’re trying to eat up Klein’s sales and some of Snap On I’m sure, and the Klein buyers are really loyal to that American flag.
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I came here for an argument not abuse!
I can tell you right now that the US side of Milwaukee is primarily a sales outlet.

> manufacturing facility
Mostly simple forged metal parts.
That’s what snap-on does in the US as well.

Neither of them make significant parts of power tools, although they could make, for example, the hammer and anvils in impact drivers and hammer drills.
Not sayingmost of their tools are made in America but it is an American company

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I am sick and tired of these ridiculous adds. I want to start annoying these sellers. But I don't want to harass or go to jail. Any suggestions?
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>dealerships do all day every day
So it's OK when dealers scam us, but we're not allowed to swing back?
It doesn’t say serious offers only.
Ask questions in indialish,
> Plese sir, i wish do busisnes where can I buy in large quantiies, cash on hand. Can we meet? I need you mobile numcer
>testing the waters...
Make multiple lowball offers and be aggressive.
You've never tried to sell anything on craigslist have you? You don't need to bug this guy, there are a dozen people bugging him already.
But who would seriously consider paying $35k for this?

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Has anyone ever messed with these? I figured I'd be able to pop off individual ones and replace them, but I cannot push them up and they don't seem to slide.

I've thought of potentially painting them, but there is one that definitely needs to be replaced.
>Has anyone ever messed with these?
Search for "interlocking ceiling tile repair" videos. You can cut the tongue and groove tabs around the damaged tile to remove one with utility knife. Cut the tongue and groove on the replacement tile to fit it back in.

Success will depend in part on what the strapping behind them looks like. And how well you can hide staples to hang the new tiles. Or use adhesive.

If the old tiles are badly faded, you might be better off replacing them all. Or the patch job will just stand out.
>If the old tiles are badly faded, you might be better off replacing them all. Or the patch job will just stand out.
Shit... I'm just doing this to sell the house and I really don't want to replace the whole damn thing.
you fixed the leak, right?
Of course. Some of these leaks are from before I bought the house, but buyers are liable to see it and get leery. I'm not some huge piece of shit.

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RTTY Edition

Previous thread hacked: >>2795394

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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any 9A faggots on here?
I have a 1" x 1" aluminum square boom - I just need 3 elements for a 6 meter yagi.
I'm not blowing $100+ for a few elements that were $3/7ft not that long ago.
I could do conduit, but that seems heavy and difficult to tune.
The boom is 8' if anyone cares
I was hoping for an ready-made product from some company. He's not going to allow any drilling holes for mounting.
you're gonna have to explain more of what is available to you, so it's an apartment, is there a balcony, a ledge or anything?
How far do your windows open
etc etc
you could probably make a design that uses the partially closed window for support

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I want to build my own DIY computer from scratch, but I don't really know where to start. The main purpose of it is to learn more about computers and how it all works down there. I'm confident with logic gates, boolean algebra, not so with prototyping. I watched Ben Eater's videos about his project, as well as some other videos to similar topic. What books/other materials will be helpful? What is the starting point for such project should be? Is it better to pick up something like 65c02 and build around it or made everything by myself?
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I've also wanted to build one for years now but if your purpose is really
>The main purpose of it is to learn more about computers and how it all works down there
Then, like other posters said, just designing a minecraft/factorio/dwarf fortress/(any turing complete game) computer will get you most of the way there instead of spending $200 in parts before you even have a vision of what do you want
>looks great, keep it up brother.
thanks but i took that thing apart years ago, i used the MCU for my senior design project to save me the $10 of buying a new one lmao. iirc it was an STM32L462.
I'm collecting videos on true "from scratch" computer development. Here's what I've got, so far:
(Making purified wafers is the missing step)
You can extract and refine silicon from stuff around you, then etch patterns into it using not-too-expensive stuff at home that's easy to buy for regular consumers. They won't be nearly as powerful, efficient (computationally or with energy consumption), or small as the current market provides, but that may be a matter of time before people overcome that using cheap accessible methods, as well.
> using pre-created silicon

This is diy, not “find it yourself”

To truly build your own you should be creating the silicon from quarks and gluons to make hydrogen, and then turn the hydrogen into Si by beaming it with neutrons like we did back in the 70’s. Good times.
The leak is not really fixed until you manufacture your own pipes.

