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there's this metal cable that I'm sure is what let's electricity travel through the house. there's no power in three rooms out of 4 in the 2nd level of my house. I tried taping the cable to the wall but it won't stick. what should i do?
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it can kill you
Do you squat in a condemned building?
so figure out where the 3 rooms split off from the rest, that's the junction box where the problem is. then fuck with white side to see if the wire ends are apart. the white side shouldn't hurt anything if it gets fucked up - the black is hot and you don't want to touch metal or the white side when fucking with black.

if things are on in the three rooms that are dead (e.g. the lights or a fan switched on) then fucking with the wires might cause them to spark. ideally turn everything off, but don't be surprised if there is some draw and it sparks when you're fucking with the blacks. ideally there will either be a clear visual problem with the white or black side or fucking with the white side will fix it.
also it looks like all your outlets would be two slots, no 3rd hole. if that's not the case there is a cheap tester you can use to help diagnose what is fucked.
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the 1800s were fucking based. they had live electricity in table cloths so you could just place lamps and shit. none of this fucking gfci pussy shit, you could legit kys with a toaster in the tub if you didn't die from the exposed wires everywhere first.

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and now you know.
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Perfect, thanks for the tip OP
source of that image: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/resources/mining-the-chans/

why would "they" want to disrupt a DIY forum?
Because they’re fundamentally stupid, and can’t get jobs or run legitimate business.
So they make up imaginary issues so they can “solve” the imaginary problem.
Probably a good 30% of the population does this.
goddamn rich anon has a mother or wagie to clean his apartment for him
You can lay your cock on the sink when you have a boner and need to piss then lay the dustpan over that to stop some of the piss from splashing everywhere. Not all of it though.

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>Is there a way to fix this?
not by you.
8-watt USB soldering iron kit on ebay.

That's the correct size for that kind of work.
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Just plug it in pussy, it's clearly wireless
Your balls don't actually drop until you learn to solder anon so maybe it's time.
Retard proof
>Just don't squeeze "VBUS" or else you'll take a ride.

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>Do you even melt, bro?

I did my first casting today, I'm totally a foundryman now. My first two melts earlier in the week I made some ingots, just melting soda cans. >>2783890
Yesterday I made my first flask from a spare fencepost, and some greensand from sifted playsand and a mix of sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite. Yard marking calcium carbonate as parting powder, worked great. Designed a little ashtray in Fusion360 and turned it into a pattern. I did a pretty bad job but I was impatient and really wanted everything ready to do this casting today. Rammed up fine, might've been a little dry, but just barely. Worked out okay though, very happy with the result after a brief cleanup.

Do you scrap? Stack? Do you sell signs on Etsy? Do you sand cast? Investment casting? Do you like huffing zinc fumes and snorting silica powder? Show me your furnace, show me your castings.

Sand and jpeg compression don't get along.
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That's some nastiness, but nothing a file won't solve in short order. Once the sides are smoothed out I'll jig it up on the drill press and get everything finished out.
I want to cast a titanium ring in my backyard. Something simple, with no intricate patterning or anything. But I understand it's incredibly difficult to get it to melt, let alone get any feedstock. What am I in for?
>What am I in for?
Failure. Ti has a higher mp than iron, you'd either need to build an arc furnace or an induction furnace to reach the required temps
i care

noticed the sewing thread was gone and i wish to discuss it
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Always cut in a single layer and draw/trace out the cutting line. Serrated sewing scissors can help too. Some people swear by rotary cutters but I don't like them personally. I use oaktag for pattern pieces. I lay them out with pattern weights (stacked big metal washers), trace the edges with a ballpoint pen, draw in the seam allowance freehand then cut with regular sewing scissors.
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Had to go dig out a picture. It's really important with any napped fabric that you cut in a single layer, back side up, especially with high pile stuff, like faux fur, for best accuracy. Typical Minky is 3mm, so you don't need to use an Xacto to cut it, since it lays flat, but if you work with faux fur, that's the best bet. Picrel is traced out pieces with the pen I use, and then I cut with regular sewing shears.
Is Adobe Acrobat PDF the only way to get properly scaled oversized patterns onto A4 pages with its poster print option?
I've never used it, but the first thing I thought of was Matthias Wandel's "BigPrint".

