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I am tired, I don't want to deal with hunting shit anymore. I just want to input money and receive stuff without it being a knife fight over some old junk worn out machine that'd been out of production for 70 years and I have to get raped to get replacement part on ebay by some other boomer.
Are chink mini lathes viable to get running well without needing another lathe or a mill to fix the brand new machine you just bought? I just want to make small steel items, maybe up to an inch in diameter but realistically 5/16 or smaller diameter machine screws.
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The same tired old story I hear from oldheads is that minilathes are nice toys that you very quickly outgrow when wanting to implement or upgrade various tooling. Take a side job, go to trade school or find a machinist friend so you can learn your way around these machines. Save your money and when it comes time to buy, you can get a very nice second hand machine thats way more capable than the HF lathe and is very often priced similarly.
Something something bearings aren't made for horizontal/axial loading blah blah blah. It'll be fine for a single small quick one off job.
oh yeah, go low and slow lubing often
Find me the $350 after transit cost, way more capable and nicer, second hand machine.
lathes are one of those things where the literal bottom dollar price point is untouchable unless you're the chink that owns the 5 acres of smog city factories in china that cast these porous monstrosities day in and day out. (excluding finding free ones or knowing a guy, which isn't impossible)
fine, whatever. if you are NEVER going to spend more than 350 on the lathe or its upgrades, then that's good. but chances are, at some point you buy thing 1, and then thing 2, to improve the experience. a couple years after the purchase, you're $700 in total (not including tooling) because of various upgrades
my first lathe was a logan 200, 10x24 and 3 times the lathe that a chinese 7x14 is, for $700 (after transportation) and that was with so much tooling that i never spent any more.

We got one step closer to getting back off the grid. 2500 watts of glass on the roof. inverter/controller is installed. shed is wired.

next weekend we plan to trench, run 00 conduit to and from shed/house main panel and install/run weatherhead DC wires PV to controller.

once we get all the heavy work in next weekend, I can finish the rest by myself. connecting it all at the controller and wiring in the batteries.

system is still due for an upgrade, but we're going to use what we have for now. once we save up (cash only buyers) we will purchase 18 345w panels and a 300AH LiFePO4 battery to replace our FLA units.
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*tunes up small violin*
> I'm far to busy to go on one of the best solar forums, and far too lacking in humility to say I'm a poorfag please help me out.
*belts out a tune*

While 48v is a great idea,
- if you have identical true deep cycle lead acid batteries, or, much better, LFPo, that by design includes cell balancing and monitoring,
- and you have at least 3kw of power to feed into it,

You have neither. Ironically, you'll see a few 12v'ers, haranguing someone or advocating for 12v, in systems at that size when they should go 48v. I think you're the first person I've run into that insists on a 1kw system that thinks it should be 48v.
Got 2/3 thirds of the system comped between state and fed. Really pretty easy some 16k. To get the state money had to use certified installers but they smartly keep it so its still cheaper than doing a DIY install. Second round did a battery upgrade only qualified for federal 30%. Super ez just told turbo tax the price and got the return.
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Picked up a refurb Ecoflow for really cheap for memorial sale.
Two 200W panels too because also cheap.
Prepping for hurricane season. I just wanna be able to run a fan and charge some devices for power outages even in un-optimal lighting conditions which is why I got so "much" panel. Maybe be able to use my microscope and a monitor out and about without worrying about power. Use some corded power tools away from the all.
I don't think I could build a battery/inverter/solar charger with the same specs for cheaper.
It's an all-in-one system so not much else to talk about
my shitty contribution to this thread is now over.
Needed two 70ft 4/0-4/0-4/0-2/0 Stranded Aluminum SER for a battery upgrade. oof I thought 6.5$ a ft was high now 8.5
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Hey nerds, midwit here with some specific questions about DC systems and ground isolation. It’s my understanding that your ground should be isolated from the DC positive and minus completely. I’ve got a system that was throwing GF alerts, went through and fixed wiring issues and system isn’t detecting GF anymore but when I test voltage there’s potential bewtween the ground and positive/negative conductors. Insulation resistance testing on the modules is over 4000MOhm between frame and panel leads. including the whole string it’s stable around 850MOhms.
There’s some bullshit rapid shutdown devices involved because system was off when I tested volts. Showed 20VDC + to - which was expected, then about 8V + to ground. Does that not constitute a fault condition? am I missing something where there can be potential but current won’t flow?