I live in a rented room at my parents property and want to lower the temps of my room for when the midday sun hits my windows. I want theleast expensive solution and was thinking of finding some cardboard and living it with silver foil and then basically tape it to the inside of my windows to shield from the sun. Would this work or do you have a better solution?
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Listen to these ^ retards at your own risk, window glass can absolutely shatter from thermal stress caused by trapping and redirecting solar heat gain-

>Window film can significantly increase the risk of thermal stress breakage of float glass if incorrectly specified.

>There are various factors involved in the compatibility of window films with glass, including film type, glass type, glass colour and/or coatings, glass thickness, glazing type, pane size, external shading, backup materials (such as blinds and curtains), frame type, altitude and solar energy intensity.

herp derp, that's talking about film!

If films that are designed to allow some light (energy) to pass through can create damaging thermal stress and "backup materials such as blinds and curtains" can affect film compatability which must be considered to prevent thermal stress that leads to breakage, WTF do you think can happen when that backup material directs all of the light and nearly all of the solar heat energy back into the glass it's pressed up against?

Now add in the very real potential for Low E coating designed to minimize heat from escaping through the windows.

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Does a cat ever watch you through that glass?
Move out of Sahara.
no but unironically a raven once when I was jerking off. I think it understood what it saw
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noticed the sewing thread was gone and i wish to discuss it
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ask the old ladies around where you live, seriously
most modern functions are a meme
Does it work any different from newer models? Or is it just heavier and therefore a bit more impractical? I'm mostly interested in it for the aesthetic and because its cheap af
Perfectly fine. You can do everything with a straight and a zigzag if you start out, and way beyond that.
And the older Berninas are very nice machines, but I would want to see it working in person to be honest.
It will work the same as an current year mechanical machine, but with a bit less stitches, and maybe it lacks a buttonhole, I don't know.
If it it is good condition it will last another 50 years if you take care of it.
Janome gives 5 years warranty, even on their entry mechanical machines, but the bernina will likely last longer and be easier to service.
That's pretty neat. Usually you only see knee-lift on industrial machines. That's what the hole to the right of the ruler is for.

If it comes with the various feet (looks like it does in pic 5), I'd buy it.
Here's pic 5 with all the accessories.

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Previous thread:>>xxxxxxx

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive
aliexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

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actual previous thread: >>2774325
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no interest anymore?
I am interested but I am busy with a move, but I still lurk

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How do I build a radio with only various parts? How do I learn this?
that hair will interfere with your reception. at least reception of radio waves. It will enhance certain other types of reception.
What kind of radio?
AM, FM, CQUAM? CB, bluetooth? millimeter? Rx? Tx? Digital? Analog?

You should start by learning what radio is by visiting the Wikipedia page, then donate to wikipedia so I won’t have to.

Also go to /ham/
A bluetooth, am fm, I want to carve it similar to the fine victrola cabinets from 100 years ago so it would be best for me to figure out something more in depth with how they are engineered to build it the way I like it
oh shit good thread, didnt expect to find something like that here, thanks

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Not really DIY but could use advice here:
-ac not working, condensor coil leaking
-part is under warranty, ac company keeps saying part backordered
-ac company gives fuck all and it's been broken for 6 weeks now
ac unit it was replaced in august 2018, what do?
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That doesnt look like a merit, its prob an EL16X or EL17X. The coil is leaking? Leaking the refrigerant? A whole condenser coil doesnt take 6 weeks to manufacture and ship. A reputable company would have just warrantied the whole unit anyway.
I think it is a EL16X or EL17X, that sounds familiar. I really am not entirely sure, but I was told it's leaking refrigerant. I think they had a warranty of 10yrs and it's been less than 6
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EL16XC1-030-230A02 is model number
>I think they had a warranty of 10yrs
usually only the compressor has a 10 year warranty and the rest of it is 5 years (or less).
they told me it was all under warranty for 10yrs. they're not charging for coils

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I'm not talking about used cars. I mean for metal, machinery, etc.

I see so many Euro videos where they're like:
>Just head down to the scrap yard to find one

Nigga, I don't have that. None of the metal recycling places will sell me material. I just want to get some cheap metal parts and old machinery, but they won't sell it to me.
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How the fuck am I supposed to know who has bars of metal laying around?
>you indian gay
>use whole man
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1. there are scrap yards all over the souther ca desert
the cars dont rust as much
so you have them in a lot of shitholes
there is a one near campo
that has a ton of old 50s chassies just sitting in the prooperty

as for you guys wanting to find a legit junkyard
how it used to be
i found one
go to tj
my cousin fixes cars
go to a random shop and ask them to point you
its a giant destroyed car lot and you just buy parts
>go to tj
Trader Joe's?
I miss that Scrapyard Wars show or whatever it was called.

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