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Why are quill stems and underappreciated diy item? They can be used to build all sorts of things yet nobody ever talks about this
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I love u quill stem anon
Not everyone has the equipment to weld the frame tubing etc. BTW a dual wheel like the Skedco stretcher takes more weight.

Note the angles of the tubing and how the frame works. Two forks won't make that. Best way by far is do what that maker did and use a stick of clean steel tubing cut and joined as they did. Take a closer look at the design. Easy to make with a welder and drill press though.
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>Two forks won't make that

Yes they will. Quill stem in the steerer tube, metal tube in the quill stem where the handlebar would be, another quill stem onto that, now you have 360 degrees of rotation and can have the fork at any angle. More quill stems and tubes for the frame and it's done.
What stops all those friction clamp and expansion joints from shifting under load? Prayer?
Physics. Show me which joint can shift when every joint is opposed by an opposite force

I just bought a FUBAR Lexus RX350 and I don't have the slightest idea how to fix this. Just use some duct tape and leave it mostly as is? Am I in for a lot of pain and suffering?
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>the classic general
It's a containment thread for forum larpers. I also recommend OP go bother them until they have aneurisms.
Suction cup you can get at an auto store for ten bucks will make significant progress on that. Toilet plunger if poor. The metal has memory, you can spring it back. Lots of soapy water help plubger stick.

After that get hair dryer and compressed air i think it is thats basically dry ice in a can. Heat it up hot, flip the can upside down and blast it so it forms ice. The rapid cooldown will cause the metal to contract, pulling on the dents straightening them out. Its real cool.

But just dgaf or get a new door too

Also, heat gun/hair drywr
Also take the door interior off from the inside, get a flat piece of 2x4 so you arent directly hitting the metal, and sneak it thru the x frame on the door, put on ear protection and TAP away at things. Better to do too little than too much with each hit.
I had an old Nissan 200sx with similar damage in high school, but and hang a new door like other anons said

There is a crash bar inside the door that is impossible to get straight again,

I managed to get the door skin straightened out but that crash bar was a bitch and interfered with window glass
Get another door from a salvage donor along with anything else you need.

How would I go about making the collar/shoulders? wire, foam?
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steel you dumbass, its armor
IF it was steel then you would NEED 5 defense to wear a skillcape!
worse 99
almost as bad as firemaking
Nigga just afk at magics or yews. Or whatever new bullshit afk method fagex has added
basically yeah

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>oh hey you do custom 3d printing I need 7 pieces
>Nice I've been thinking about the electricity cost I might have to raise the price from 4 cents per gram to 8 cents per gram
>No response
I fucked up didn't i
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Okay so I was right thank you. Well I'm in a SEA country so I can get a kg of chink filament for $10 of any kind really. That last batch of petg was iffy though. I paid $7 for that though. So if I charged 3 cents that's $30 kg but again I didn't factor the electricity cost which Im not sure until I get that power meter and honestly $60 feels like it's starts being more worth my while really.
I mean $40 and $80
it's not just electricity. investment in machine, maintenace, properly preparing files and ensuring they come out well. maybe post processing
at the end of the day if it isn't enough money for you to be able to appreciate the labor then why bother
hours of your time you could spend making more money another way or enjoying life better
i always regret underselling work, especially because the customer never understands that when something (inevitably goes wrong) that it's not coming out of their pocket or time
i always overbid on that specific concept, if something goes worse than perfect and I have to spend 2x time, I want to make sure i'm not going to be mad about it and do shit work
>I might have to raise the price
that's why
"I've been charging people 8c/gram" is much better
>Nice I've been thinking about the electricity cost I might have to raise the price from 4 cents per gram to 8 cents per gram
real faggot reply. no wonder he pissed off.

I’m talking 1/4-1/8th inch slices. I’d like to be able to cut rubies.
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That's not a potato, it's clearly a rutabaga.
Are you high? It's obviously a yam
been there, done that. The correct answer is diamond wire saw. You can also do diamond cutoff wheels but theyre not as nice and may even be more expensive on a per cut basis. If your stone is precious, then a cutoff wheel will have way more kerf. A dremel + jig would do the trick for a cut or two, just keep the saw wet.
>those prices
I think I’m just going to clamp that shit to my workbench and rawdog it with a length of diamond wire and some gloves.