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what are you going to be planting in your garden this year anon?
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>Where can I find cheap growing pots/raised bed materials because I don't want to be out a bunch of money when she eventually loses interest.
If you decide to disregard >>2803216's advice, consider finding a thrift store and thinking outside the box. A table with some plastic tubs or totes would be entirely suitable. Also consider asking someone with tires in their yard if you can take some. She can even paint them.
Sounds like a lot of fucking work I don't have the energy for.
Here’s the layout excuse the chicken scratch child spelling.
Are rooting hormones a scam? I tried propagating my monstera deliciosa a few months ago by making a few cuttings and dipping the ends into rooting powder then placing the cuttings into water, but instead of seeing new roots form, the cuttings just slowly rotted away.
I've read somewhere that rubbing along the nodes is preferable to powdering the ends. should I give this method a try?
Grow bags off of Amazon and the cheapest potting soil you can find. >>2803252 This is too much work. >>2803216 This wont stop rabbits.

I started a YouTube page, how do I become a billionaire influencer with it
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I'm sorry sir, this is a Wendy's.

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Thoughts on building an airboat? Are they as fun IRL as in Half Life?
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it doesn't matter, you won't do it.
>post 1904
>not building a hovercraft
952 kg and 223 kW
Can this work on white water rivers with big boulders
>high CG (top heavy)
>rigid hulled
>rapids and rocks
Would not recommend.

Metal cans bad for burning? (Having stuff inside the metal can burn)

I heard that food cans have a plastic coating to prevent bacterial and fungal infections as well as prevent spoilage of food
Heard it contains BPA and thus you shouldn't food in it
If I burn anything in it it would release all the BPA

How do I know if it has a plastic container and if any chemical like xenestrogens exist in it, and if so how can I remove the coating before burning
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>stopped using BPA
They did not. Most cans use BPA based lining.
Same method as removing teflon from cookware.
Be sure to save it for the next thread where the guy wants the can plastic added back to his
You have it backwards. If you do gay acts, it will come off by itself.
Easiest method is just to burn it away then use some baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice to scrub away everything with some copper wire(prevents the can from scraping.
This will clean it and then after a quick soap and water to remove any residue it'll be ready for food-grade use!
How do you remove teflon from cookware?

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Can anyone tell me what kind of floor this is?
I need to apply a new coat of varnish and don't know if this type of floor can be sanded
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He's pulling your leg.

It's not solid oak. A big piece of the veneer is missing and you can see it's the same as OSB underneath. There is a plastic laminate on top, and it's chipped away.

Poorfags don't get houses with real oak flooring, unless they buy a property for cheap that had unpaid taxes out nowhereville that's 100 yrs old.
>I know because of the tight grain and im a plumber.
>I hate these handyman losers that dont know shit

It's chip board with a laminate veneer.

Aka its chipped wood glued together with a sheet of plastic/wood glued to the surface.
>OSB topped with a thin veneer and it clicks together
I agree, but I don't think it snaps together

>I would just replace it if it looks that fucked
Maybe that would be the best solution, but I'm fucking tired and fed up with small improvements and renovations, so I'm going to give it a go at sanding and then varnish

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Would it be a viable side thing to buy these cheap amazon sheds, stick them on a base, and sell them for $200/$250 more than I paid in materials to people too lazy to build one themselves?
I bought a $110 5x3, and honestly it is impressive once built considering how flimsy the component pieces were. It took a long time but I feel with repeated builds it'd be pretty quick.
Can get a 6x4 for under $170, and maybe $80 for the base. could use the base as a frame and just zip some pieces of OSB on the sides, stick it on a trailer and just drop it off locally as a complete unit.
Probably a dumb idea but if I could sell a few it'd pay for one of those HF trailers I already planned on buying.
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No one who's buying a shitty sheet metal shed is calling city codes. They are like 6' tall even. It's not a pole barn you sperg.
Anon, they don't come with a base because it doesn't work without a concrete pour. Your shitty wood base will warp and the shed will collapse and your customers will burn your house down.
You seem to be getting money from these shed companies to tout how tough they are. Every reviewer that seems to have a concept of what sturdy is, clearly points out the failures in the component quality.