If you're not familiar, he's an autistic Canadian woodworker, used to be an engineer at RIM (Blackberry phones).

He uses it to print scale templates that can be glued to a piece of plywood, then cut out on a bandsaw/with a router.
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free version of PDF-XChange Viewer is another option

My wife managed to lose and run over the gas filler cap (don't ask me).
I've got an older model and I can't find a replacement from the manufacturer.
I closed it ot off with aluminum foil for now in hopes that all the gas doesn't evaporate, but i need a longer term solution.
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>thats incredibly dumb or careless. Or both.
>Surely its all about the same though. Maybe try a big piece of cork that you stuff into the hole.
Is that for his wife or his lawnmower?
Your wife is retarded.

> but it doesn't have a hole
Make one.

> but it doesn't have a gasket
sheet of cork, cut one.
Also, there's nothing worse than women for abusing lawn equipment. Either they can't get it to run (gas) or they use it to abuse the hell out of it and everything else (electric).

NEVER loan your tools to a woman unless she wears flannel and looks like a frumpy trucker.

You had a special bond w your grandpappy, and now you broke it.
I know where you can find a cap OP. If that's really your mower and not a pic from the internet, then the cap can be located as indicated. You are welcome, nice bait.
The thread is bait limp dick

My bathtub has a hole in it, and I'm trying to fix it. A big chunk broke off, but it fits perfectly in the hole. I don't have access to the bottom of it, so I've glued a handle to the big chunk and am trying to pull it while having applied some bathtub acrylic fixer on the sides beforehand.

Any suggestions?
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lighten up baby gurl. he had a broken thing and he fixed it. which part of that flew over your nappy head.
Go back to a thread dedicated to consuming you faggot...
I suggest sanding it afterwards and painting it if you can find a small amount

you missed the point. OP asked for advice but then just fixed it. so what was the point of asking for advice. can you even read?
Oh look this again

My wife and I recently lost our little girl. It was a stillbirth but we had some really compassionate nurses that made a hand and foot mold for us before we had to say goodbye. I’m worried that the (I’m assuming) plaster they used is really delicate/fragile. The detail on them is great but I’m eager to find a way to scan or duplicate them to ensure they survive long term. Could anyone give me some advice?
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Everyone suggested scanning, but you can try photogrammetry, it's much easier and cheaper to do since you can use your phone or a camera, there's apps for this like Polycam or RealityCam (I had good results with it) or you can do it the old way and take a bunch of photos and use a software like Realitycapture, Zephyr or Meshroom(couldn't make this one work), you will have a virtual representation that you can keep, print or mill
burn the molds and move on
One of my best yet
My advice: let it crumble or just throw it out. You’re really better off moving on. My dad remarried and tried to have more kids. His wife had a couple of still births before being able to have two children to raise. The kids were always creeped out because she kept keepsakes and pictures from the still birth at the hospital. If you don’t move past it then it will fuck your wife up for life.
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Jannies are faggots max kekdum
This thread is

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In this thread we share general experiences and tips on how to make your living situation more efficient, be it in terms of saving money, reducing time waste(less maintenance/upkeep), organization or anything else that may simplify and improve your life

>on saving money
it's not really about the little things like unplugging your phone charger, focus on the main energy drains and commit to more "drastic" changes:
- unless you do some hardcore meal prepping chances are that your fridge is way too big. downsize for a smaller more efficient unit and fill it to the brim if you have to, a full fridge wastes less energy and having a smaller space forces you to be more intentional when shopping so you have to think twice about buying extraneous crap you don't actually need
- wash your clothes in cold water, most of the energy in a washing machine goes toward heating. if you have the room and weather, line dry them outside. both these things also help clothes last much longer
- avoid the range oven, use an air fryer or small convection oven for faster results and a fraction of the energy
- most of the world does just fine without AC. use weather appropriate clothing + an electric blanket in the winter and a fan in the summer