In the future I would like to DIY a diamond wire saw though. Potentially even using cnc so I can more or less sit on my ass while it does the work.
Thinking about it more though, a lapidary wheel would probably be a bigger time save. If anyone has any plans for a diy lapidary wheel, please post
cutting ruby is pretty tough. It will take you days if you're doing it like that. why dont you figure out a way to attach your coping saw with a diamond wire to a jigsaw or something and just rig it in such a way to apply light pressure?
Though making a wire saw with modern motors is probably trivial actually.... all you gotta do is have two steppers going back and forth.

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I broke of these pic related stoneware mugs and am thinking of doing a faux kintsugi thing. However, I also want to be able to microwave this thing, so JB Weld is out, epoxies are apparently out (temperature issues and potential fuming or whatever when exposed to enough heat), and superglue was never practical to begin with.

Unless someone has any better ideas, I was thinking of resorting to a cement mixture of some kind and sorta painting on my gold (mica) pigment onto the cracks and then figure out how lacquers work.
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proof. I actually try to do things so I got a license that allows me to talk mad shit over the internet. I dont drink out of it because the glaze imperfections make it shit tier and unusable. Basically I got owned by a bunch of 3rd world primitive tribal niggers, in ceramic world.
>cyanoacrylate doesn't do very well in the microwave.

what went wrong? looks like the underglaze had major issues and the clear glaze also had major issues

brush applied or squeeze-bulb or what?

at least it didn't stick to the kiln furniture?
>Plates are of no monetary value so why spend money to repair them

Practice? An excuse to have a kintsugi-style plate? Cost of supply means getting many kintsugi plates out of ones you already have. Sentimental value? IDK maybe that plate was special to someone.

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Replace leaking hot water shower faucet.
Use shower shut off in the wall because condo life and don’t want to schedule a building water shutoff.
Faucet works fine but now shut off valve is leaking 1 drop about every 20-30 seconds.
How fucked am I?
When I started to turn the shutoff back on it began to drip almost immediately so I stopped and didn’t open it all the way.
Time would have been better spent touching myself.
Wat do?
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oh and the other thing. open it all the damn way so it's back where it was for the last few years. if it starts leaking more then fiddle with it, but right now open it all the way. and maybe close it and open it again if it still leaks.
I thought about backing it out all the way but don’t know anything about these types of valves. Didn’t want to screw it out all the way incase it completely unscrews and spews hot water all over. Leading to emergency building water shutoff.
Leave it, eventually it will calcify again and stop leaking.
What the other guy said, try tightening the packing nut. If that doesnt work youll have to shut off the water and take the packing nut and the sealant stuff around the valve stem. wrap a bit of ptfe tape up in a string and pack it in around the valve stem and tighten the packing nut back on.
You can do this with water on but its risky for a diyer.
>If that doesnt work youll have to shut off the water and take the packing nut and the sealant stuff around the valve stem.
I've replaced packing without turning building water off.
If the shutoff does not leak when shut off, you can hold the valve stem closed with screwdriver and remove packing nut and packing. The valve stem threads will remain engaged and hold the valve washer against the seat, keeping the water off. Buy new packing or, if not available, there is repair cord that can be wrapped around the stem to take the place of packing. Replace packing nut and test/adjust.

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Plumbing advice needed

Handle of a water line under sink broke off
Water main was turned off for now
I just have a couple of adjustable wrenches and alligator clamps
Is this thing removable or do I need to cut the pipe?

Even if I were to cut the pipe I don't think thered be any room to put in a new valve
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it's like literally been a week an OP hasn't updated
but yeah you have two options
use a torch and heat up the valve and sweat ona new one
*what i would do
sawzaw the copper behind the anglestop, clean the burrs and just force ona sharkbite anglestop
there's enough space and if not just take off the eschutheon and turn it around or leave it off. whatever who fucking looks
but it seems this is just weird bait since op hasn't responded
my dad owns nintendo and he said you're full of shit
If it were me, you only wish
I would heat the shut off until it slips off the pipe.
Then push a shark bite shutoff onto the line.
A remodeler not a plumber. I spend too much time fixing your over priced charade.
>Im literally a plumber
Then post your plumbing question on a Taiwanese yodeling enthusiasts board.