You'd be much better off aiming for a premium market, by figuring out how to build a really good shed, and going from there. Look at what some of these amish communities sell.

Shhh, adults are talking.
nobody's buying a shitty sheet metal shed from you period because you have no clue what you're doing and you're too argumentative to learn
good luck trying to resell the same cheap bullshit you bought from home depot (which already offers delivery and assembly services by the way)
you seem to think it's a grandiose business model
you don't have to call anyone, inspectors come around whenever they feel like it and when they see a building you didn't get a permit for then you're in deep shit. best case scenario you get insanely disproportionate fines and fees to pay on top of paying for a permit, worst case scenario you get all the fines and fees plus they knock your shit down with a bulldozer. but if you want to go down that road then by all means have at it. weird hill to die on if you ask me.

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are solar eclipse glasses safe to use for welding?
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I doubt it. i have seen moon crickets tape cardboard around a cell phone put the whole thing on a popsicle stick and use that, led in the screens have a limited range, but the leds in the camera also have a limited range.
gooks that make shipping containers put the face mask on a stick like some eyes wide shut.
You're running on all cylinders to come up with that one. No pic. No meme? Just 'bla bla bla, i'm not creative'.

Even if they block UV, which they likely do, the rest of your face is still exposed to UV. Keep in mind how welding masks cover your whole face.
That is because if they did not, your face would get tanned first, then you get a sunburn. Because that is what UV does.
It's also ionizing radiation, so cancer potentially comes free with that.

So...don't. Some of those welding masks are cheap AF anyways.

ESL, sorry for that.
don't matter I'm brown

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They've gotten progressively worse over the past few months and it's driving me nuts.

also DIY eye care general
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it’s the microplastics in your body, don’t believe the zog lies (doctors)
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I read an internet schitzo's ramblings that said floaters were caused by masturbation.
You've got ghosts in your blood. I recommend cocaine.
a buddy of mine got his jizz in his wife's eye once, the sperm tried to penetrate her eyeball and it got all red and burny
>How do you cure eye floaters?

I'm about to embark on the journey of life long brand loyalty of collecting accessories, batteries and various extensions for power tools. As this is like picking your starter pokémon there's no going back once you commit.

So I ask you, which church of power tools shall I forever commit to?
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Makita for cheap third party batteries
It's not done yet!
Where Metabo?
Do t know about (you) faggots.
>flops giant shlong on work table
But i buy only Craftsman v20 wireless tools so i maintain battery compatibility across my tools. Also they were fuckin cheap and work good enough for all my needs at home.
You see i work in automotive manufacturing. So my multibillion dollar company supplies all my work tools.
But in my personal life i buy functional shit at a reasonable price rather than wanking off about the snap on tools i never fucking use. Built a nice deck and a semi shit greenhouse with my cheap junk. And its hilarious to make my kids mow my lawn under the battery powered time limit of an electric mower.
It grosses me out that they started selling those $99 holiday special brushed tools. Oh well, a weak brushed ugga dugga is better than no ugga dugga

The last one was MDF and I didn’t mind it. This one, I had just bought a $400k house about a weak prior and another ~$1000 on a water heater and a bunch of other shit, so I decided to skip the $80 sheet of Covid plywood. Also the workbench gets screws and drill bits and stuff sent through it from time to time so it’s sacraficial OSB. Once it gets coated with grease and oil and leftover paint and polyurethane from a project I just finished, the OSB aint too bad.