>other stuff
- you would be surprised how much clutter affects your mood. most things don't need to be on display at all times so use closed storage solutions, if you have open shelves they should be filled with storage boxes to keep all the crap out of sight. will also keep your stuff clean and dustfree
- NOTHING improves the a room like a rug. throwing a rug in your living room / kitchen / dinning room / bedroom / bathroom / office will completely change how you perceive and experience the space. just be smart with choosing the right size and style to make the most of it

Just some things of the top of my head. Are there any practices you've implemented at home that made your life better?
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>"man, I wish I had more room"

I kinda envy you, but as a major /diy/ slut, I could use a huge shop to store all the tools I'd buy if I had room, not to mention a project car or 3. Wood working, machining, welding, painting, the list is long.
I'm more of an artfag so just having an arts and crafts table on my small office is enough

To be fair the things you mention seem like the kind you would have in a separate shed/garage/workshop not within your proper living quarters
My dream house would be a huge shop with finished rooms in the back for living in. That's not a common house though because it's impractical for anyone other than a single man.
>Unless you plan on raising a large family, the smaller a house is the better
How many sq ft/person is optimal in your opinion?
My current 50 Sq M setup is about 22 for a living/dining/kitchen open space, 6 for a bathroom, 11 for a bedroom and 11 for the other bedroom(my office). I can host small gatherings just fine but for multiple people at all times could feel a bit cramped so I would add around an extra 10 for the common living space, wouldn't give up the office(though it can easily be shared with a partner) and each child would need an extra 10 for a bedroom. Then it comes down to whether you feel like you would need a second bathroom(one works fine for a couple + 1 child but with multiple children it probably calls for another one). Regardless I would still try to separate the toilet and shower areas to facilitate bathroom use by multiple people. Multiple kitchens/living rooms are really really dumb.

And since with family life shit piles up easier a shed or garage would also be important.

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Post what you've acquired recently and why little paypiggies
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Those long driver bits are nice too

Spent it. Got me a Kobalt palm router for $59. The big router and table has been ok for me so far. The $90 was tempting too, but I’m not woodworking enough and the Kobalt was on clearance from $99 to $59, plus came with an edge guide and stuff.
I have an idea on how to get a LSA router with Lifetjme warranty bits but let me try it out first before I saw anything

Picked these up today

They’re both 3/8” drive

The smaller one uses snap-ons 1/4” body for max clearance

I’m going to use the 3/8” low pro with those Astro low profiles harbor sells as quinn
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Another week another auction... The old Milwaukee vacuum was what I really wanted. I was actually looking into getting one earlier in the year, but they were anywhere from 530-650 dollars and most places that sold them actually claimed they are discontinued. Couldn't pass this one up for $27! Swivel sockets because why not... $4 file cabinet? Hell I'll find a place to put it... Couple more empty metal boxes to put stuff in? Hell yes! My wife wanted the stools and table for the front porch. And I've never seen a Rigid monkey wrench in that style with the flat jaws. It's made for putting on hex nuts and fittings...

Also bought another set of 3 Knipex cobras, a set of 3 Channelocks, and a set of magnetic trays and paper towel holder for my service cart off of Scamazon. Had a $100 gift card for there from my birthday I wanted to use up before I lost the damn thing... And just ordered another cordless Milwaukee Fuel sawzall off e-bay. I keep wanting another one up at my shop because my main one stays at home (actually it's been staying in my pickup here recently... Handy for chopping downed trees off of fence lines)

Last week I got a Dewalt battery powered backpack sprayer. I'm a Milwaukee guy, but the reviews on their backpack sprayer were not great and I didn't need the switch tank capability, and wanted something as light as possible because I don't want to have to pack around any more weight than necessary when spraying weeds...
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I bought some bi-metal blades for my hacksaw and lag bolts this morning. The dog was happy to come along for the ride. I hope anons have a great day in your projects.
That sounds chill anon.
I shit myself by accident today. Trying to work through the shame with some joinery.

the great debate
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There are only 2 times I use cordless over corded: When I need to drill holes on a rooftop or in a tall ladder and when I need to cut pipes in narrow spaces with an angle grinder.
Corded is always superior.
> a hand full of screw
My hand is likely bigger and thicker than yours from all the manual screwing I’ve done over the years. But I’m putting on the mailbox with only two screws, maybe 1 or 2 " at most. It’s like nothing.
It took me longer to type this response than it would to to screw a sheet metal to a 4x4.
If I was using lag bolts for whatever crazy reason, I’d use one of them cordless ratchets in picrel.
I have a few sets of these from maintaining vehicles.
> pilot hole on construction grade timber for a #8 screw
Rmfao… c’mon man.