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So the branded battery on the left tests bad. I've looked up the reset procedure but it requires a charge. I read you could use another battery to charge it so I've got the chineseum battery fully charged on the charger. The Ryobi battery is flat, dead, kaput.

I see two possibilities:
1. connect the batteries + to + and - to -. wait a few hours for them to equalize.
2. connect the batteries in series to the charger.

What do?

Also general electric mower discussion I guess. I got the battery, charger and mower for free, the chink batt cost me $60, I plan to sell it ASAP as I run Ego for my cordless electric yard equipment.
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Welder? No… just clip off the nickel strip and buy a pre-tabbed battery and solder it.

Almost always it’s a single battery that causes the failure if it’s not already years old and had gradual degredation.
I’d almost guarantee true capacity is closer to 3Ah if it’s a 20x 18650 cell 40V pack. Pretty much every single one of those “claimed” 6Ah packs for the 18V tools at least are using cheaper 1500mAh cells in em, and the capacity is even lower under higher loads.
> imagines batteries are rated at half of every other battery
If only there was sone way to know…
Nah. It’s impossible to open, and take a picture of it. And even if you did, what kind of board can be used to upload a picture? It’s a stumper.
Yeah you can, someone legit threw a new milwaukee m18 battery in the recycle bin, all 10x 18650 cells are completely fine.

10x samsung INR-18650-25R cells : free

I also bought m12 plastic housing to use those cells to make a bigger capacity battery for under 13 dollars. https://www.ebay.com/itm/186313290541

Also, I scored an EGO battery that also has 14 INR18650-25R cells (one was bad) so I have 23 of those all for free and can make multiple new batteries for the price of one.
>yet no picture of knockoff Chinese 12,000mAh rated 18650 cells

any melanated fellers here who do hobby machining in an apartment?
ever get noise complaints? tips on minimizing noise through walls?
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I had a fuck ton of prusas just mass producing parts it would have had to been zoned commercial
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a dead neigbour wont hear shit to complain about
learn makin coffins

I thought I was just hearing The Hum all summer. Fuck.
In a vague and minor sense yes because I have a 3d printer and power tools, but there's enough construction and renovation that any noise complaint wouldn't be isolated to myself.
Your equipment will be transmitting most of its noise through the floor anyway, so ways to decouple it, create additional dead space or add more acoustic mass would be ideal.
I would suggest just keeping it to reasonable hours, durations and days.
Arent you that fat retard

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where the fuck can i sort light fixtures by the type of light bulb they take? where find a light fixture that uses 211-2 automotive light bulbs?

i want lights in my conversion van that use the same bulbs as the existing interior lights
why, that's so dumb and gay
just use a more common bulb, the days of 1,000 bulb standards are coming to and end, thank god
The panel LED conversion kits come with adapters for 211-2. It's a fake bulb you insert into the existing fixture, that has a pigtail that connects to the (much brighter) LED panel. The panel may still fit inside the housing. Or you can get LED 211-2 lamps.

You don't need to standardize on something: just get 211-2 lamps in whatever color you want (warm white, red blackout, daylight) snap it in and be done with it!

It's not like you are ever replacing that 211-2, once you've upgraded to LED.
Idgaf if the bulb will be outdated in 5 years, I just want to have spares that fit any of the lights inside my van. I don't want to have to carry replacement led strips or some shit alongside the bulbs i already know i will bring. I plan on doing some overlanding in it so I want backups when I can.
12v L E D lights don't burn out unless your electric is fucked.