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I'm remodeling some janky 75 year old communist cinder block apartments. furring oot the walls, drywall (vertical 8x4 like commercial) tape, mud, texture, paint, baseboard & crown.

now they look & feel like actual living quarters instead of institutional cells.

this is a total remodel. rip out all tile, tub, sink, toilet. kitchen cabinets, counter, sink, faucet, appliances, water heater, update electrical, new windows... you get the point.

right now I'm a drywaller.
I work alone. all the trades.

I'm aboot done with the walls. next up is all kitchen & bath mentioned above. I use FRP for entire bathroom & splash & spatter zones in kitchen. you have to think ahead with the people we cater to. they're destructive & don't clean shit.

there are residents that pay $25/mo for a two bedroom, excellent on-site maintenance, lawn service and modern updated if they get one of my new turn units.

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The only place I could find leaded solder locally a couple years ago was Napa. HF just introduced that new soldering stuff a year or two back.

Sometimes the cart has to go over a bump or two outside of the garage, and it doesn’t take that much for a loaded drawer to come flying open.

There are some random gems, a few of the Titan tools that VatoZone has next to the Snickers bars are kinda cool. The pistol grip multipurpose pliers in this pic were one of those. Also the $2 bins, wire brushes and mag pickup tools and battery post cleaners, slways worth having those around.

Plus the regular tools, most Duralast stuff is actually decent taiwanesium, and Advance Auto used to have Gearwrench, and then they rebranded it as TEQ Pro and now it’s Die Hard. When they have 50% off sales on those sets, there’s nowhere else you will find a 7pc Gearwrench ratcheting flex head combination wrench set for <$40.
When I swap the cabin air filter in my car I do it at autozone every other time I get a free reward item so I grab a socket or other cheap tool.

The reason I do that is so that if a neighbor or coworker needs to borrow a tool I hand them an old craftsman wrench and a socket rail of dura last tools

If I handed them a snap-on ratchet and a snap-on set of sockets I’ll never see it again and they’ll be like “oh I forgot”

Forgot to return a $300 ratchet and $500 set of sockets uh yeah sure
Buy what you need from Harbor Freight, Use what you need, upgrade whenever something breaks. Hasn't failed me yet.
>word of mouth
thats what hes afraid of, more people coming in claiming warranties. HF wants the same demo as planet fatass, get people in the door buying a service or tool they will likely only use once
Harbor freight is clearly doing the Amazon thing, expand fast, offer great service for a little bit

Then once they have market share , make everything shitty jack up prices offer less good deals

Like how Amazon day deals are all shitty now and you can’t even talk to a human if you tried your fucking hardest unlike back in the day

I've only ever used crappy gas powered pressure washers which left you half deaf and brainded from carbon monoxide poisoning.

I've been look at some of these Karchers, and the reviews seem breddy gud.
Any experience with em? They're made in Yrpoor so quality should be better than the Chink tier gas powered shit sold at the Orange Box.
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Base gas models pretty much have twice the pissies that the high end electric have. And sometimes just 100 more PSI is what you need to strip that paint.
Nawh gas base entry=electric high end anything more and motor becomes huge anything past 7hp is too much.
pretty weak, ngl
>And sometimes just 100 more PSI is what you need to strip that paint.
I wash cars more than I do anything else with mine so that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
Car paint is way tougher than the stuff you put on treated wood though. You really don't need a lot of PSI to wash a car, but having the option there to remove dried dead bugs and tar sure helps, and if you can have a little more kick for other tasks like cleaning concrete patios then that's a plus.

Don't get a gas model if all you will do is wash your car. In fact, just a garden hose water gun with a soap implement would be more than enough if you're not washing your trail truck with it.

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Why cant it be at ground level?
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You used to be able to buy the dredged shit from the cities to spread on fields.
Both are controlled opposition movements designed to gate keep people from actual truth and smear real conspiracy research.
I'm going to go on a limb and say that's portuguese; carriage museum here (museu dos coches), has dozens of those iin exhibition.
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>that was the mudflood
Based and Archaixpilled

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