> haul generator
It’s always in the truck already. You think we’re gonna maintain miles of fence with a ryobi?

> mcmansion.., diy…
Yeah, pretty sure a McMansion dweller is gonna hire a guy like me to do it.
I grab what's most convenient for the job, there is no debate.
>he doesn't have an unorganized pile of inherited/stolen/impulsively bought tools
you simply don't do anything useful.
Okay. I'm still going to buy cordless tools because i'm not a broke dinosaur stuck in the 80s.
That’s fine. Don’t forget to buy a fendi drill to show off how rich you are. Get the one they tell you is solid gold with what they tell you are diamonds encrusting the shell though.

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I want to build my own DIY computer from scratch, but I don't really know where to start. The main purpose of it is to learn more about computers and how it all works down there. I'm confident with logic gates, boolean algebra, not so with prototyping. I watched Ben Eater's videos about his project, as well as some other videos to similar topic. What books/other materials will be helpful? What is the starting point for such project should be? Is it better to pick up something like 65c02 and build around it or made everything by myself?
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Get a FPGA.
Preferably something that works with the open stack, such as iCE40 UP5K or LP8K.
I'm building a 16-bit TTL CPU right now. In my opinion, decide right now what you want it to do and focus on breaking things up into modules.

Start with Logisim and FPGA (Verilog) designs. Write test procedures for individual modules and the complete system.

Begin implementing modules on breadboards and designing actual circuits in KiCad. At this point, start looking up prices of components for each module. If you get discouraged on the price, stick with only designing in FPGA.

Manufacture PCBs or use protoboards. Ditch breadboards as fast as you can to get rid of annoying capacitance and connection problems. Re-test modules using test procedures created during first design phase.

Creating separate "test harness" circuits could also prove useful if you screw up and fry an IC at some point.

Take everything one step at a time and don't rush anything. This will take a while, but I think its worth the torture
Checked. looks great, keep it up brother. I only just noticed I can snap breadboards together so can fit an esp8266 lol.

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I want Sarah to review my tool.
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It’s called “subcompact” sir!
she does love her baby chainsaws...
is she in the sun alot

why is her forehead doing that. why are her teeth the same color as her skin. why are her eyebrows painted on? why is her jaw so squared?
As in an erection?
I’ll put it in her pocket, if you know what I mean

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>builds whole country out of asbestos
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It's nuts how overblown the panic is. I have a rock quarry near where I live that was shut down and filled in with sand because they hit a vein of asbestos.
>>How does aging work?
He can't cremate.

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Moving into a new apartment and the landlord seems reasonable. I want to plant some veggie gardens etc (raised beds) and keep some chickens. I already know I'll have to talk to him about the chickens first, but how much is normal to ask for permission for vs just doing it without permission? Like, can I put a fence up without permission? Would that cause a ruckus?
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Veggie gardens and chickens where, does the place have a yard? You should definitely ask the landlord, you're presumably doing this in shared space of all the people living there. Chicken in particular also noise pollute and smell.
Good rule of thumb I think, I'll keep this in mind.

They've got individual yards out back and the apartments themselves are more or less sectioned off. Don't know a good way to describe it. They're more like trailers than apartments in form I guess.
That one retard that keeps animals in the neighborhood...
Why are you moving into an apartment (presumably where you pay rent) to do that? What's with the childish, unrelated anime image? Or are you telling us the level of your reasoning skills?

Helpx. Find a host. Go out and work in the country. Get some basic life skills down and give up over-aged under-mature anime nonsense.
Several others keep animals already

>Why are you moving into an apartment (presumably where you pay rent) to do that?
Because it's better than my previous apartment by a lot.
>What's with the childish, unrelated anime image?
To guarantee replies.
>Helpx. Find a host. Go out and work in the country. Get some basic life skills down and give up over-aged under-mature anime nonsense.
Dumb nigger

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