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Is there anyway how to get Solidworks for free? Solid Edge has free license for hobbyists but I would like Solidworks since its more popular.
I dont want to pirate it unless its only option.
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You've surface level skill if thats what you think.
What do people think of Inventor? It's basically the same as Solidworks, and its spyware is only marginally less invasive.
They were fucking useless for about 15 years

People that went with autodesk were generally like civil and electrical engineers

Most mechanical dudes went with dassault systems or whatever they call themselves now “sell your information and designs to china systems”
it not a good design to be cast
or really good at all
which they would know if they used the stress modeling features solid works has
>dassault systems releases cracks and keygens for their own products
Fucking based. All you need to do to circumvent this is to lock it in a VM. No more russian vm-escaping ransomware, thanks dassault systemes!

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>Bathroom sink would not drain, water just sits there
>I assumed it was clogged, took apart the P-Trap, made sure the main pipe coming down from the sink basin was clear, P-Trap was clear, and cleaned out some of the sewer pipe coming from the wall.
>Still won't drain.
>The goose-neck pipe connection to the sewer drain is leaking a slow drip
>Every connection is as tight as I could make it with tongue and groove pliers
>All the other drains in the house seem to work just fine still.

What might be going wrong here?
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if you have one that has the stopper actuated by a knob. check the stopper for build up mine always clog in that way.
>Tree roots
Been there, had to replace like 30 feet of drain pipe.
nothing else can actually fill to the too besides e qnd it's a long time from that
There is no clog in the drain between the wall and the sink, you can pull the stopper out and it still doesn't go anywhere.

It's literally just too big. It's one of these styles that's designed for very wide pipes I think.
that's a toilet auger you retard, not a snake. call a plumber.

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> I need a 1/2" bolt and all I have is round stock and this stupid lathe.
I could've had it from Amazon before you finish setting up your lathe
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>Pro tip don’t buy fucking machine tools from harbor freight
buy one, spend $500+ on metal gears & better tool holder, another 6 hours setting it up

I had to strip mine down and redo the ways
Where is the amazon listing for DWM 1909 cavalry carbine front sight protector screws?
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>> I need a 1/2" bolt and all I have is round stock and this stupid lathe.
>I could've had it from Amazon before you finish setting up your lathe
You don't make things that are easily bought for cheap on a lathe. You make things that are for custom applications and not available anywhere you retard...
Chicago electric tool and die by Bauer and Hercules isn’t top tier aerospace level 2 tenths precision?!?!?!

Next you’re going to tell me that Pittsburgh carbide sucks shit

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>commercial brewing legal advice edition
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Of course if you have a few million saved you could start a brewery outright, but for the rest of us you save up a couple hundred thousand dollars, look at what grants your local municipality offers, take out SBA loans and finance the rest with a good bank. Brewer's bonds are usually <5% of bond amount as long as you have good credit, brewer's notification is free, and then hopefully you live in a reasonable enough state like Ohio where a liquor license is $1500. After that it's real estate, equipment cost, and ingredients. You make it sound like it's impossible when it's not, you can start a brewery on a skeleton budget and after a year or two be in the black. You don't have to start a full-fledged fucken factory in Golden Colorado
Juniper could work, but I'd experiment with wormwood and gentian first.
Thoughts on foraged ingredients? Where I'm moving there's plenty of crabapples, hawthorn, wild hops, and other fermentable ingredients. I want to make something dry and floral for later distillation.
Related to this, any joggers here made their own vermouth before? I have an empty 5L carboy and my family loves vermouth. Do you just heat up plunk wine with some sugar and botanicals and then let it sit? What kinds of herbs do you add to it?
supremely based, efficient, and just all around cool. I'm taking notice of all the crabapples around me that I was oblivious to previously. there are like a dozen large ones in a nearby park, so I'll definitely be out there with a tarp shaking them off the tree once they're ripe and falling off on their own
also some hackberry trees, currant bushes, and (small) hawthornes. I'll definitely be adding around 10-20% crabapple juice to my ciders this autumn, the other stuff will depend on how fruitful they are.
not foraging, but I've got a friend with some apple trees in his yard. hopefully they produce fruit this year so I could make a fully local cider. it's really tempting to harvest and isolate wild yeast so it's truly local
definitely not an issue if you plan on distilling, but crabapples are often highly concentrated. specific gravities of 1.080 aren't uncommon

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